943 resultados para Body condition score


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Exclusive paternal care is the rarest form of parental investment in nature and theory predicts that the maintenance of this behavior depends on the balance between costs and benefits to males. Our goal was to assess costs of paternal care in the harvestman Iporangaia pustulosa, for which the benefits of this behavior in terms of egg survival have already been demonstrated. We evaluated energetic costs and mortality risks associated to paternal egg-guarding in the field. We quantified foraging activity of males and estimated how their body condition is influenced by the duration of the caring period. Additionally, we conducted a one-year capture-mark-recapture study and estimated apparent survival probabilities of caring and non-caring males to assess potential survival costs of paternal care. Our results indicate that caring males forage less frequently than non-caring individuals (males and females) and that their body condition deteriorates over the course of the caring period. Thus, males willing to guard eggs may provide to females a fitness-enhancing gift of cost-free care of their offspring. Caring males, however, did not show lower survival probabilities when compared to both non-caring males and females. Reduction in mortality risks as a result of remaining stationary, combined with the benefits of improving egg survival, may have played an important and previously unsuspected role favoring the evolution of paternal care. Moreover, males exhibiting paternal care could also provide an honest signal of their quality as offspring defenders, and thus female preference for caring males could be responsible for maintaining the trait.


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The goal of this study was to analyze the mode of inheritance of an overweight body condition in an experimental cat population. The cat population consisted of 95 cats of which 81 cats could be clearly classified into lean or overweight using the body condition scoring system according to Laflamme. The lean or overweight classification was then used for segregation analyses. Complex segregation analyses were employed to test for the significance of one environmental and 4 genetic models (general, mixed inheritance, major gene, and polygene). The general genetic model fit the data significantly better than the environmental model (P


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Yearling steers were sorted into four groups based on hip height and fat cover at the start of the finishing period. Each group of sorted steers was fed diets containing 0.59 or 0.64 Mcal NEg per pound of diet. The value of each carcass was determined by use of the Oklahoma State University Boxed Beef Calculator. Sorting to increase hip height decreased the percentage of Choice carcasses and fat cover, increased ribeye area, and had no effect on carcass weight or yield grades 1 and 2. Sorting to decrease initial fat cover decreased carcass weight, carcass fat cover, and percentage of choice carcasses and increased the proportion of yield grades 1 and 2 carcasses. Concentration of energy in the finishing diet had no effect on carcass measurements. Increasing the percentage of yield grades 1 and 2 carcasses did not result in increased economic value of the carcasses when quality grades were lower and when there was a wide spread between Choice and Select carcasses, as occurred in 1996. With less spread between Choice and Select, as in 1997, sorting the cattle to increase yield grades 1 and 2 resulted in increased value, especially for close-trim boxed beef. The results of this study emphasize the importance of knowing how carcasses will grade before selecting a valuebased market for selling cattle.


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Steers were sorted into four groups based on hip height and fat cover at the start of the finishing period. Each group of sorted steers was fed a diet containing 0.59 or 0.64 Mcal NEg per pound of diet. Steers with less initial fat cover (.08 in.) gained slightly faster, consumed less feed, and therefore tended to be more efficient than steers with greater finish (.16 in.). Steers fed the lower-energy diet consumed more feed, gained similarly, and were less efficient than steers fed the higher-energy diet. The NRC computer model to evaluate beef cattle diets underpredicted performance of cattle in this experiment, but accurately predicted the differences in gain and feed efficiency observed between the leaner and fatter steers and between the two diets. In this study, the shorter steers (49.4 vs 52.2 in. initial height at the hip) gained faster with slightly greater feed intake and the same feed conversion.


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Human-induced forest modification can alter parasite-host interactions and might change the persistence of host populations. We captured individuals of two widespread European passerines (Fringilla coelebs and Sylvia atricapilla) in southwestern Germany to disentangle the associations of forest types and parasitism by haemosporidian parasites on the body condition of birds. We compared parasite prevalence and parasite intensity, fluctuating asymmetries, leukocyte numbers, and the heterophil to lymphocyte ratio (H/L-ratio) among individuals from beech, mixed-deciduous and spruce forest stands. Based on the biology of bird species, we expected to find fewer infected individuals in beech or mixed-deciduous than in spruce forest stands. We found the highest parasite prevalence and intensity in beech forests for F. coelebs. Although, we found the highest prevalence in spruce forests for S. atricapilla, the highest intensity was detected in beech forests, partially supporting our hypothesis. Other body condition or health status metrics, such as the heterophil to lymphocyte ratio (H/L-ratio), revealed only slight differences between bird populations inhabiting the three different forest types, with the highest values in spruce for F. coelebs and in mixed-deciduous forests for S. atricapilla. A comparison of parasitized versus non-parasitized individuals suggests that parasite infection increased the immune response of a bird, which was detectable as high H/L-ratio. Higher infections with blood parasites for S. atricapilla in spruce forest indicate that this forest type might be a less suitable habitat than beech and mixed-deciduous forests, whereas beech forests seem to be a suboptimal habitat regarding parasitism for F. coelebs.


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Fat mobilization to meet energy requirements during early lactation is inevitable because of insufficient feed intake, but differs greatly among high-yielding dairy cows. Therefore, we studied milk production, feed intake, and body condition as well as metabolic and endocrine changes in high-yielding dairy cows to identify variable strategies in metabolic and endocrine adaptation to overcome postpartum metabolic load attributable to milk production. Cows used in this study varied in fat mobilization around calving, as classified by mean total liver fat concentrations (LFC) postpartum. German Holstein cows (n=27) were studied from dry off until d 63 postpartum in their third lactation. All cows were fed the same total mixed rations ad libitum during the dry period and lactation. Plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones were measured in blood samples taken at d 56, 28, 15, and 5 before expected calving and at d 1 and once weekly up to d 63 postpartum. Liver biopsies were taken on d 56 and 15 before calving, and on d 1, 14, 28, and 49 postpartum to measure LFC and glycogen concentrations. Cows were grouped accordingly to mean total LFC on d 1, 14, and 28 in high, medium, and low fat-mobilizing cows. Mean LFC (±SEM) differed among groups and were 351±14, 250±10, and 159±9 mg/g of dry matter for high, medium, and low fat-mobilizing cows, respectively, whereas hepatic glycogen concentrations postpartum were the highest in low fat-mobilizing cows. Cows in the low group showed the highest dry matter intake and the least negative energy balance postpartum, but energy-corrected milk yield was similar among groups. The decrease in body weight postpartum was greatest in high fat-mobilizing cows, but the decrease in backfat thickness was greatest in medium fat-mobilizing cows. Plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate were highest around calving in high fat-mobilizing cows. Plasma triglycerides were highest in the medium group and plasma cholesterol concentrations were lowest in the high group at calving. During early lactation, the decrease in plasma glucose concentrations was greatest in the high group, and plasma insulin concentrations postpartum were highest in the low group. The revised quantitative insulin sensitivity check index values decreased during the transition period and postpartum, and were highest in the medium group. Plasma cortisol concentrations during the transition period and postpartum period and plasma leptin concentrations were highest in the medium group. In conclusion, cows adapted differently to the metabolic load and used variable strategies for homeorhetic regulation of milk production. Differences in fat mobilization were part of these strategies and contributed to the individual adaptation of energy metabolism to milk production.


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Behavioural field observations are increasingly being used in ecotoxicological research to identify potential adverse effects of exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs). We investigated thermal conditions inside the nest and parental behaviour of glaucous gulls, Larus hyperboreus, breeding in the Norwegian Arctic in relation to the concentrations of major classes of POPs (organochlorines, brominated flame retardants and metabolically derived products) accumulated in their blood. Most notably, nest temperature was negatively correlated with the concentrations of the sum of DDT, sum of PCB and several quantitatively minor POP classes within the incubating parent. To investigate the relationship between incubation ability and parental POP exposure further, we experimentally increased the costs of incubation by artificially increasing the clutch size from two to four eggs. Clutch enlargement was followed by a decrease in nest temperature, but this drop in temperature was not associated with POP concentrations within the incubating parent. However, males, which had higher POP concentrations and lower white blood cell counts than females, seemed less able to maintain nest temperature. There was virtually no evidence to suggest that the sum of PCB or DDT were associated with changes in the time a bird spent incubating. However, there was some indication that nest site attendance by nonincubating males was negatively related to the sum of DDT, suggesting that nest protection may have been compromised. The results suggest that adverse effects of parental POP exposure may occur through suboptimal thermal conditions for embryo development and possibly increased egg predation risk.


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Funding: The research was financially supported by the Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment.


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While part of a single country, the Indonesian archipelago covers several biogeographic regions, and the high levels of national shipping likely facilitate transfer of non-native organisms between the different regions. Two vessels of a domestic shipping line appear to have served as a transport vector for the Asian green mussel Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) between regions. This species is indigenous in the western but not in the eastern part of the archipelago, separated historically by the Sunda Shelf. The green mussels collected from the hulls of the ferries when in eastern Indonesia showed a significantly lower body condition index than similar-sized individuals from three different western-Indonesian mussel populations. This was presumably due to reduced food supply during the ships' voyages. Although this transportinduced food shortage may initially limit the invasive potential (through reduced reproductive rates) of the translocated individuals, the risk that the species will extend its distributional range further into eastern Indonesia is high. If the species becomes widely established in eastern Indonesia, there will then be an increased risk of incursions to Australia, where the mussel is listed as a high-priority pest species.


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We investigated plasma hormone profiles of corticosterone and testosterone in immature hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in response to a capture stress protocol. Further, we examined whether sex and body condition were covariates associated with variation in the adrenocortical response of immature turtles. Hawksbill turtles responded to the capture stress protocol by significantly increasing plasma levels of corticosterone over a 5 h period. There was no significant sex difference in the corticosterone stress response of immature turtles. Plasma testosterone profiles, while significantly different between the sexes, did not exhibit a significant change during the 5 h capture stress protocol. An index of body condition was not significantly associated with a turtle's capacity to produce plasma corticosterone both prior to and during exposure to the capture stress protocol. In summary, while immature hawksbill turtles exhibited an adrenocortical response to a capture stress protocol, neither their sex nor body condition was responsible for variation in endocrine responses. This lack of interaction between the adrenocortical response and these internal factors suggests that the inactive reproductive- and the current energetic- status of these immature turtles are important factors, that could influence plasma hormone profiles during stress. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.