983 resultados para British literature


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"It is proposed by the Society, in continuing the work, to trace down the stream of British literature, in successive periods of time, to the close of the seventeenth century." Only these two volumes appeared, however.


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Desde la perspectiva de la genética textual, en este trabajo observamos las representacionesdel personaje de Peter Pan en los textos de J. M. Barrie dedicados a este con respecto a sussemejanzas con el dios griego Pan, para ver de qué manera dialogan con los diferentes sentidosque el dios fue connotando a través de siglos. Analizamos la fotonovela The Boys Castawaysof Black Lake Island (1901); The Little White Bird (1902), novela en la que aparece en seiscapítulos; las "Fairy Notes" (1903) en borrador y el libreto inédito llamado Anon: a play de la obra teatral Peter Pan or The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up (estrenada en 1904); la novela Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1906), que consiste en esos seis capítulos de The LittleWhite Bird; la novela Peter and Wendy (1911), adaptación de la obra de teatro; un guion cinematográfico,Scenario for a Proposed Film of Peter Pan (c. 1918), que no se filmó; y ellibreto de la obra, finalmente publicado, con bastantes cambios, en 1928


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Historically, Salome was an unexceptional figure who never catalyzed John the Baptist's death. However, in Christian Scripture, she becomes the dancing seductress as fallen daughter of Eve.  Her stepfather Herod promises Salome his kingdom if she dances for him, but she follows her mother’s wish to have John beheaded. In Strauss’s opera, after Wilde's Symbolist-Decadent play, Salome becomes independent of Herodias’ will, and the mythic avatar of the femme fatale and persecuted artist who Herod has killed after she kisses John's severed head.  Her signature key of C# major, resolving to the C major sung by Herod and Jokanaan at her death, represent her tragic fate musically.