935 resultados para CD4 T cells


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Immunomodulation is a common feature of chronic helminth infections and mainly attributed to the secretion of bioactive molecules, which target and modify host immune cells. In this study, we show that the helminth immunomodulator AvCystatin, a cysteine protease inhibitor, induces a novel regulatory macrophage (Mreg; AvCystatin-Mreg), which is sufficient to mitigate major parameters of allergic airway inflammation and colitis in mice. A single adoptive transfer of AvCystatin-Mreg before allergen challenge suppressed allergen-specific IgE levels, the influx of eosinophils into the airways, local and systemic Th2 cytokine levels, and mucus production in lung bronchioles of mice, whereas increasing local and systemic IL-10 production by CD4(+) T cells. Moreover, a single administration of AvCystatin-Mreg during experimentally induced colitis strikingly reduced intestinal pathology. Phenotyping of AvCystatin-Mreg revealed increased expression of a distinct group of genes including LIGHT, sphingosine kinase 1, CCL1, arginase-1, and costimulatory molecules, CD16/32, ICAM-1, as well as PD-L1 and PD-L2. In cocultures with dendritic cells and CD4(+) T cells, AvCystatin-Mreg strongly induced the production of IL-10 in a cell-contact-independent manner. Collectively, our data identify a specific suppressive macrophage population induced by a single parasite immunomodulator, which protects against mucosal inflammation.


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Current therapies to treat inflammatory bowel diseases have limited efficacy, significant side effects, and often wane over time. Little is known about the cellular and molecular mechanisms operative in the process of mucosal healing from colitis. To study such events, we developed a new model of reversible colitis in which adoptive transfer of CD4(+)CD45RB(hi) T cells into Helicobacter typhlonius-colonized lymphopenic mice resulted in a rapid onset of colonic inflammation that was reversible through depletion of colitogenic T cells. Remission was associated with an improved clinical and histopathological score, reduced immune cell infiltration to the intestinal mucosa, altered intestinal gene expression profiles, regeneration of the colonic mucus layer, and the restoration of epithelial barrier integrity. Notably, colitogenic T cells were not only critical for induction of colitis but also for maintenance of disease. Depletion of colitogenic T cells resulted in a rapid drop in tumor necrosis factor (TNF) levels associated with reduced infiltration of inflammatory immune cells to sites of inflammation. Although neutralization of TNF prevented the onset of colitis, anti-TNF treatment of mice with established disease failed to resolve colonic inflammation. Collectively, this new model of reversible colitis provides an important research tool to study the dynamics of mucosal healing in chronic intestinal remitting-relapsing disorders.Mucosal Immunology advance online publication 16 September 2015; doi:10.1038/mi.2015.93.


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Intravital imaging has revealed that T cells change their migratory behavior during physiological activation inside lymphoid tissue. Yet, it remains less well investigated how the intrinsic migratory capacity of activated T cells is regulated by chemokine receptor levels or other regulatory elements. Here, we used an adjuvant-driven inflammation model to examine how motility patterns corresponded with CCR7, CXCR4, and CXCR5 expression levels on ovalbumin-specific DO11.10 CD4(+) T cells in draining lymph nodes. We found that while CCR7 and CXCR4 surface levels remained essentially unaltered during the first 48-72h after activation of CD4(+) T cells, their in vitro chemokinetic and directed migratory capacity to the respective ligands, CCL19, CCL21, and CXCL12, was substantially reduced during this time window. Activated T cells recovered from this temporary decrease in motility on day 6 post immunization, coinciding with increased migration to the CXCR5 ligand CXCL13. The transiently impaired CD4(+) T cell motility pattern correlated with increased LFA-1 expression and augmented phosphorylation of the microtubule regulator Stathmin on day 3 post immunization, yet neither microtubule destabilization nor integrin blocking could reverse TCR-imprinted unresponsiveness. Furthermore, protein kinase C (PKC) inhibition did not restore chemotactic activity, ruling out PKC-mediated receptor desensitization as mechanism for reduced migration in activated T cells. Thus, we identify a cell-intrinsic, chemokine receptor level-uncoupled decrease in motility in CD4(+) T cells shortly after activation, coinciding with clonal expansion. The transiently reduced ability to react to chemokinetic and chemotactic stimuli may contribute to the sequestering of activated CD4(+) T cells in reactive peripheral lymph nodes, allowing for integration of costimulatory signals required for full activation.


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Virus-specific CD4(+) T cells play a major role in viral infections, such as hepatitis C virus (HCV). Viral clearance is associated with vigorous and multi-specific CD4(+) T-cell responses, while chronic infection has been shown to be associated with weak or absent T-cell responses. Most of these studies have used functional assays to analyze virus-specific CD4(+) T-cell responses; however, these and other detection methods have various limitations. Therefore, the important question of whether virus-specific CD4(+) T cells are completely absent or primarily impaired in specific effector functions during chronic infection, has yet to be analyzed in detail. A novel assay, in which virus-specific CD4(+) T-cell frequencies can be determined by de novo CD154 (CD40 ligand) expression in response to viral antigens, can help to overcome some of the limitations of functional assays and restrictions of multimer-based methods. This and other current established methods for the detection of HCV-specific CD4(+) T cells will be discussed in this review.


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The experiments presented in this report were designed to specifically examine the role of CD4major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II interactions during T cell development in vivo. We have generated transgenic mice expressing class II molecules that cannot interact with CD4 but that are otherwise competent to present peptides to the T cell receptor. MHC class II expression was reconstituted in A gene knock-out mice by injection of a transgenic construct encoding either the wild-type I-Ab protein or a construct encoding a mutation designed to specifically disrupt binding to the CD4 molecule. We demonstrate that the mutation, EA137 and VA142 in the 2 domain of I-Ab, is sufficient to disrupt CD4MHC class II interactions in vivo. Furthermore, we show that this interaction is critical for the efficient selection of a complete repertoire of mature CD4+ T helper cells as evidenced by drastically reduced numbers of conventional CD4+ T cells in animals expressing the EA137/VA142 mutant I-Ab and by the failure to positively select the transgenic AND T cell receptor on the mutated I-Ab. These results underscore the importance of the CD4class II interaction in the development of mature peripheral CD4+ T cells.


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AIDS is characterized by a progressive decrease of CD4+ helper T lymphocytes. Destruction of these cells may involve programmed cell death, apoptosis. It has previously been reported that apoptosis can be induced even in noninfected cells by HIV-1 gp120 and anti-gp120 antibodies. HIV-1 gp120 binds to T cells via CD4 and the chemokine coreceptor CXCR4 (fusin/LESTR). Therefore, we investigated whether CD4 and CXCR4 mediate gp120-induced apoptosis. We used human peripheral blood lymphocytes, malignant T cells, and CD4/CXCR4 transfectants, and found cell death induced by both cell surface receptors, CD4 and CXCR4. The induced cell death was rapid, independent of known caspases, and lacking oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation. In addition, the death signals were not propagated via p56lck and Gi. However, the cells showed chromatin condensation, morphological shrinkage, membrane inversion, and reduced mitochondrial transmembrane potential indicative of apoptosis. Significantly, apoptosis was exclusively observed in CD4+ but not in CD8+ T cells, and apoptosis triggered via CXCR4 was inhibited by stromal cell-derived factor-1, the natural CXCR4 ligand. Thus, this mechanism of apoptosis might contribute to T cell depletion in AIDS and might have major implications for therapeutic intervention.


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CD4-expressing T cells in lymphoid organs are infected by the primary strains of HIV and represent one of the main sources of virus replication. Gene therapy strategies are being developed that allow the transfer of exogenous genes into CD4+ T lymphocytes whose expression might prevent viral infection or replication. Insights into the mechanisms that govern virus entry into the target cells can be exploited for this purpose. Major determinants of the tropism of infection are the CD4 molecules on the surface of the target cells and the viral envelope glycoproteins at the viral surface. The best characterized and most widely used gene transfer vectors are derived from Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV). To generate MuLV-based retroviral gene transfer vector particles with specificity of infection for CD4-expressing cells, we attempted to produce viral pseudotypes, consisting of MuLV capsid particles and the surface (SU) and transmembrane (TM) envelope glycoproteins gp120-SU and gp41-TM of HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Full-length HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins were expressed in the MuLV env-negative packaging cell line TELCeB6. Formation of infectious pseudotype particles was not observed. However, using a truncated variant of the transmembrane protein, lacking sequences of the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain, pseudotyped retroviruses were generated. Removal of the carboxyl-terminal domain of the transmembrane envelope protein of HIV-1 was therefore absolutely required for the generation of the viral pseudotypes. The virus was shown to infect CD4-expressing cell lines, and infection was prevented by antisera specific for gp120-SU. This retroviral vector should prove useful for the study of HIV infection events mediated by HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins, and for the targeting of CD4+ cells during gene therapy of AIDS.


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The importance of CCAAT/enhancer binding proteins (C/EBPs) and binding sites for HIV-1 replication in primary macrophages, T cell lines and primary CD4+ T cells was examined. When lines overexpressing the C/EBP dominant-negative protein LIP were infected with HIV-1, replication occurred in Jurkat T cells but not in U937 promonocytes, demonstrating a requirement for C/EBP activators by HIV-1 only in promonocytes. Primary macrophages did not support the replication of HIV-1 harboring mutant C/EBP binding sites in the long terminal repeat but Jurkat, H9 and primary CD4+ T cells supported replication of wild-type and mutant HIV-1 equally well. Thus the requirement for C/EBP sites is also confined to monocyte/macrophages. The requirement for C/EBP proteins and sites identifies the first uniquely macrophage-specific regulatory mechanism for HIV-1 replication.


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Correlates of virus load and characteristics of virus-producing cells in tonsillar tissue were investigated. Our results suggest that when less than 1:100 tonsillar CD4+ T cells from individuals infected with HIV type-1 (HIV-1) contain replication competent provirus, the level of CD4+ T cells in tonsils is comparable to that observed in uninfected individuals. Virus load at or above this level was associated with low CD4 cell numbers in tonsillar tissue. Only a few percent of all infected T cells in tonsillar tissue were active virus producers, with minor differences observed between individuals. Plasma viremia was found to correlate with infectious virus load in tonsillar tissue. With less than 1:1,000 of CD4 cells in lymphoid tissues being involved in active virus production, direct cytopathic effect by HIV-1 on infected CD4 cells is unlikely to fully explain the immunodeficiency seen in AIDS.


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Although Fas ligand (FasL) is well characterized for its capacity to deliver a death signal through its receptor Fas, recent work demonstrates that FasL also can receive signals facilitating antigen (Ag)-specific proliferation of CD8+ T cells. The fact that the gld mutation differentially influences the proliferative capacity of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells presented the intriguing possibility that a single molecule may play opposing roles in these two subpopulations. The present study focuses on how these positive and negative regulatory roles are balanced. We show that naive CD4+ T cells are responsive to FasL-mediated costimulation on encounter with Ag when Fas-mediated death is prevented. Thus, the machinery responsible for transducing the FasL positive reverse signal operates in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Instead, differential control of FasL expression distinguishes the role of FasL in these two T cell subpopulations. FasL costimulation occurs immediately on T cell receptor ligation and correlates with the up-regulation of FasL expression on CD8+ and naive CD4+ T cells, both of which are sensitive to the FasL costimulatory signal. Conversely, FasL-initiated death occurs late in an immune response when high levels of FasL expression are maintained on CD4+ T cells that are sensitive to Fas-mediated death, but not on CD8+ T cells that are relatively insensitive to this signal. This careful orchestration of FasL expression during times of susceptibility to costimulation and conversely, to death, endows FasL with the capacity to both positively and negatively regulate the peripheral T cell compartment.


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The human Melan-A/MART-1 gene encodes an HLA-A2-restricted peptide epitope recognized by melanoma-reactive CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Here we report that this gene also encodes at least one HLA-DR4-presented peptide recognized by CD4+ T cells. The Melan-A/MART-15173 peptide was able to induce the in vitro expansion of specific CD4+ T cells derived from normal DR4+ donors or from DR4+ patients with melanoma when pulsed onto autologous dendritic cells. CD4+ responder T cells specifically produced IFN- in response to, and also lysed, T2.DR4 cells pulsed with the Melan-A/MART-15173 peptide and DR4+ melanoma target cells naturally expressing the Melan-A/MART-1 gene product. Interestingly, CD4+ T cell immunoreactivity against the Melan-A/MART-15173 peptide typically coexisted with a high frequency of anti-Melan-A/MART-12735 reactive CD8+ T cells in freshly isolated blood harvested from HLA-A2+/DR4+ patients with melanoma. Taken together, these data support the use of this Melan-A/MART-1 DR4-restricted melanoma epitope in future immunotherapeutic trials designed to generate, augment, and quantitate specific CD4+ T cell responses against melanoma in vivo.


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Trimolecular interactions between the T cell antigen receptor and MHC/peptide complexes, together with costimulatory molecules and cytokines, control the initial activation of nave T cells and determine whether the helper precursor cell differentiates into either T helper (TH)1 or TH2 effector cells. We now present evidence that regulatory CD8+ T cells provide another level of control of TH phenotype during further evolution of immune responses. These regulatory CD8+ T cells are induced by antigen-triggered CD4+ TH1 cells during T cell vaccination and, in vitro, distinguish mature TH1 from TH2 cells in a T cell antigen receptor V-specific and Qa-1-restricted manner. In vivo, protection from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced by T cell vaccination depends on CD8+ T cells, and myelin basic protein-reactive TH1 V8+ clones, but not TH2 V8+ clones, used as vaccine T cells, protect animals from subsequent induction of EAE. Moreover, in vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells during the first episode of EAE results in skewing of the TH phenotype toward TH1 upon secondary myelin basic protein stimulation. These data provide evidence that CD8+ T cells control autoimmune responses, in part, by regulating the TH phenotype of self-reactive CD4+ T cells.


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It has been suggested that anergic T cells may not be only inert cells but may rather play an active role, for example by regulating immune responses. We have previously reported the existence of anergic IL-10-producing CD4+ T cells generated in vivo by continuous antigenic stimulation. Using a gene transfer system where the antigen recognized by such T cells is expressed in skeletal muscle by two different DNA viral vectors, we show that these cells not only remain tolerant toward their cognate antigen but also can suppress the immune response of nave T cells against the immunogenic adenoviral proteins. Furthermore, they can completely inhibit tissue destruction that takes place as a result of an immune response. The system presented here is unique in that the T cells have been anergized in vivo, their antigen specificity and functional status are known, and the amount, form, and timing of antigen expression can be manipulated. This model will therefore permit us to carefully dissect the mechanisms by which these anergic T cells regulate the priming and/or effector function of nave T cells.


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A recombinant rabies virus (RV) mutant deficient for the surface spike glycoprotein (G) gene was used to study the incorporation of envelope proteins from HIV-1 expressed from transfected plasmids. A hybrid HIV-1 protein in which the cytoplasmic domain was replaced with that of RV G was incorporated into the virus envelope and rescued the infectivity of the RV mutant. The RV(HIV-1) pseudotype viruses could infect only CD4+ cells, and their infectivity was neutralized specifically by anti-HIV-1 sera. In contrast to the chimeric protein, wild-type HIV-1 envelope protein or mutants with truncated cytoplasmic domains failed to produce pseudotyped particles. This indicates the presence of a specific signal in the RV G cytoplasmic domain, allowing correct incorporation of a spike protein into the envelope of rhabdovirus particles. The possibility of directing the cell tropism of RV by replacement of the RV G with proteins of defined receptor specificity should prove useful for future development of targetable gene delivery vectors.