77 resultados para Buffy,vampyyrintappaja (televisiosarja)
The diagnosis of trypanosomosis in animals with low parasitaemia is hampered by low diagnostic sensitivity of traditional detection methods. An immunodiagnostic method based on a direct sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), using monoclonal antibodies, has been examined in a number of African laboratories for its suitability for monitoring tsetse control and eradication programmes. Generally, the direct sandwich ELISAs for the detection of trypanosomal antigens in serum samples have proved to be unsatisfactory with respect to diagnostic sensitivity when compared with traditional parasitological methods such as the dark ground/phase contrast buffy-coat technique. Consequently, antigen-detection systems exploiting various other direct, indirect and sandwich ELISA systems and sets of reagents are being developed to improve diagnosis. In addition, an existing indirect ELISA for the detection of antibodies has been improved and is being evaluated in the field in order to detect cattle that are or have been recently infected with trypanosomes. Developments and advantages of other diagnostic techniques, such as dip-stick assay and tests based on the polymerase chain reaction are also considered.
We describe a simple method using percoll gradient for isolation of highly enriched human monocytes. High numbers of fully functional cells are obtained from whole blood or buffy coat cells. The use of simple laboratory equipment and a relatively cheap reagent makes the described method a convenient approach to obtaining human monocytes.
A parts based model is a parametrization of an object class using a collection of landmarks following the object structure. The matching of parts based models is one of the problems where pairwise Conditional Random Fields have been successfully applied. The main reason of their effectiveness is tractable inference and learning due to the simplicity of involved graphs, usually trees. However, these models do not consider possible patterns of statistics among sets of landmarks, and thus they sufffer from using too myopic information. To overcome this limitation, we propoese a novel structure based on a hierarchical Conditional Random Fields, which we explain in the first part of this memory. We build a hierarchy of combinations of landmarks, where matching is performed taking into account the whole hierarchy. To preserve tractable inference we effectively sample the label set. We test our method on facial feature selection and human pose estimation on two challenging datasets: Buffy and MultiPIE. In the second part of this memory, we present a novel approach to multiple kernel combination that relies on stacked classification. This method can be used to evaluate the landmarks of the parts-based model approach. Our method is based on combining responses of a set of independent classifiers for each individual kernel. Unlike earlier approaches that linearly combine kernel responses, our approach uses them as inputs to another set of classifiers. We will show that we outperform state-of-the-art methods on most of the standard benchmark datasets.
A natural case of co-infection by Leishmania and Trypanosoma is reported in a dog (Canis familiaris) in south- western state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Both amastigote and trypomastigote forms were observed after Giemsa staining of cytological preparations of the dog's bone marrow aspirate. No parasite was detected using medium culture inoculation of the sample. DNA obtained from the bone marrow aspirate sample and from the blood buffy coat was submitted to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with a set of rDNA-based primers S4/S12. The nucleotide sequence of the PCR product was identical to that of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) evansi. The S4/S12 PCR was then used as template in a nested-PCR using a specific Leishmania set S17/S18 as primers, to explain the amastigote forms. The nucleotide sequence of the new PCR product was identical to that of Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. This case, as far as we know, is the first report of a dog co-infected with these parasites, suggesting that besides L. (L.) chagasi, the natural transmission of T. (T.) evansi occurs in the area under study.
The efficacy of benznidazol on the treatment of chagasic patients from the state of Rio Grande do Sul was evaluated during a three-year follow-up. A cohort of 80 asymptomatic chronic chagasic patients or blood bank donors (49 male and 31 female) was studied. Their ages varied from 17-42 years, with a mean and a median of 30 and 35 years, respectively. The 80 patients presented positive serology, hemoculture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). They were treated with 5 mg/Kg benznidazol twice a day for 60 days. Serological, parasitological and PCR methods were used to evaluate response. Serology was performed using commercial ELISA and indirect immunofluorescence (IFI) tests, parasitemia was monitored by hemoculture in LIT medium and PCR with primers S35/S36 was used to amplify a Trypanosoma cruzi 330 bp kDNA repetitive sequence. PCR positivity of 240 seropositive individuals was compared using DNA preparations from whole blood/guanidine EDTA (GE), buffy-coat/GE and frozen buffy-coat. Fifty non-chagasic individuals were used as negative controls. PCR positivity was 86.7% for the frozen buffy-coat, 71.7% for the GE/buffy-coat and 69.2% for the GE/whole blood. The hemocultures became negative just after treatment and remained negative during the three years of follow-up. In the third year after treatment, 9/80 (11.3%) patients presented negative PCR and, from those, four also presented negative serological tests. Furthermore, a reduction in three serological titers was observed in 27/80 (33.8%) of the patients treated. Taken together, the results show that four of the 80 (5.0%) chronic chagasic patients from the state of Rio Grande do Sul were cured after treatment with benznidazol.
The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC) is a long-term, multi-centric prospective study in Europe investigating the relationships between cancer and nutrition. This study has served as a basis for a number of Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and other types of genetic analyses. Over a period of 5 years, 52,256 EPIC DNA samples have been extracted using an automated DNA extraction platform. Here we have evaluated the pre-analytical factors affecting DNA yield, including anthropometric, epidemiological and technical factors such as center of subject recruitment, age, gender, body-mass index, disease case or control status, tobacco consumption, number of aliquots of buffy coat used for DNA extraction, extraction machine or procedure, DNA quantification method, degree of haemolysis and variations in the timing of sample processing. We show that the largest significant variations in DNA yield were observed with degree of haemolysis and with center of subject recruitment. Age, gender, body-mass index, cancer case or control status and tobacco consumption also significantly impacted DNA yield. Feedback from laboratories which have analyzed DNA with different SNP genotyping technologies demonstrate that the vast majority of samples (approximately 88%) performed adequately in different types of assays. To our knowledge this study is the largest to date to evaluate the sources of pre-analytical variations in DNA extracted from peripheral leucocytes. The results provide a strong evidence-based rationale for standardized recommendations on blood collection and processing protocols for large-scale genetic studies.
Toxoplasma gondii causes toxoplasmosis, a worldwide disease. Experimentation with pigs is necessary for the development of new therapeutic approaches to human diseases. BR-1 mini pigs were intramuscularly infected with T. gondii with tachyzoites (RH strain) or orally infected with cysts (ME-49 strain). Haematology and serum biochemistry were analysed and buffy coat cells were inoculated in mice to determine tachyzoite circulation. No alterations were observed in erythrocyte and platelet values; however, band neutrophils increased seven days after infection with ME-49. Serology of the mice inoculated with pig blood leucocytes revealed circulating ME-49 or RH strain tachyzoites in the pigs' peripheral blood at two and seven or nine days post-infection. The tachyzoites were also directly observed in blood smears from the infected pigs outside and inside leucocytes for longer periods. Alanine-aminotransferase was high at days 21 and 32 in the RH infected pigs. After 90 days, the pigs were euthanised and their tissue samples were processed and inoculated into mice. The mice serology revealed the presence of parasites in the hearts, ileums and mesenteric lymph nodes of the pigs. Additionally, cysts in the mice were only observed after pig heart tissue inoculation. The infected pigs presented similar human outcomes with relatively low pathogenicity and the BR-1 mini pig model infected with ME-49 is suitable to monitor experimental toxoplasmosis.
In the past decades, transfusion medicine has been driven by the quest for increased safety against transfusion-transmitted infections, mainly by better donor selection and by the development of improved serological and nucleic-acid-based screening assays. Recently, pathogen reduction technologies became available and started to be implemented in several countries, with the primary goal to fight against bacterial contamination of blood products, a rare but dramatic event against which there was no definitive measure. Though pathogen reduction technologies represent a quantum leap in transfusion safety, the biomedical efficacy of platelet concentrates (PCs) treated with various pathogen reduction techniques has been recently questioned by clinical studies. Here, a gel-based proteomic analysis of PCs (n=5), Intercept-treated or untreated, from pooled buffy-coat (10 donors per PC) at Days 1, 2 and 8, shows that the Intercept process that is the most widespread pathogen reduction technique to date, has relatively low impact on the proteome of treated platelets: the process induces modifications of DJ-1 protein, glutaredoxin 5, and G(i)alpha 2 protein. As for the impact of storage, chloride intracellular channel protein 4 (CLIC4) and actin increased independently of Intercept treatment during storage. Whereas alteration of the DJ-1 protein and glutaredoxin 5 points out an oxidative stress-associated lesion, modification of G(i)alpha2 directly connects a possible Intercept-associated lesion to haemostatic properties of Intercept-treated platelets. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Integrated omics.
In the field of thrombosis and haemostasis, many preanalytical variables influence the results of coagulation assays and measures to limit potential results variations should be taken. To our knowledge, no paper describing the development and maintenance of a haemostasis biobank has been previously published. Our description of the biobank of the Swiss cohort of elderly patients with venous thromboembolism (SWITCO65+) is intended to facilitate the set-up of other biobanks in the field of thrombosis and haemostasis. SWITCO65+ is a multicentre cohort that prospectively enrolled consecutive patients aged ≥65 years with venous thromboembolism at nine Swiss hospitals from 09/2009 to 03/2012. Patients will be followed up until December 2013. The cohort includes a biobank with biological material from each participant taken at baseline and after 12 months of follow-up. Whole blood from all participants is assayed with a standard haematology panel, for which fresh samples are required. Two buffy coat vials, one PAXgene Blood RNA System tube and one EDTA-whole blood sample are also collected at baseline for RNA/DNA extraction. Blood samples are processed and vialed within 1 h of collection and transported in batches to a central laboratory where they are stored in ultra-low temperature archives. All analyses of the same type are performed in the same laboratory in batches. Using multiple core laboratories increased the speed of sample analyses and reduced storage time. After recruiting, processing and analyzing the blood of more than 1,000 patients, we determined that the adopted methods and technologies were fit-for-purpose and robust.
La transfusion de concentrés plaquettaires, dès 1958, a permis d'augmenter l'espérance et la qualité de vie des patients dans le domaine de l'onco-hématologie, notamment en réduisant les risques hémorragiques induits par les chimiothérapies intensives. Après le traumatisme de l'affaire du sang contaminé dans les années 1980-1990, la médecine transfusionnelle a adopté des exigences de sécurité et de qualité très strictes et régulées dans plusieurs pays par les instances politiques. Cependant même les mesures de qualité les plus strictes n'ont permis d'atteindre le risque « zéro », notamment en ce qui concerne les contaminations bactériennes. De plus, la prise de conscience de l'existence de nouveaux pathogènes (West Nile Virus, Chikungunya, Prions) a stimulé le développement de 3 techniques d'inactivation des pathogènes pouvant s'appliquer au plasma et aux concentrés plaquettaires : la technique INTERCEPT utilisant l'amotosalen/UVA, la technique MIRASOL avec la riboflavine/UV et la technique THERAFLEX avec les UVC. La Suisse a fait office de pionnière en étant le premier pays au monde à adopter de manière généralisée l'inactivation des pathogènes par la technique INTERCEPT pour les concentrés plaquettaires dès 2011 après sa validation par Swissmedic en 2009 et son implémentation réussie dans plusieurs centres de transfusion pilotes. Coïncidence? Le décès tragique d'un patient pédiatrique en 2009 suite à une contamination bactérienne par une transfusion de concentré plaquettaire a précédé cette décision. Les cliniciens ont besoin de disposer de concentrés plaquettaires sûrs d'un point de vue microbiologique mais également sur le plan hémostatique, d'où la nécessité de disposer de preuves solides sur l'efficacité thérapeutique de ces nouveaux produits. Ceci a fait l'objet de la revue publiée dans Blood Reviews « The clinical and biological impact of new pathogen inactivation technologies on platelets concentrates » dont l'originalité est de couvrir l'étude de l'effet des processus d'inactivation des pathogènes sur la fonction plaquettaire sous toutes ses facettes allant de la protéomique aux études d'hémovigilance. Ce travail montre l'efficacité de ces méthodes et leur sécurité et souligne que l'observation de taux de recirculation moindre peut être compensée par une augmentation du statut d'activation des plaquettes. Le deuxième article publié comme co-auteur dans le journal Blood Transfusion « In vitro evaluation of pathogen-inactivated buffy coat-derived platelet concentrates during storage: The psoralen-based photochemical treatment step-by-step » se pose la question de la modification des propriétés fonctionnelles des plaquettes dans une étude à deux bras (par comparaison entre plaquettes traitées et non traitées). En plus de deux tests utilisés en pratique clinique (agrégation plaquettaire et cytométrie de flux) un test expérimental d'adhésion plaquettaire au fibrinogène en condition statique a été développé en collaboration avec le Prof Angelillo-Scherrer dans le cadre du laboratoire de recherche et développement du SRTS-VD. Les résultats obtenus démontrent la conservation du métabolisme plaquettaire et des changements mineurs dans la capacité d'agrégation mais une augmentation de la capacité d'adhésion au fibrinogène des plaquettes traitées probablement via une augmentation de la conversion de l'intégrine ailb(B3 dans sa forme activée. Les techniques d'inactivation des pathogènes appliqués aux concentrés plaquettaires représentent un important progrès dans le domaine de la médecine transfusionnelle. Leur impact au niveau moléculaire reste cependant encore en partie inconnu et fait l'objet d'études. Le défi actuel consiste à réussir à les adopter aux concentrés érythrocytaires, ce qui révolutionnerait la médecine transfusionnelle.
Opinnäytetyö on monimuototyö, joka koostuu kirjallisesta osasta sekä teososasta. Kirjallisessa osassa tutkin television draamasarjan tuotantoa ja tuotantoketjuja Suomessa ja Yhdysvalloissa. Käsiteltävänä on myös tuottajuus Suomessa ja se, miten tuotantotavat ovat muuttuneet viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana. Kirjallinen osa taustoittaa aluksi television katsomista Suomessa sekä käy läpi sarjamuotoisen televisiokerronnan synnyn Amerikassa sekä sen tulemisen Suomeen. Kolmannessa luvussa selvitetään amerikkalaista monimutkaista tv-tuotantokulttuuria käymällä läpi tv-sarjan tuotantoketju ideasta televisioensi-iltaan ja selventämällä käsikirjoittajien ja tuottajien työnkuvia sikäläisessä tuotantotiimissä. Neljännessä luvussa käsitellään kotimaisia tuotantokäytäntöjä ja -ketjuja sekä käydään läpi tuottajan roolia ja tehtäviä sekä niissä tapahtuneita kehityksiä ja alan muutoksia. Luvussa viisi pohditaan draamasarjaa sisällöllisesti sekä laadulliselta tasolta että kerronnalliselta kannalta. Kuudennessa luvussa pohditaan voisiko suomalainen ja amerikkalainen tuotantotyyli ottaa jotenkin oppia toisistaan, ja mitkä ovat eri tuotantomallien edut ja haitat. Lopussa tiivistetään opinnäytetyön tärkeimmät havainnot ja pohditaan vielä, mitkä ovat tekijän mahdollisuudet päästä eteenpäin oman sarjaidean kanssa. Lähdemateriaalina on käytetty amerikkalaista tuotantoon ja käsikirjoittamiseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta sekä suomalaista käsikirjoitus- ja mediakulttuurikirjallisuutta. Merkittävinä kotimaisina lähteinä toimivat alan ammattilaisten haastattelut. Työn myötä lukijalle selviää, kuinka suomalainen ja amerikkalainen televisiosarja syntyy. AV-alan työntekijöille ja opiskelijoille kiinnostavana tietona on alalla tapahtuneiden muutosten kartoittaminen sekä erityisesti tuotanto-opiskelijoille tuottajan roolin vahvistuminen. Opinnäytetyön teososa on myyntikansio tekijän omalle kuusiosaiselle tv-draamasarjaidealle.
Opinnäytetyö on monimuototyö, jonka teososa on synopsis minisarjaan Perhonen ja käsikirjoituksen ensimmäinen versio ensimmäisestä jaksosta. Tutkimus käsittelee televisiosarjan erityispiirteitä, mikä tekee minisarjasta televisiota eikä elokuvaa. Minisarja on jatkuvajuoninen, kohti sulkeumaa kulkeva televisiosarja, joka koostuu 3-6 jaksosta. Sen erottaa elokuvasta pidempi kesto. Pidemmän ajan ansiosta minisarjassa voi olla useampia henkilöitä ja juonia ja painotuksien vaihtelut voivat olla suurempia kuin elokuvassa. Muuten ne ovat rakenteeltaan hyvin samankaltaisia. Aluksi minisarjaa tarkastellaan omassa ympäristössään, televisiossa. Televisiosarjat voidaan jakaa järjestys- ja integraatiogenreihin sisällön mukaan ja series- tai serial-sarjoihin rakenteen mukaan. Minisarjassa pystytään yhdistämään elementtejä eri genreistä ja tyyleistä yhteen paremmin kuin muissa televisiosarjan lajeissa. Kolmannessa luvussa esitellään elokuvatutkija Syd Fieldin kolmen näytöksen rakenneteoria, jossa ensimmäinen näytös on esittelyjakso, toinen näytös on kehittelyjakso ja kolmannessa näytöksessä tapahtuu elokuvan ratkaisu. Näytöksien pituudet toteuttavat kaavaa 1:2:1. Tätä teoriaa käytetään hyväksi minisarjojen analyyseissä viimeisissä luvuissa. Analyysin kohteena ovat minisarjat Ilonen talo ja Fitz ratkaisee. Molemmat minisarjat toteuttavat Fieldin kaavaa sekä tarinan tasolla että jaksokohtaisesti. Erot rakenteessa ovat lähinnä viimeisten näytöksien sisällöissä. Minisarjan ja elokuvan samankaltaisuus näkyy myös siinä, että kumpikaan ei aseta suuria sisällöllisiä rajoja tarinassa. Minisarja tuntuu elokuvan tavoin kutsuvan muuta televisioviihdettä enemmän vielä tekijöitään ottamaan kantaa ja kokeileman uutta.
Teemanumero 2/2011: Media ja menneisyys.
Teemanumero 2/2011: Media ja menneisyys.
The umbilical cord blood (UCB) is an important source of pluripotent stem cells, which motivated researches on ontogeny and transplantation. The morphological characterization of umbilical cord cells is the first step to establish subsequent experiments on these areas. Although some information on humans can be found, no data on UCB is available for bovines. Therefore, this work is the first attempt to conduct an ultrastructural characterization of bovine umbilical cord blood. Blood was collected from the umbilical cord of twenty fetuses by punction of the umbilical vein. Samples were processed for whole leucocytes observation by centrifugation and the buffy coat was collected. Cells were washed and pelleted and prepared according to the standard protocol of the transmission electron microscopy. The presence of cells with morphologic characteristics compatible with the precursors from the erythrocytic, neutrophilic, eosinophilic, basophilic, and lymphocytic lineages was observed. Atypical cells with peculiar morphological features, strongly similar to apoptotic cells, were seen. Bovine neutrophils with three types of cytoplasmic granules were also found in the blood. The ultrastructural characteristics of observed bovine UCB cells where similar to those found in other species, suggesting that bovines could possibly constitute an experimental model for approaches on UCB cells research.