55 resultados para Boxing.
Este trabajo tiene como propósito esencial, realizar un acercamiento para detectar e identificar las necesidades de información y el comportamiento informativo de entrenadores en deportes de combate. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario a instructores de aikido, boxeo, esgrima, judo, karate, kendo, lima lama, lucha y taekwondo seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por causalidad. En general encontramos que los principales temas de interés entre los instructores son: los programas de entrenamiento, nutrición y dietas de entrenamiento. Por otra parte, los entrenadores son más propensos a utilizar su experiencia, internet y cursos para obtener información. En contraste se nota que la biblioteca y los libros son poco usados.
This article critically assesses the criminal law on consensual harm through an examination of the legality of fighting sports. The article begins by considering fighting sports such as bare-fisted prize fighting (dominant in the nineteenth century). It then, in historical chronology, examines the legality of professional boxing with gloves (dominant in the twentieth century). Doctrinally, the article reviews why and how, in a position adopted by the leading common law jurisdictions, fighting sports benefit from an application of the “well-established” category-based exceptions to the usual bodily harm threshold of consent in the criminal law. Centrally, fighting sports and doctrinal law on offenses against the person are juxtaposed against the theoretical boundaries of consent in the criminal law to examine whether and where the limit of the “right to be hurt” might lie. In sum, this article uses fighting sports as a case study to assess whether the criminal law generally can or should accommodate the notion of a fair fight, sporting or otherwise, predicated on the consent of the participants to the point that the individuals involved might be said, pithily, to have extended an open invite to harm.
Abstract Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) founded in 1993 have been under scrutiny for the past two decades. Unlike boxing, the ethical status of MMA and whether it is morally defensible have rarely been analyzed in the academic literature. I argue that MMA requires such an analysis because it is inherently violent. The purpose of this study was to examine elite-level MMA by referring to the ethical concepts of autonomy, paternalism and the Harm Principle. Findings from interviews with MMA athletes as well as my personal experience of MMA were presented to establish a deeper understanding of the sport and what it means to train and compete in a sport defined as violent. The conceptual analysis and findings of MMA athletes' experiences in this investigation resulted in the conclusion that MMA is ethically defensible. Additional findings, implications and recommendations for further research were also discussed.
The letter describes some difficulty Arthur has had with a man named Walter. She also describes her activities for the day. Eleanore Celeste mentions all of the things she is packing to bring to Shelter Bay when she leaves to be with Arthur. Accompanying this letter is a letter to "Aunt Lessie". It appears to be signed "Love from all and more than ever from Pal". This letter discusses his writing and soon sending it to a magazine and boxing gloves he has just purchased.
Ayant la boxe comme objet d’étude, le présent mémoire de maîtrise cherche à mettre en lumière le processus par lequel le boxeur fait l’acquisition de l’habitus pugilistique sous l’angle abordé par Loïc Wacquant, où la boxe est envisagée comme un sport individuel, mais qui s’acquiert sous un mode collectif. Dans une étude combinant observation participante, notes de terrain et entrevues, le mémoire a pour objectif de se pencher sur l’apprentissage de ce sport à travers les relations nouées dans les murs du gymnase de boxe, élaboré sous les notions d’habitus, d’esprit de corps, de sens pratique et de capital agonistique. En effet, c’est sur la base de l’entraînement collectif que se développera un « esprit de corps », sous la forme d’habitus susceptibles de gouverner le corps comme les représentations des boxeurs et, par-delà, de fonder une communauté solidaire en vertu duquel le corps « sauvage » se mue en un corps « habitué ».
Thèse réalisée en co-tutelle à l'Université de Montréal et de Paris Sud
In the elite domain of interactive sports, athletes who demonstrate a left preference (e.g., holding a weapon with the left hand in fencing or boxing in a ‘southpaw’ stance) seem overrepresented. Such excess indicates a performance advantage and was also interpreted as evidence in favour of frequency-dependent selection mechanisms to explain the maintenance of left-handedness in humans. To test for an overrepresentation, the incidence of athletes’ lateral preferences is typically compared with an expected ratio of left- to right-handedness in the normal population. However, the normal population reference values did not always relate to the sport-specific tasks of interest, which may limit the validity of reports of an excess of ‘left-oriented’ athletes. Here we sought to determine lateral preferences for various sport-specific tasks (e.g., baseball batting, boxing) in the normal population and to examine the relationship between these preferences and handedness. To this end, we asked 903 participants to indicate their lateral preferences for sport-specific and common tasks using a paper-based questionnaire. Lateral preferences varied considerably across the different sport tasks and we found high variation in the relationship between those preferences and handedness. In contrast to unimanual tasks (e.g., fencing or throwing), for bimanually controlled actions such as baseball batting, shooting in ice hockey or boxing the incidence of left preferences was considerably higher than expected from the proportion of left-handedness in the normal population and the relationship with handedness was relatively low. We conclude that (i) task-specific reference values are mandatory for reliably testing for an excess of athletes with a left preference, (ii) the term ‘handedness’ should be more cautiously used within the context of sport-related laterality research and (iii) observation of lateral preferences in sports may be of limited suitability for the verification of evolutionary theories of handedness.
The degree project has been implemented abroad in Brisbane, Australia. A literature study has beenperformed parallel to the practical work within the subject »Corporate identity through graphicaldesign«. In this study deeper research has been made concerning the establishment and manifestationof a corporate identity and its program. The knowledge given from this study has been put into practicethrough two larger projects.The first project was carried out at De Pasquale, advertising agency in Brisbane, where a corporateidentity program was designed for a new company. The company is a fitness centre, called KnockoutFitness, which specializes in different types of boxing training sessions such as Boxing, Thai Bow andBoxercise but also Aqua aerobics. They needed a full corporate identity program including a logotype,business card, letter paper-paper and address labels.The second project was carried out at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. A promotioncampaign was designed for the Department of Visual Arts, which included two information folders andone advertisement. The purpose of the campaign was to promote both the undergraduate and postgraduatecourses offered within the department.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Os dados da National Youth Sports Safety Foundation – NYSSY (2002) – entidade de pesquisa americana ligada aos estudos e a prevenção de traumas esportivos informaram que há 10% de probabilidade dos atletas sofrerem injúrias traumáticas durante uma temporada esportiva, recaindo isso não só no problema físico mas também no econômico, bastante representativo para os clubes. As lesões causadas por traumas em dentes e tecidos adjacentes podem levar à fraturas coronárias ou mesmo até, a perda do elemento dental. Este trabalho observacional, transversal descritivo, baseia-se na diversidade de opiniões com relação ao uso de protetores bucais e sua importância como fator de proteção para os tecidos bucais durante a prática esportiva. Assim sendo, nossa metodologia envolveu inquérito por meio de questionário aplicado à atletas praticantes de boxe. Como critério de inclusão, utilizamos o atleta estar praticando o esporte escolhido. Como critério de exclusão, utilizamos o atleta ter sofrido qualquer injúria traumática com repercussão dento-facial anterior que não seja por prática de boxe, assim como aqueles que tivessem história de hábito parafuncional. Foram entrevistados e examinados 50 atletas sendo que 3 eram do gênero feminino e 47 do masculino, e 46% pertenciam a faixa etária entre 18/26 anos. Entre os atletas, 24% iniciaram a prática do boxe quando adultos. Os resultados coletados por meio dos questionários, foram submetidos à tratamento estatístico utilizando-se o Teste do Qui-Quadrado, em nível de significância de p<0,05, e demonstraram que o índice de traumas dento-faciais quando o protetor bucal está sendo utilizado é de 10%, comprovando assim que, de acordo com a amostra analisada, o protetor bucal é um mecanismo de proteção efetivo, principalmente quanto aos traumas dentais durante a prática do boxe.
in this issue...Sweetheart Swirl Dance, R J Trio, Air Force Base, Civil Rights, Bill Barry's Boxing Club, International Club, Donald E. Mahagin, Main Hall
On Swiss rabbit breeding farms, group-housed does are usually kept singly for 12 days around parturition to avoid pseudograviclity, double litters and deleterious fighting for nests. After this isolation phase there is usually an integration of new group members. Here we studied whether keeping the group composition stable would reduce agonistic interactions, stress levels and injuries when regrouping after the isolation phase. Does were kept in 12 pens containing 8 rabbits each. In two trials, with a total of 24 groups, the group composition before and after the 12 days isolation period remained the same (treatment: stable, S) in 12 groups. In the other 12 groups two or three does were replaced after the isolation phase by unfamiliar does (treatment: mixed, M). Does of S-groups had been housed together for one reproduction cycle. One day before and on days 2, 4 and 6 after regrouping, data on lesions, stress levels (faecal corticosterone metabolites, FCM) and agonistic interactions were collected and statistically analysed using mixed effects models. Lesion scores and the frequency of agonistic interactions were highest on day 2 after regrouping and thereafter decrease in both groups. There was a trend towards more lesions in M-groups compared to S-groups. After regrouping FCM levels were increased in M-groups, but not in S-groups. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction of treatment and experimental day on agonistic interactions. Thus, the frequency of biting and boxing increased more in M-groups than in S-groups. These findings indicate that group stability had an effect on agonistic interactions, stress and lesions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
THE INFLUENCE of combat sport practice on behaviour, attitude, personality and other factors was, and still remains, a research topic of great interest as well as conflicting points of view. Findings are as yet inconclusive since a direct or causal effect is difficult to establish and other factors external to the individual, such as the instructor’s coaching style, also need to be taken into consideration. Furthermore, the wide range of disciplines pertaining to the category combat sports differ from each other on a number of characteristics, such as the extent of physical contact or competition rules, and in fact, attempts have been made to distinguish between various sub-types (e.g. Trulson, 1986). A common distinction made is that between the traditional martial arts, which place emphasis on the art’s philosophy, its traditions and hierarchy (e.g. traditional karate, aikido) and the modern (or Western) combat sports (e.g. boxing, Mixed Martial Arts). An ongoing debate exists about the potential positive and/or negative influence of combat sport practice in comparison to other sport disciplines that do not include this element of fighting and direct aggression. On the one hand, combat sports have been presented by some researchers and sport practitioners as a means of promoting positive social and individual behavior, such as in Theeboom, De Knop and Wylleman’s (2008) evaluation of a martial arts Programme for socially disadvantaged youths in Belgium. Results revealed a positive effect of this project; however, it also highlighted the crucial role played by the instructors or leaders of such programmes. In another intervention using martial arts, Trulson (1986) reported a positive effect of a six month traditional martial art (Korean Tae Kwon Do) intervention with male juvenile delinquents including a reduction in aggressiveness and anxiety, thus confirming the positive influence of such an activity. Nevertheless, this effect was not observed in the other group participating in a modern Adaptation of this martial art led by the same instructor, where the philosophical aspect of this discipline was not emphasised. Moreover, an opposite effect was ascertained in this case where an increased tendency towards delinquency was reported. These results support the distinction between the various types of combat sports together with the way this sport is presented and taught by the instructor.
Basado en tres años de observación participante y aprendizaje en un gimnasio de boxeo para negros de la parte sur de Chicago, este artículo reconstruye las sensaciones vividas por los luchadores profesionales y la experimentación de la instrumentalidad corporal, belleza y ética - los "tres cuerpos" que juntos definen la distintiva "aisthesis" de la práctica pugilística como habilidad corporal y negocio en los barrios pobres. Esto sirve para sostener que el boxeo profesional ofrece no muchas posibilidades de crecimiento económico, como la promesa de diferenciación social y más aún trascendencia: la ética profesional del sacrificio posibilita a los boxeadores escapar del mundo cotidiano y crear un universo sensual y moral "sui generis" donde un trascendente ser masculino puede ser construido.
Este artículo es dedicado a la memoria de Aaron, jovencito español y amigo del gimnasio, a quien el ring no lo salvó de los peligros de la calle. Este trabajo se benefició de las respuestas, los comentarios críticos y el aliento de una serie de colegas, entre los cuales se encuentran Pierre Bourdieu, Rogers Brubaker, Dan Chambliss, S. Lynn Chancer, Rick Fantasia, Harvey Molotch, Bill Wilson, y los miembros del Centro de Sociología Europea en París. También agradezco a mis colegas de la "la dulce ciencia", que me enseñaron mucho más que a lanzar gancho de izquierda, y a mi familia y amigos que me apoyaron moralmente durante este extenuante proyecto (con mención especial para Elizabeth Bonamour du Tartre, una importante asistente en el lugar). Esta investigación fue posible en parte por el apoyo financiero de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, un Lavoisier Fellowship del Gobierno Francés y la Fundación Milton de la Universidad de Harvard.