941 resultados para Bologna. Istituto Geologico.
Signatures: A-G⁸ H⁴.
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"Vorträge, gehalten vor der Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna am 9. u. 23. mai sowie 12. December 1844 und 7. Mai 1846"
Acquisition made accessible thanks to a 2015-2017 grant from the Council on Libraries and Information Resources.
"Documenti"--P. [27]-50.
Analisi di vulnerabilità sismica dell'Istituto IPSCT "Luigi Einaudi" di Ferrara.
Megacyclops viridis Jurine, noticed in Lago Maggiore in 1912 by De Marchi from the littoral vegetation of Pallanza, is a normal member of the littoral plankton of the lake. The subgenus Megacyclops, created by Kiefer in his revision of the viridis-vernalis group, contains european and american species some of which are today considered as varieties of the species viridis. This paper examines morphology and of the distribution of the Italian viridis in Lake Maggiore.
Eudiaptomus vulgaris Schmeil is the most abundant copepod in Lake Maggiore and forms also, in respect to other entomostraca, the most important element, through its average biomass and because it is fairly numerous throughout the year. Plankton samples collected in a systematic and quantitative way, gave the opportunity to study some aspects of the dynamics of the population of this copepod, in safety in view of the uncertainty which in this kind of study can ensue when samples are taken only at a single station - in consequence of the changes in size of population between different water masses. The results of the biometrical observations are of the population of Eudiaptomus vulgaris is presented.
In recent times, some specialists have begun to study the subject of food selection of fish in an organized way, thus highlighting its importance. In the present work, the author intends to evaluate the impact of predation on the eupelagic zooplanktonic biocenosis of Lake Maggiore, producing, in this way, as far as possible, a basis for a better understanding of the population dynamics of the species of zooplankton directly involved. Another aspect which has been studied is that related to the mechanism of selective capture set in action by the predator. To this end the study tries to bear in mind that the subject should be interpreted as a function of numerous factors acting contemporaneously, that is as the interaction of characters peculiar to the predator and to the prey. The species studied, locally called ”bondella”, belongs to the family Salmonidae, subfamily Coregoninae and was introduced into Lake Maggiore in 1950.
In freshwater environments of modest size and without notable ecological structure, there is usually present only one diaptomid species. When two or more diaptomid species are present in the same habitat, generally their body dimensions are distinctly different. There are only four examples of co-existence of Arctodiaptomus bacillifer (Koelb.) and Acanthodiaptomus denticornis (Wierz.) situated at higher altitudes alpine lakes. The article discusses the results of sampling in the summer of 1953 and the problem of the co-existence of Arctodiaptomus bacillifer, Acanthodiaptomus denticornis and Heterocope saliens.
Dormancy has been observed in several species of Cyclops. Animals in dormancy are characterised by almost complete inactivity of the main appendages and sluggish intestinal peristalsis. In Cyclops vicinus dormancy can take place in copepod stages III (19%), IV (78%) and V (3%) but one and the same animal only in one developmental stage. The author gives his own results between frequency of dormancy and photoperiod (20 C, 1000 lux). He concludes that dormancy in C. vicinus can be influenced by day length and can be ended prematurely by short day length.
The problem of the peculiar reproductive biology of the cladoceran Daphnia middendorffiana is investigated from a cytological viewpoint, and by direct observation the meiotic phenomena of the eggs both subitaneous and resting is studied. and during maturation, the true mechanism of the succession of reproductive phases of different ecological significance. Samples were collected in the Italian Alpine Lake of Campo 4°.
La presente investigación trata de poner énfasis en la importancia del paisaje en Deserto Rosso de Michelangelo Antonioni, erigiéndose este como elemento fundamental de la trama argumental del filme. Partiendo de esta premisa, se analiza el significado de dicho paisaje en el contexto socioartístico de los años 60. La interacción del hombre con su entorno parece ser el punto de partida para una reflexión más profunda sobre el devenir humano. Las nuevas conquistas estéticas alcanzadas y el análisis históricoartístico de los precedentes más inmediatos del filme, sitúan a Deserto Rosso como obra cumbre de la neovanguardia posmoderna europea.
Der folgende Beitrag fasst die jüngsten Ergebnisse einer Studierendenbefragung zusammen, die im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Forschungsprojekts „ZEITLast: Lehrzeit und Lernzeit: Studierbarkeit der BA-/BSc- und MA-/MSc- Studiengänge als Adaption von Lehrorganisation und Zeitmanagement unter Berücksichtigung von Fächerkultur und Neuen Technologien“ im Wintersemester 2010/2011 in den beiden Studiengängen „Informationsmanagement und Informationstechnologie“ und „Polyvalenter 2-Fächer-Bachelor-Studiengang mit Lehramtsoption“ an der Stiftung Universität Hildesheim durchgeführt wurde. Dieser Befragung ging in beiden Studiengängen eine Zeitbudgeterhebung voraus. Zentrale Ergebnisse werden im Folgenden vorgestellt und im Weiteren exemplarisch in den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs eingebunden. Deutlich wird, dass das Gefühl von Belastung nicht auf die reine Zeitinvestition in das Studium zurückzuführen ist, sondern auch in engem Zusammenhang mit der vorherrschenden Lehrorganisation an der Hochschule und den eigenen studentischen Kompetenzen zu sehen ist.