957 resultados para Cárdenas Manrique de Lara, Antonio, Marqués de Cañete.
Programa de Doctorado: Percepción Artificial y Aplicaciones
Emisión en directo, desde la Sala Polivalente del Edificio Central de la Biblioteca Universitaria del programa de radio de la cadena Ser "Hoy por hoy", el viernes 23 de abril de 2010, de 11.15 a 13 horas. Este programa estuvo dedicado al Día del libro y al servicio público que presta la Biblioteca Universitaria. Contó con la presencia de la Vicerrectora de Cultura y Deporte, doña Isabel Pascua Febles, la Directora de la Biblioteca Universitaria, doña María del Carmen Martín Marichal y los bibliotecarios Fernando Barrera Luján, María Dolores Orihuela Millares, Víctor Macías Alemán y Avelina Fernández Manrique de Lara. En la primera parte del programa se anunció a los ganadores del "Primer Premio de Relato Corto" organizado por la Biblioteca Universitaria de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y se les hizo entrega de sus respectivos premios. El Primero recayó en la obra titulada "El Pacto" de Fernando Fernández Rodríguez, presentada bajo el seudónimo Agustín. El segundo lo obtuvo la obra "Subtítulo" de José Iván Rodríguez Macario firmado con el seudónimo León Miranda. Ambos premios serán incluidos en el Repositorio Institucional Acceda.
Mesa redonda celebrada con motivo del Día del Libro, el 22 de abril de 2010 en el Seminario de Física del Edificio de Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ; organizado por la Biblioteca de Ciencias Básicas
[ES] Conferencia impartida por Ted Packard The Black Sea Flood was it Noah?s Flood?. Presentación a cargo de Félix Pintado Pico ; palabras a cargo de Avelina Fernández Manrique de Lara, Melchor González Dávila y Rafael Robaina Romero y conferencia impartida por Ted Packard en la Sala de Grado del Edificio de Ciencias Básicas el 23 de abril de 2012.
Programa de doctorado: Perspectivas científicas sobre el turismo y la dirección de empresas turísticas.
[EN] We present in this paper a variational approach to accurately estimate simultaneously the velocity field and its derivatives directly from PIV image sequences. Our method differs from other techniques that have been presented in the literature in the fact that the energy minimization used to estimate the particles motion depends on a second order Taylor development of the flow. In this way, we are not only able to compute the motion vector field, but we also obtain an accurate estimation of their derivatives. Hence, we avoid the use of numerical schemes to compute the derivatives from the estimated flow that usually yield to numerical amplification of the inherent uncertainty on the estimated flow. The performance of our approach is illustrated with the estimation of the motion vector field and the vorticity on both synthetic and real PIV datasets.
[EN] In this paper we study a variational problem derived from a computer vision application: video camera calibration with smoothing constraint. By video camera calibration we meanto estimate the location, orientation and lens zoom-setting of the camera for each video frame taking into account image visible features. To simplify the problem we assume that the camera is mounted on a tripod, in such case, for each frame captured at time t , the calibration is provided by 3 parameters : (1) P(t) (PAN) which represents the tripod vertical axis rotation, (2) T(t) (TILT) which represents the tripod horizontal axis rotation and (3) Z(t) (CAMERA ZOOM) the camera lens zoom setting. The calibration function t -> u(t) = (P(t),T(t),Z(t)) is obtained as the minima of an energy function I[u] . In thIs paper we study the existence of minima of such energy function as well as the solutions of the associated Euler-Lagrange equations.
[EN] In this report we study a number of fluid optic flow sequences in the context of the FLUID Specific Targeted Research Project - Contract No 513633 founded by the EEC. The main goal of this report is to analyse the behaviour of classical computer vision optic flow techniques when we deal with fluid sequences. We use the optic flow sequences provided by other partners of the FLUID project.
Programa de doctorado: Economía y dirección estratégica