910 resultados para Bond length alternation (BLA)
The solvation of six solvatochromic probes in a large number of solvents (33-68) was examined at 25 degrees C. The probes employed were the following: 2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl) phenolate (RB); 4-[(E)2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePM; 1-methylquinolinium-8-olate, QB; 2-bromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr, 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl pyridinium-1-yl) phenolate (WB); and 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-methylpyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, MePMBr(2), respectively. Of these, MePMBr is a novel compound. They can be grouped in three pairs, each with similar pK(a) in water but with different molecular properties, for example, lipophilicity and dipole moment. These pairs are formed by RB and MePM; QB and MePMBr; WB and MePMBr(2), respectively. Theoretical calculations were carried out in order to calculate their physicochemical properties including bond lengths, dihedral angles, dipole moments, and wavelength of absorption of the intramolecular charge-transfer band in four solvents, water, methanol, acetone, and DMSO, respectively. The data calculated were in excellent agreement with available experimental data, for example, bond length and dihedral angles. This gives credence to the use of the calculated properties in explaining the solvatochromic behaviors observed. The dependence of an empirical solvent polarity scale E(T)(probe) in kcal/mol on the physicochemical properties of the solvent (acidity, basicity, and dipolarity/polarizability) and those of the probes (pK(a), and dipole moment) was analyzed by using known multiparameter solvation equations. For each pair of probes, values of E(T)(probe) (for example, E(T)(MePM) versus E(T)(RB)) were found to be linearly correlated with correlation coefficients, r, between 0.9548 and 0.9860. For the mercyanine series, the values of E(T)(probe) also correlated linearly, with (r) of 0.9772 (MePMBr versus MePM) and 0.9919 (MePMBr(2) versus MePM). The response of each pair of probes (of similar pK(a)) to solvent acidity is the same, provided that solute-solvent hydrogen-bonding is not seriously affected by steric crowding (as in case of RB). We show, for the first time, that the response to solvent dipolarity/polarizability is linearly correlated to the dipole moment of the probes. The successive introduction of bromine atoms in MePM (to give MePMBr, then MePMBr(2)) leads to the following linear decrease: pK(a) in water, length of the phenolate oxygen-carbon bond, length of the central ethylenic bond, susceptibility to solvent acidity, and susceptibility to solvent dipolarity/polarizability. Thus studying the solvation of probes whose molecular structures are varied systematically produces a wealth of information on the effect of solute structure on its solvation. The results of solvation of the present probes were employed in order to test the goodness of fit of two independent sets of solvent solvatochromic parameters.
No presente trabalho descrevemos nossos resultados relativos à investigação da dinâmica de solvatação mecânica por meio de simulações por dinâmica molecular, respeitando o regime da resposta linear, em sistemas-modelo de argônio líquido com um soluto monoatômico ou diatômico dissolvido. Estudamos sistematicamente a influência dos parâmetros moleculares dos solutos (tamanho, polarizabilidade) e da densidade frente a vários modelos de solvatação. Funções de Correlação Temporal da Energia de Solvatação foram calculadas com relação à correlações de n-corpos (n = 2; 3) distinguindo interações repulsivas e atrativas para ambos os sistemas líquidos. Também obtivemos segundas derivadas temporais dessas funções referindo-se à parcelas translacionais, rotacionais e roto-translacionais na solução do diatômico. Encontramos que funções de correlação temporal coletivas podem ser razoavelmente bem aproximadas por correlações binárias a densidades baixas e, a densidades altas, correlações ternárias tornam-se mais importantes produzindo um descorrelacionamento mais rápido das funções coletivas devido a efeitos de cancelamento parciais. As funções de correlação para interações repulsivas e atrativas exibem comportamentos dinâmicos independentes do modelo de solvatação devido a fatores de escalonamento linear que afetam apenas as amplitudes das dessas funções de correlação temporal. Em geral, os sistemas com grau de liberdade rotacional apresentam tempos de correlação mais curtos para a dinâmica coletiva e tempos de correlação mais longos para as funções binárias e ternárias. Finalmente, esse estudo mostra que os sistemas contendo o diatômico relaxam-se predominantemente por mecanismos translacionais binários em modelos de solvatação envolvendo alterações apenas na polarizabilidade do soluto, e por mecanismos rotacionais atrativos binários em modelos envolvendo alterações no comprimento de ligação.
The physical properties and the excitations spectrum in oxides and semiconductors materials are presented in this work, whose the first part presents a study on the confinement of optical phonons in artificial systems based on III-V nitrides, grown in periodic and quasiperiodic forms. The second part of this work describes the Ab initio calculations which were carried out to obtain the optoeletronic properties of Calcium Oxide (CaO) and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) crystals. For periodic and quasi-periodic superlattices, we present some dynamical properties related to confined optical phonons (bulk and surface), obtained through simple theories, such as the dielectric continuous model, and using techniques such as the transfer-matrix method. The localization character of confined optical phonon modes, the magnitude of the bands in the spectrum and the power laws of these structures are presented as functions of the generation number of sequence. The ab initio calculations have been carried out using the CASTEP software (Cambridge Total Sequential Energy Package), and they were based on ultrasoft-like pseudopotentials and Density Functional Theory (DFT). Two di®erent geometry optimizations have been e®ectuated for CaO crystals and CaCO3 polymorphs, according to LDA (local density approximation) and GGA (generalized gradient approximation) approaches, determining several properties, e. g. lattice parameters, bond length, electrons density, energy band structures, electrons density of states, e®ective masses and optical properties, such as dielectric constant, absorption, re°ectivity, conductivity and refractive index. Those results were employed to investigate the confinement of excitons in spherical Si@CaCO3 and CaCO3@SiO2 quantum dots and in calcium carbonate nanoparticles, and were also employed in investigations of the photoluminescence spectra of CaCO3 crystal
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work reports on the mechanical properties of germanium-rich amorphous carbon-germanium alloys prepared by RF sputtering of a germanium/graphite target under an argon/hydrogen atmosphere. Nano-hardness, elastic modulus and stress were investigated as a function of the carbon content. The stress, which is reduced by the incorporation of carbon, was related to the film structure and to the difference in the Ge-Ge and Ge-C bond length. Contrary to what was expected, the hardness and elastic modulus of the alloys are lower than the corresponding values for pure amorphous hydrogenated germanium film, which in turn has both properties also smaller than those of crystalline germanium. These properties are analyzed in terms of the structural properties of the films. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Extended X-ray absorption fine spectroscopy (EXAFS) and Raman scattering studies of InF3-BaF2 and InF3-SrF2 binary glasses are reported. For all compositions, the local structure of the glasses is built with InF6 units. For all glasses studied, the indium neighbour's number and the In-F mean bond length are equal to the values of the InF3 crystalline phase (6 and 0.205 nm, respectively). © 1996 Chapman & Hall.
Images and profiles of Vickers impressions produced on as-received float-glass were obtained using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The images show that the impression edges undergo elastic recovery parallel to surface. The profiles made it possible to measure vertical elastic recovery, ev(r). For a 40 g nominal load, maximum penetration depth of indenter was (2.20 ± 0.03) μm, and recovery at the impression center was ev(0) = (0.98 ± 0.03) μm. Vertical elastic recovery was non-uniform along profiles. Permanent impressions produced resulted from glass mass displacement downward, producing an increase in glass density in impression vicinity, which is discussed in terms of changes in O-Si-O and Si-O-Si bond angles and Si-O bond length. Near impression edges, pileup was observed for which a simplified model is proposed taking into account the compaction and stresses near the impressions. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Na apresentação do desenvolvimento desta tese foram utilizados métodos ab initio, semiempíricos, e teoria do funcional densidade na investigação das propriedades do estado fundamental e estados excitados do Resveratrol e estruturas moleculares similares, assim como suas propriedades espectroscópicas. O Resveratrol é uma fitoalexina com propriedades antioxidantes, que tem como estruturas derivadas semelhantes, a Piceatannol, Para-vinylphenylphenol e Resveratrol-dihydroxyl_N (N=1,2 e 3). Os resultados obtidos correspondem à análise dos parâmetros moleculares e propriedades eletrônicas; as simulações dos espectros que correspondem as fotoexcitações para cada uma das moléculas foram feitos através de pacotes computacionais. Os métodos aproximativos utilizados nos cálculos comprovam os resultados obtidos experimentalmente, de forma a contribuir como um indicador às prováveis modificações nas propriedades químicas, físicas e biológicas do Resveratrol.
Ba2SiO4: MnO43- luminescence is reported and compared to similar host lattices based on PO43-, VO43- and AsO43-, where Mn5+ substitutes for p(5+),V5+ Or AS(5+). The observed energy position of MnO43- 1E state in SiO44- is in accordance with interelectronic repulsion caused by Mn5+-O bond length. At 77 K the E-1 splitting is 119 cm(-1), which is in agreement with 1.8 degrees, the average deviation of O-M-O angles from the regular tetrahedron. These values are adjusted to Ca point symmetry. The vibronic-structure spectra evidenced a progression with a frequency assigned to the nu(2)(E) bending mode of MnO43-.
A structural study of CuO supported on a CeO2-TiO2 system was undertaken using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques. The results of XRD revealed the presence of only two phases, TiO2 anatase and CeO2 cerianite. A trend towards smaller TiO2 crystallites was observed when cerium content increased. When the amount of cerium increased, Ti K-edge XANES analysis showed an increasing distortion of Ti sites. The results of Ce LIII-edge EXAFS showed that Ce atoms are coordinated by eight oxygen atoms at 2.32 Å. For the sample containing a small amount of cerium, the EXAFS analysis indicated that the local structure around Ce atoms was highly distorted. The catalysts presented quite different Cu K-edge XANES spectra compared to the spectra of the CuO and Cu2O reference compounds. The Cu-O mean bond length was close to that of the CuO and the Cu atoms in the catalysts are surrounded by approximately four oxygen atoms in their first shell. Copper supported on the ceria-modified titania support catalysts displayed a better performance in the methanol dehydrogenation when compared to copper supported only on titania or on ceria. © 2002 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
Local structure around Fe ions on Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O-3 ceramics was probed by x-ray absorption spectroscopy in order to settle the controversies about its structure. It is observed that the shell structure around Fe atoms exhibits a monoclinic local symmetry at 130 and 230 K, tetragonal local symmetry at room temperature, and cubic local symmetry at 410 K. Independently of the coordination, temperature, or symmetry, Fe-O mean bond-length does not vary significantly. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4709490]
We report cross sections for elastic electron scattering by gas phase glycine (neutral form), obtained with the Schwinger multichannel method. The present results are the first obtained with a new implementation that combines parallelization with OpenMP directives and pseudopotentials. The position of the well known pi* shape resonance ranged from 2.3 eV to 2.8 eV depending on the polarization model and conformer. For the most stable isomer, the present result (2.4 eV) is in fair agreement with electron transmission spectroscopy assignments (1.93 +/- 0.05 eV) and available calculations. Our results also point out a shape resonance around 9.5 eV in the A' symmetry that would be weakly coupled to vibrations of the hydroxyl group. Since electron attachment to a broad and lower lying sigma* orbital located on the OH bond has been suggested the underlying mechanism leading to dissociative electron attachment at low energies, we sought for a shape resonance around similar to 4 eV. Though we obtained cross sections with the target molecule at the equilibrium geometry and with stretched OH bond lengths, least-squares fits to the calculated eigenphase sums did not point out signatures of this anion state (though, in principle, it could be hidden in the large background). The low energy (similar to 1 eV) integral cross section strongly scales as the bond length is stretched, and this could indicate a virtual state pole, since dipole supported bound states are not expected at the geometries addressed here. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3687345]
Solvent effects on the one- and two-photon absorption (IPA and 2PA) of disperse orange 3 (DO3) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are studied using a discrete polarizable embedding (PE) response theory. The scheme comprises a quantum region containing the chromophore and an atomically granulated classical region for the solvent accounting for full interactions within and between the two regions. Either classical molecular dynamics (MD) or hybrid Car-Parrinello (CP) quantum/classical (QM/MM) molecular dynamics simulations are employed to describe the solvation of DO3 in DMSO, allowing for an analysis of the effect of the intermolecular short-range repulsion, long-range attraction, and electrostatic interactions on the conformational changes of the chromophore and also the effect of the solute-solvent polarization. PE linear response calculations are performed to verify the character, solvatochromic shift, and overlap of the two lowest energy transitions responsible for the linear absorption spectrum of DO3 in DMSO in the visible spectral region. Results of the PE linear and quadratic response calculations, performed using uncorrelated solute-solvent configurations sampled from either the classical or hybrid CP QM/MM MD simulations, are used to estimate the width of the line shape function of the two electronic lowest energy excited states, which allow a prediction of the 2PA cross-sections without the use of empirical parameters. Appropriate exchange-correlation functionals have been employed in order to describe the charge-transfer process following the electronic transitions of the chromophore in solution.