108 resultados para Bromley
This research examines the role of retailing in urban regeneration nationally and locally in the UK. The research uses data at a national level and local shopping centre case studies to examine the employment and property impacts of retailing. Focusing on schemes built during the first part of the 1990s it shows that retail can bring employment and economic benefits to town centres, but that the impact on the inner city should not be overlooked. Valuable lessons can be learned from the experience of centres built during this period of recession, and new challenges such as eCommerce now face these centres and others being developed today. The research examines the multiplier effect of retail regeneration schemes nationally using National Accounts data, and the local property and employment impacts of shopping centre schemes in the case study towns of Aberdeen, Bristol, Norwich, Bromley, Worcester and Leicester. The report includes valuable statistical sources, a full literature and policy review and will be of interest to those involved in property investment, regeneration and planning. The research was funded by the Office of Science & Technology and the Harold Samuel Educational Trust.
How did conservatives, who had become effectively ostracized by their party following the Great Depression and the societal reforms of the New Deal, regain leverage within the GOP during the 1960s? My hypothesis is two-fold. First, I contend that a small group of conservative activists led by F. Clifton White, in spite of a dearth of resources and manpower, managed to infiltrate Republican infrastructure and “hijack” the delegate- selection process. The distinctly conservative and recalcitrant disposition of the Goldwater delegates demonstrates that these activists succeeded. Second, I argue that in addition to temporarily overpowering the national convention in 1964, conservatives thereafter retained control of the party insofar as subsequent GOP candidates were obliged to garner the support of conservative pockets of the country in order to win the presidential nomination. The resulting rightward shift of the Republican Party following the 1960s is a direct corollary of the conservative takeover outlined in this study.
O planejamento provoca um fascínio e deslumbramento no homem desde os primórdios do seu aparecimento, quando procura antever o futuro, que se lhe apresenta desconhecido e misterioso. Uma das características do ser humano é fazer planos, sendo essa atividade uma atitude inerente ao homem e também às sociedades. A literatura brasileira, disponível sobre o tema, apresenta-se de uma certa forma dicotômica, quase sempre sem uma unidade orgânica, ora produzindo parcos estudos teóricos, ora fornecendo análises de experiências específicas de países, regiões e estados em períodos de tempo determinados. A dissertação de mestrado para a Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública - EBAP Fundaçâo Getúlio Vargas - FGV,Planejamento Governamental. Aspectos teóricos e uma análise das experiências mundial, brasileira e cearence, consolida num só estudo os aspectos teóricos e práticos dentro de um encadeamento lógico,didático com o objetivo de revisitar/esclarecer o tema e servir de mate rial de consulta/referência para cursos de graduação e pós-graduação da disciplina Planejamento Governamental. Para uma melhor compreensão das experiências de planejamento, apresenta inicialmente os aspectos teóricos, conceituando o tema e relacionando suas funções ~ características. O trabalho mostra o inter-relacionamento do, planejamento com o poder e a política, incluindo a discussão do mito da neutralidade e racionalidade, assim como' sua utilização como instrumento nas mãos dos que detêm o poder, Demonstra também o caráter do plnejamento como processo com definições e a descrição de três modelos teóricos - Bromley, Tristão e Hilhorst. Apresenta o dilema liberdade do setor privado versus intervenção governamental, desde as primeiras manifestações de planejamento na Rússia, após a revolução de outubro de 1917 passando pelas experiências da Europa e Estados Unidos da América, até a dos países subdesenvolvidos, cada qual com suas condições históricas e institucionais peculiares. Faz uma análise da experiências mundial e brasileira (dividida em fases: ocasional - até 1930, empírica 1930-1964 e científica 1964-1986), sendo que para esta última adota uma abordagem síntese baseada nos pontos de vista de diversos autores examinados, principalmente Benedicto Silva, Werner Baer, Issac Kerstenetzky, Anniba1 V. Villela, Jorge Vianna Monteiro e Luiz Roberto Aze vedo Cunha. No caso da experiência cearense ( 1963-1986 ), a descrição factual e linear dos planos tem uma seqUência temporal (a exemplo dos planos brasileiros), forma meramente didática escolhi da e visa uma melhor compreensão do assunto. Paralelamente, analisa os planos em seus aspectos econômico, social, político e cultural de forma integrada, numa tentativa de dimensionar a história total do planejamento estadual. O enfoque tradicional de comparação objetivos propostos/objetivos alcançados, muito comum nas análises das experiências de planejamento, é deixado de lado stricto-senso. Em contrapartida, dá ênfase a um aspecto que julga mais relevante: a identificação da evolução dos arranjos organizacionais, visto ser o planejamento algo que neles se traduz e cuja exequibilidade depende, em alto grau, do contexto institucional. Isentando o conceito do planejamento de culpa pelo seu fracasso no atingimento da maioria de seus objetivos, o trabalho aponta uma série de fatores particularmente desfavoráveis que configura uma situação de crise: Objetivos apologéticos e triunfalistas; retórica inócua; uso do planejamento no sentido de fortalecedor e viabilizador dos interesses da classe dominante; exarcebação da técnica e tese da neutralidade do planejamento para efeito de obtenção de poder; manipulação do planejamento como instrumento de mistificação, assim como seu uso como fetiche e servidor de "trampolim" para a política (principalmente no Ceará); a eliminação do caráter federativo da União Republicana, provocando a perda de autonomia dos estados com o sistema tributário, conduzindo a uma centralização das decisões ( e do poder )'; ausência de continuidade nas políticas econômicas de longo prazo tendo como corolário a descontinuidade administrativa e, por último, a própria natureza do planejamento posto em prática no Brasil e no Ceará que, sendo indicativo, não detém o controle de todas as variáveis do processo. O aparecimento de um novo paradigma para o planejamento governamental passaria, necessariamente, pela antítese dos entraves apontados no estudo.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: There are no current guidelines for diagnosing and managing mild prenatal hydronephrosis. Variations in physician approach make it difficult to analyze outcomes and establish optimal management. We determined the variability of diagnostic approach and management regarding prenatal hydronephrosis among maternal-fetal medicine obstetricians, pediatric urologists and pediatric radiologists. Materials and Methods: Online surveys were sent to mailing lists for national societies for each specialty. Participants were surveyed regarding criteria for diagnosing mild prenatal hydronephrosis and recommendations for postnatal management, including use of antibiotic prophylaxis, followup scheduling and type of followup imaging. Results: A total of 308 maternal-fetal medicine obstetricians, 126 pediatric urologists and 112 pediatric radiologists responded. Pediatric urologists and radiologists were divided between Society for Fetal Urology criteria and use of anteroposterior pelvic diameter for diagnosis, while maternal-fetal medicine obstetricians preferred using the latter. For postnatal evaluation radiologists preferred using personal criteria, while urologists preferred using anteroposterior pelvic diameter or Society for Fetal Urology grading system. There was wide variation in the use of antibiotic prophylaxis among pediatric urologists. Regarding the use of voiding cystourethrography/radionuclide cystography in patients with prenatal hydronephrosis, neither urologists nor radiologists were consistent in their recommendations. Finally, there was no agreement on length of followup for mild prenatal hydronephrosis. Conclusions: We observed a lack of uniformity regarding grading criteria in diagnosing hydronephrosis prenatally and postnatally among maternal-fetal medicine obstetricians, pediatric urologists and pediatric radiologists. There was also a lack of agreement on the management of mild intermittent prenatal hydronephrosis, resulting in these cases being managed inconsistently. A unified set of guidelines for diagnosis, evaluation and management of mild intermittent prenatal hydronephrosis would allow more effective evaluation of outcomes.
Three new organic semiconductors, in which either two methoxy units are directly linked to a dibenzotetrathiafulvalene (DB-TTF) central core and a 2,1,3-chalcogendiazole is fused on the one side, or four methoxy groups are linked to the DB-TTF, have been synthesised as active materials for organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). Their electrochemical behaviour, electronic absorption and fluorescence emission as well as photoinduced intramolecular charge transfer were studied. The electron-withdrawing 2,1,3-chalcogendiazole unit significantly affects the electronic properties of these semiconductors, lowering both the HOMO and LUMO energy levels and hence increasing the stability of the semiconducting material. The solution-processed single-crystal transistors exhibit high performance with a hole mobility up to 0.04 cm2 V−1 s−1 as well as good ambient stability.
The dorsal valve of a Pleistocene terebratulid brachiopod, Terebratula scillae Seguenza, 1871, has developed a malignant cyst due to colonization in vivo by an endolithic sponge.This trace fossil is a compound boring and bioclaustration structure, representing a boring that has grown in unison with the growth of the cyst. The brachiopod has grown to adult size and growthlines indicate that it was colonised by the sponge when about half grown. Malformation of the shell may not have caused the death of the brachiopod and the sponge does not appear to have outlived its host; both symbionts seem to have died more or less simultaneously. This minus-minus relationship of two symbionts is considered to be a case of 'accidental symbiosis'.
Fresh deposits above the margins of Reedy Glacier show that maximum ice levels during the last glaciation were several hundred meters above present near the glacier mouth and converged to less than 60 m above the present-day surface at the head of the glacier. Exposure ages of samples from five sites along its margin show that Reedy Glacier and its tributaries thickened asynchronously between 17 and 7 kyr BP At the Quartz Hills, located midway along the glacier, maximum ice levels were reached during the period 17-14 kyr BP. Farther up-glacier the ice surface reached its maximum elevation more recently: 14.7-10.2 kyr BP at the Caloplaca Hills; 9.1-7.7 kyr BP at Mims Spur; and around 7 kyr BP at Hatcher Bluffs. We attribute this time-transgressive behavior to two different processes: At the glacier mouth, growth of grounded ice and subsequent deglaciation in the Ross Sea embayment caused a wave of thickening and then thinning to propagate up-glacier. During the Lateglacial and Holocene, increased snow accumulation on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet caused transient thickening at the head of the glacier. An important result of this work is that moraines deposited along Reedy Glacier during the last ice age cannot be correlated to reconstruct a single glacial maximum longitudinal profile. The profile steepened during deglaciation of the Ross Sea, thinning at the Quartz Hills after 13 kyr BP while thickening upstream. Near its confluence with Mercer Ice Stream, rapid thinning beginning prior to 7-8 kyr BP reduced the level of Reedy Glacier to close to its present level. Thinning over the past 1000 years has lowered the glacier by less than 20 m.
Deposits corresponding to multiple periods of glaciation are preserved in ice-free areas adjacent to Reedy Glacier, southern Transantarctic Mountains. Glacial geologic mapping, supported by 10Be surface-exposure dating, shows that Reedy Glacier was significantly thicker than today multiple times during the mid-to-late Cenozoic. Longitudinal-surface profiles reconstructed from the upper limits of deposits indicate greater thickening at the glacier mouth than at the head during these episodes, indicating that Reedy Glacier responded primarily to changes in the thickness of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Surface-exposure ages suggest this relationship has been in place since at least 5 Ma. The last period of thickening of Reedy Glacier occurred during Marine Isotope Stage 2, at which time the glacier surface near its confluence with the West Antarctic Ice Sheet was at least 500 m higher than today.