46 resultados para Brushless
Permanent magnet drives with nominal power over 10 kW were not a cost-sufficient system 25 years ago due to high material expenses. The improvements in motor drives, the rise in competition and the tightening of standards and regulations have caused that the PM-drives are more and more common in the over 10 kW nominal power range. The goal of this thesis is to research the performance in relation to nominal power of a PM-drive technique that is vastly increasing its popularity in fan related devices. The studied motor technique brushless direct current drive (BLDC) consists of a voltage source inverter, permanent motor and six-step-control. The reference drive is a brushless alternating current drive (BLAC) which consists of a VSI, PM and a hysteresis control. As a conclusion there are no major obstacles that would impede the BLDC-drive technique from expanding to larger power stages. The following factors must be taken into consideration when designing a BLDC-drive: motor’s current change rate, inverter switching frequency, motor’s nominal electric frequency, phase inductance and the current handling capability of the inverter. The fluctuating material costs create instability to the end prices of PM-motors that can in the worst case lead to diminished interest towards BLDC- and PM-drives in general.
This paper presents the optimal design of a surface mounted permanent-magnet (PM) Brushless direct-current (BLDC) motor meant for spacecraft applications. The spacecraft applications requires the choice of a motor with high torque density, minimum cogging torque, better positional stability and high torque to inertia ratio. Performance of two types of machine configurations viz Slotted PMBLDC and Slotless PMBLDC with Halbach array are compared with the help of analytical and finite element (FE) methods. It is found that unlike a Slotted PMBLDC motor, the Slotless type with Halbach array develops zero cogging torque without reduction in the developed torque. Moreover, the machine being coreless provides high torque to inertia ratio and zero magnetic stiction
This paper presents the design and analysis of a novel machine family of Siotiess Permanent Magnet Brushless DC motors (PMBLDC) for precise positioning applications of spacecrafts. Initial design, selection of major parameters and air gap magnetic flux density are estimated using the analytical model of the machine. The proportion of the halbach array in the machine was optimized using FE to obtain near trapezoidal flux pattern. The novel machine topology is found to deliver high torque density, high efficiency, zero cogging torque, better positional stability, high torque to inertia ratio and zero magnetic stiction suiting space requirements. The machine provides uniform air gap flux density along the radius thus avoiding circulating currents in stator conductors and hence reducing torque ripple
This report presents a new way of control engineering. Dc motor speed controlled by three controllers PID, pole placement and Fuzzy controller and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each controller for different conditions under loaded and unloaded scenarios using software Matlab. The brushless series wound Dc motor is very popular in industrial application and control systems because of the high torque density, high efficiency and small size. First suitable equations are developed for DC motor. PID controller is developed and tuned in order to get faster step response. The simulation results of PID controller provide very good results and the controller is further tuned in order to decrease its overshoot error which is common in PID controllers. Further it is purposed that in industrial environment these controllers are better than others controllers as PID controllers are easy to tuned and cheap. Pole placement controller is the best example of control engineering. An addition of integrator reduced the noise disturbances in pole placement controller and this makes it a good choice for industrial applications. The fuzzy controller is introduce with a DC chopper to make the DC motor speed control smooth and almost no steady state error is observed. Another advantage is achieved in fuzzy controller that the simulations of three different controllers are compared and concluded from the results that Fuzzy controller outperforms to PID controller in terms of steady state error and smooth step response. While Pole placement controller have no comparison in terms of controls because designer can change the step response according to nature of control systems, so this controller provide wide range of control over a system. Poles location change the step response in a sense that if poles are near to origin then step response of motor is fast. Finally a GUI of these three controllers are developed which allow the user to select any controller and change its parameters according to the situation.
This paper presents a method for electromagnetic torque ripple and copper losses reduction in (non-sinusoidal or trapezoidal) surface-mount permanent magnet synchronous machines (SM-PMSM). The method is based on an extension of classical dq transformation that makes it possible to write a vectorial model for this kind of machine (with a non-sinusoidal back-EMF waveform). This model is obtained by the application of that transformation in the classical machine per-phase model. That transformation can be applied to machines that have any type of back-EMF waveform, and not only trapezoidal or square-wave back-EMF waveforms. Implementation results are shown for an electrical converter, using the proposed vectorial model, feeding a non-sinusoidal synchronous machine (brushless DC motor). They show that the use of this vectorial mode is a way to achieve improvements in the performance of this kind of machine, considering the electromagnetic torque ripple and copper losses, if compared to a drive system that employs a classical six-step mode as a converter. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Biogeography is the science that studies the geographical distribution and the migration of species in an ecosystem. Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a recently developed global optimization algorithm as a generalization of biogeography to evolutionary algorithm and has shown its ability to solve complex optimization problems. BBO employs a migration operator to share information between the problem solutions. The problem solutions are identified as habitat, and the sharing of features is called migration. In this paper, a multiobjective BBO, combined with a predator-prey (PPBBO) approach, is proposed and validated in the constrained design of a brushless dc wheel motor. The results demonstrated that the proposed PPBBO approach converged to promising solutions in terms of quality and dominance when compared with the classical BBO in a multiobjective version.
“Perdita di fase tra il gruppo riempimento polvere/cronoidi con LVDT ed il gruppo piattello durante la fase di arresto a causa della mancanza imprevista di corrente elettrica”. La perdita della fase tra differenti gruppi può avvenire per due ragioni: 1) a causa della cedevolezza di alcuni elementi della catena cinematica 2) per problemi relativi al software che comanda gli assi elettronici e che è responsabile del movimento coordinato dei vari gruppi. La prima ipotesi è molto improbabile in macchine come l’ADAPTA, dove non sono presenti elementi cinematici con elevata cedevolezza (come ad esempio delle cinghie) essendo i movimenti guidati da camme scanalate (che, contrariamente, sono molto rigide) e/o da camme elettriche (motori Brushless). Il secondo caso invece avviene ogni volta che viene a mancare la corrente elettrica in maniera accidentale (ad esempio a causa di un black-out). La mancanza di energia elettrica impedisce al computer a bordo macchina di continuare a monitorare e controllare il funzionamento dei vari assi elettronici della macchina, che sono comandati da motori brushless, che quindi continuano per inerzia il loro moto fino a fermarsi. Siccome ogni gruppo ha un’inerzia e una velocità/accelerazione istantanea diversa e variabile in funzione della posizione assunta all’interno del proprio ciclo nel momento della mancanza di corrente elettrica, i tempi di arresto risultano differenti, e questo causa la perdita di fase. I gruppi riempimento polvere/cronoidi e spingitori fondelli presentano interferenza meccanica col gruppo piattello per una certa durata del suo ciclo; in questa fase gli elementi entrano nelle boccole porta fondelli delle slitte mobili del piattello. È l’unico caso in tutta la macchina in cui parti meccaniche di gruppi diversi, vanno a “intersecare” i propri spostamenti. La progettazione di macchine che presentano interferenze di questo genere è generalmente sconsigliabile poiché si potrebbe presentare il rischio di uno scontro nel caso avvenga una perdita di fase tra i gruppi. Si sono cercate diverse soluzioni mirate a evitare un urto, derivato dall’interferenza meccanica, in caso di black-out oppure di ridurre il più possibile i danni che questa casualità può portare alla macchina. Il gruppo piattello è definito master rispetto a tutti gli altri gruppi; ha un’inerzia molto piccola e questo fa si che, in caso di black-out, il suo arresto avvenga praticamente istantaneamente, al contrario di ciò che avviene per tutti gli altri gruppi slave dotati di inerzia maggiore. Siccome l’arresto del piattello è istantaneo, il pericolo per tastatori e punzoni sollevatori di urto può avvenire solamente per compenetrazione: se gli elementi sono già all’interno della boccola, e restando fermo il piattello, l’inerzia del gruppo che fa proseguire il moto per alcuni istanti non farebbe altro che portarli fuori dalla boccola, non provocando alcun danno. Non vi è perciò il pericolo di “taglio” di questi elementi da parte del piattello. Perciò l’unica possibilità è che il black-out avvenga in un istante del ciclo dove gli elementi si stanno muovendo per entrare nelle boccole mentre anche il piattello è in rotazione.
Os motores de corrente contínua convencionais são muito bem conhecidos pela sua robustez e pelo seu alto nível de controlabilidade, alem do fato de possibilitarem a operação na região de enfraquecimento de campo (modo motor), quando esta situação se fizer necessária. Por estas características, as máquinas de corrente contínua ainda são empregadas nos dias atuais em nichos específicos de utilização. Não obstante, a máquina c.c. apresenta algumas desvantagens, principalmente a intensiva e dispendiosa manutenção eletromecânica necessária para sua operação. Como opção de sanar este problema, surgiram na década de 60, as máquinas elétricas de corrente contínua sem escovas (brushless) com excitação por ímãs permanentes de fluxo trapezoidal. O problema destas máquinas se deve justamente a impossibilidade da variação de fluxo de excitação uma vez que são produzidos puramente pelos ímãs. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como propósito, o estudo de topologias diferenciadas da máquina elétrica, através de um circuito magnético não convencional para aplicação e utilização em sistemas de tração elétrica para operação na região de enfraquecimento de campo através da variação do fluxo resultante no entreferro. Como objeto de estudo, foi focada a topologia de fluxo axial com excitação híbrida, ou seja, dupla excitação (excitação a ímãs permanentes e excitação elétrica). Para o projeto da topologia proposta, nesta tese, adicionalmente ao método analítico, foram realizadas simulações computacionais para a comparação e refinamento dos resultados das grandezas eletromagnéticas da máquina.
Traditional high speed machinery actuators are powered and coordinated by mechanical linkages driven from a central drive, but these linkages may be replaced by independently synchronised electric drives. Problems associated with utilising such electric drives for this form of machinery were investigated. The research concentrated on a high speed rod-making machine, which required control of high inertias (0.01-0.5kgm2), at continuous high speed (2500 r/min), with low relative phase errors between two drives (0.0025 radians). Traditional minimum energy drive selection techniques for incremental motions were not applicable to continuous applications which require negligible energy dissipation. New selection techniques were developed. A brushless configuration constant enabled the comparison between seven different servo systems; the rate earth brushless drives had the best power rates which is a performance measure. Simulation was used to review control strategies, such that a microprocessor controller with a proportional velocity loop within a proportional position loop with velocity feedforward was designed. Local control schemes were investigated as means of reducing relative errors between drives: the slave of a master/slave scheme compensates for the master's errors: the matched scheme has drives with similar absolute errors so the relative error is minimised, and the feedforward scheme minimises error by adding compensation from previous knowledge. Simulation gave an approximate velocity loop bandwidth and position loop gain required to meet the specification. Theoretical limits for these parameters were defined in terms of digital sampling delays, quantisation, and system phase shifts. Performance degradation due to mechanical backlash was evaluated. Thus any drive could be checked to ensure that the performance specification could be realised. A two drive demonstrator was commissioned with 0.01kgm2 loads. By use of simulation the performance of one drive was improved by increasing the velocity loop bandwidth fourfold. With the master/slave scheme relative errors were within 0.0024 radians at a constant 2500 r/min for two 0.01 kgm^2 loads.
The thesis describes an investigation into methods for the design of flexible high-speed product processing machinery, consisting of independent electromechanically actuated machine functions which operate under software coordination and control. An analysis is made of the elements of traditionally designed cam-actuated, mechanically coupled machinery, so that the operational functions and principal performance limitations of the separate machine elements may be identified. These are then used to define the requirements for independent actuators machinery, with a discussion of how this type of design approach is more suited to modern manufacturing trends. A distributed machine controller topology is developed which is a hybrid of hierarchical and pipeline control. An analysis is made, with the aid of dynamic simulation modelling, which confirms the suitability of the controller for flexible machinery control. The simulations include complex models of multiple independent actuators systems, which enable product flow and failure analyses to be performed. An analysis is made of high performance brushless d.c. servomotors and their suitability for actuating machine motions is assessed. Procedures are developed for the selection of brushless servomotors for intermittent machine motions. An experimental rig is described which has enabled the actuation and control methods developed to be implemented. With reference to this, an evaluation is made of the suitability of the machine design method and a discussion is given of the developments which are necessary for operational independent actuators machinery to be attained.
Greenhouse cultivation is an energy intensive process therefore it is worthwhile to introduce energy saving measures and alternative energy sources. Here we show that there is scope for energy saving in fan ventilated greenhouses. Measurements of electricity usage as a function of fan speed have been performed for two models of 1.25 m diameter greenhouse fans and compared to theoretical values. Reducing the speed can cut the energy usage per volume of air moved by more than 70%. To minimize the capital cost of low-speed operation, a cooled greenhouse has been built in which the fan speed responds to sunlight such that full speed is reached only around noon. The energy saving is about 40% compared to constant speed operation. Direct operation of fans from solar-photovoltaic modules is also viable as shown from experiments with a fan driven by a brushless DC motor. On comparing the Net Present Value costs of the different systems over a 10 year amortization period (with and without a carbon tax to represent environmental costs) we find that sunlight-controlled system saves money under all assumptions about taxation and discount rates. The solar-powered system, however, is only profitable for very low discount rates, due to the high initial capital costs. Nonetheless this system could be of interest for its reliability in developing countries where mains electricity is intermittent. We recommend that greenhouse fan manufacturers improve the availability of energy-saving designs such as those described here.
A negative input-resistance compensator is designed to stabilize a power electronic brushless dc motor drive with constant power-load characteristics. The strategy is to feed a portion of the changes in the dc-link voltage into the current control loop to modify the system input impedance in the midfrequency range and thereby to damp the input filter. The design process of the compensator and the selection of parameters are described. The impact of the compensator is examined on the motor-controller performance, and finally, the effectiveness of the controller is verified by simulation and experimental testing.
This paper presents the development and experimental validation of a novel angular velocity observer-based field-oriented control algorithm for a promising low-cost brushless doubly fed reluctance generator (BDFRG) in wind power applications. The BDFRG has been receiving increasing attention because of the use of partially rated power electronics, the high reliability of brushless design, and competitive performance to its popular slip-ring counterpart, the doubly fed induction generator. The controller viability has been demonstrated on a BDFRG laboratory test facility for emulation of variable speed and loading conditions of wind turbines or pump drives.
Questo elaborato riguarda il dimensionamento di un motore brushless lineare utilizzato in un piano vibrante per l’alimentazione di fiale, flaconi e carpule in macchine per il packaging farmaceutico: in particolare con questo piano vibrante si alimentano macchine astucciatrici e termoformatrici. Con packaging farmaceutico si intente tutto ciò che comporta il confezionamento di prodotti legati al mercato farmaceutico, ma macchinari simili soddisfano anche il mercato per il confezionamento di prodotti alimentari e cosmetici. Il piano vibrante descritto nella trattazione, svolge sia la funzione di alimentazione del prodotto nella macchina, sia quella di buffer. La tesi è stata svolta all’interno di Marchesini Group S.p.a., gruppo industriale fondato nel 1974 che vanta una posizione di livello mondiale nel settore delle macchine automatiche: in particolare si occupa dell’automazione per packaging nel settore farmaceutico, cosmetico e alimentare. Avendo dovuto fare un intervento di sostituzione di un motore su un gruppo già in funzione, nella riprogettazione dei particolari si è cercato di apportare il minor numero di modifiche possibile, per minimizzare il numero di pezzi da sostituire qualora un motore in funzione si rompa o venga danneggiato. Questo studio mi ha dato la possibilità di approfondire diversi aspetti della progettazione meccanica: in particolare ho avuto la possibilità di utilizzare Creo Parametric, il programma di disegno 3D usato in Marchesini, e quindi approfondire molteplici aspetti e regole del disegno e della messa in tavola. Insieme a questo, oltre a studiare le diverse tipologie di motori lineari ho potuto approfondire i metodi di scelta di un motore lineare, consultando anche i fornitori.
The asynchronous polyphase induction motor has been the motor of choice in industrial settings for about the past half century because power electronics can be used to control its output behavior. Before that, the dc motor was widely used because of its easy speed and torque controllability. The two main reasons why this might be are its ruggedness and low cost. The induction motor is a rugged machine because it is brushless and has fewer internal parts that need maintenance or replacement. This makes it low cost in comparison to other motors, such as the dc motor. Because of these facts, the induction motor and drive system have been gaining market share in industry and even in alternative applications such as hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles. The subject of this thesis is to ascertain various control algorithms’ advantages and disadvantages and give recommendations for their use under certain conditions and in distinct applications. Four drives will be compared as fairly as possible by comparing their parameter sensitivities, dynamic responses, and steady-state errors. Different switching techniques are used to show that the motor drive is separate from the switching scheme; changing the switching scheme produces entirely different responses for each motor drive.