850 resultados para Bivalvia


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Habitats composed of living 'ecosystem engineers', such as mussels, are subject to direct and indirect interactions with organisms that live among them. These interactions may affect the presence and structure of habitat, and hence, the associated taxa. We examined the direct effects of epibiotic algae on the Survival, biomass and recruitment of mussels (Mytilits L.) on the west coast of Ireland. A field experiment showed that the presence of epibiotic fucoid algae reduced the likelihood of survival of mussels during storms. We also found that the strength of attachment of mussels did not increase in the presence of epibionts. Another in situ experiment revealed that the presence of ephemeral epibiotic algal mats had no effect on the biomass of host mussels, suggesting no effect on mussel growth or production. The abundance of small mussels (


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Modiolarca tumida (Hanley, 1843) is a member of the sub-family Crenellinae (Mytilidae). The preferred habitat of the species is the test of certain ascidians. The shell is dorsally flattened, which prevents it from cutting into the test during dorso-ventral contraction of the byssal retractors. The use of the byssus enables it to surround itself completely with host tissue. Adoption of the feeding posture involves the anterior-posterior contraction of the byssal retractors, which elevates the posterior margin above the host's surface using the anterior margin as the fulcrum against the host. Modiolarca tumida are attracted by the tunicin of the host, a process probably facilitated by the host's feeding currents. The smallest individuals are found round the oral aperture. Colonization of other parts of the host may result from surface migration as M. tumida can be highly mobile, crawling by means of the very extensible foot. It is during this process that individuals may be swept away in local currents and be forced to adopt a free-living existence.


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Monthly samples of L. australis, V. spongiartum, P. bicolor and D. cuneata were collected over a period of 12 months from Princess Royal Harbour, Western Australia. Preliminary information on densities and biomass is given. Gonad histology points to seasonal reproductive cycles with autumn spawning in P. bicolor and D. cuneata and irregular spawning in V. spongiantm and L. australis. However, L. australis did show two peaks of larval brooding in the study period. Length-frequency data are discussed in the light of the proposed reproductive patterns for the four species. Allometric relationships between length and both height and width for all species are described and their value to each species assessed. Populations of L. australis from different habitats show significant differences in shell shape.


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Despite the importance of larval abundance in determining the recruitment of benthic marine invertebrates and as a major factor in marine benthic community structure, relating planktonic larval abundance with post-settlement post-larvae and juveniles in the benthos is difficult. It is hampered by several methodological difficulties, including sampling frequency, ability to follow larval and post-larval or juvenile cohorts, and ability to calculate growth and mortality rates. In our work, an intensive sampling strategy was used. Larvae in the plankton were collected at weekly intervals, while post-larvae that settled into collectors were analysed fortnightly. Planktonic larval and benthic post-larval/juvenile cohorts were determined, and growth and mortality rates calculated. Integration of all equations allowed the development of a theoretical formulation that, based on the abundance and planktonic larval duration, permits an estimation of the future abundance of post-larvae/juveniles during the first year of benthic life. The model can be applied to a sample in which it was necessary only to measure larval length.


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The present investigation is dedicated to understanding various mechanisms of salinity tolerance in the estuarine clam V. cyprinoides var. cochinensis. Even though V. cyprinoids var. cochinensis and V. cyprinoides are found to coexist in the same area, V. cyprinoids is reported to tolerate higher salinities than variety cochinenesis. Variations in the salinity of sea water may affect the aquatic organisms through specific gravity control and variations in osmotic pressure. The specific gravity of most soft tissues is close to that of normal seawater. Many bottom living forms, both attached and motile, have very high specific gravities eg.villorita cyprinoids. Villorita spp. Occurs abundantly in the reaches of the estuary and backwaters of Kerala. In both marine and estuarine forms, it is observed that mantle employs a lesser quantity of amino acids compared to adductor and foot. The regulation of cell volume is not carried out equally in all types of tissues. The capability of salinity tolerance is an aggregate of both the capabilities of extra cellular anisosmotic and intracellular isosmotic regulations in osmoconforming animals. The ultimate aim of water regulation is to regulate the cell volume.T here are slight changes occur in cell volume even in osmoregulators. These studies can also help in revealing the changes brought about in the cellular organelles like lysosomes, which were found to have a role in the osmoregulatory process. The osmoregulatory machinery of estuarine animals is more streamlined for a successful life in the estuarine regime.


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Caging and a mark–recapture design were used to estimate the growth rate of the brittle, infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba in the Hopkins River estuary. The growth of both caged and uncaged individuals was monitored at three sites near the mouth of the estuary over 180 days. Growth rates did not differ for caged and uncaged bivalves, or for bivalves subject to different amounts of handling, or between sites. Growth did differ between consecutive time intervals, which was attributable to negligible growth occurring during the colder months of autumn/winter. Comparisons of the condition (as indicated by total mass for length3) of S. alba were inconsistent between sites for caged and uncaged bivalves and for those subject to different amounts of handling. Soletellina alba is a rapidly growing bivalve with mean growth rates for the three time intervals being 0.04±0.002 mm day−1 in summer, 0.02±0.001 mm day−1 in autumn and 0.03±0.001 mm day−1 from summer to winter. Using existing literature, it was shown that a significant relationship exists between maximum shell length and onset of sexual maturity in bivalve molluscs. This relationship predicts that S. alba should reach the onset of sexual maturity at 15.8 mm length. Therefore, it appears that it may be possible for juvenile S. alba (<1 mm) to grow, reach sexual maturity and reproduce in between annual mass-mortality events caused by winter flooding.


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Mass mortalities of fauna are known to occur in estuarine environments during flood events. Specific factors associated with these mortalities have rarely been examined. Therefore, the effect of exposing, to lowered salinities, an infaunal bivalve that is susceptible to mass mortalities during winter flooding in a southern Australian estuary was tested in the present study. In a laboratory experiment, low salinities (≤6 parts per thousand [ppt]), which mimicked those expected during flood events in the Hopkins River estuary, were shown to affect Soletellina alba, both lethally and sublethally. All bivalves died at 1 ppt, while those at 6 ppt took longer to burrow and exhibited a poorer condition than those at 14 and 27 ppt. The limited salinity tolerance of S. alba suggests that lowered salinities are a likely cause of mass mortality for this species during winter flooding.


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Studies examining recruitment processes for soft-sediment macroinvertebrate fauna in intermittent estuaries are rare and most studies of active habitat selection have been tested in the laboratory rather than the field. The present field study examined whether recruitment of the infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba was influenced by water depth and sediment particle size in the intermittent Hopkins River estuary, southern Australia. The number of recruits in sediment trays differed between water depths, but active habitat selection was not evident across treatments of varying sediment particle size. The use of sediments with varying particle sizes also provided an opportunity to identify potential discontinuities in body-size distributions of recruits associated with varying habitat architecture. The length (mm) of recruits was converted to the same scale used to express sediment particle size (i.e. phi units: phi = − log2 of sediment particle size). The size of recruits differed across water depths, but did not differ across treatments with fine (phi = 3) versus coarse (phi = 1) sediment, and no relationships were apparent between bivalve size and sediments consisting of varying particle size. These patterns of recruitment do not correspond with the distribution of adult S. alba within the Hopkins River estuary. Previous sampling has shown that abundances of juvenile and adult S. alba are variable across time, site and water depth, but are often greater at the deeper water depth (1.05 m below the Australian Height Datum). However, recruitment during the present study was greatest at the shallower water depth (0.05 m below AHD), and the apparent absence of active habitat selection suggests that the distribution of adults is unlikely to be attributable to differences in recruitment associated with sediments of varying particle size.


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Patterns of spawning activity were assessed by monitoring gonad states over 2.5 years for Chlamys asperrima and Chlamys bifrons at two sites in Gulf St Vincent, South Australia. Chlamys asperrima appeared to have a minor spawning in June, followed by a major spawning starting in late August. In contrast, the gonads of C. bifrons were regressed only during winter and it appeared that C. bifrons spawned for a long period, from late spring (September) until early autumn (March). At one site where sampling was frequent, there was evidence of three series of C. bifrons spawning events during the summer of 1994/95 and at least two series of events during 1995/96. Build-up and decrease in gonad weight was quick, but there was strong evidence of serial spawning for both species. Subsequently, we once observed C. asperrima spawning in situ at Edithburgh Jetty, at a time when gonad weights had been decreasing in previous years, but also long after the time when peak gonad weights had usually occurred. Only patches within the population were seen spawning, with scallops not spawning observed less than 100 m away from those that were. Indirect sampling of gonad condition also suggested that spawning in C. bifrons at Largs Bay was not always synchronous among patches of scallops within a population, nor always between sexes within patches.