954 resultados para Bombay Harbour
Size variation, growth, condition index and spawning periodicities of three species of molluscs were studied for a period of 15 months from a polluted and a relatively clean marine habitat near Bombay, Maharashtra, India. Growth of Saccostrea cucullata was 1.2 times and of Cerithium rubus was 1.6 times higher in unpolluted habitat than the polluted water. Spawning was during premonsoon in S. cucullata, post monsoon in C. rubus and monsoon in Tellina angulata. Condition index and percentage edibility values were higher at less polluted stations.
Thirteen morphometric and seven meristic characters, length-weight relationship and food and feeding habits of Otolithoides biauritus of Bombay coast (Maharashtra, India) were studied. Compared morphometric characters revealed positive allometric growth and high correlation ("r" ranging 0.898 - 0.996) between each other. Meristic characters were observed to be B sub(vii), D sub(1) 8-10, D sub(2) 27-31, P 17-20, V 5-7 and 7-10. Number of gill rackers on the first left gill arch ranged from 15 to 19. Length-weight relationship for both sexes together worked out to be W = 0.026, L super(2.646). The species is a predator, feeding mainly on motile Acetes, small fish and Loligo in order of preference.
Studies indicated spawning season of Nemipterus japonicus off Bombay coast (Maharashtra, India), to be during July to December with peak breeding during November to December. Females attained first maturity at the length range 110-120 mm; 50% maturity and spawning occurred at 135 mm within one year of its age. Overall male: female ratio for the entire period of study was 1:1.01. Relationships of fecundity with total length of fish, total ovary weight and per g. fish weight were worked out as F=(-72674.33) L super(739.73); F =65.44 W super(807.33); F=3112.57 W super(22383.27) and F=467.85 W super(4.96) with coefficient of correlation values (r) 0.9090, 0.9443, 0.9911 and 0.8843 respectively.
The study of the length weight relationship is highly useful to the fishery biologists in the study of population dynamics of fish and for determining the pattern of growth of stock. The parabolic equation for the length-weight relationship of Drepane punctata juveniles off the Bombay coast, expresses the value of "n" 2.83, indicating that the growth rate is less than the cube length.
Distribution of planktonic decapods with special reference to Acetes from nearshore waters of Bombay
Distribution and seasonal variation of decapod larvae were studied from 8 stations off Versova and Mahim during Nov. 1979 to Dec. 1980. Decapod larvae were encountered throughout the year contributing 7.27% of total zooplankton. Numerically, they were more to Versova (av. 1766/100 m super(3)) than Mahim (av. 970/100 m super(3)). Acetes) spp. were common along both the transects. They were represented by Acetes indicus, A. siibogae and A. erythraeus. The effect of physico-chemical parameters in the occurrence of decapod larvae is discussed.
Change in the proximate composition and energy value of Tellina angulata from Bombay were studied for a period of 15 months. Irrespective of sex protein as percentage at dry weight ranged from 39.04 to 75.72, carbohydrate 4.83 to 24. 89, lipid 7.41 to 19.81, carbon 21.99 to 39.89 and ash 4.01 to 27.56. Sexwise protein and lipid were maximum in male and carbohydrate in female. Seasonal variation in the proximate composition of the species was well defined.
Cephalopods gained importance in the fishing industry when they emerged as one of the leading sea food products exclusively for international market in the mid seventies. Cephalopods fishery in India is still in an infant stage with vast scope for exploitation. The present work on the cephalopods fishery along the Bombay coast is an effort to quantify the resource potential of Sepia acculeata. The morphometry, growth parameters, mortality (total, natural and fishing) rates, the yield per recruit and standing stock were studied.
The coastal areas of Bombay are generally turbid and the euphotic zone in these waters hardly exceeds 6 m. Primary productivity is largely confined to surface layers. Nearshore polluted stations have low values of dissolved oxygen, salinity and pH. Nutrients, on the other hand, are high. Primary productivity in these areas was 16.86 mg C m super(-3) d super(-1) in October. Column production for all the 4 stations ranged from 10.32 to 2511.30 mg C m super(-2) d super(-1). A direct correlation was found between nutrients and productivity values.
Hydrographic parameters in relation to fish catch composition within the depth range of 30 m to 97 m at 15 different stations off the Bombay to Ratnagiri coast were studied from onboard the vessel M.V. Saraswathi, a 36.5 meter deepsea going research-cum-training vessel during her 58th cruise from the 17th to the 27th December 1986. The study indicates the abundance of Trichiurus sp, Priacanthus sp and Arius sp. Fluctuations in the zooplankton biomass and faunistic composition in the area are examined in relation to some important hydrographic parameters.
Fishes impart the most profound influence on the floral-faunistic characteristics of an aquatic ecosystem. Oreochromis mossambicus, an exotic fish accidentally introduced in the Powai lake, India, caused considerable changes in the growth pattern of Indian major carps, ultimately reducing the productive potential of the lake from 33.0 to 11.9 kh/ha. Powai lake is used exclusively for angling for sport. The angling pressure based on the "creel census" from 1955 to 1976 gives a clear picture of the trends in the fishery therein. A considerable decline, ranging from 171 to 400% in the average weight of Indian major carps was recorded.
The length-weight relationship and biometric study of three species of sciaenids viz. Othlithes cuvieri, Johnieops vogleri and Johnius macrorhynus are reported. For all the three species the regression coefficient between the sexes was found to be not significant at 5% level. Biometric study indicates that correlation among the various characters compared was fairly good while the meristic data agree well with published data.
Concentration of toxic metals namely Zn, Cu, Fe, Cd and Pb in the marine benthos off Bombay Coast, Maharashtra (India) was estimated. Maximum concentration of Zn, Fe and Pb was from the organisms of Thana Creek. Higher concentration of Cu was encountered in benthic organisms off Versova. Cd was detected in some organisms and was maximum in the organisms collected from Mahim.
Seasonal viariations in the incidence on fresh surfaces, breeding season, rate of growth and mortality of Balanus amphitrite communis was studied for a period of twelve months in the Cochin harbour waters, situated 76̊ 14'E and 90̊ 57'N, and subjected to annual seasonal changes in salinity.
The design and construction of the motor fishing vessel Jheenga of the Deep Sea Fishing Station of the Government of India, Bombay, the areas covered and the gear used by her in 1959-63 are described. The prawn catches in relation to the total catches, and their catch rates in different months in area 18-72 in Bombay region which was fished continuously during the five years period have been studied with a view to ascertaining their seasonal abundance. The results indicate the availability of the prawns in the region for the major part of the year from March to October-November. High catches with high catch rates forming high percentage of their abundance in total catches are obtained in July to October.
Fresh Bombay ducks and Bombay ducks dried (a) without any pre-treatment or (b) after brining with NaCl solutions of 15% and 7.5% concentrations for 18 hours were analyzed for moisture, ash, minerals, vitamins, fat, free fatty acids, peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid value, total protein, total amino nitrogen, soluble proteins and trimethylamine contents. All the dried samples were stored in (a) tightly closed tin containers or (b) polythene bags and analyzed for the above mentioned constituents every 1½ months. It was observed that brining did not exercise any marked influence on keeping properties. Organoleptic observations showed that fish stored in tin containers kept better and longer than those stored in polythene bags.