870 resultados para Blind Spot
Aims: To investigate the effects of a 6-month supplementation with calcium and cholecalciferol on biochemical parameters and muscle strength of institutionalized elderly. Methods: This prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial included Brazilian institutionalized people 6 60 years of age receiving a 6-month supplementation ( December to May) of daily calcium plus monthly placebo (calcium/placebo group) or daily calcium plus oral cholecalciferol (150,000 IU once a month during the first 2 months, followed by 90,000 IU once a month for the last 4 months; calcium/vitamin D group). Fasting blood samples for 25-(OH) D, PTH and calcium determination were collected (n = 56) and muscle tests were performed ( n = 46) to measure the strength of hip flexors (SHF) and knee extensors (SKE) before ( baseline) and after the 6-month intervention ( 6 months). Results: Due to seasonal variations, serum 25( OH) D significantly enhanced in both groups after treatment, but the calcium/vitamin D group had significantly higher 25-(OH) D levels than the calcium/placebo group (84 vs. 33%, respectively; p < 0.0001). No cases of hypercalcemia were observed. While the calcium/placebo group showed no improvement in SHF and SKE at 6 months (p = 0.93 and p = 0.61, respectively), SHF was increased in the calcium/vitamin D group by 16.4% (p = 0.0001) and SKE by 24.6% (p = 0.0007). Conclusions: The suggested cholecalciferol supplementation was safe and efficient in enhancing 25(OH)D levels and lower limb muscle strength in the elderly, in the absence of any regular physical exercise practice. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
Creatine (CR) supplementation is commonly used by athletes. However, its effects on renal function remain controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of creatine supplementation on renal function in healthy sedentary males (18-35 years old) submitted to exercise training. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed. Subjects (n = 18) were randomly allocated to receive treatment with either creatine (CR) (similar to 10 g day(-1) over 3 months) or placebo (PL) (dextrose). All subjects undertook moderate intensity aerobic training, in three 40-min sessions per week, during 3 months. Serum creatinine, serum and urinary sodium and potassium were determined at baseline and at the end of the study. Cystatin C was assessed prior to training (PRE), after 4 (POST 4) and 12 weeks (POST 12). Cystatin C levels (mg L-1) (PRE CR: 0.82 +/- 0.09; PL: 0.88 +/- 0.07 vs. POST 12 CR: 0.71 +/- 0.06; PL: 0.75 +/- 0.09, P = 0.0001) were decreased over time, suggesting an increase in glomerular filtration rate. Serum creatinine decreased with training in PL but was unchanged with training in CR. No significant differences were observed within or between groups in other parameters investigated. The decrease in cystatin C indicates that high-dose creatine supplementation over 3 months does not provoke any renal dysfunction in healthy males undergoing aerobic training. In addition, the results suggest that moderate aerobic training per se may improve renal function.
This work presents a comparison between laser weld (LBW) and electric resistance spot weld (ERSW) processes used for assemblies of components in a body-in-white (BIW) at a world class automotive industry. It is carried out by evaluating the mechanical strength modeled both by experimental and numerical methods. An ""Arcan"" multiaxial test was designed and manufactured in order to enable 0 degrees, 45 degrees and 90 degrees directional loadings. The welded specimens were uncoated low carbon steel sheets (S-y = 170 MPa) used currently at the automotive industry, with two different thicknesses: 0.80 and 1.20 mm. A numerical analysis was carried out using the finite element method (FEM) through LS-DYNA code. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Diminished balance ability poses a serious health risk due to the increased likelihood of falling, and impaired postural stability is significantly associated with blindness and poor vision. Noise stimulation (by improving the detection of sub-threshold somatosensory information) and tactile supplementation (i.e. additional haptic information provided by an external contact surface) have been shown to improve the performance of the postural control system. Moreover, vibratory noise added to the source of tactile supplementation (e.g. applied to a surface that the fingertip touches) has been shown to enhance balance stability more effectively than tactile supplementation alone. In view of the above findings, in addition to the well established consensus that blind subjects show superior abilities in the use of tactile information, we hypothesized that blind subjects may take extra benefits from the vibratory noise added to the tactile supplementation and hence show greater improvements in postural stability than those observed for sighted subjects. If confirmed, this hypothesis may lay the foundation for the development of noise-based assistive devices (e.g. canes, walking sticks) for improving somatosensation and hence prevent falls in blind individuals. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Maize breeding programmes in Brazil and elsewhere seek reliable methods to identify genotypes resistant to Phaeosphaeria leaf spot. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) is an accurate method to evaluate the severity of foliar diseases. However, at least three data points are required to calculate the AUDPC, which is unfeasible when there are thousands of genotypes to be assessed. The aim of this work was to estimate the heritability of disease resistance, evaluate disease severity at different times using a nine-point scale in comparison to the AUDPC, and establish the most suitable phenological period for disease assessment. A repeated experiment was conducted in a 11 x 11 lattice experimental design with three replications. Disease assessments were carried out at flowering, 15 and 30 days post-anthesis for the parental lines DS95, DAS21, the F1 generation and 118 F2:3 progenies. Then, the AUDPC was obtained and results compared with the single-point evaluations used to calculate it. Individual and joint analyses of variance were conducted to obtain heritabiliy estimates. The assessments performed after the flowering stage gave higher estimates of heritability and correlation with AUDPC. We concluded that one assessment between the 15th and 30th day after flowering could provide enough information to distinguish maize genotypes for their resistance to Phaeosphaeria leaf spot under tropical conditions.
Citrus black spot (CBS) caused by Guignardia citricarpa represents an important threat to citriculture in Brazil. Limited information is available regarding potential biological control agents and new alternative compounds that may provide protection of orange fruits against the disease. In this study, the effects of commercial products based on Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Bt) bacterium, Bt pure isolates and Harpin protein (Messenger (R)) on the postharvest control of CBS, were evaluated in `Valencia` sweet orange fruits harvested for three consecutive years in a citrus grove. The fruits were sprayed with the following products: DiPel (R) WP (Bt, subspecies, kurstaki strain HD-1,16,000 International Units mg(-1), 32 g active ingredient kg(-1)) (1, 20 and 50 mg ml(-1)), Dimy Pel (R) WP (Bt, subspecies, kurstaki, strain HD-1, 17,600 IU mg(-1), 26 g active ingredient l(-1)) (2, 20 and 50 mg ml(-1)), Messenger (R) (3% harpin protein) (1 and 2 mg ml(-1)) and fungicide Tecto (R) Flowable SC (thiabendazole, 485 gl(-1)) (0.8g active ingredient l(-1)), besides the Bt isolates, Bt- HD-567, Bt- DiPel and Bt- Dimy (9 x 10(8) CFU ml(-1)). Ten days after treatment, the number of newly developed CBS lesions and pycnidia produced were evaluated using fifty fruits per treatment. The Dimy Pel (R) and Messenger (R) reduced the number of new developed CBS lesions on fruits in up to 67% and 62%, respectively. All applied treatments drastically decreased the number of pycnidia produced in the CBS lesions on orange fruits with 85% to 96% reductions compared to the untreated control. Volatile compounds produced by the isolates Bt- HD-567, Bt- Dimy and Bt- DiPel, reduced the number of lesions on treated fruits by 70%, 65% and 71% compared to the control, respectively. In addition, the survival of Bt isolates on orange fruit surfaces were evaluated by recovering and quantifying the number of CFU every seven days for up to 28 days. The declines in survival rates on orange fruit surfaces were drastic for the three strains of Bt in the first week. The CFU numbers of all applied isolates declined by 4 to 5 orders of magnitude after storage at room temperature for 28 days. In vitro assays revealed that the Bt isolates significantly reduced the mycelial growth of the pathogen, ranging from 32% to 51%, compared to the control, whereas no inhibitory effect was observed in the presence of Messenger (R). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Due to the low chemical control effectiveness of citrus black spot, caused by the fungus Guignardia citricarpa at postharvest, and to the search for alternative control methods, this study aimed to evaluate the in vitro effect of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), produced by yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, on G. citricarpa. It was observed that the yeast strains evaluated acted as antagonists by VOC production, whose maximum inhibitory capacity was as high as 87.2%. The presence of fermentable carbon sources in the medium was essential for the bioactive VOC production by the yeast. The analysis of VOCs produced in PDA medium by SPME-GC-MS indicated the presence of high quantities of alcohols as well as esters. An artificial VOC mixture prepared on the basis of the composition of the VOCs mimicked the inhibitory effects of the natural VOCs released by S. cerevisiae. Thus, the VOCs produced by the yeast or the artificial mixtures can be a promising control method for citrus black spot or others postharvest diseases.
The purposes of this work were a) to evaluate citrus black spot (CBS) incidence in `Valencia` oranges and `Murcott` tangors aimed at the export market, and in Pera`, `Lima` and `Natal` oranges, and `Murcott` tangors, aimed at the domestic market after different processing stages in packinghouses in 2004/05 and 2005/06; b) to evaluate CBS incidence in Pera` and `Lima` oranges and `Murcott` tangors sold at Ceagesp-SP, the biggest wholesale market in the State of Sao Paulo, in 2006. Citrus fruits were collected at the packinghouse, on their arrival, after pre-washing and de-greening, from the packing table, from the pallet and at Ceagesp. They were stored for 14 to 21 days at 25 degrees C and 85-90% RH. The incidence of CBS was visually evaluated after one day and at the end of the storage period. CBS incidence in fruits aimed at the export market decreased, with values under 2.0% on arrival and no CBS symptoms observed on fruits from the pallet. The average incidence of CBS in `Pera`, `Lima` and `Natal` oranges, and `Murcott` tangors in the packinghouse aimed at the domestic market were 64.1, 39.0, 32.1 and 19.3%, respectively, after one day of storage, then remaining constant in all processing stages. The incidence of CBS in Ceagesp fruits was low in winter months and increased in the spring. The increase in disease incidence during the storage period (21 days) was not significant in collected fruits.
Guignardia citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot, forms airborne ascospores on decomposing citrus leaves and water-spread conidia on fruits, leaves and twigs. The spatial pattern of diseased fruit in citrus tree canopies was used to assess the importance of ascospores and conidia in citrus black spot epidemics in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The aggregation of diseased fruit in the citrus tree canopy was quantified by the binomial dispersion index (D) and the binary form of Taylor`s Power Law for 303 trees in six groves. D was significantly greater than 1 in 251 trees. The intercept of the regression line of Taylor`s Power Law was significantly greater than 0 and the slope was not different from 1, implying that diseased fruit was aggregated in the canopy independent of disease incidence. Disease incidence (p) and severity (S) were assessed in 2875 citrus trees. The incidence-severity relationship was described (R-2 = 88.7%) by the model ln(S) = ln(a) + bCLL(p) where CLL = complementary log-log transformation. The high severity at low incidence observed in many cases is also indicative of low distance spread of G. citricarpa spores. For the same level of disease incidence, some trees had most of the diseased fruit with many lesions and high disease severity, whereas other trees had most of the fruit with few lesions and low disease severity. Aggregation of diseased fruit in the trees suggests that splash-dispersed conidia have an important role in increasing the disease in citrus trees in Brazil.
The etiological agent of maize white spot (MWS) disease has been a subject of controversy and discussion. Initially the disease was described as Phaeosphaeria leaf spot caused by Phaeosphaeria maydis. Other authors have Suggested the existence of different fungal species causing similar symptoms. Recently, a bacterium, Pantoea ananatis, was described as the causal agent of this disease. The purpose of this Study was to offer additional information on the correct etiology of this disease by providing visual evidence of the presence of the bacterium in the interior of the MWS lesions by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and molecular techniques. The TEM allowed Visualization of a large amount of bacteria in the intercellular spaces of lesions collected from both artificially and naturally infected plants. Fungal structures were not visualized in young lesions. Bacterial primers for the 16S rRNA and rpoB genes were used in PCR reactions to amplify DNA extracted from water-soaked (young) and necrotic lesions. The universal fungal oligonucleotide ITS4 was also included to identity the possible presence of fungal structures inside lesions. Positive PCR products from water-soaked lesions, both from naturally and artificially inoculated plants, were produced with bacterial primers, whereas no amplification was observed when ITS4 oligonucleotide was used. On the other hand, DNA amplification with ITS4 primer was observed when DNA was isolated from necrotic (old) lesions. These results reinforced previous report of P. ananatis as the primary pathogen and the hypothesis that fungal species may colonize lesions pre-established by P. ananatis.
Phaeosphaeria leaf spot (PLS) is an important disease in tropical and subtropical maize (Zea mays, L.) growing areas, but there is limited information on its inheritance. Thus, this research was conducted to study the inheritance of the PLS disease in tropical maize by using QTL mapping and to assess the feasibility of using marker-assisted selection aimed to develop genotypes resistance to this disease. Highly susceptible L14-04B and highly resistant L08-05F inbred lines were crossed to develop an F(2) population. Two-hundred and fifty six F(2) plants were genotyped with 143 microsatellite markers and their F(2:3) progenies were evaluated at seven environments. Ten plants per plot were evaluated 30 days after silk emergence following a rating scale, and the plot means were used for analyses. The heritability coefficient on a progeny mean basis was high (91.37%), and six QTL were mapped, with one QTL on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, and 6, and two QTL on chromosome 8. The gene action of the QTL ranged from additive to partial dominance, and the average level of dominance was partial dominance; also a dominance x dominance epistatic effect was detected between the QTL mapped on chromosome 8. The phenotypic variance explained by each QTL ranged from 2.91 to 11.86%, and the joint QTL effects explained 41.62% of the phenotypic variance. The alleles conditioning resistance to PLS disease of all mapped QTL were in the resistant parental inbred L08-05F. Thus, these alleles could be transferred to other elite maize inbreds by marker-assisted backcross selection to develop hybrids resistant to PLS disease.
Pseudocercospora griseola (Sacc.) Crous &. Braun is a widespread fungal phytopathogen that is responsible for angular leaf spot in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). A number of fungal phytopathogens have been shown to harbour mycoviruses, and this possibility was investigated in populations of Pseudocercospora griseola. The total nucleic acid extracts of 61 fungal isolates were subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis. Small fragments (800-4800 bp) could be identified in 42 of the samples. The presence of dsRNA in isolate Ig838 was confirmed by treatment of total nucleic acid with DNase, RNase A, and nuclease S I. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of viral-like particles 40 nm in diameter in the mycelia of 2 fungal isolates, namely 29-3 and Ig838. The transmission of dsRNA by means of conidia was 100% for isolate 29-3, but there was loss of 1-6 fragments of dsRNA in monosporic colonies of isolate Ig848. Cycloheximide treatment failed to inhibit the mycovirus in isolate 29-3, but proved efficient in the elimination of the 2.2, 2.0, 1.8, 1.2 and 1.0 kb fragments in 2 colonies of isolate Ig848. The occurrence of a mycovirus in Pseudocercospora griseola was demonstrated for the first time in the present study.
Background: There is increasing interest in natural treatments to control dyslipidemia and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of soy yogurt fermented with Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 and of dietary isoflavones on the lipid profile. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of isoflavone-supplemented soy yogurt, fermented with E. faecium CRL183, on lipid parameters and atherosclerosis development in rabbits with induced hypercholesterolemia. Methods: Forty-eight rabbits were randomly assigned to eight groups fed on the following diets for 60 days: C - control; IY - isoflavone-supplemented soy yogurt; H - hypercholesterolemic (1.0% cholesterol wt/wt diet); HY - hypercholesterolemic plus soy yogurt; HIY - hypercholesterolemic plus isoflavone-supplemented soy yogurt; HP - hypercholesterolemic plus placebo; HI hypercholesterolemic plus isoflavone and HE - hypercholesterolemic plus pure culture of E. faecium CRL 183. Serum lipids and autoantibodies against oxLDL (oxLDL Ab) were analyzed on days 0, 30 and 60 of the treatment and the atherosclerotic lesions were quantified at the end of the experiment. Results: Soy yogurt, soy yogurt supplemented with isoflavones and placebo promoted significant reductions in total cholesterol level (38.1%, 27.0% and 26.6%, respectively). Significant increases in serum HDL-C concentration relative to group H were detected in animals that ingested soy yogurt, with or without the isoflavone supplement (55.2%), E. faecium culture (43.3%) or placebo (35.8%). Intake of soy yogurt and soy yogurt supplemented with isoflavones prevented the rise of oxLDL Ab during the study period. The extent of atherosclerosis in the thoracic and abdominal aortas was reduced in the HIY, HY and HP groups. However, when the whole aorta was analyzed, animals treated with soy yogurt supplemented with isoflavones exhibited the greatest reduction (51.4%, P < 0.05) in atherosclerotic lesion area, compared to group H. Conclusion: Soy yogurt could be consumed as an alternative means of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving the lipid profile and inhibiting oxLDL Ab formation. Our findings also suggest that isoflavone supplementation may enhance the antiatherosclerotic effect of soy yogurt.
Background Excess of terminal hair can be defined as excessive hair that appears in male-like pattern in women. Some experts consider this condition as a result of an atypical relationship between levels of circulating androgens and sensitivity of androgen receptors in hair follicles to circulating androgens. Aims The aim of this research work was to evaluate the efficacy of a topical treatment for suppressing terminal hair growth of a cream containing 6.0% of the Stryphnodendron adstringens bark extract. Study design and subjects Study was randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled. Subjects with excess of terminal hair were randomized to placebo and to the active treatment (cream with 6.0% of the extract). Evaluation was performed before and after 6 months, and subjects were photographed in each time. Clinical examination was carried out with the same physicians and in accordance with the Ferriman-Gallwey (FG) score. Results Benefits of the cream containing S. adstringens bark extract was observed in 60.98% (P < 0.001) of the subjects. FG score changed from 4 to 3 in the placebo group compared to 4-2 in the active. The cream suppressed the terminal hair growth and diminished the number of terminal hair. Subjects also described the reduction of skin hyperpigmentation, folliculitis and acne. Adverse events were not verified by physicians or patients. Conclusions The cream with 6.0% of the S. adstringens bark extract was effective on the reduction and on the reversion of the terminal hair excess, being considered a new promissory product for such finality.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most prevalent vaginal infection worldwide and is characterized by depletion of the indigenous lactobacilli. Antimicrobial therapy is often ineffective. We hypothesized that probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 might provide an adjunct to antimicrobial treatment and improve cure rates. Sixty-four Brazilian women diagnosed with BV were randomly assigned to receive a single dose of tinidazole (2 g) supplemented with either 2 placebo capsules or 2 capsules containing L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14 every morning for the following 4 weeks. At the end of treatment (day 28), the probiotic group had a significantly higher cure rate of BV (87.5%) than the placebo group (50.0%) (p = 0.001). In addition, according to the Gram-stain Nugent score, more women were assessed with ""normal`` vaginal microbiota in the probiotic group (75.0% vs. 34.4% in the placebo group; p = 0.011). This study shows that probiotic lactobacilli can provide benefits to women being treated with antibiotics for an infectious condition.