1000 resultados para C. grimsdalei d13C
The delta13C and Cd measurements from benthic foraminifera from Biogeochemical Ocean Flux Study (BOFS) northeast Atlantic Ocean sediment cores are presented. The delta13C values in glacial foraminifera are consistent with those from elsewhere in the North Atlantic Ocean. For intermediate water (1000 - 2000 m water depth), delta13C values were higher at the last glacial maximum than in present North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), whereas for deep water (>2000 m) they were lower during the glacial maximum. The Cd concentrations of glacial northeast Atlantic intermediate water were lower than those of present NADW. However, deepwater Cd concentrations increased to values between NADW and present Pacific Deep Water (PDW). The delta13C and Cd data are consistent and show that the northeast Atlantic Ocean was strongly stratified with 13C enriched, low Cd intermediate water overlying 13C depleted, high Cd deep water. The glacial water column comprised two different water masses: deep water, similar in character to present Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), and intermediate water, different in character from both AABW and NADW, and any present intermediate-depth North Atlantic water. The characteristics of glacial intermediate water were, however, similar to present near-surface waters in the North Atlantic, which suggests rapid ventilation of the glacial ocean to depths of up to 2000 m by cold, nutrient-depleted young surface waters.
Present-day low-latitude eastern and western Atlantic basins are geochemically distinct below the sill depth of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. While Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) circulates freely in the western Atlantic, flow into the eastern Atlantic is restricted below 4 km which results in filling the abyssal depths of this basin with water of geochemical similarity to nutrient depleted North Atlantic Deep Water. Using carbon isotopes and Cd/Ca ratios in benthic foraminifera we reconstruct the geochemistry of these basins during the last glacial maximum. Results indicate that deep eastern and western Atlantic basins became geochemically identical during the last glacial. This was achieved by shoaling of the upper surface of AABW above the sill depth of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which allowed bottom waters in both basins to be filled with the same water mass. Although AABW became the dominant water mass in the deep eastern Atlantic basin during the glacial, Holocene-glacial delta13C-PO4 shifts in this basin are in Redfield proportions, unlike the disproportionate Holocene-glacial delta13C-PO4 shifts observed in the Southern Ocean. By examining the composition of deep and intermediate waters throughout the Atlantic, we show that this effect was induced by a change in gradient of the delta13C-PO4 deepwater mixing line during glacial times. Evidence from high-latitude planktonic data suggests that the change in gradient of the deepwater mixing line was brought about through a significant reduction in the thermodynamic effect on Southern Ocean surface waters. By using coupled delta13C-PO4 data to constrain the composition of end member water masses in the glacial Atlantic, we conclude that deep waters in the low-latitude glacial Atlantic were composed of a mixture of northern and southern source waters in a ratio of 1:3.
In the largest global cooling event of the Cenozoic Era, between 33.8 and 33.5 Myr ago, warm, high-CO2 conditions gave way to the variable 'icehouse' climates that prevail today. Despite intense study, the history of cooling versus ice-sheet growth and sea-level fall reconstructed from oxygen isotope values in marine sediments at the transition has not been resolved. Here, we analyse oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios of benthic foraminifera, and integrate the results with the stratigraphic record of sea-level change across the Eocene-Oligocene transition from a continental-shelf site at Saint Stephens Quarry, Alabama. Comparisons with deep-sea (Sites 522 (South Atlantic) and 1218 (Pacific)) d18O and Mg/Ca records enable us to reconstruct temperature, ice-volume and sea-level changes across the climate transition. Our records show that the transition occurred in at least three distinct steps, with an increasing influence of ice volume on the oxygen isotope record as the transition progressed. By the early Oligocene, ice sheets were ~25% larger than present. This growth was associated with a relative sea-level decrease of approximately 105 m, which equates to a 67 m eustatic fall.
The dataset contains the revised age models and foraminiferal records obtained for the Last Interglacial period in six marine sediment cores: - the Southern Ocean core MD02-2488 (age model, sea surface temperatures, benthic d18O and d13C for the period 136-108 ka), - the North Atlantic core MD95-2042 (age model, planktic d18O, benthic d18O and d13C for the period 135-110 ka), - the North Atlantic core ODP 980 (age model, planktic d18O, sea surface temperatures, seawater d18O, benthic d18O and d13C, ice-rafted detritus for the period 135-110 ka), - the North Atlantic core CH69-K09 (age model, planktic d18O, sea surface temperatures, seawater d18O, benthic d18O and d13C, ice-rafted detritus for the period 135-110 ka), - the Norwegian Sea core MD95-2010 (age model, percentage of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, sea surface temperatures, benthic d18O, ice-rafted detritus for the period 134-110 ka), - the Labrador Sea core EW9302-JPC2 (age model, percentage of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral, sea surface temperatures, benthic d18O for the period 134-110 ka).
This data report describes the results of post-Leg 172 sampling of Sites 1054, 1055, and 1063 for two purposes: to investigate the climatic significance of red-colored intervals in the hemipelagic sediments cored during Leg 172 and to better understand the stratigraphy and chronology of Carolina Slope Sites 1054 and 1055. Gravity cores collected from the Carolina Slope on site survey cruise Knorr 140/2 show very high rates of sedimentation during the Holocene and lower rates during the last glacial maximum (LGM). Because of the high rates, many of the sediments in the recovered cores never reached the LGM. In other cores, it is possible that deglacial oscillations have been mistaken for the LGM. Although radiocarbon dating could solve that problem, some of the gravity cores are at or very close to the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites, and it is useful to compare the isotope stratigraphies among them before proceeding with dating. Furthermore, some of the site survey cores have red-colored intervals and others do not, even though there is some indication they are time equivalent. Either the stratigraphy is wrong, diagenesis has affected the color of the sediment, or red sediment is carried to some sites but not to others that differ in depth by only a few hundred meters.
We have measured the carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in bottom waters of the Ontong Java Plateau (western equatorial Pacific) and on the northern Emperor Seamounts (northwest Pacific). Each of these locations is several hundred miles from the nearest Geochemical Ocean Sections Study (GEOSECS) stations, and the observed delta13C values at each site differ substantially from regionally averaged GEOSECS delta13C profiles. We discuss the possible causes of these differences, including horizontal variability, near-bottom effects, and problems with the Pacific GEOSECS delta13C data. We also measured the isotopic composition (C and O) of core top C. wuellerstorfi from a depth transect of cores at each location. The delta18O data are used to verify that our samples are Holocene. Comparison of foraminiferal and bottom water delta13C values shows that this species faithfully records bottom water delta13C at both sites and demonstrates that there is no depth-related artifact in the dissolved inorganic carbon-C. wuellerstorfi delta13C relationship at these sites.
The relationship between planktonic and benthic foraminiferal stable-isotope values and oceanographic conditions and factors controlling isotopic variations are discussed on the basis of oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses of 192 modern surface and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) samples from the South China Sea (SCS). The harmonic variation of benthic delta18O in surface sediments with water depth and temperature implies that the temperature is the main factor influencing benthic delta18O variations. Planktonic delta18O fluctuates with sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS). The N-S temperature gradient results in planktonic delta18O decreasing from the northeast to the south. Cool, saline waters driven by the winter monsoon are interpreted to have been responsible for the high delta18O values in the northeast SCS. The East Asian monsoons not only bring nutrients into the South China Sea and maintain high nutrient concentration levels at the southwestern and northeastern ends, which cause depleted delta13C both in planktonic (surface) and benthic (bottom) samples but also reduce planktonic/benthic delta18O differences. The distribution of delta18O and delta13C in the surface and LGM samples are strikingly similar, indicating that the impact of SST and SSS has been maintained, and nutrient inputs, mainly from the northeastern and southwestern ends, have been controlled by monsoons since the LGM. Comparisons of the modern and LGM delta18O indicate a difference of about 3.6 °C in bottom-water temperature and a large surface-to-bottom temperature gradient during the LGM as compared to today.
On the basis of the radiocarbon (14C) plateau-tuning method a new age model for Timor Sea Core MD01-2378 was established. It revealed a precise centennial-scale phasing of climate events in the ocean, cryo-, and atmosphere during the last deglacial and provides important new insights into causal linkages controlling events of global climate change. At Site MD01-2378 reservoir ages of surface waters dropped from 1600 yr prior to 20 cal ka to 250-500 yr after 18.8 cal ka. This evidence was crucial for generating a high-resolution age model for deglacial events in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. Sea-surface temperatures (SST) started to change near 18.8 cal ka, that is ~500 yr after the start of, presumably northern hemispheric, deglacial melt and sea level rise as shown by the benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope ratio (d18O). However, the SST rise occurred 500-1000 yr prior to the onset of deglacial Antarctic warming and the first major rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide at about 18 ka. The increase in SST may partly reflect reduced seasonal upwelling of cold subsurface waters along the eastern margin of the Indian Ocean, which is reflected by a doubling of the thermal gradient between the sea surface and the thermocline, a halving of chlorin productivity from 19 to 18.5 cal ka, and in particular, by the strong decrease in surface water reservoir ages. Two significant increases in deglacial Timor Sea surface salinities from 19-18.5 and 15.5-14.5 cal ka, may partly reflect the deglacial increase in the distance of local river mouths, partly an inter-hemispheric millennial-scale see-saw in tropical monsoon intensity, possibly linked to a deglacial increase in the dominance of Pacific El Niño regimes over Heinrich stadial 1.
The stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of different benthic foraminiferal species of the latest Campanian and earliest Maastrichtian from Ocean Drilling Project Hole 690C (Weddell Sea, southern South Atlantic, ~1800 m paleowater depth) have been investigated. The total range of measured isotope values of all samples exceeds ~4 per mil for delta 13C and 1.1 per mil for delta 18O. Carbon isotope values of proposed deep infaunal species are generally similar or only slightly lower when compared to proposed epifaunal to shallow infaunal species. Interspecific differences vary between samples probably reflecting temporal changes in organic carbon fluxes to the sea floor. Constantly lower delta 13C values for Pullenia marssoni and Pullenia reussi suggest the deepest habitat for these species. The strong depletion of delta 13C values by up to 3 per mil within lenticulinids may be attributed to a deep infaunal microhabitat, strong vital effects, or different feeding strategy when compared to other species or modern lenticulinids. The mean delta 18O values reveal a strong separation of epifaunal to shallow infaunal and deep infaunal species. Epifaunal to shallow infaunal species are characterized by low delta 18O values, deep infaunal species by higher values. This result possibly reflects lower metabolic rates and longer life cycles of deep infaunal species or the operating of a pore water [CO3]2- effect on the benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes. Pyramidina szajnochae shows an enrichment of oxygen isotopes with test size comprising a total of 0.6 per mil between 250 and 1250 µm shell size. Although delta 13C lacks a corresponding trend these data likely represent the presence of changes in metabolic rates during ontogenesis. These results demonstrate the general applicability of multi-species stable isotope measurements of pristine Cretaceous benthic foraminifera to reconstruct past microhabitats and to evaluate biological and environmental effects on the stable isotope composition.
The western South Atlantic boundary currents represent a sensitive system within the global thermohaline circulation (THC). We investigated the impact of deglacial THC changes on the western tropical Atlantic studied in six high resolution sediment cores from the upper continental slope of Brazil. The stratigraphy of the cores is mainly based on 14C AMS dating of monospecific foraminiferal samples. Changes in the upper layer tropical ocean during the deglaciation are inferred from stable oxygen isotope measurements on planktic and benthic foraminifera. Variations in the delta18O residuals are assumed to be mainly temperature related. During the Oldest and Younger Dryas cooling periods, two major deglacial THC disturbances are reported from North Atlantic sediment cores. Concomitant to the repeated THC slowdown, we observe an upper layer warming in the tropical ocean. A reduced northward heat export from the tropical areas during these periods (weak North Brazil Current) is additionally reflected by low meridional gradients in the stable oxygen records. This generally agrees with results from coupled ocean atmosphere models.
Ever since its discovery, Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM2; ~53.7 Ma) has been considered as one of the "little brothers" of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ~56 Ma) as it displays similar characteristics including abrupt warming, ocean acidification, and biotic shifts. One of the remaining key questions is what effect these lesser climate perturbations had on ocean circulation and ventilation and, ultimately, biotic disruptions. Here we characterize ETM2 sections of the NE Atlantic (Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 401 and 550) using multispecies benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes, grain size analysis, XRF core scanning, and carbonate content. The magnitude of the carbon isotope excursion (0.85-1.10 per mil) and bottom water warming (2-2.5°C) during ETM2 seems slightly smaller than in South Atlantic records. The comparison of the lateral d13C gradient between the North and South Atlantic reveals that a transient circulation switch took place during ETM2, a similar pattern as observed for the PETM. New grain size and published faunal data support this hypothesis by indicating a reduction in deepwater current velocity. Following ETM2, we record a distinct intensification of bottom water currents influencing Atlantic carbonate accumulation and biotic communities, while a dramatic and persistent clay reduction hints at a weakening of the regional hydrological cycle. Our findings highlight the similarities and differences between the PETM and ETM2. Moreover, the heterogeneity of hyperthermal expression emphasizes the need to specifically characterize each hyperthermal event and its background conditions to minimalize artifacts in global climate and carbonate burial models for the early Paleogene.
We generated benthic isotope records from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) site 981 on the Feni drift (2173 m water depth) and from ODP site 983 on the Gardar drift (1983 m water depth) to examine the interaction between North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) formation from 2.0 to 1.4 Ma. We find NADW at both sites during interglacial periods, and a mix of NADW and Southern Ocean water at the Feini drift during most glacial periods. Prior to 1.7 Ma we find no evidence ofr GNAIW at the Gardar drift site. Instead, glacial Gardar drift delta13C values are as low or lower than values for all other sites in the North Atlantic and reflect continued glacial overflow from the Nordic seas. After 1.7 Ma Gardar drift delta13C values increase and suggest that there was GNAIW at the Gardar drift site during some glacial intervals. Overall, we find that NADW and GNAIW production changed around 1.7 Ma in concert with changes in sea surface temperature and salinity and in the Earth's obliquity cycle.
Ocean Drilling Program Site 658, cored below a major upwelling cell offshore Cap Blanc, contains a largely undisturbed hemipelagic sediment section spanning the Brunhes Chron and the early Quaternary and late Pliocene. The companion Site 659 recovered a complete and undisturbed Neogene profile further offshore that serves as a nonupwelling pelagic reference section. Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in benthic (C. wuellerstorfi and in part Uvigerina sp.) and planktonic foraminifers (G. inflata) provide a climatic record of high resolution for the Brunhes Chron. At Site 658 the record extends back to the early Pleistocene and late Pliocene. The standard oxygen isotope record of the last 730,000 yr is markedly refined by a well-documented high-frequency variation (e.g., by a new "aborted" ice age at stage 13.2 and by Younger-Dryas style climatic setbacks during most terminations). In the late Pliocene, the numerical oxygen isotope stage taxonomy was extended back to stage 137 about 3.3 Ma ago. In comparison with published records, stage 114 at 2.7 Ma represents the first major glaciation event, when 18O was short-term enriched up to a middle Pleistocene glacial d18O level. About 3.17 Ma ago (stage 133), the interglacial oxygen isotope values of C. wuellerstorfi started to increase by 0.5 per mil until 2.7 Ma and then remained largely constant until the Holocene. Based on the d13C difference between C. wuellerstorfi and G. inflata, the dissolved CO2 in the ambient bottom water of Site 658 was dominated by the flux of particulate carbon from the overlying upwelling cell during the last 630,000 yr. In contrast, the advection of (upper) North Atlantic Bottom Water dominated in the control of the local CO2 content during the early Pleistocene and late Pliocene.
Historically, the Holocene has been considered an interval of relatively stable climate. However, recent studies from the northern Arabian Sea (Netherlands Indian Ocean Program 905) suggested high-amplitude climate shifts in the early and middle Holocene based on faunal and benthic isotopic proxy records. We examined benthic foraminiferal faunal and stable isotopic data from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 723 and total organic carbon data from ODP Site 724, Oman Margin (808 and 593 m water depths, respectively). At Site 723 the mid-Holocene shift in d18O values of infaunal benthic species Uvigerina peregrina (1.4 per mil) is 3 times larger than that of epifaunal benthic species Cibicides kullenbergi recorded at Site NIOP 905 off Somalia. However, none of the five other benthic species we measured at Hole 723A exhibits such a shift in d18O. We speculate that the late Holocene d18O decrease in U. peregrina represents species-specific changes in ecological habitat or food preference in response to changes in surface and deep ocean circulation. While the stable isotopic data do not appear to indicate a middle Holocene climatic shift, our total organic carbon and benthic faunal assemblage data do indicate that the early Holocene deep Arabian Sea was influenced by increased ventilation perhaps by North Atlantic Deep Water and/or Circumpolar Deep Water incursions into the Indian Ocean, leading to remineralization of organic matter and a relatively weak early Holocene oxygen minimum zone in the northwest Arabian Sea in spite of strong summer monsoon circulation.
The oxygen and carbon isotopic composition has been measured for numerous Paleogene planktonic foraminifer species from Maud Rise, Weddell Sea (ODP Sites 689 and 690), the first such results from the Antarctic. The results provide information about large-scale changes in the evolution of temperatures, seasonally, and structure of the upper water column prior to the development of a significant Antarctic cryosphere. The early Paleocene was marked by cooler surface-water conditions compared to the Cretaceous and possibly a less well developed thermocline. The late Paleocene and early Eocene saw the expansion of the thermocline as Antarctic surface waters became warm-temperate to subtropical. The late Paleocene to early Eocene thermal maximum was punctuated by two brief excursions during which time the entire Antarctic water column warmed and the meridional temperature gradient was reduced. The first of these excursions occurred at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, in association with a major extinction in deep sea benthic foraminifers. The second excursion occurred within the early Eocene at ~54.0 Ma. These excursions are of global importance and represent the warmest intervals of the entire Cenozoic. The excursions were associated with fundamental changes in deep-water circulation and global heat transport. The thermal maximum of the early Eocene ended with the initiation of a long-term cooling trend at 52.0 Ma. This cooling trend was associated with reduced seasonality, and diminished structure and/or duration of the seasonal thermocline. The cooling trend was punctuated by three major cooling steps at 43.0, 40.0, and -36.0 Ma.