914 resultados para Brazil-China trade


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar os ganhos geopolíticos do programa sino-brasileiro de satélites de recursos terrestres (CBERS). O codesenvolvimento pelo Brasil e pela China de uma série de satélites de sensoriamento remoto elevou a capacidade de ambos os países de ampliar os meios para zelar pela soberania sobre seus territórios nacionais. Esse programa de cooperação Sul-Sul também impactou positivamente no desenvolvimento desses países, à medida que possibilitou a execução de políticas públicas mais eficazes para áreas de difícil acesso como o deserto de Gobi na China e a floresta amazônica no Brasil. Além disso, o desenvolvimento e lançamento exitoso dos satélites da família CBERS também auferiu ganhos políticos no âmbito internacional. De fato, a aquisição dessa tecnologia permitiu ao Brasil e a China uma atuação mais proativa nos regimes internacionais relacionados ao espaço exterior, como COPUOS, CEOS e GEO/GEOSS. Ela também ensejou a realização de uma política de vanguarda de distribuição de imagens, baseada na premissa de que os dados geoespaciais são bens públicos globais. Esse entendimento levou, enfim, à realização de uma política de distribuição gratuita de imagens CBERS, primeiramente para os territórios nacionais do Brasil e da China e, posteriormente para países da América do Sul e para todo continente africano, culminando, em 2010, com sua globalização. Desse modo, o presente trabalho visa analisar se a aquisição da tecnologia de sensoriamento remoto via satélite efetivamente facultou ao Brasil e a China uma maior capacidade de influência no sistema internacional de poder e, igualmente, se há relação entre o programa CBERS e as políticas externas do Brasil e da China, principalmente no que tange à promoção da cooperação Sul-Sul na política externa solidária do governo Lula e ao conceito de mundo harmonioso da diplomacia chinesa.


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El presente estudio de caso, busca explicar cuáles son las posibles implicaciones e influencia de la construcción del Proyecto del Canal de Nicaragua en la geografía, la economía y la política exterior del Caribe Occidental. Esta investigación defiende que la construcción de este canal influirá en el largo plazo en la geopolítica de esta región, debido a la posibilidad de una competencia hasta hoy inexistente en la región entre dos canales interoceánicos, que puede llegar a afectar la disponibilidad de recursos naturales de la subregión, y asimismo, fortalecer la presencia asiática en América Latina; sin embargo, las consecuencias de este canal no pueden determinarse de manera específica. Para sustentar lo anterior, se realizará una revisión del proceso de construcción del canal de Panamá y del proyecto del de Nicaragua, para establecer un estudio de prospectiva de los escenarios posibles para la región del Caribe Occidental.


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Numerical experiments with the Brazilian additions to the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System were performed with two nested grids (50 and 10 km horizontal resolution, respectively) with and without the effect of biomass burning for 8 different situations for 96 h integrations. Only the direct radiative effect of aerosols is considered. The results were analyzed in large areas encompassing the BR163 road (one of the main areas of deforestation in the Amazon). mainly where most of the burning takes place. The precipitation change due to the direct radiative impact of biomass burning is generally negative (i.e., there is a decrease of precipitation). However, there are a few cases with a positive impact. Two opposite forcing mechanisms were explored: (a) the thermodynamic forcing that is generally negative in the sense that the aerosol tends to stabilize the lower atmosphere and (b) the dynamic impact associated with the low level horizontal pressure gradients produced by the aerosol plumes. In order to understand the non-linear relationship between the two effects, experiments were performed with 4-fold emissions. In these cases, the dynamic effect overcomes the stabilization produced by the radiative forcing and precipitation increase is observed in comparison with the control experiment. This study suggests that. in general, the biomass burning radiative forcing decreases the precipitation. However, very large concentrations of aerosols may lead to an increase of precipitation due to the dynamical forcing associated with the horizontal pressure gradients. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cariria orbiculiconiformis gen. nov. et spec. nov., a gymnosperm with gnetoid characters is described from the upper Aptian Crato Formation of the Araripe Basin in northeastern Brazil. Gross-morphology and anatomical details have been studied and characters have been discussed in respect to various seed plants. Several of these characters fit best with those of Gnetales and their putative fossil allies. However, the fossil plant cannot be assigned to any known extinct or extant group of seed plants in their current circumscription. Stem gross-morphology, xylotomical characters and epidermal features indicate a gnetophytic relationship, whereas characters of the reproductive organs are rather distinct from those found in extant taxa. The reproductive unit of the new taxon represents a triple organ consisting of two dichasial ovulate structures and one median pollen-producing structure containing smooth, monosulcate, boat-shaped pollen in-situ. Each ovulate structure consists of two distinct pairs of bracts, a sterile one at the base and a fertile one forming a terminal orbicular capsule. Stiff processes found in the apex of the ovulate structure may represent micropylar tubes of seeds, as seen in the Bennettitales-Erdtmanithecales-Gnetales group. C orbiculiconiformis gen. nov. et spec. nov. was ans herbaceous or semi-shrub-like plant that may have been adapted to the r-strategy in a stressful environment. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Ecological models of health behaviour are an important conceptual framework to address the multiple correlates of obesity. Several single-country studies previously examined the relationship between the built environment and obesity in adults, but results are very diverse. An important reason for these mixed results is the limited variability in built environments in these single-country studies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine associations between perceived neighbourhood built environmental attributes and BMI/weight status in a multi-country study including 12 environmentally and culturally diverse countries. METHODS: A multi-site cross-sectional study was conducted in 17 cities (study sites) across 12 countries (Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, the UK and USA). Participants (n = 14222, 18-66 years) self-reported perceived neighbourhood environmental attributes. Height and weight were self-reported in eight countries, and measured in person in four countries. RESULTS: Three environmental attributes were associated with BMI or weight status in pooled data from 12 countries. Safety from traffic was the most robust correlate, suggesting that creating safe routes for walking/cycling by reducing the speed and volume of traffic might have a positive impact upon weight status/BMI across various geographical locations. Close proximity to several local destinations was associated with BMI across all countries, suggesting compact neighbourhoods with more places to walk related to lower BMI. Safety from crime showed a curvilinear relationship with BMI, with especially poor crime safety being related to higher BMI. CONCLUSIONS: Environmental interventions involving these three attributes appear to have international relevance and focusing on these might have implications for tackling overweight/obesity.


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This article analyses the determinants of renewable energy consumption in six major emerging economies who are proactively accelerating the adoption of renewable energy. The long-run elasticities from both panel methods (fully modified ordinary least square and dynamic least square) and the time series method (autoregressive distributed lag) seem to be pretty consistent. For Brazil, China, India and Indonesia, in the long-run, renewable energy consumption is significantly determined by income and pollutant emission. However, for Philippines and Turkey, income seems to be the main driver for renewable energy consumption. In the short-run, for Brazil and China bi-directional causalities between renewable energy and income; and between renewable energy and pollutant emission are found. This research justifies the efforts undertaken by emerging countries to reduce the carbon intensity by increasing the energy efficiency and substantially increasing the share of renewable in the overall energy mix


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We Test whether exchange rate trading is profitable in the emerging markets of Brazil, China, India, And South Africa. Using Momentum trading strategies applied to high frequency data, we discover that: (a) momentum-based trading strategies lead to statistically significant profits from the currencies of all four emerging markets; (b) The South African Rand Is generally the most profitable, followed by the Brazilian Real And the Indian Rupee; (c) Profits are persistent during the day and are trading frequency dependent; and (d) During the period of the global financial crisis currency profits were maximised.


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As frondes de Rumohra adiantiformis (G.Forest.) Ching, conhecida como “leatherleaf”, “seven-weeks-fern” ou samambaia-preta, são usadas mundialmente em arranjos florais. Na África do Sul e Brasil o comércio da espécie é baseado no extrativismo. No Brasil a coleta é realizada em áreas de Mata Atlântica, sendo que 50% da produção provém das áreas de capoeira das encostas da Serra Geral no Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Atualmente, cerca de 2.000 famílias de agricultores familiares vivem nestas áreas, tendo no extrativismo sua principal fonte de renda. No entanto no RS a coleta, o comércio e o transporte de plantas ornamentais nativas são proibidos, já que nesta zona de transição da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica (Maquiné, RS) há grandes restrições quanto à exploração dos recursos naturais. O êxodo rural e o próprio extrativismo estabelecido a partir da década de 70, permitiram a regeneração da Floresta Ombrófila Densa. Como a espécie é característica de estágios sucessionais iniciais, a regeneração florestal está levando à diminuição dos estoques naturais. Este trabalho se propôs a identificar alternativas econômicas para diversificação da economia de famílias de extrativistas, no intuito de minimizar a tensão associada à diminuição dos estoques naturais de samambaia-preta, às dificuldades no manejo da terra e à legislação ambiental. Junto à comunidade extrativista do distrito de Solidão (Maquiné) foram coletados dados etnobiológicos sobre plantas medicinais e plantas relacionadas ao artesanato. As principais espécies identificadas foram: Bambusa tuldoides (taquareira, colmo), Clytostoma sciuripabulum (cipó-branco, caule), Cyperus prolixus (tiririca, partes aéreas), Musa acuminata (bananeira, palha), Scirpus californicus (junco, partes aéreas), Typha dominguensis (taboa, partes aéreas), sendo que Macfadyena dentata (cipó-unha-de-gato, caule), Roupala brasiliensis (carvalho-brasileiro, folhas) e Tillandsia usneoides (barbade- pau, planta inteira) são as espécies prioritárias para a avaliação da sustentabilidade do extrativismo. Os dados etnobiológicos e ecológicos mostram que é possível estabelecer o manejo sustentável da R. adiantiformis. Os maiores entraves para o estabelecimento do manejo sustentado para as espécies identificadas incluem: a) estabelecer as bases de manejo sustentável destas espécies; b) compatibilizar esta atividade extrativista com o atual Código Florestal Estadual. Plantas medicinais não parecem ser uma alternativa viável a curto prazo, enquanto o artesanato requer a adequação da atividade artesanal no meio rural com os direitos à aposentadoria rural.


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The purpose of the present study is to discuss the eventual relationship between foreign direct investment in Brazil and trade balance, considering the period after the beginning of "Plano Real" on 1994, which presented a new currency regime and a new profile of Brazilian macroeconomy. It is important to state that there is a controversial debate around the question, since those investments are seen as positive to receiving countries by some authors and negative by other ones. Those who are favorable, argue that the recent attitude assumed by a lot of companies towards internalization is changing the modus operandi in some markets, providing a much more competitive framework. It is also remarkable - they also mention - the potential advantages brought by these new strategies. On the other hand, some authors defend that it increases the exposure of the country that receives such resources, since the subsidiaries of those companies operate under marketing strategies of profit maximization, considered the competitive environment they face. We will go over these opinions troughout the study, trying also to capture the reasons that usually motivate foreign companies to look for new markets and branches and also the effects on receiving country's Balance of Payments. Besides that point, the approach presented will try to answer if the increase of foreign capital stock in Brazil helps to explain some positive response from the country's trade balance, and more, on Balance of Payments. It is also important to mention that the considered period is extremely representative, mainly when considered the huge amounts involved and the increasing liberalization verified in brazilian's external policies since 1990. There is special concern, troughout the study, to define the pattern of such investments, and more, the impacts that those resources brought to public budget. The present study will focus on official data, published by Central Bank of Brazil, mainly those ones regarding Census of Foreign Capitals, as well as the referable to the evolution of Balance of Payments. Finally, based on statistical procedures, it will be provided multiple regressions on available data that will help the reader to capture the effects of some selected variables, which will bring a much more oriented analysis to the discussion.


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China emerges in the world as a potential economic leader and it is poised as the one of the strongest commercial partners of Brazil. China is already the third largest importer of Brazilian products and services and the prediction is to even increase that participation in the Brazilian export volume in the near future. As a consequence, there is a significant increase in commercial alliances between Brazilians and Chinese, which shows the need for the Brazilians to better understand the cultural differences when negotiating with the Chinese. The purpose of this research is to bring, from a Chinese point of view, the cultural difference in the negotiation process between Brazilians and Chinese. A better understanding of those differences will allow the Brazilians to adopt a better negotiation strategy with the Chinese in order to bring a better result. The research was developed by conducting 5 interviews with Chinese executives highly experienced in negotiation with the Brazilians. The results of this research show commons points indicated by the interviewers that have a direct impact on the negotiation process between Chinese and Brazilians.


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State ownership of publicly-traded corporations remains pervasive around the world, and has been increasing in recent years. Existing literature focuses on the implications of government ownership for corporate governance and performance at the firm level. This Article, by contrast, explores the different but equally important question of whether the presence of the state as a shareholder can impose negative externalities on the corporate law regime available to the private sector. Drawing from historical experiments with government ownership in the United States, Brazil, China, and Europe, this study shows that the conflict of interest stemming from the state’s dual role as a shareholder and regulator can influence the content of corporate laws to the detriment of outside investor protection and efficiency. It thus addresses a gap in the literature on the political economy of corporate governance by incorporating the political role of the state as shareholder as another mechanism to explain the relationship between corporate ownership structures and legal investor protection. Finally, this Article explores the promise of different institutional arrangements to constrain the impact of the state’s interests as a shareholder on the corporate governance environment, and concludes by offering several policy recommendations.


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O Brasil vem se beneficiando nos últimos anos da expansão do comércio mundial, como mostram os frequentes recordes obtidos pela balança comercial do país. Porém, se as taxas de crescimento das exportações continuarem aumentando no mesmo ritmo nos próximos anos, os diversos gargalos que impactam negativamente o processo exportador brasileiro podem se agravar ainda mais. Baseada em dados coletados de 258 empresas exportadoras brasileiras, a partir de questionário desenvolvido especificamente para tal fim, essa pesquisa exploratória identificou, quantificou e hierarquizou os principais gargalos que diminuem a competitividade das exportações brasileiras. Esses gargalos foram classificados em grupos macroeconômicos, mercadológicos, idiossincráticos, logísticos, burocráticos, legais, tributários, informacionais e institucionais. A pesquisa se diferencia de trabalhos anteriores por ter sido aplicada a um público diretamente envolvido com as atividades e dificuldades do processo de exportação – os profissionais de comércio exterior – e por considerar toda a gama de gargalos que afetam as exportações. Os estudos anteriores foram sempre focados em certos tipos de gargalos.


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Ehrlichiosis, an emergent tickborne disease that affects both humans and animals, may represent a threat to the survival and preservation of wild felids in Brazil There are few studies of ehrlichiosis in wild felids in Brazil, but Ehrlichia spp are present in domestic cats Antibodies to Ehrlichia canis have been reported in a puma (Puma concolor) In this study we assessed the presence of these hemoparasites in the blood of Brazilian wild captive felids of the 72 animals tested, 5 (7%) were seropositive for the E cams antigen, and L1 (15%) were positive for E emirs DNA sequences We also performed sequence alignment to establish the identity of the parasite species infecting these animals using 16S rRNA and omp-1 genes Sequences based on 16S rRNA were similar to those found in dogs and cats from Thailand, Brazil, China, and Taiwan and with E canis obtained from a single individual (human) in Venezuela Ehrlichia sp sequence from sampled felines based on omp-1. gene was similar to the p28 and p30 multigene family of E canis To our knowledge, this is the first study of molecular detection of Ehrlichia sp in Brazilian wild feline species


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The major contribution of this paper relates to the practical advantages of combining Ground Control Points (GCPs), Ground Control Lines (GCLs) and orbital data to estimate the exterior orientation parameters of images collected by CBERS-2B (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite) HRC (High-resolution Camera) and CCD (High-resolution CCD Camera) sensors. Although the CBERS-2B is no longer operational, its images are still being used in Brazil, and the next generations of the CBERS satellite will have sensors with similar technical features, which motivates the study presented in this paper. The mathematical models that relate the object and image spaces are based on collinearity (for points) and coplanarity (for lines) conditions. These models were created in an in-house developed software package called TMS (Triangulation with Multiple Sensors) with multi-feature control (GCPs and GCLs). Experiments on a block of four CBERS-2B HRC images and on one CBERS-2B CCD image were performed using both models. It was observed that the combination of GCPs and GCLs provided better bundle block adjustment results than conventional bundle adjustment using only GCPs. The results also demonstrate the advantages of using primarily orbital data when the number of control entities is reduced. © 2013 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS).


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En este trabajo se procura evaluar la producción, el uso y la difusión de tecnología en la estructura productiva de los países emergentes, en particular del Brasil, China, la Federación de Rusia y Sudáfrica, mediante el análisis de: i) usuarios y productores de tecnología; ii) contenido de investigación y desarrollo (i+d) en cada grupo de sectores, y iii) flujos de conocimientos técnicos entre esos grupos. Para alcanzar los objetivos fijados se utilizan matrices de insumo-producto combinadas con estadísticas de i+d sectoriales. Los principales resultados revelan considerables diferencias entre los países emergentes y también entre países en desarrollo y desarrollados, incluso en la jerarquía sectorial en cuanto a la producción y utilización de conocimientos tecnológicos, y en la dirección de los principales flujos de tecnología entre sectores. PALABRAS