985 resultados para Brown, Jane, Afro-American slave.


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Title from caption.


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No more published under this title. "Subsequently enlarged and published in Paris and London as the Life of Napoleon Bonaparte down to the peace of Tolentino."--Brown, Cyclopaedia of American biographies.


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Top Row: Joellyn M. Markey, Carol L. Kallewaard, Janet R. Sobel, Jacqueline L. Spatafora, Susan M. Tucker, Cynthia S. Gordon, Pamela J. Sanders, Carol M. Salinger, Marylou Rabaut, Connie R. Jarlsbers, Sylvia J. McKenney, Elizabeth A. Regan, Barabara S. Schelenker, Vandy L. Sherbin, Judy A. Srrbina, Susan K. Ginster, Lydia A. Robinson, Sandra L. Sprague, Beth A. Stegeman, Catherine T. Totte

Row 2: Kathleen M. Lahiff, Julia M. Markovich, Andra M. Rush, Darlene C. Ressler, Wendy K. Reigel, Beth L. Burch, Jewel E. Carpenter, Wendie L. Weber, Kay E. Jersey, karen D. Curl, Carol L. McGraw, Durene M. Elem, Linette perushi, Betty A. pulliams, Vicki E. Meffert, Harriettee Williams

Row 3: Beth A. Hoatlin, Rhonda C. Tolbert, Michelle R. Robertson, Lori A. Wissman, Marilyn S. Dietrich, Jayne E. Taylor, Jill M. Smith, Barbara J. House, Siobhan Gorman, Madeline L. Mobley, Joyce A. Williamson, Fay M. Wright

Row 4: Rosanne M. Hrqamiec, karen S. Nowak, Peggy J. Cameron, Mary V. Morris-Tucker, Frances L. Righmond, Marlene A. Baker, Karen J. Worden, Kathleen M. McGillivary, Janet L. wylie, Sandra K. Thompson

Row 5: Karen A. Cruickshank, Irene M. Dery, Ann M. Ignatowski, Elizabeth A. Peklo, Anne K. Waters, Laura E. Harvey, Mary M. Eggenberger, Wendy K. Kenyon, Kathleen M. Jordan, Elaine J. Zeilke, Barbara J. Waxman, Jolie A. Laker

Row 6: Velria M. Brown, Jane A. Burke, Marv A. Damken, Leau M. Stein, Cheryl Lumm Truzz, Deborah G. Thomas, Charlene L. Davis, Carol A. Zuber, Susan G. Toler, Betty M. Jones, Linda L. Kouba, Cynthia A. Lovell

Row 7: Kathy A. Churches, Dana L. Garrett, Mary E. Cella, Sarah E. Newton, Judy L. Benkeser, Lori J. Googel, Nancy H. Jenson, Helen I. Erickson, Rhetaugh G. Dumas, Norma K. Marshall, Karen M. Walker, Deborau D. Barrett, Janice M. Sinsabaugh, Vickie M. Rodla, Bonnie M. Mann, Cynthia R. Matthews, Karen L. Heithecker

Row 8: Judith Gniewek, Valerie A. Filkins, Mable A. Glass, Kathleen M. Dwyer, Diane M. Fritz, Susan D. Cook, Evon J. Goyer, Kathryn Greenleaf, Laurie Haan Abraham, Sharon Gwozdec, Karen J. Douglas, Claudette P. Bryan, Kathy L. Deniston, Carol A. Garon, Maureen goode, Jennifer A. Gegenheimer, Colette White, Mary C. Kuckuc, Mary S. Craft

Row 9: Joan M. Garbarino, Linda S. Farwell, Julie A. Cook, Susan M. Bolohan, Sharon A. Bailey, Deborah Babala, Kathleen M. Oldani, Mary E. Grace, Mary A. Moriarty, Marybeth Annessa, Martha A. Beaudry, Jamie M. Ashley, Sue Bohnet, Janice J. Bishop, Diana L. Beveridge, Catherine A. Belski, Debra R. Surdyk, Maureen A. Flaherty, Lisa M. Barron, Carole A. Fanelli


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Top Row: Lisa M. Badalament, Heidi S. Bailey, Bonita Ballard, Betsy M. Bateman, Virginia Blackmer, Andrea L. Bonfield, Michelle L. Brown, Jane M. Christie, Gina M. Connolly, Matthew Cornell

Row 2: Mary M. Daugherty, Nancy L. Dewey, Linnette Drzewiecki, Jennifer Farah, Kelly S. Fonger, Yolanda Gardner, Kimberly A. Germain, Kelley Goetz, Laura M. Gonzalez, Melissa Gorr, Julie A. Hale, Jennifer Henstock

Row 3: Charles Houghtby III, Jennifer Hughes, Jill C. Jennings, Renee Manshardt, Jill A. Holquist, Paula R. Cowall, Kristen A. George, Michelle Ingram, Amy Jacobs

Row 4: Tara James, David Jansma, Debra A. Jorgenson, Sherry Keener

Row 5: Karen L. Kelley, Sunnah Kim, Tina Koonter-Banks, Jennifer Kratt

Row 6: Cynthia L. Lazaros, Christine Morelli, Charlotte Murphy, Sharon K. Norton

Row 7: Deborah Oliverio, Karla J. Pontier, Nicole Pruett, Laura Rankin, Jill E. Read, Diane Rosati

Row 8: Katherine E. Ross, Lisa Rubin, Lorie K. Sandberg, Violet Barkauskas, Janice Lindberg, Shake Ketefian, Elisabeth Pennington, Beverly Jones, Donita M. Shaum, Marcie S. Skinner, Julie M. Smallegan

Row 9: K. Christy Spencer, Danette L. Starr, Pamela S. Steele, Dena Stempien-Runyon, Jennifer J. Treacy, Patrica Van Maanen, Roberta Wahl, Marie A. White, Kim Wiersma, Wendy Williams, Dana Wilson


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Some pages printed in brown.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes letters from Frederick Douglass.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer, discutir e analisar as motivações e aspirações dos alunos inseridos nos cursos pré-vestibulares para negros e carentes da ONG EDUCAFRO, bem como a inserção desses jovens no Ensino Superior e no mercado de trabalho, considerando os mecanismos de inclusão e exclusão dos negros no Sistema Educacional Brasileiro. Dentre muitos estudos importantes, que abordam a temática do negro no sistema educacional, gostaríamos de destacar os Movimentos Sociais, de Educação e Cidadania, a dissertação: Um Estudo sobre os Cursos Pré-Vestibulares Populares, apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre de Alexandre do Nascimento UERJ Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em 1999 e a dissertação de Mestrado de Cristiane Maria Ribeiro sob o título Anti-Racismo e Educação: O Projeto Político-Pedagógico das Lideranças Negras de Uberlândia em 2000. A leitura dessas obras foi essencial para o encaminhamento dos estudos que integram este trabalho, uma vez que argumentam sobre a dívida social que o Brasil tem com os afro-descendentes no sistema educacional. Destacamos também o professor, escritor e ativista dos direitos humanos, o historiador negro nascido nos EUA, John Hope Franklin declara que as políticas compensatórias foram aplicadas desde a década de sessenta. Essas políticas pretendiam oferecer aos afro-americanos a chance de participar das mudanças sociais. De modo que as universidades foram obrigadas a implantar políticas de cotas e também implantar procedimentos que fossem favoráveis à população negra. No Brasil, essa luta está sendo organizada pela ONG EDUCAFRO que vem desenvolvendo há alguns anos mecanismos de inclusão social, justificando-os por meio da necessidade de compensar os negros pela discriminação sofrida no passado, beneficiando de alguma forma essa porcentagem da população brasileira. No decorrer da pesquisa bibliográfica, encontramos, por meio das diversas obras consultadas, uma grande preocupação dos autores com a questão das Ações Afirmativas como meio de compensar a população negra, apesar da resistência por parte daqueles que temem o progresso social dos negros, no entanto, pesquisas s indicam caminhos para reverter esse quadro negativo. Diante dessa realidade, fica o grande desafio: o que motiva e quais são as metas dos professores que ministram voluntariamente aulas nos Cursinhos Comunitários? O que almejam os alunos com o seu acesso no Ensino Superior? A pesquisa confirmou que os alunos do Núcleo estudado buscam na ONG EDUCAFRO uma forma alternativa de inserção no Ensino Superior e, que essa inserção os motiva e os inspira no vislumbre de se colocarem também no mercado de trabalho. Vale ressaltar que o presente estudo não tem a pretensão de esgotar o assunto, mas de abrir espaços


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Chronically haemodialysed end-stage renal disease patients are at high risk of morbidity arising from complications of dialysis, the underlying pathology that has led to renal disease and the complex pathology of chronic kidney disease. Anaemia is commonplace and its origins are multifactorial, involving reduced renal erythropoietin production, accumulation of uremic toxins and an increase in erythrocyte fragility. Oxidative damage is a common risk factor in renal disease and its co-morbidities and is known to cause erythrocyte fragility. Therefore, we have investigated the hypothesis that specific erythrocyte membrane proteins are more oxidised in end-stage renal disease patients and that vitamin C supplementation can ameliorate membrane protein oxidation. Eleven patients and 15 control subjects were recruited to the study. Patients were supplemented with 2 × 500 mg vitamin C per day for 4 weeks. Erythrocyte membrane proteins were prepared pre- and post-vitamin C supplementation for determination of protein oxidation. Total protein carbonyls were reduced by vitamin C supplementation but not by dialysis when investigated by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Using a western blot to detect oxidised proteins, one protein band, later identified as containing ankyrin, was found to be oxidised in patients but not controls and was reduced significantly by 60% in all patients after dialysis and by 20% after vitamin C treatment pre-dialysis. Ankyrin oxidation analysis may be useful in a stratified medicines approach as a possible marker to identify requirements for intervention in dialysis patients.


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This dissertation explores the behavior of prejudiced discourse in the most representative narratives against inhumane slavery written in Cuba and the United States in the nineteenth century: Autobiografía de un esclavo, by Juan Francisco Manzano; Francisco, by Anselmo Suárez y Romero; Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, by Frederick Douglass; and Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriett Beecher Stowe. This study deals with the identification between race and slavery that occurred in the American continent, using racial prejudice to justify the enslavement of human beings. Such concepts were maintained, diffused and perpetuated by the dominant discourse. ^ In the nineteenth century, intellectuals from both Cuba and the United States were highly influenced by the modern philosophical ideas rooted in the European Enlightenment. These ideas contradicted by principle the "peculiar institution" of slavery, which supported a great deal of the economy of both nations. This conflict of principles was soon reflected in literature and led to the founding of Cuban and African-American narrative respectively. The common exposure to slavery brought together two nations otherwise highly dissimilar in historical and cultural circumstances. Based on the theories of discourse by Foucault, Terdiman, and van Dijk, the analysis of the discourse displayed in these literary works helps understand how discourse is utilized to subvert the dominant discourse without being expelled or excluded by it. This subversion was successfully accomplished in the American narratives, while only attempted in the Cuban works, given Cuba's colonial status and the compromised economic loyalties of the Delmontino cenacle which produced these works. ^


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Anthony Hall was named for Libby C. Anthony who was a matron of girls as well as assistant in domestic economy. She was the first Treasurer for the National League of Afro-American Women and a life long resident of Jefferson City, Missouri. This three story brick building was completed in 1940 and served as a dormitory for Freshman and sophomore young women. It was renovated in 2007. It is now a co-ed residence hall for upperclassmen.


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Historical archaeology, in its narrow temporal sense -as an archaeology of the emergence and subsequent evolution of the Modern world- is steadily taking pace in Spanish academia. This paper aims at provoking a more robust debate through understanding how Spanish historical archaeology is placed in the international scene and some of its more relevant particularities. In so doing, the paper also stresses the strong links that have united historical and prehistorical archaeology since its inception, both in relation to the ontological, epistemological and methodological definition of the first as to the influence of socio-political issues in the latter. Such reflection is partly a situated reflection from prehistory as one of the paper’s authors has been a prehistorian for most of her professional life.


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"The Dred Scott decision: speech, delivered, in part, at the anniversary of the American Abolition Society, held in New York, May 14th, 1857" on pages [25]-46, with half title page.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar o papel das slave narratives como poderoso gênero literário na denúncia da escravidão africana e na representação do homem negro e da mulher negra nos séculos dezoito e dezenove. Este trabalho também se propõe a investigar o papel das neo-slave narratives no estudo do passado e a representação da identidade negra no século vinte. Ambos os gêneros desafiam seus tempos presentes ao discutirem questões de etnia e subjugação humana, em uma abordagem crítica. Em Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861), Harriet Jacobs narra sua experiência na escravidão, deixando um importante legado não somente para a História mas também para a Literatura Afro-Americana. Em Dessa Rose (1986), Sherley Anne Williams, revisa o passado para resgatar a memória da escravidão e reescrever a história para examinar seu tempo presente. Além disso, as duas autoras apresentam questões de gênero, levantando questões feministas em suas obras