897 resultados para Breastfeeding in art.
Educators representing interactions with materials speak to critical approaches, life-cycle concerns, critical thinking of composition/process/properties.
Call for submissions to participate in a show in the Bell Gallery, List Art Building at Brown University. Co-sponsored by the RI State Council on the Arts and the Providence Inner City Arts Association.
This study aimed to identify factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding (AME) and the reasons mothers presented to introduce complementary feeding in the first four months of life. A total of 380 mothers (92.2%) of children under four months old vaccinated in a Multi-vaccination Campaign were interviewed. To identify factors associated to AME, univariate and multiple logistic regressions analyses were performed. Thirty-eight percent of the children were on AME; 33.4% consumed cow milk; 29.2% tea; and 22.4% water. The mothers justified introduction of cow milk by factors related to quantity/quality of maternal milk and necessity of the child. The use of a pacifier (odds ratio=2.63; CI95%=1.7-4.06) and difficulty to breastfeed (odds ratio=1.57., CI95%=1.02-2.41) were associated with the absence of AME. The populational attributable risk percentage for the use of a pacifier was estimated at 46.8%. Thus, modifiable risk factors were associated with AME interruption.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of this cross-sectional and quantitative study was to identify the prevalence and determinants of exclusive breastfeeding among infants less than six months of age in the city of Serrana, Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2009. A validated semi-structured questionnaire was administered to the guardians of the children less than six months of age who attended the second phase of a Brazilian vaccination campaign against polio. Univariate and multivariate analysis presented in odds ratios and confidence intervals was accomplished. Of the total of 275 infant participants, only 29.8% were exclusively breastfed. Univariate analysis revealed that mothers who work outside the home without maternity leave, mothers who did not work outside the home, adolescent mothers, and the use of pacifiers have a greater chance of interrupting exclusive breastfeeding. In the multivariate analysis, mothers who work outside the home without maternity leave are three times more likely to wean their children early. Results provide suggestions for the redirection and planning of interventions targeting breastfeeding.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is frequent in women during their peak reproductive years. Accordingly, a significant number of questions and uncertainties arise from this population regarding the risk of transmission of IBD to the offspring, the impact of the disease and therapies on the fertility, the role of the disease on the course of the pregnancy and the mode of delivery, the impact of the therapy on the pregnancy and fetal development as well as breastfeeding. The safety of medical therapy during pregnancy and lactation is a major concern for both pregnant women and their partners as well as for physicians. As a general rule, it can be stated that the benefit of continuing medical therapy in IBD during pregnancy outweighs the potential risks in the vast majority of instances. This article will review recent developments on this topic consistent with the European Crohn's and Colitis Organization guidelines.
El "Anclaje y Ajuste", una herramienta de Marketing para analizar el poder de las referencias en el Arte, el Diseño y la Arquitectura = "Anchoring and Adjustment", a Marketing tool to analyse references in Art, Design and Architecture