966 resultados para Bologna


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The thesis deals with the heterogenous category of the “unaccompanied minors”, concentrating the scientific work on those who migrate from Romania to the Italian city of Bologna. Between different migratory routes that include Romanian minors, I chose to explore the ones linked with the underground and illegal contexts. In order to analyse the reasons and the morphology of their migratory career, I used the multisituated field research which allowed me to consider the social policies in both the Romanian and the Italian environment. The main debate on the situation of the “unaccompanied children” refers to the extent to which these minors leave their country of origin “accompanied” by different adult figures and it also involves the role played by these adults. The first chapter is dedicated to a brief theoretical and methodological introduction to the main arguments of the thesis such as Romanian migration to Italy, trafficking in human beings, transnationality of migrant’s migration and decentered cooperation as a means of contrasting illegal migration and trafficking. Each field of research is characterized by a specific methodological approach, but they are all linked by the anthropological perspective I adopted throughout the entire work. The Romanian context, analized from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective represents the object of the second chapter. Some aspects of the Regime policies and other characteristics of the Romanian poscomunist period of “transition” are useful frameworks that become a background of the migration flows outside the country. The third chapter focuses on the Romanian patterns of migration. The reconstruction of some past attitudes that Romanians adopted towards migration are relevant in order to reveal the continuity with the present migratory practices. A consistent part is dedicated to a concrete example based on a field research in Bologna on a group of Romanian roma migrating from the south of Romania. The contact with these persons opened a debate on the limits between legal and illegal migration practices among the Romanians. The conclusion is that minors’ migration to Italy follows the adult patterns and flows. The nucleus of the field researches is included in the fourth and the fifth chapter. Before presenting the settings and the itineraries of the field researches, some deconstructive reflections are made on the representations that common sense and social sciences create on concepts as “child”, “minor” and “childhood”. A first perspective on the Romanian migrant minors emerges from a research concentrated on a group of roma teenagers engaged in Bologna in activities like windscreen washing, pocket-picking, begging and street prostitution. The aim of the research was to gain access to their daily life, to observe their relationship with the adults who “accompany” them and the strategies they activate in order to take some material profit out of their migratory experience. A parallel field research focuses on the Romanian minors who are part of the roma group coming from the south of Romania. Most of them are reunited with their family in Bologna, but according to the Italian law, they are all living as illegal migrants. Others are only temporary sheltered by these families and they meanwhile dedicate to illegal survviving practices. An interesting point of my participant observation was to reveal the motivations that these minors give when asked about the refusal to start a legal career inside the local Centres dedicated to the “non accompanied minors”. Their autoreflexivity brings some light on the controversy regarding the adequacy of the local and national care system and the migratory projects the minors have. In this respect, a small part of the research is dedicated to the phenomena of minors’ street prostitution in Bologna, as a useful contribution to the fragmented vision researchers have on the “unaccompanied” or “separated” children. The last chapter focuses on a decentered cooperation project that emerged as an alternative response the local administration from Bologna had chosen for facing the presence of numerous migrants coming from the south of Romania. The group of Romanian roma who was also the object of my field research became the starting point for the cooperation proposals between the city of Bologna and the city of Craiova. Although there are three projects involving the two administrations, throughout a period of stage in the Romanian city of Craiova I chose to analyse, only the one dedicated to the “urgent measures” requested in order to contrast the illegal migration and the trafficking in minors. This final part of the thesis highlightens the possible contribution that such a project might bring to the study of a complex and in some parts contradictory phenomena as that of the “unaccompanied” migrant minors.


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For a long time, the work of a Franciscan Friar who had lived in Bologna and in Florence during the 13th and 14th centuries, Bartolomeo Della Pugliola, was thought to have been lost. Recent paleographic research, however, has affirmed that most of Della Pugliola’s work, although mixed into other authors, is contained in two manuscripts (1994 and 3843), currently kept at University Library in Bologna. Pugliola’s chronicle is central to Bolognese medieval literature, not only because it was the privileged source for the important work of Ramponis’ chronicle, but also because Bartolomeo della Pugliola’s sources are several significant works such as Jacopo Bianchetti’s lost writings and Pietro and Floriano Villolas’ chronicle (1163-1372). Ongoing historical studies and recent discoveries enabled me to reconstruct the historical chronology of Pugliola’s work as well as the Bolognese language between the 13th and 14th century The original purpose of my research was to add a linguistic commentary to the edition of the text in order to fill the gaps in medieval Bolognese language studies. In addition to being a reliable source, Pugliola’s chronicle was widely disseminated and became a sort of vulgate. The tradition of chronicle, through collation, allows the study of the language from a diachronic point of view. I therefore described all the linguistics phenomena related to phonetics, morphology and syntax in Pugliola’s text and I compared these results with variants in Villola’s and Ramponis’ chronicles. I also did likewise with another chronicle by a 16th century merchant, Friano Ubaldini, that I edited. This supplement helped to complete the Bolognese language outline from the 13th to the 16th century. In order to analize the data that I collected, I tried to approach them from a sociolinguistic point of view because each author represents a different variant of the language: closer to a scripta and the Florentine the language used by Pugliola, closer to the dialect spoken in Bologna the language used by Ubaldini. Differencies in handwriting especially show the models the authors try to reproduce or imitate. The glossary I added at the end of this study can help to understand these nuances with a number of examples.