966 resultados para Business Competitiveness


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A cikk fókuszában az üzleti hálózatok állnak. Az IMP-csoport (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group) üzleti kapcsolatokkal, üzleti hálózatokkal foglalkozó több évtizedes kutatási eredményeire és fogalomrendszerére építve a szerzők áttekintik a téma alapvető megközelítéseit, majd a Versenyképesség-kutatás 2009. évi felmérésének adatait Felhasználva, megvizsgálják a vállalatvezetők által észlelt hálózati pozíció és a versenyképesség összefüggéseit. A vállalatvezetők értékelése szerint elemzik az iparági hálózatukban központi szerepet játszó, befolyással bíró (domináns hálózati pozícióval rendelkező) vállalatokat, különös tekintettel az üzleti teljesítmény és a versenyképesség jellemzőire. / === / The paper analyses the business network position of Hungarian companies, based on data of the Competitiveness research program. After an overview of the theoretical background of business relationships, business networks and network position – based on the IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group) approach, the authors analyse the performance and competitiveness characteristics of firms with central position in their industrial network.


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Tanulmányunk fókuszában az üzleti hálózatok állnak. Az IMP csoport (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group) üzleti kapcsolatokkal, üzleti hálózatokkal foglalkozó több évtizedes kutatási eredményeire és fogalomrendszerére alapozva áttekintjük a téma alapmegközelítéseit, majd a Versenyképesség-kutatás 2009. évei felmérése adatainak felhasználásával vizsgáljuk a hálózati kép és a versenyképesség összefüggéseit. Jellemezzük a vállaltvezetők értékelése szerint az iparági hálózatukban központi szerepet játszó, befolyással bíró (domináns hálózati pozícióval rendelkező) vállalatokat, különös tekintettel az üzleti teljesítmény és versenyképesség jellemzőire. ________ The paper analyses the business network position of Hungarian companies, based on data of the Competitiveness research program. After an overview of the theoretical background of business relationships, business networks and network position – based on the IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group) approach, we analyse the performance and competitiveness characteristics of firms with central position in their industrial network.


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Ez a műhelytanulmány a 2009-es versenyképesség kutatás során 317 vállalatra kiterjedő kérdőíves felmérés konkrét adataiból emeli ki az ellenőrzéssel, kontrollal összefüggő tényezőket és ezek eredményeit hasonlítja össze a hazai és nemzetközi szakirodalom ide vonatkozó elméleteivel. A kutatási kérdések arra irányulnak, hogy milyen részekből, feladatokból, tevékenységekből tevődnek össze a vezetők ellenőrzési feladatai, azok mikre terjednek ki, és mennyiben tekinthetők fejlettnek a versenyképes vállalatoknál. A műhelytanulmányban konkrétan a kontrolling eszköztár, a belső ill. pénzügyi ellenőrzés és kockázatkezelés, valamint a minőségirányítási sztenderdek, szabványok által megkövetelt ellenőrzési mechanizmusok vizsgálata történik a hazai, 50 főt meghaladó vállalkozások esetében. A műhelytanulmány a klasszikus kutatási jelentések sémájában készült, elméleti felvezetéssel és szakirodalmi áttekintéssel indít, majd második részében a konkrét versenyképesség adatbázis adatainak bemutatása történik a témában, végül összegzés, segítő szószedet és irodalomjegyzék zárja azt. _______ This workpaper is a report of controlmechanisms used by Hungarian companies. The latest stage of the Competitivness Research project started in 2009 during which data were collected from 317 Hungarian companies. Themes of this workpaper are controlmechanism, or controll-framework of the companies and connection between controlmechanism and competitiveness. Main elements of the research are: controlling aspects, internal and financial audits completed by managment including critical risks, audits according to ISO 9001:2008 standards or other standards, and the way these elements support or influence the competitiveness of the companies. The structure of this workpaper follows the common parts of other research reports. It begins with details of the theoretical background and presents main publications of the topic, than goes through several direct analisys and tests regarding the Hungarian competitiveness database of 2009. At the end the of the workpapaper a basic summary can be found with a glossary of explanations, and a bibliography of cited papers and publications.


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In September 2010, Brazil’s Finance Minister, Guido Mantega, used the term “currency war” with reference to monetary policies implemented by different countries to generate an artificial devaluation of their currency and achieve a cheaper, more competitive domestic economy that may be attractive to foreign investors. Similar cases have been documented since the 1930s Great Depression, when several countries abandoned the gold standard as backing for their currencies. More recently, a large-scale asset purchase by Japan’s Central Bank in 2013 was singled out as a strategy aimed at generating devaluation of the yen. This research uses statistics of new business formation density reported by Doing Business for 30 emerging countries in the period 2004-2011 to evaluate the impact of devaluation measured by the behavior of the real effective exchange rate (REER) on the rate of new business formation (NBF). It is determined how variables associated with competitiveness affect the relationship between devaluation and business formation. Results show that devaluation has a positive effect on NBF in the short term, which gets diluted in the long term. Countries with greater competitiveness have less dependence on devaluation to increase the number of businesses.


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The execution of 'macro-adjustment' policies by the central government to cool down the overheated real estate market in the past few years has created an unfavourable operating environment for real estate developers in Mainland China. Developers need to rethink their business model and create a new form of competitive advantage in order to survive. Despite this, research into the factors that influence the competitiveness of the real estate market in China has been limited. Therefore, a survey of 58 real estate actitioners, experts and academics in China was conducted to probe opinion on the factors that influence competitiveness in real estate firms in China. Survey results suggest that the developer's financial competency, market coverage and management competencies are vital to its competitiveness. Findings also highlight the importance of industry ecognition/award, share in different types of property sales/development projects, profit after tax, growth rate of their securities price, and diversification of R&D in reflecting the competitiveness of real estate developers in China. The findings provide an insight into the factors that influence competitiveness in China's real estate market and also assist practitioners to formulate competitiveness improvement strategies.


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This position paper examines the development of a dedicated service aggregator role in business networks. We predict that these intermediaries will soon emerge in service ecosystems and add value through the application of dedicated domain knowledge in the process of creating new, innovative services or service bundles based on the aggregation, composition, integration or orchestration of existing services procured from different service providers in the service ecosystem. We discuss general foundations of service aggregators and present Fourth-Party Logistics Providers as a real-world example of emerging business service aggregators. We also point out a demand for future research, e.g. into governance models, risk management tools, service portfolio management approaches and service bundling techniques, to be able to better understand core determinants of competitiveness and success of service aggregators.


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With the growth of high-technology industries and knowledge intensive services, the pursuit of industrial competitiveness has progressed from a broad concern with the processes of industrialisation to a more focused analysis of the factors explaining cross-national variation in the level of participation in knowledge industries. From an examination of cross-national data, the paper develops the proposition that particular elements of the domestic science, technology and industry infrastructure—such as the stock of knowledge and competence in the economy, the capacity for learning and generation of new ideas and the capacity to commercialise new ideas—vary cross-nationally and are related to the level of participation of a nation in knowledge intensive activities. Existing understandings of the role of the state in promoting industrial competitiveness might be expanded to incorporate an analysis of the contribution of the state through the building of competencies in science, technology and industry. Keywords: Knowledge; economy; comparative public policy; innovation; science and technology policy


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Purpose – The paper aims to explore the key competitiveness indicators (KCIs) that provide the guidelines for helping new real estate developers (REDs) achieve competitiveness during their inception stage in which the organisations start their business. Design/methodology/approach – The research was conducted using a combination of various methods. A literature review was undertaken to provide a proper theoretical understanding of organisational competitiveness within RED's activities and developed a framework of competitiveness indicators (CIs) for REDs. The Delphi forecasting method is employed to investigate a group of 20 experts' perception on the relative importance between CIs. Findings – The results show that the KCIs of new REDs are capital operation capability, entrepreneurship, land reserve capability, high sales revenue from the first real estate development project, and innovation capability. Originality/value – The five KCIs of new REDs are new. In practical terms, the examination of these KCIs would help the business managers of new REDs to effectively plan their business by focusing their efforts on these key indicators. The KCIs can also help REDs provide theoretical constructs of the knowledge base on organisational competitiveness from a dynamic perspective, and assist in providing valuable experiences and in formulating feasible strategies for survival and growth.


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Real estate, or property development, is considered one of the pillar industries of the Chinese economy. As a result of the opening up of the economy as well as the "macro-control" policy of the Central Chinese Government to moderate the frenetic pace of growth of the economy, the real estate industry has faced fierce competition and ongoing change. Real estate firms in China must improve their competitiveness in order to maintain market share or even survive in this brutally competitive environment. This study developed a methodology to evaluate the competitiveness of real estate developers in the China and then used a case study to illustrate the effectiveness of the evaluation method. Four steps were taken to achieve this. The first step was to conduct a thorough literature review which included a review of the characteristics of real estate industry, theories about competitiveness and the competitive characteristics of real estate developers. Following this literature review, the competitive model was developed based on seven key competitive factors (the 'level 1') identified in the literature. They include: (1) financial competency; (2) market share; (3) management competency; (4) social responsibility; (5) organisational competency; (6) technological capabilities; and, (7) regional competitiveness. In the next step of research, the competitive evaluation criteria (the 'level 2') under each of competitive factors (the 'level 1') were evaluated. Additionally, there were identified a set of competitive attributes (the 'level 3') under each competitive criteria (the 'level 2'). These attributes were initially recognised during the literature review and then expanded upon through interviews with multidisciplinary experts and practitioners in various real estate-related industries. The final step in this research was to undertake a case study using the proposed evaluation method and attributes. Through the study of an actual real estate development company, the procedures and effectiveness of the evaluation method were illustrated and validated. Through the above steps, this research investigates and develops an analytical system for determining the corporate competitiveness of real estate developers in China. The analytical system is formulated to evaluate the "state of health" of the business from different competitive perspectives. The result of empirical study illustrates that a systematic and structured evaluation can effectively assist developers in identifying their strengths and highlighting potential problems. This is very important for the development of an overall corporate strategy and supporting key strategic decisions. This study also provides some insights, analysis and suggestions for improving the competitiveness of real estate developers in China from different perspectives, including: management competency, organisational competency, technological capabilities, financial competency, market share, social responsibility and regional competitiveness. In the case study, problems were found in each of these areas, and they appear to be common in the industry. To address these problems and improve the competitiveness and effectiveness of Chinese real estate developers, a variety of suggestions are proposed. The findings of this research provide an insight into the factors that influence competitiveness in the Chinese real estate industry while also assisting practitioners to formulate strategies to improve their competitiveness. References for studying the competitiveness of real estate developers in other countries are also provided.


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In 2004 Prahalad made managers aware of the great economic opportunity that the population at the BoP (Base of the Pyramid) represents for business in the form of new potential consumers. However, MNCs (Multi-National Corporations) generally continue to penetrate low income markets with the same strategies used at the top of the pyramid or choose not to invest at all in these regions because intimidated by having to re-envision their business models. The introduction of not re-arranged business models and products into developing countries has done nothing more over the years than induce new needs and develop new dependencies. By conducting a critical review of the literature this paper investigates and compares innovative approaches to operate in developing markets, which depart from the usual Corporate Social Responsibility marketing rhetoric, and rather consider the potential consumer at the BoP as a ring of continuity in the value chain − a resource that can itself produce value. Based on the concept of social embeddedness (London & Hart, 2004) and the principle that an open system contemplates different provisions (i.e. MNCs bring processes and technology, NGOs cultural mediating skills, governments laws and regulations, native people know-how and traditions), this paper concludes with a new business model reference that empowers all actors to contribute to value creation, while allowing MNCs to support local growth by turning what Prahalad called ‘inclusive capitalism’ into a more sustainable ‘inclusive entrepreneurial development’.


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This paper investigates the critical role of knowledge sharing (KS) in leveraging manufacturing activities, namely integrated supplier management (ISM) and new product development (NPD) to improve business performance (BP) within the context of Taiwanese electronic manufacturing companies. The research adopted a sequential mixed method research design, which provided both quantitative empirical evidence as well as qualitative insights, into the moderating effect of KS on the relationships between these two core manufacturing activities and BP. First, a questionnaire survey was administered, which resulted in a sample of 170 managerial and technical professionals providing their opinions on KS, NPD and ISM activities and the BP level within their respective companies. On the basis of the collected data, factor analysis was used to verify the measurement model, followed by correlation analysis to explore factor interrelationships, and finally moderated regression analyses to extract the moderating effects of KS on the relationships of NPD and ISM with BP. Following the quantitative study, six semi-structured interviews were conducted to provide qualitative in-depth insights into the value added from KS practices to the targeted manufacturing activities and the extent of its leveraging power. Results from quantitative statistical analysis indicated that KS, NPD and ISM all have a significant positive impact on BP. Specifically, IT infrastructure and open communication were identified as the two types of KS practices that could facilitate enriched supplier evaluation and selection, empower active employee involvement in the design process, and provide support for product simplification and the modular design process, thereby improving manufacturing performance and strengthening company competitiveness. The interviews authenticated many of the empirical findings, suggesting that in the contemporary manufacturing context KS has become an integral part of many ISM and NPD activities and when embedded properly can lead to an improvement in BP. The paper also highlights a number of useful implications for manufacturing companies seeking to leverage their BP through innovative and sustained KS practices.