963 resultados para Buildings Repair and reconstruction -- Catalunya -- Barcelona


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This paper deals with the coupled effect of temperature and silica fume addition on rheological, mechanical behaviour and porosity of grouts based on CEMI 42.5R, proportioned with a polycarboxylate-based high range water reducer. Preliminary tests were conducted to focus on the grout best able to fill a fibrous network since the goal of this study was to develop an optimized grout able to be injected in a mat of steel fibers for concrete strengthening. The grout composition was developed based on criteria for fresh state and hardened state properties. For a CEMI 42.5R based grout different high range water reducer dosages (0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.7%) and silica fume (SF) dosages (0%, 2%, 4%) were tested (as replacement of cement by mass). Rheological measurements were used to investigate the effect of polycarboxylates (PCEs) and SF dosage on grout properties, particularly its workability loss, as the mix was to be injected in a matrix of steel fibers for concrete jacketing. The workability behaviour was characterized by the rheological parameters yield stress and plastic viscosity (for different grout temperatures and resting times), as well as the procedures of mini slump cone and funnel flow time. Then, further development focused only on the best grout compositions. The cement substitution by 2% of SF exhibited the best overall behaviour and was considered as the most promising compared to the others compositions tested. Concerning the fresh state analysis, a significant workability loss was detected if grout temperature increased above 35 degrees C. Below this temperature the grout presented a self-levelling behaviour and a life time equal to 45 min. In the hardened state, silica fumes increased not only the grout's porosity but also the grout's compressive strength at later ages, since the pozzolanic contribution to the compressive strength does not occur until 28 d and beyond. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE/BACKGROUND: The association between socioeconomic status (SES), presentation, and outcome after vascular surgery is largely unknown. This study aimed to determine the influence of SES on post-operative survival and severity of disease at presentation among vascular surgery patients in the Dutch setting of equal access to and provision of care. METHODS: Patients undergoing surgical treatment for peripheral artery disease (PAD), abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), or carotid artery stenosis between January 2003 and December 2011 were retrospectively included. The association between SES, quantified by household income, disease severity at presentation, and survival was studied using logistic and Cox regression analysis adjusted for demographics, and medical and behavioral risk factors. RESULTS: A total of 1,178 patients were included. Low income was associated with worse post-operative survival in the PAD cohort (n = 324, hazard ratio 1.05, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00-1.10, per 5,000 Euro decrease) and the AAA cohort (n = 440, quadratic relation, p = .01). AAA patients in the lowest income quartile were more likely to present with a ruptured aneurysm (odds ratio [OR] 2.12, 95% CI 1.08-4.17). Lowest income quartile PAD patients presented more frequently with symptoms of critical limb ischemia, although no significant association could be established (OR 2.02, 95% CI 0.96-4.26). CONCLUSIONS: The increased health hazards observed in this study are caused by patient related factors rather than differences in medical care, considering the equality of care provided by the study setting. Although the exact mechanism driving the association between SES and worse outcome remains elusive, consideration of SES as a risk factor in pre-operative decision making and focus on treatment of known SES related behavioral and psychosocial risk factors may improve the outcome of patients with vascular disease.


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The Portuguese housing sector experienced a significant growth throughout the 20th century, particularly in the last quarter, after the democratic revolution in 1974. In fact, the number of buildings built between 1970 and 1990 is more than one third of the buildings actually existing in Portugal. Therefore most of them were built before the publication of the first regulation concerning the energy efficiency in buildings. Regarding this scenario, it would be expected that rehabilitation activities would represent most of the current construction activities. However, given some remaining barriers from old social policies, this situation is not observed; actually building retrofitting is the least significant sector, accentuating the degradation level of major part of the Portuguese housing stock. Several studies show that the main problems are found in the buildings envelope elements, such as roofs and façades. Based on this context, the aim of this paper is to introduce some examples of building retrofitting systems that, adapted to the Portuguese main needs and requirements may represent sustainable solutions to overcome the identified needs of Portuguese buildings' envelope.


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SUMMARY: EBBP is a poorly characterized member of the RBCC/TRIM family (RING finger B-box coiled-coilltripartite motif). It is ubiquitously expressed, but particularly high levels are found in keratinocytes. There is evidence that EBBP is involved in inflammatory processes, since it can interact with pro-interleukin-1 ß (prolL-1 ß) in human macrophages and keratinocytes, and its downregulation results in reduced secretion of IL-1 ß. IL-1ß activation and secretion requires the proteolytic cleavage of prolL-1ß by caspase-1, which in turn is actìvated by a protein complex called the inflammasome. As it has been demonstrated that EBBP can bind two different proteins of the inflammasome (NALP-1 and caspase 1), we assumed that EBBP plays a role in the regulation of inflammation and that the inflammasome, which has as yet only been described in ínflammatory cells, may also exist in keratinocytes. Indeed, I could show in my thesis that the inflammasome components are expressed in human keratinócytes at the RNA and protein level and also in vivo in human epidermis. After irradiation with a physiological dose of UVB, keratinocytes activated prolL-1ß and secreted prolL-1 a, IL-1 ß, prolL-18 and inflammasome proteins, although all these proteins lack a classical signal peptide. The secretion was dependent on caspase-1 activity, but not on de novo protein synthesis. Knock-down of NALP1 and -3, caspase-1 and -5, EBBP and Asc strongly reduced the secretion of IL-1 ß, demonstrating that also in keratinocytes inflammasome proteins are directly involved in maturation of this cytokine. These results demonstrate for the first time the presence of an active inflammasome in non-professional immune cells. Moreover, they show that UV irradiation is a stimulus for inflammasome activation in keratinocytes. For the analysis of the ín vivo functions of EBBP, transgenic mice overexpressing EBBP in the epidermis were generated. To examine the influence of EBBP overexpression on inflammatory processes, we subjected the mice to different challenges, which induce inflammation. Wound-healing, UVB irradiation and delayed hypersensitivity were tested, but we did not observe any phenotype in the K14-EBBP mice. Besides, a conditional ebbp knockout mouse has been obtained, which will allow to determine the effects of EBBP gene deletion in different tissues and organs. RESUME: EBBP est un membre encore mal connu de la famille des RBCC/TRIM (RING finger B-box coiled-coil/tripartite motif). Il est exprimé de manière ubiquitaire, et en particulier dans les kératinocytes. EBBP étant capable d'interagir avec la prointerleukine-1 ß (prolL-1 ß) dans les macrophages et les kératinocytes humains et de réguler la sécrétion de l'IL-1 ß, il est très probable que cette protéine est impliquée dans l'inflammation. L'activation et la sécrétion de l'IL-1 ß requièrent le clivage protéolytique de son précurseur prolL-1ß par la caspase-1, qui est elle-même activée par un complexe protéique appelé l'inflammasome. Comme il a été démontré qu'EBBP peut lier deux protéines de l'inflammasome (NALP-1 et caspase-1), nous avons émis l'hypothèse qu'EBBP joue un rôle dans la régulation de l'inflammation et que l'inflammasome, jusqu'ici décrit exclusivement dans des cellules inflammatoires, existe dans les kératinocytes. En effet, j'ai pu montrer dans ma thèse que les composants de l'inflammasome sont exprimés dans les kératinocytes humains ainsi que in vivo dans l'épiderme humain. Après irradiation avec une dose, physiologique d'UVB, les kératinocytes activent la prolL-1 ß et sécrètent la prolL-1a, l'IL-1 ß, la prolL-18 et des protéines de l'inflammasome, bien que toutes ces protéines soient dépourvues de peptide signal. La sécrétion dépend de la caspase-1 mais pas de la synthèse protéique de novo. Le knock-down de NALP-1 et -3, des caspase-1 et -5, d'EBBP et d'Asc réduit de manière marquée la sécrétion d'IL-1 ß, démontrant que dans les kératinocytes également, les protéines de l'inflammasome sont impliquées directement dans la maturation de cette cytokine. Ces résultats démontrent pour la première fois la présence d'un inflammasome actif dans des cellules immunitaires non professionnelles. De plus, ils montrent que l'irradiation aux UV est un stimulus pour l'activation de l'inflammasome dans les kératinocytes. Pour l'analyse des fonctions d'EBBP in vivo, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques qui surexpriment EBBP dans l'épiderme. En vue d'examiner l'influence de la surexpression d'EBBP sur le processus inflammatoire, nous avons soumis ces souris à differents modèles d'inflammation. Nous avons testé cicatrisation, UVB et hypersensibilité retardée, mais n'avons pas observé de phénotype chez les souris transgéniques. En parallèle, nous avons également généré des souris knock-out pour ebbp qui devraient nous permettre de déterminer les effets de la suppression d'EBBP dans différents tissus et organes.


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Introduction: Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma (EMC) is a rare soft tissue tumour with a high risk for local recurrence and metastases. While this entity is resistant to radio- or chemo-therapy, wide resection remains the treatment of choice. Case report: A 60 year old man presented to our service with a large mass in his right thigh, slowly evolving over the past 7 years. His main complaint was the volume of his thigh. Imaging showed a 23x13x14 cm tumour in the quadriceps, eroding the cortical bone and with potential contamination of the knee joint. The risk of a pathological fracture was estimated considerable. A CT-guided core-needle biopsy revealed a FNCLCC grade 2 EMC. A thoraco-abdominal CT scan showed multiple pulmonary metastases. Due to the palliative situation with a very slow disease progression, a wide extraarticular resection of the distal femur and reconstruction with a megaprosthesis were performed. Extensive skin necrosis necessitated three revision procedures for débridement and confection of a pediculated lateral gastrocnemius muscle flap. No complementary treatment was possible for the pulmonary metastases. At 18 months follow-up, he walked without crutches, was able to do his activities of daily living. He was painfree and highly satisfied with the result. During the follow-up, slow progression of the pulmonary metastases was noted, which remained asymptomatic. Conclusion: Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma is a rare soft tissue tumour, and wide excision remains the treatment of choice. Whenever possible, limb salvage should be proposed to preserve function and quality of life.


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En aquest projecte es vol donar solució a la contaminació que es produeix a les llars ja sigui en forma de gasos d’efecte hivernacle o la contaminació d’aqüífers i rius per les aigües residuals d’aquestes. Els objectius a aconseguir són la disminució del consum d’energia de la llar, reduint així el consum de combustibles fòssils, amb la conseqüent disminució de gasos d’efecte hivernacle i l’estalvi econòmic que això suposa. I per altra banda la depuració de les aigües residuals, tot i que actualment totes les grans poblacions de Catalunya de més de 10.000 habitants ja disposen de EDARS i en pocs anys en tindran totes les de més de 2000 habitants. Però en aquest cas es tracta d’una població molt petita que no disposa de xarxa de clavegueram. En primer lloc s’ha plantejat un sistema de calefacció d’energia geotèrmica que ens permet aprofitar l’energia tèrmica que es va emmagatzemant a la terra degut a l’escalfor del sol i que ens permet extreure d’aquesta fins a ¾ parts de l’energia tèrmica necessària per el sistema de calefacció. En segon lloc es planteja un sistema de producció d’energia elèctrica per panells fotovoltaics que produeixi el consum elèctric anual familiar, tot i que no de forma directe, sinó venent l’energia a la xarxa elèctrica i comprant-la després de la xarxa. Per últim es projecta un sistema de depuració d’aigües per mitjà d’un aiguamoll artificial que permetrà a la casa, que no disposa de xarxa de clavegueram, retornar les aigües residuals en bones mediambientals a l’entorn rural que envolta l’edificació, sense perjudicar la fauna i els rius que l’envolten


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, PPARalpha, PPARbeta/delta and PPARgamma, are fatty acid activated transcription factors that belong to the nuclear hormone receptor family. While they are best known as transcriptional regulators of lipid and glucose metabolism, evidence has also accumulated for their importance in skin homeostasis. The three PPAR isotypes are expressed in rodent and human skin. Various cell culture and in vivo approaches suggest that PPARalpha contributes to fetal skin development, to epidermal barrier maturation and to sebocyte activity. PPARbeta/delta regulates sebocyte differentiation, promotes hair follicle growth and has pro-differentiating effects in keratinocytes in normal and inflammatory conditions. In contrast, the role of PPARgamma appears to be rather minor in keratinocytes, whereas its activity is required for sebaceous gland differentiation. Importantly, PPARalpha and beta/delta are instrumental in skin repair after an injury, each of them playing specific roles. Due to their collective diverse functions in skin biology, PPARs represent a major research target for the understanding and treatment of many skin diseases, such as benign epidermal tumors, papillomas, acne vulgaris and psoriasis.


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The repair of wounds is one of the most complex biological processes that occur during human life. After an injury, multiple biological pathways immediately become activated and are synchronized to respond. In human adults, the wound repair process commonly leads to a non-functioning mass of fibrotic tissue known as a scar. By contrast, early in gestation, injured fetal tissues can be completely recreated, without fibrosis, in a process resembling regeneration. Some organisms, however, retain the ability to regenerate tissue throughout adult life. Knowledge gained from studying such organisms might help to unlock latent regenerative pathways in humans, which would change medical practice as much as the introduction of antibiotics did in the twentieth century.


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L'objecte del present document és la redacció del projecte per a la rehabilitació i el disseny d’interiors del conjunt edificat del Mas Carrera de Mieres per tal d'establir les condicions tècniques i administratives necessàries per a dur a terme la rehabilitació d’aquesta edificació tradicional, per tal d’adaptar-la a l’ús d’habitatge d’acord amb els requeriments d’habitabilitat vigents. La intervenció proposa recuperar la identitat del cos principal de can Carrera respectant la seva volumetria per tal de destinar-lo a l’habitatge principal, assignar als coberts i palleres annexos a usos complementaris tals com un estudi i una habitatge per a convidats, i garatge. El criteri d’intervenció bàsic és el respecte de les característiques i peculiaritats de les edificacions existents amb la identificació dels elements significatius i la seva adequació al nou programa d’habitatge a introduir d’acord amb els requeriments que aquest exigeix segons criteris de sostenibilitati adaptació al medi on s’emplaça


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Epigenetic silencing of essential components of DNA repair pathways is a common event in many tumor types, and comprise O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), human mut L homolog 1 (hMLH1), Werner syndrome gene (WRN), breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 (BRCA1), and genes of the Fanconi anemia pathway. Most interestingly, some of these alterations become the Achilles heel of the affected tumors upon treatment with certain classes of anticancer agents. That is, patients whose tumors carry such defects can be stratified for respective therapy rendering some classic DNA damaging agents, such as alkylators or DNA crosslinking agents, into "targeted therapies." Here we review some of the affected repair pathways that, when inactivated, sensitize the tumors to specific drugs and are thus exploitable for individualized therapy.


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PURPOSE: To report our results of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) over a 10-year period using systematic preoperative collateral artery embolization. METHODS: From 1999 until 2009, 124 patients (117 men; mean age 70.8 years) with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) underwent embolization of patent lumbar and/or inferior mesenteric arteries prior to elective EVAR procedures. Embolization was systematically attempted and, whenever possible, performed using microcoils and a coaxial technique. Follow-up included computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging and abdominal radiography. RESULTS: The technical success for EVAR was 96% (119/124), with 4 patients dying within 30 days (3.2% perioperative mortality) and 1 type III endoleak accounting for the failures. Collateral arteries were occluded spontaneously or by embolization in 60 (48%) of 124 patients. The endoleak rate was 50.9% (74 in 61 patients), most of which were type II (19%). Over a mean clinical follow-up of 60.5±34.1 months (range 1-144), aneurysm sac dimensions decreased in 66 patients, increased in 19 patients, and were stable in 35. The endoleak rate was significantly higher in the patients with increasing sac diameter (p<0.001). Among the patients with patent collateral arteries, 38/64 (59.3%) developed 46 leaks, while 28 leaks appeared in 23 (41%) of 56 patients with collateral artery occlusion (p=0.069). The type II endoleak rate significantly differed between these two groups (47.8% vs. 3.6%, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Preoperative collateral embolization seems to be a valid method of reducing the incidence of type II endoleak, improving the long-term outcome.


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El 17 de gener de 2002, l'Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya, el Servei d'Arxius de la Direcció General de Patrimoni Cultural de la Generalitat de Catalunya i l'Associació d'Arxivers de Catalunya (AAC) van organitzar una jornada de divulgació, reflexió i debat sobre la Llei 10/2002, de 13 de juliol, d'arxius i documents. L'objectiu de la Jornada era donar a conèixer als professionals dels arxius aquesta llei i es va centrar a analitzar-ne l'abast, la incidència i les implicacions més rellevants. Emmarcada en la línia de la formació interdepartamental de l'Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya, la Jornada tenia com a destinataris els arxivers de l'Administració de la Generalitat de Catalunya, de l'Administració local i d'altres institucions públiques.


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PURPOSE: To describe methods and outcomes of excisional revision of a filtering bleb (bleb revision) using free conjunctival autologous graft either for bleb repair or for bleb reduction after trabeculectomy and deep sclerectomy with an implant. METHODS: Retrospective medical records were reviewed for a consecutive non-comparative case series comprising patients who underwent excisional revision of a filtering bleb between May 1998-January 2001. Excisional revision using free conjunctival autologous graft (bleb revision) was performed either for bleb repair, to treat early and late leaks and hypotony with maculopathy, or for bleb reduction, to improve ocular pain, discomfort, burning, foreign body sensation, tearing, and fluctuations of visual acuity. The revision consisted of bleb excision and free conjunctival autologous graft. The bleb histopathology was analyzed in patients who underwent bleb repair. RESULTS: Sixteen patients were included in the study, consisting of nine patients who had a trabeculectomy and seven patients who had a deep sclerectomy with an implant. Bleb revision was necessary in 14 patients due to leaking filtering bleb (bleb repair), and in 2 patients due to bleb dysesthesia (bleb reduction). After a follow-up of 15.1 +/- 8.4 months, the mean intraocular pressure (IOP) rose from 7.8 +/- 6.3 mm Hg to 14.3 +/- 6.5 mm Hg, and the visual acuity from 0.4 +/- 0.3 to 0.7 +/- 0.3, with a P value of 0.008 and 0.03, respectively. The complete success rate at 32 months, according to the Kaplan-Meier survival curve, was 38.3%, and the qualified success rate was 83.3%. Four patients (25%) required additional suturing for persistent bleb leak. To control IOP, antiglaucoma medical therapy was needed for six patients (37.5%) and repeated glaucoma surgery was needed for one patient. CONCLUSION: Free conjunctival autologous graft is a safe and successful procedure for bleb repair and bleb reduction. However, patients should be aware of the postoperative possibility of requiring medical or surgical intervention for IOP control after revision.