944 resultados para Blackboard drawing.
WebGraphEd is an open source software for graph visualization and manipulation. It is especially designed to work for the web platform through a web browser. The web application has been written in JavaScript and compacted later, which makes it a very lightweight software. There is no need of additional software, and the only requirement is to have an HTML5 compliant browser. WebGraphEd works with scalable vector graphics (SVG), which it makes possible to create lossless graph drawings.
La asignatura de Cultivos Celulares impartida en la Licenciatura de Biología de la Universidad de Sevilla, proporciona a los alumnos información teórica y práctica en esta materia. El gran avance tecnológico de los cultivos celulares aconseja complementar la información. Para ello hemos realizado una actividad formativa que ha permitido a profesionales procedentes de otras universidades o empresas, proporcionar de forma directa y sin desplazarse, conocimientos sobre las técnicas más innovadoras en cultivos celulares. Se han realizado dos conferencias a distancia mediante el uso de la herramienta Wimba Classroom. Se evaluó el grado de comprensión de las conferencias por parte de los alumnos mediante las herramientas tarea y examen de WebCT, así como la posible repercusión en la nota final. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron un incremento en el número de aprobados y de presentados a examen en el grupo experimental con respecto al control, así como un aumento de la nota media obtenida (5,92 frente a 4,01). Los alumnos evaluaron distintos aspectos de la actividad mediante encuestas a través de la plataforma, en las cuales se obtuvo un grado de valoración de la misma muy positivo. Los resultados indican que el uso de Wimba Classroom es adecuado para el objetivo propuesto.
The present thesis investigated the importance of semantics in generating inferences during discourse processing. Three aspects of semantics, gender stereotypes, implicit causality information and proto-role properties, were used to investigate whether semantics is activated elaboratively during discourse comprehension and what its relative importance is in backward inferencing compared to discourse/structural cues. Visual world eye-tracking studies revealed that semantics plays an important role in both backward and forward inferencing: Gender stereotypes and implicit causality information is activated elaboratively during online discourse comprehension. Moreover, gender stereotypes, implicit causality and proto-role properties of verbs are all used in backward inferencing. Importantly, the studies demonstrated that semantic cues are weighed against discourse/structural cues. When the structural cues consist of a combination of cues that have been independently shown to be important in backward inferencing, semantic effects may be masked, whereas when the structural cues consist of a combination of fewer prominent cues, semantics can have an earlier effect than structural factors in pronoun resolution. In addition, the type of inference matters, too: During anaphoric inferencing semantics has a prominent role, while discourse/structural salience attains more prominence during non-anaphoric inferencing. Finally, semantics exhibits a strong role in inviting new inferences to revise earlier made inferences even in the case the additional inference is not needed to establish coherence in discourse. The findings are generally in line with the Mental Model approaches. Two extended model versions are presented that incorporate the current findings into the earlier literature. These models allow both forward and backward inferencing to occur at any given moment during the course of processing; they also allow semantic and discourse/structural cues to contribute to both of these processes. However, while the Mental Model 1 does not assume interactions between semantic and discourse/structural factors in forward inferencing, the Mental Model 2 does assume such a link.
The electronic learning has become crucial in higher education with increased usage of learning management systems as a key source of integration on distance learning. The objective of this study is to understand how university teachers are influenced to use and adopt web-based learning management systems. Blackboard, as one of the systems used internationally by various universities is applied as a case. Semi-structured interviews were made with professors and lecturers who are using Blackboard at Lappeenranta University of Technology. The data collected were categorized under constructs adapted from Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and interpretation and discussion were based on reviewed literature. The findings suggest that adoption of learning management systems by LUT teachers is highly influenced by perceived usefulness, facilitating conditions and gained experience. The findings also suggest that easiness of using the system and social influence appear as medium influence of adoption for teachers at LUT.
Pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee afroamerikkalaisen puhekielen (African American Vernacular English, AAVE) käyttöä kolmen englanninkielisen romaanin dialogissa ja suomen yleispuhekielen käyttöä romaanien käännöksissä. Tutkimus on pääasiassa kvantitatiivinen ja deskriptiivinen. Romaanit ovat Stephen Kingin The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three (1987) (Musta torni 2, Kolme korttia pakasta 2005, suom. Kari Salminen), John Grishamin A Time to Kill (1989) (On aika tappaa 1994, suom. Kimmo Linkama) ja Sapphiren Push (1996) (Precious – harlemilaistytön tarina 2010, suom. Kristiina Drews). Alkukielisten romaanien osalta Grisham ja Sapphire suosivat lauseopillisia kielenpiirteitä, kun taas King on suosinut äänteellisiä. Sen sijaan käännöksissä piirteistä yleisimpiä ovat äänteelliset ja harvinaisimpia lauseopilliset. Vaikka käännöksissä sanastolliset piirteet ovat taajaan esiintyviä, äänteellisiä piirteitä esiintyy niitä enemmän. Poikkeuksena on On aika tappaa, jossa sanastollisia piirteitä esiintyy enemmän kuin äänteellisiä. Tulos eroaa Sampo Nevalaisen vuonna 2003 tekemästä tutkimuksesta, jossa hän sai selville, että käännöksissä käytetyt piirteet olivat enimmäkseen sanastollisia, kun taas alun perin suomeksi kirjoitetussa kaunokirjallisuudessa puhekielisyyden vaikutelma saatiin aikaan pääasiassa äänteellisin keinoin. Mahdollinen selitys tässä tutkimuksessa havaitulle erolle on se, että kahdessa romaanissa esiintyvä leimallinen AAVEn käyttö on saanut kääntäjät käyttämään samanlaisia strategioita kuin suomalaiset kirjailijat murretta kirjoittaessaan.
Sold by M. Senex at the Globe over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet London.
Architectural drawing of the site for the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Business and Technology Hall, Chapman University, Orange, California, ca. 1997.
Architectural drawing for the Hutton Sports Center, 219 E. Sycamore St., Chapman College, Orange, California. The Harold Hutton Sports Center, completed in 1978, is named in honor of this former trustee, and made possible by a gift from his wife, Betty Hutton Williams.
Architectural drawing of Morlan Residence Hall, married student apartments and lounge, Chapman College, Orange, California. John Galbraith & Associates, Architectural Project Development. Dedicated November 20, 1963 and named in honor of Dr. Halford J. Morlan and Perwyn Bohrer Morlan. An addition was dedicated December 1, 1965.
Architectural drawing of Moulton Hall, Orange, California. Completed in 1975 (2 floors, 44,592 sq.ft.), this building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre.
Architectural drawing of Moulton Hall, Orange, California. Completed in 1975 (2 floors, 44,592 sq.ft.), this building is named in memory of an artist and patroness of the arts, Nellie Gail Moulton. Within this structure are the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre.
Architectural drawing showing Moulton Hall, Orange, California. Completed in 1975 and housing the departments of Art, Communications, and Theatre/Dance as well as the Guggenheim Gallery and Waltmar Theatre.