963 resultados para Biological Species Concept
In this paper we consider a system of three parabolic equations modeling the behavior of two biological species moving attracted by a chemical factor. The chemical substance verifies a parabolic equation with slow diffusion. The system contains second order terms in the first two equations modeling the chemotactic effects. We apply an iterative method to obtain the global existence of solutions using that the total mass of the biological species is conserved. The stability of the homogeneous steady states is studied by using an energy method. A final example is presented to illustrate the theoretical results.
El diagnóstico y detección temprana de enfermedades son clave para reducir la tasa de mortalidad, las hospitalizaciones de larga duración y el desaprovechamiento de recursos. En los últimos años se ha impulsado, mediante un aumento de la financiación, el desarrollo de nuevos biosensores de bajo coste capaces de detectar y cuantificar cantidades muy pequeñas de especies biológicas de una forma barata y sencilla. El trabajo presentado en esta Tesis Doctoral describe la investigación llevada a cabo en el desarrollo de sensores gravimétricos basados en resonadores de ondas acústicas de volumen (BAW) de estructura maciza (SMR). Los dispositivos emplean películas delgadas de A1N como material piezoeléctrico y operan en modo de cizalladura, para así poder detectar especies biológicas en medio líquido. El principio de funcionamiento de estos sensores se basa en la variación que experimenta la frecuencia de resonancia al quedar una pequeña masa adherida a su superficie. Necesitan operar en modo de cizalladura para que su resonancia no se atenúe al trabajar en medio líquido, así como ofrecer una superficie capaz de ser funcionalizada específicamente para la especie biológica a detectar. El reto planteado en esta tesis requiere un acercamiento pluridisciplinar al problema que incluye el estudio de los diferentes materiales que constituyen la estructura multicapa que forma un SMR, el diseño y fabricación del dispositivo y del sistema de fluídica, la funcionalización bioquímica de la superficie del sensor, la demostración de la capacidad de detección de especies biológicas y finalmente el diseño y fabricación de la electrónica asociada para la detección de la señal eléctrica. Todas esas tareas han sido abordadas en las distintas etapas del desarrollo de esta tesis y las contribuciones más relevantes se describen en el documento. En el campo de desarrollo de los materiales, se propone un proceso en dos etapas para la pulverización reactiva de capas de A1N que contengan microcristales inclinados capaces de excitar el modo de cizalladura. Se caracteriza la velocidad acústica del modo de cizalladura en todos los materiales que componen la estructura, con el fin de poder obtener un diseño más adecuado del reflector acústico. Se propone un nuevo tipo de material aislante de alta impedancia acústica consistente en capas de W03 pulverizadas que presenta ciertas ventajas tecnológicas frente a las capas convencionales de Ta205. Respecto del diseño del transductor, se estudia la influencia que tienen los con tactos eléctricos extendidos del resonador necesarios para poder adaptar el sistema de fluídica a la estructura. Los resultados indican que es necesario trabajar sobre sustratos aislantes (tanto el soporte como el espejo acústico) para evitar efectos parásitos asociados al uso de capas metálicas bajo los electrodos del resonador que dañan su resonancia. Se analiza la influencia de las diferentes capas del dispositivo en el coeficiente de temperatura de la frecuencia (TCF) del resonador llegando a la conclusión de que las dos últimas capas del reflector acústico afectan significativamente al TCF del SMR, pudiendo reducirse ajusfando adecuadamente sus espesores. De acuerdo con los resultados de estos estudios, se han diseñado finalmente resonadores SMR operando a f .3 GHz en modo de cizalladura, con un área activa de 65000 /xm2, contactos eléctricos que se extienden f .7 mm y factores de calidad en líquido de f 50. Las extensiones eléctricas permiten adaptar el resonador a un sistema de fluídica de metacrilato. Para la detección de especies biológicas se realiza un montaje experimental que permite circular 800 ¡A por la superficie del sensor a través de un circuito cerrado que trabaja a volumen constante. La circulación de soluciones iónicas sobre el sensor descubierto pone de manifiesto que las altas frecuencias de operación previenen los cortocircuitos y por tanto el aislamiento de los electrodos es prescindible. Se desarrolla un protocolo ad-hoc de funcionalización basado en el proceso estándar APTESGlutaraldehído. Se proponen dos alternativas novedosas para la funcionalización de las áreas activas del sensor basadas en el uso de capas de oxidación de Ir02 y su activación a través de un plasma de oxígeno que no daña al dispositivo. Ambos procesos contribuyen a simplificar notablemente la funcionalización de los sensores gravimétricos. Se utilizan anticuerpos y aptámeros como receptores para detectar trombina, anticuerpo monoclonal IgG de ratón y bacteria sonicadas. Una calibración preliminar del sensor con depósitos de capas finas de Si02 de densidad y espesor conocidos permite obtener una sensibilidad de 1800 kHz/pg-cm2 y un límite de detección of 4.2 pg. Finalmente se propone el prototipo de un circuito electrónico de excitación y lectura de bajo coste diseñado empleando teoría de circuitos de microondas. Aunque su diseño y funcionamiento admite mejoras, constituye la última etapa de un sistema completo de bajo coste para el diagnóstico de especies biológicas basado en resonadores SMR de A1N. ABSTRACT Early diagnosis and detection of diseases are essential for reducing mortality rate and preventing long-term hospitalization and waste of resources. These requirements have boosted the efforts and funding on the research of accurate and reliable means for detection and quantification of biological species, also known as biosensors. The work presented in this thesis describes the development and fabrication of gravimetric biosensors based on piezoelectric AlN bulk acoustic wave (BAW) solidly mounted resonators (SMRs) for detection of biological species in liquid media. These type of devices base their sensing principles in the variation that their resonant frequency suffers when a mass is attached to their surface. They need to operate in the shear mode to maintain a strong resonance in liquid and an adequate functionalisation of their sensing area to guarantee that only the targeted molecules cause the shift. The challenges that need to be overcome to achieve piezoelectric BAW resonators for high sensitivity detection in fluids require a multidisciplinary approach, that include the study of the materials involved, the design of the device and the fluidic system, the biochemical functionalisation of the active area, the experimental proof-of-concept with different target species and the design of an electronic readout circuit. All this tasks have been tackled at different stages of the thesis and the relevant contributions are described in the document. In the field of materials, a two-stage sputtering deposition process has been developed to obtain good-quality AlN films with uniformly tilted grains required to excite the shear mode. The shear acoustic velocities of the materials composing the acoustic reflector have been accurately studied to ensure an optimum design of the reflector stack. WO3 sputtered films have been proposed as high acoustic impedance material for insulating acoustic reflectors. They display several technological advantages for the processing of the resonators. Regarding the design, a study of the influence of the electrical extensions necessary to fit a fluidic system on the performance of the devices has been performed. The results indicate that high resistivity substrates and insulating reflectors are necessary to avoid the hindering of the resonance due to the parasitic effects induced by the extensions. The influence of the different layers of the stack on the resultant TCF of the SMRs has also been investigated. The two layers of the reflector closer to the piezoelectric layer have a significant influence on the TCF, which can be reduced by modifying their thicknesses accordingly. The data provided by these studies has led to the final design of the devices, which operate at 1.3 GHz in the shear mode and display an active area of 65000 /xm2 and electrical extensions of 1.7 mm while keeping a Qahear=150 in liquid. The extensions enable to fit a custom-made fluidic system made of methacrylate. To perform the biosensing experiments, an experimental setup with a liquid closed circuit operating at constant flow has been developed. Buffers of ionic characteristics have been tested on non-isolated devices, revealing that high operation frequencies prevent the risk of short circuit. An ad-hoc functionalisation protocol based on the standard APTES - Glutaraldehyde process has been developed. It includes two new processes that simplify the fabrication of the transducers: the use of IrO2 as oxidation layer and its functionalisation through an O2 plasma treatment that does not damage the resonators. Both antibodies and aptamers are used as receptors. In liquid sensing proof-of-concept experiments with thrombin, IgG mouse monoclonal antibody and sonicated bacteria have been displayed. A preliminary calibration of the devices using SiO2 layers reveals a sensitivity of 1800 kHz/pg-cm2 and a limit of detection of 4.2 pg. Finally, a first prototype of a low-cost electronic readout circuit designed using a standard microwave approach has been developed. Although its performance can be significantly improved, it is an effective first approach to the final stage of a portable low-cost diagnostic system based on shear mode AlN SMRs.
Los sistemas empotrados han sido concebidos tradicionalmente como sistemas de procesamiento específicos que realizan una tarea fija durante toda su vida útil. Para cumplir con requisitos estrictos de coste, tamaño y peso, el equipo de diseño debe optimizar su funcionamiento para condiciones muy específicas. Sin embargo, la demanda de mayor versatilidad, un funcionamiento más inteligente y, en definitiva, una mayor capacidad de procesamiento comenzaron a chocar con estas limitaciones, agravado por la incertidumbre asociada a entornos de operación cada vez más dinámicos donde comenzaban a ser desplegados progresivamente. Esto trajo como resultado una necesidad creciente de que los sistemas pudieran responder por si solos a eventos inesperados en tiempo diseño tales como: cambios en las características de los datos de entrada y el entorno del sistema en general; cambios en la propia plataforma de cómputo, por ejemplo debido a fallos o defectos de fabricación; y cambios en las propias especificaciones funcionales causados por unos objetivos del sistema dinámicos y cambiantes. Como consecuencia, la complejidad del sistema aumenta, pero a cambio se habilita progresivamente una capacidad de adaptación autónoma sin intervención humana a lo largo de la vida útil, permitiendo que tomen sus propias decisiones en tiempo de ejecución. Éstos sistemas se conocen, en general, como sistemas auto-adaptativos y tienen, entre otras características, las de auto-configuración, auto-optimización y auto-reparación. Típicamente, la parte soft de un sistema es mayoritariamente la única utilizada para proporcionar algunas capacidades de adaptación a un sistema. Sin embargo, la proporción rendimiento/potencia en dispositivos software como microprocesadores en muchas ocasiones no es adecuada para sistemas empotrados. En este escenario, el aumento resultante en la complejidad de las aplicaciones está siendo abordado parcialmente mediante un aumento en la complejidad de los dispositivos en forma de multi/many-cores; pero desafortunadamente, esto hace que el consumo de potencia también aumente. Además, la mejora en metodologías de diseño no ha sido acorde como para poder utilizar toda la capacidad de cómputo disponible proporcionada por los núcleos. Por todo ello, no se están satisfaciendo adecuadamente las demandas de cómputo que imponen las nuevas aplicaciones. La solución tradicional para mejorar la proporción rendimiento/potencia ha sido el cambio a unas especificaciones hardware, principalmente usando ASICs. Sin embargo, los costes de un ASIC son altamente prohibitivos excepto en algunos casos de producción en masa y además la naturaleza estática de su estructura complica la solución a las necesidades de adaptación. Los avances en tecnologías de fabricación han hecho que la FPGA, una vez lenta y pequeña, usada como glue logic en sistemas mayores, haya crecido hasta convertirse en un dispositivo de cómputo reconfigurable de gran potencia, con una cantidad enorme de recursos lógicos computacionales y cores hardware empotrados de procesamiento de señal y de propósito general. Sus capacidades de reconfiguración han permitido combinar la flexibilidad propia del software con el rendimiento del procesamiento en hardware, lo que tiene la potencialidad de provocar un cambio de paradigma en arquitectura de computadores, pues el hardware no puede ya ser considerado más como estático. El motivo es que como en el caso de las FPGAs basadas en tecnología SRAM, la reconfiguración parcial dinámica (DPR, Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration) es posible. Esto significa que se puede modificar (reconfigurar) un subconjunto de los recursos computacionales en tiempo de ejecución mientras el resto permanecen activos. Además, este proceso de reconfiguración puede ser ejecutado internamente por el propio dispositivo. El avance tecnológico en dispositivos hardware reconfigurables se encuentra recogido bajo el campo conocido como Computación Reconfigurable (RC, Reconfigurable Computing). Uno de los campos de aplicación más exóticos y menos convencionales que ha posibilitado la computación reconfigurable es el conocido como Hardware Evolutivo (EHW, Evolvable Hardware), en el cual se encuentra enmarcada esta tesis. La idea principal del concepto consiste en convertir hardware que es adaptable a través de reconfiguración en una entidad evolutiva sujeta a las fuerzas de un proceso evolutivo inspirado en el de las especies biológicas naturales, que guía la dirección del cambio. Es una aplicación más del campo de la Computación Evolutiva (EC, Evolutionary Computation), que comprende una serie de algoritmos de optimización global conocidos como Algoritmos Evolutivos (EA, Evolutionary Algorithms), y que son considerados como algoritmos universales de resolución de problemas. En analogía al proceso biológico de la evolución, en el hardware evolutivo el sujeto de la evolución es una población de circuitos que intenta adaptarse a su entorno mediante una adecuación progresiva generación tras generación. Los individuos pasan a ser configuraciones de circuitos en forma de bitstreams caracterizados por descripciones de circuitos reconfigurables. Seleccionando aquellos que se comportan mejor, es decir, que tienen una mejor adecuación (o fitness) después de ser evaluados, y usándolos como padres de la siguiente generación, el algoritmo evolutivo crea una nueva población hija usando operadores genéticos como la mutación y la recombinación. Según se van sucediendo generaciones, se espera que la población en conjunto se aproxime a la solución óptima al problema de encontrar una configuración del circuito adecuada que satisfaga las especificaciones. El estado de la tecnología de reconfiguración después de que la familia de FPGAs XC6200 de Xilinx fuera retirada y reemplazada por las familias Virtex a finales de los 90, supuso un gran obstáculo para el avance en hardware evolutivo; formatos de bitstream cerrados (no conocidos públicamente); dependencia de herramientas del fabricante con soporte limitado de DPR; una velocidad de reconfiguración lenta; y el hecho de que modificaciones aleatorias del bitstream pudieran resultar peligrosas para la integridad del dispositivo, son algunas de estas razones. Sin embargo, una propuesta a principios de los años 2000 permitió mantener la investigación en el campo mientras la tecnología de DPR continuaba madurando, el Circuito Virtual Reconfigurable (VRC, Virtual Reconfigurable Circuit). En esencia, un VRC en una FPGA es una capa virtual que actúa como un circuito reconfigurable de aplicación específica sobre la estructura nativa de la FPGA que reduce la complejidad del proceso reconfiguración y aumenta su velocidad (comparada con la reconfiguración nativa). Es un array de nodos computacionales especificados usando descripciones HDL estándar que define recursos reconfigurables ad-hoc: multiplexores de rutado y un conjunto de elementos de procesamiento configurables, cada uno de los cuales tiene implementadas todas las funciones requeridas, que pueden seleccionarse a través de multiplexores tal y como ocurre en una ALU de un microprocesador. Un registro grande actúa como memoria de configuración, por lo que la reconfiguración del VRC es muy rápida ya que tan sólo implica la escritura de este registro, el cual controla las señales de selección del conjunto de multiplexores. Sin embargo, esta capa virtual provoca: un incremento de área debido a la implementación simultánea de cada función en cada nodo del array más los multiplexores y un aumento del retardo debido a los multiplexores, reduciendo la frecuencia de funcionamiento máxima. La naturaleza del hardware evolutivo, capaz de optimizar su propio comportamiento computacional, le convierten en un buen candidato para avanzar en la investigación sobre sistemas auto-adaptativos. Combinar un sustrato de cómputo auto-reconfigurable capaz de ser modificado dinámicamente en tiempo de ejecución con un algoritmo empotrado que proporcione una dirección de cambio, puede ayudar a satisfacer los requisitos de adaptación autónoma de sistemas empotrados basados en FPGA. La propuesta principal de esta tesis está por tanto dirigida a contribuir a la auto-adaptación del hardware de procesamiento de sistemas empotrados basados en FPGA mediante hardware evolutivo. Esto se ha abordado considerando que el comportamiento computacional de un sistema puede ser modificado cambiando cualquiera de sus dos partes constitutivas: una estructura hard subyacente y un conjunto de parámetros soft. De esta distinción, se derivan dos lineas de trabajo. Por un lado, auto-adaptación paramétrica, y por otro auto-adaptación estructural. El objetivo perseguido en el caso de la auto-adaptación paramétrica es la implementación de técnicas de optimización evolutiva complejas en sistemas empotrados con recursos limitados para la adaptación paramétrica online de circuitos de procesamiento de señal. La aplicación seleccionada como prueba de concepto es la optimización para tipos muy específicos de imágenes de los coeficientes de los filtros de transformadas wavelet discretas (DWT, DiscreteWavelet Transform), orientada a la compresión de imágenes. Por tanto, el objetivo requerido de la evolución es una compresión adaptativa y más eficiente comparada con los procedimientos estándar. El principal reto radica en reducir la necesidad de recursos de supercomputación para el proceso de optimización propuesto en trabajos previos, de modo que se adecúe para la ejecución en sistemas empotrados. En cuanto a la auto-adaptación estructural, el objetivo de la tesis es la implementación de circuitos auto-adaptativos en sistemas evolutivos basados en FPGA mediante un uso eficiente de sus capacidades de reconfiguración nativas. En este caso, la prueba de concepto es la evolución de tareas de procesamiento de imagen tales como el filtrado de tipos desconocidos y cambiantes de ruido y la detección de bordes en la imagen. En general, el objetivo es la evolución en tiempo de ejecución de tareas de procesamiento de imagen desconocidas en tiempo de diseño (dentro de un cierto grado de complejidad). En este caso, el objetivo de la propuesta es la incorporación de DPR en EHW para evolucionar la arquitectura de un array sistólico adaptable mediante reconfiguración cuya capacidad de evolución no había sido estudiada previamente. Para conseguir los dos objetivos mencionados, esta tesis propone originalmente una plataforma evolutiva que integra un motor de adaptación (AE, Adaptation Engine), un motor de reconfiguración (RE, Reconfiguration Engine) y un motor computacional (CE, Computing Engine) adaptable. El el caso de adaptación paramétrica, la plataforma propuesta está caracterizada por: • un CE caracterizado por un núcleo de procesamiento hardware de DWT adaptable mediante registros reconfigurables que contienen los coeficientes de los filtros wavelet • un algoritmo evolutivo como AE que busca filtros wavelet candidatos a través de un proceso de optimización paramétrica desarrollado específicamente para sistemas caracterizados por recursos de procesamiento limitados • un nuevo operador de mutación simplificado para el algoritmo evolutivo utilizado, que junto con un mecanismo de evaluación rápida de filtros wavelet candidatos derivado de la literatura actual, asegura la viabilidad de la búsqueda evolutiva asociada a la adaptación de wavelets. En el caso de adaptación estructural, la plataforma propuesta toma la forma de: • un CE basado en una plantilla de array sistólico reconfigurable de 2 dimensiones compuesto de nodos de procesamiento reconfigurables • un algoritmo evolutivo como AE que busca configuraciones candidatas del array usando un conjunto de funcionalidades de procesamiento para los nodos disponible en una biblioteca accesible en tiempo de ejecución • un RE hardware que explota la capacidad de reconfiguración nativa de las FPGAs haciendo un uso eficiente de los recursos reconfigurables del dispositivo para cambiar el comportamiento del CE en tiempo de ejecución • una biblioteca de elementos de procesamiento reconfigurables caracterizada por bitstreams parciales independientes de la posición, usados como el conjunto de configuraciones disponibles para los nodos de procesamiento del array Las contribuciones principales de esta tesis se pueden resumir en la siguiente lista: • Una plataforma evolutiva basada en FPGA para la auto-adaptación paramétrica y estructural de sistemas empotrados compuesta por un motor computacional (CE), un motor de adaptación (AE) evolutivo y un motor de reconfiguración (RE). Esta plataforma se ha desarrollado y particularizado para los casos de auto-adaptación paramétrica y estructural. • En cuanto a la auto-adaptación paramétrica, las contribuciones principales son: – Un motor computacional adaptable mediante registros que permite la adaptación paramétrica de los coeficientes de una implementación hardware adaptativa de un núcleo de DWT. – Un motor de adaptación basado en un algoritmo evolutivo desarrollado específicamente para optimización numérica, aplicada a los coeficientes de filtros wavelet en sistemas empotrados con recursos limitados. – Un núcleo IP de DWT auto-adaptativo en tiempo de ejecución para sistemas empotrados que permite la optimización online del rendimiento de la transformada para compresión de imágenes en entornos específicos de despliegue, caracterizados por tipos diferentes de señal de entrada. – Un modelo software y una implementación hardware de una herramienta para la construcción evolutiva automática de transformadas wavelet específicas. • Por último, en cuanto a la auto-adaptación estructural, las contribuciones principales son: – Un motor computacional adaptable mediante reconfiguración nativa de FPGAs caracterizado por una plantilla de array sistólico en dos dimensiones de nodos de procesamiento reconfigurables. Es posible mapear diferentes tareas de cómputo en el array usando una biblioteca de elementos sencillos de procesamiento reconfigurables. – Definición de una biblioteca de elementos de procesamiento apropiada para la síntesis autónoma en tiempo de ejecución de diferentes tareas de procesamiento de imagen. – Incorporación eficiente de la reconfiguración parcial dinámica (DPR) en sistemas de hardware evolutivo, superando los principales inconvenientes de propuestas previas como los circuitos reconfigurables virtuales (VRCs). En este trabajo también se comparan originalmente los detalles de implementación de ambas propuestas. – Una plataforma tolerante a fallos, auto-curativa, que permite la recuperación funcional online en entornos peligrosos. La plataforma ha sido caracterizada desde una perspectiva de tolerancia a fallos: se proponen modelos de fallo a nivel de CLB y de elemento de procesamiento, y usando el motor de reconfiguración, se hace un análisis sistemático de fallos para un fallo en cada elemento de procesamiento y para dos fallos acumulados. – Una plataforma con calidad de filtrado dinámica que permite la adaptación online a tipos de ruido diferentes y diferentes comportamientos computacionales teniendo en cuenta los recursos de procesamiento disponibles. Por un lado, se evolucionan filtros con comportamientos no destructivos, que permiten esquemas de filtrado en cascada escalables; y por otro, también se evolucionan filtros escalables teniendo en cuenta requisitos computacionales de filtrado cambiantes dinámicamente. Este documento está organizado en cuatro partes y nueve capítulos. La primera parte contiene el capítulo 1, una introducción y motivación sobre este trabajo de tesis. A continuación, el marco de referencia en el que se enmarca esta tesis se analiza en la segunda parte: el capítulo 2 contiene una introducción a los conceptos de auto-adaptación y computación autonómica (autonomic computing) como un campo de investigación más general que el muy específico de este trabajo; el capítulo 3 introduce la computación evolutiva como la técnica para dirigir la adaptación; el capítulo 4 analiza las plataformas de computación reconfigurables como la tecnología para albergar hardware auto-adaptativo; y finalmente, el capítulo 5 define, clasifica y hace un sondeo del campo del hardware evolutivo. Seguidamente, la tercera parte de este trabajo contiene la propuesta, desarrollo y resultados obtenidos: mientras que el capítulo 6 contiene una declaración de los objetivos de la tesis y la descripción de la propuesta en su conjunto, los capítulos 7 y 8 abordan la auto-adaptación paramétrica y estructural, respectivamente. Finalmente, el capítulo 9 de la parte 4 concluye el trabajo y describe caminos de investigación futuros. ABSTRACT Embedded systems have traditionally been conceived to be specific-purpose computers with one, fixed computational task for their whole lifetime. Stringent requirements in terms of cost, size and weight forced designers to highly optimise their operation for very specific conditions. However, demands for versatility, more intelligent behaviour and, in summary, an increased computing capability began to clash with these limitations, intensified by the uncertainty associated to the more dynamic operating environments where they were progressively being deployed. This brought as a result an increasing need for systems to respond by themselves to unexpected events at design time, such as: changes in input data characteristics and system environment in general; changes in the computing platform itself, e.g., due to faults and fabrication defects; and changes in functional specifications caused by dynamically changing system objectives. As a consequence, systems complexity is increasing, but in turn, autonomous lifetime adaptation without human intervention is being progressively enabled, allowing them to take their own decisions at run-time. This type of systems is known, in general, as selfadaptive, and are able, among others, of self-configuration, self-optimisation and self-repair. Traditionally, the soft part of a system has mostly been so far the only place to provide systems with some degree of adaptation capabilities. However, the performance to power ratios of software driven devices like microprocessors are not adequate for embedded systems in many situations. In this scenario, the resulting rise in applications complexity is being partly addressed by rising devices complexity in the form of multi and many core devices; but sadly, this keeps on increasing power consumption. Besides, design methodologies have not been improved accordingly to completely leverage the available computational power from all these cores. Altogether, these factors make that the computing demands new applications pose are not being wholly satisfied. The traditional solution to improve performance to power ratios has been the switch to hardware driven specifications, mainly using ASICs. However, their costs are highly prohibitive except for some mass production cases and besidesthe static nature of its structure complicates the solution to the adaptation needs. The advancements in fabrication technologies have made that the once slow, small FPGA used as glue logic in bigger systems, had grown to be a very powerful, reconfigurable computing device with a vast amount of computational logic resources and embedded, hardened signal and general purpose processing cores. Its reconfiguration capabilities have enabled software-like flexibility to be combined with hardware-like computing performance, which has the potential to cause a paradigm shift in computer architecture since hardware cannot be considered as static anymore. This is so, since, as is the case with SRAMbased FPGAs, Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) is possible. This means that subsets of the FPGA computational resources can now be changed (reconfigured) at run-time while the rest remains active. Besides, this reconfiguration process can be triggered internally by the device itself. This technological boost in reconfigurable hardware devices is actually covered under the field known as Reconfigurable Computing. One of the most exotic fields of application that Reconfigurable Computing has enabled is the known as Evolvable Hardware (EHW), in which this dissertation is framed. The main idea behind the concept is turning hardware that is adaptable through reconfiguration into an evolvable entity subject to the forces of an evolutionary process, inspired by that of natural, biological species, that guides the direction of change. It is yet another application of the field of Evolutionary Computation (EC), which comprises a set of global optimisation algorithms known as Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), considered as universal problem solvers. In analogy to the biological process of evolution, in EHW the subject of evolution is a population of circuits that tries to get adapted to its surrounding environment by progressively getting better fitted to it generation after generation. Individuals become circuit configurations representing bitstreams that feature reconfigurable circuit descriptions. By selecting those that behave better, i.e., with a higher fitness value after being evaluated, and using them as parents of the following generation, the EA creates a new offspring population by using so called genetic operators like mutation and recombination. As generations succeed one another, the whole population is expected to approach to the optimum solution to the problem of finding an adequate circuit configuration that fulfils system objectives. The state of reconfiguration technology after Xilinx XC6200 FPGA family was discontinued and replaced by Virtex families in the late 90s, was a major obstacle for advancements in EHW; closed (non publicly known) bitstream formats; dependence on manufacturer tools with highly limiting support of DPR; slow speed of reconfiguration; and random bitstream modifications being potentially hazardous for device integrity, are some of these reasons. However, a proposal in the first 2000s allowed to keep investigating in this field while DPR technology kept maturing, the Virtual Reconfigurable Circuit (VRC). In essence, a VRC in an FPGA is a virtual layer acting as an application specific reconfigurable circuit on top of an FPGA fabric that reduces the complexity of the reconfiguration process and increases its speed (compared to native reconfiguration). It is an array of computational nodes specified using standard HDL descriptions that define ad-hoc reconfigurable resources; routing multiplexers and a set of configurable processing elements, each one containing all the required functions, which are selectable through functionality multiplexers as in microprocessor ALUs. A large register acts as configuration memory, so VRC reconfiguration is very fast given it only involves writing this register, which drives the selection signals of the set of multiplexers. However, large overheads are introduced by this virtual layer; an area overhead due to the simultaneous implementation of every function in every node of the array plus the multiplexers, and a delay overhead due to the multiplexers, which also reduces maximum frequency of operation. The very nature of Evolvable Hardware, able to optimise its own computational behaviour, makes it a good candidate to advance research in self-adaptive systems. Combining a selfreconfigurable computing substrate able to be dynamically changed at run-time with an embedded algorithm that provides a direction for change, can help fulfilling requirements for autonomous lifetime adaptation of FPGA-based embedded systems. The main proposal of this thesis is hence directed to contribute to autonomous self-adaptation of the underlying computational hardware of FPGA-based embedded systems by means of Evolvable Hardware. This is tackled by considering that the computational behaviour of a system can be modified by changing any of its two constituent parts: an underlying hard structure and a set of soft parameters. Two main lines of work derive from this distinction. On one side, parametric self-adaptation and, on the other side, structural self-adaptation. The goal pursued in the case of parametric self-adaptation is the implementation of complex evolutionary optimisation techniques in resource constrained embedded systems for online parameter adaptation of signal processing circuits. The application selected as proof of concept is the optimisation of Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT) filters coefficients for very specific types of images, oriented to image compression. Hence, adaptive and improved compression efficiency, as compared to standard techniques, is the required goal of evolution. The main quest lies in reducing the supercomputing resources reported in previous works for the optimisation process in order to make it suitable for embedded systems. Regarding structural self-adaptation, the thesis goal is the implementation of self-adaptive circuits in FPGA-based evolvable systems through an efficient use of native reconfiguration capabilities. In this case, evolution of image processing tasks such as filtering of unknown and changing types of noise and edge detection are the selected proofs of concept. In general, evolving unknown image processing behaviours (within a certain complexity range) at design time is the required goal. In this case, the mission of the proposal is the incorporation of DPR in EHW to evolve a systolic array architecture adaptable through reconfiguration whose evolvability had not been previously checked. In order to achieve the two stated goals, this thesis originally proposes an evolvable platform that integrates an Adaptation Engine (AE), a Reconfiguration Engine (RE) and an adaptable Computing Engine (CE). In the case of parametric adaptation, the proposed platform is characterised by: • a CE featuring a DWT hardware processing core adaptable through reconfigurable registers that holds wavelet filters coefficients • an evolutionary algorithm as AE that searches for candidate wavelet filters through a parametric optimisation process specifically developed for systems featured by scarce computing resources • a new, simplified mutation operator for the selected EA, that together with a fast evaluation mechanism of candidate wavelet filters derived from existing literature, assures the feasibility of the evolutionary search involved in wavelets adaptation In the case of structural adaptation, the platform proposal takes the form of: • a CE based on a reconfigurable 2D systolic array template composed of reconfigurable processing nodes • an evolutionary algorithm as AE that searches for candidate configurations of the array using a set of computational functionalities for the nodes available in a run time accessible library • a hardware RE that exploits native DPR capabilities of FPGAs and makes an efficient use of the available reconfigurable resources of the device to change the behaviour of the CE at run time • a library of reconfigurable processing elements featured by position-independent partial bitstreams used as the set of available configurations for the processing nodes of the array Main contributions of this thesis can be summarised in the following list. • An FPGA-based evolvable platform for parametric and structural self-adaptation of embedded systems composed of a Computing Engine, an evolutionary Adaptation Engine and a Reconfiguration Engine. This platform is further developed and tailored for both parametric and structural self-adaptation. • Regarding parametric self-adaptation, main contributions are: – A CE adaptable through reconfigurable registers that enables parametric adaptation of the coefficients of an adaptive hardware implementation of a DWT core. – An AE based on an Evolutionary Algorithm specifically developed for numerical optimisation applied to wavelet filter coefficients in resource constrained embedded systems. – A run-time self-adaptive DWT IP core for embedded systems that allows for online optimisation of transform performance for image compression for specific deployment environments characterised by different types of input signals. – A software model and hardware implementation of a tool for the automatic, evolutionary construction of custom wavelet transforms. • Lastly, regarding structural self-adaptation, main contributions are: – A CE adaptable through native FPGA fabric reconfiguration featured by a two dimensional systolic array template of reconfigurable processing nodes. Different processing behaviours can be automatically mapped in the array by using a library of simple reconfigurable processing elements. – Definition of a library of such processing elements suited for autonomous runtime synthesis of different image processing tasks. – Efficient incorporation of DPR in EHW systems, overcoming main drawbacks from the previous approach of virtual reconfigurable circuits. Implementation details for both approaches are also originally compared in this work. – A fault tolerant, self-healing platform that enables online functional recovery in hazardous environments. The platform has been characterised from a fault tolerance perspective: fault models at FPGA CLB level and processing elements level are proposed, and using the RE, a systematic fault analysis for one fault in every processing element and for two accumulated faults is done. – A dynamic filtering quality platform that permits on-line adaptation to different types of noise and different computing behaviours considering the available computing resources. On one side, non-destructive filters are evolved, enabling scalable cascaded filtering schemes; and on the other, size-scalable filters are also evolved considering dynamically changing computational filtering requirements. This dissertation is organized in four parts and nine chapters. First part contains chapter 1, the introduction to and motivation of this PhD work. Following, the reference framework in which this dissertation is framed is analysed in the second part: chapter 2 features an introduction to the notions of self-adaptation and autonomic computing as a more general research field to the very specific one of this work; chapter 3 introduces evolutionary computation as the technique to drive adaptation; chapter 4 analyses platforms for reconfigurable computing as the technology to hold self-adaptive hardware; and finally chapter 5 defines, classifies and surveys the field of Evolvable Hardware. Third part of the work follows, which contains the proposal, development and results obtained: while chapter 6 contains an statement of the thesis goals and the description of the proposal as a whole, chapters 7 and 8 address parametric and structural self-adaptation, respectively. Finally, chapter 9 in part 4 concludes the work and describes future research paths.
Cette étude vise à comprendre le rôle de l’histoire dans la philosophie de Nietzsche et à faire ressortir son lien étroit avec l’articulation du corps vivant comme fil conducteur philosophique. Notre objectif principal est de montrer comment cette philosophie aphoristique a su maintenir les préoccupations historiographiques de jeunesse en permutant leur sens à l’aune de la pulsionnalité interprétative du corps. Prenant notre départ des considérations critiques écrites lors de son professorat à Bâle, nous démontrons que le sens historique se manifeste alors comme une sensibilité historique déterminée par une saisie intuitive, mais existentiellement difficile, du passé. Nous procédons ensuite à décrire comment le renouveau philosophique de sa période intermédiaire peut être vu comme une réduction pathologique de l’histoire de la métaphysique qui emprunte ses éléments critiques au scepticisme de Michel de Montaigne, à l’évolutionnisme naissant et au développement du néo-kantisme. Cette réduction, qui ramène l’expression des valeurs morales et métaphysiques au corps vécu (Leib). Par sa déconstruction de la subjectivité au profit d’une réalité pulsionnelle primordiale, mais irréductible, nous démontrons ensuite comment Nietzsche a su réinterpréter l’hérédité biologique comme une mémoire physiologique incorporée dont l’expression première est la reconduction de la notion d’espèce à celle de type. Enfin, par un retour à la sensibilité historique et notre analyse du phénomène historique en tant que tel, nous proposons de comprendre l’articulation ultime de la philosophie nietzschéenne comme une philosophie historique qui ne cherche pas à comprendre ou à expliquer le devenir, mais en opérer la synthèse par le truchement de « l’instant décisif ».
Cette étude vise à comprendre le rôle de l’histoire dans la philosophie de Nietzsche et à faire ressortir son lien étroit avec l’articulation du corps vivant comme fil conducteur philosophique. Notre objectif principal est de montrer comment cette philosophie aphoristique a su maintenir les préoccupations historiographiques de jeunesse en permutant leur sens à l’aune de la pulsionnalité interprétative du corps. Prenant notre départ des considérations critiques écrites lors de son professorat à Bâle, nous démontrons que le sens historique se manifeste alors comme une sensibilité historique déterminée par une saisie intuitive, mais existentiellement difficile, du passé. Nous procédons ensuite à décrire comment le renouveau philosophique de sa période intermédiaire peut être vu comme une réduction pathologique de l’histoire de la métaphysique qui emprunte ses éléments critiques au scepticisme de Michel de Montaigne, à l’évolutionnisme naissant et au développement du néo-kantisme. Cette réduction, qui ramène l’expression des valeurs morales et métaphysiques au corps vécu (Leib). Par sa déconstruction de la subjectivité au profit d’une réalité pulsionnelle primordiale, mais irréductible, nous démontrons ensuite comment Nietzsche a su réinterpréter l’hérédité biologique comme une mémoire physiologique incorporée dont l’expression première est la reconduction de la notion d’espèce à celle de type. Enfin, par un retour à la sensibilité historique et notre analyse du phénomène historique en tant que tel, nous proposons de comprendre l’articulation ultime de la philosophie nietzschéenne comme une philosophie historique qui ne cherche pas à comprendre ou à expliquer le devenir, mais en opérer la synthèse par le truchement de « l’instant décisif ».
The aims of this project were:1) the synthesis of a range of new polyether-based vinylic monomers and their incorporation into poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (poly(HEMA)) based hydrogel networks, of interest to the contact lens industry.2) the synthesis of a range of alkyltartronic acids, and their derivatives. These molecules may ultimately be used to produce functionalised poly(-hydroxy acids) of potential interest in either drug delivery or surgical suture applications. The novel syntheses of a range of both methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) acrylates (MPEGAs) and poly(ethylene glycol) acrylates (PEGAs) are described. Products were obtained in very good yields. These new polyether-based vinylic monomers were copolymerised with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) to produce a range of hydrogels. The equilibrium water contents (EWC) and surface properties of these copolymers containing linear polyethers were examined. It was found that the EWC was enhanced by the presence of the hydrophilic polyether chains.Results suggest that the polyether side chains express themselves at the polymer surface, thus dictating the surface properties of the gels. Consequentially, this leads to an advantageous reduction in the surface adhesion of biological species. A synthesis of a range of alkyltartronic acids is also described. The acids prepared were obtained in very good yields using a novel four-stage synthesis. These acids were modified to give potassium monoethyl alkyltartronates. Although no polyesterification is described in this thesis, these modified alkyltartronic acid derivatives are considered to be potentially excellent starting materials for poly (alkyltartronic acid) synthesis via anhydrocarboxylate or anhydrosulphite cyclic monomers.
In this paper, A Riesz fractional diffusion equation with a nonlinear source term (RFDE-NST) is considered. This equation is commonly used to model the growth and spreading of biological species. According to the equivalent of the Riemann-Liouville(R-L) and Gr¨unwald-Letnikov(GL) fractional derivative definitions, an implicit difference approximation (IFDA) for the RFDE-NST is derived. We prove the IFDA is unconditionally stable and convergent. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the IFDA, a comparison with a fractional method of lines (FMOL) is used. Finally, two numerical examples are presented to show that the numerical results are in good agreement with our theoretical analysis.
Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and B. papayae Drew & Hancock represent a closely related sibling species pair for which the biological species limits are unclear; i.e., it is uncertain if they are truely two biological species, or one biological species which has been incorrectly taxonomically split. The geographic ranges of the two taxa are thought to abut or overlap on or around the Isthmus of Kra, a recognised biogeographic barrier located on the narrowest portion of the Thai Peninsula. We collected fresh material of B. dorsalis sensu lato (i.e., B. dorsalis sensu stricto + B. papayae) in a north-south transect down the Thai Peninsula, from areas regarded as being exclusively B. dorsalis s.s., across the Kra Isthmus, and into regions regarded as exclusively B. papayae. We carried out microsatellite analyses and took measurements of male genitalia and wing shape. Both the latter morphological tests have been used previously to separate these two taxa. No significant population structuring was found in the microsatellite analysis and results were consistent with an interpretation of one, predominantly panmictic population. Both morphological datasets showed consistent, clinal variation along the transect, with no evidence for disjunction. No evidence in any tests supported historical vicariance driven by the Isthmus of Kra, and none of the three datasets supported the current taxonomy of two species. Rather, within and across the area of range overlap or abutment between the two species, only continuous morphological and genetic variation was recorded. Recognition that morphological traits previously used to separate these taxa are continuous, and that there is no genetic evidence for population segregation in the region of suspected species overlap, is consistent with a growing body of literature that reports no evidence of biological differentiation between these taxa.
Multivariate predictive models are widely used tools for assessment of aquatic ecosystem health and models have been successfully developed for the prediction and assessment of aquatic macroinvertebrates, diatoms, local stream habitat features and fish. We evaluated the ability of a modelling method based on the River InVertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS) to accurately predict freshwater fish assemblage composition and assess aquatic ecosystem health in rivers and streams of south-eastern Queensland, Australia. The predictive model was developed, validated and tested in a region of comparatively high environmental variability due to the unpredictable nature of rainfall and river discharge. The model was concluded to provide sufficiently accurate and precise predictions of species composition and was sensitive enough to distinguish test sites impacted by several common types of human disturbance (particularly impacts associated with catchment land use and associated local riparian, in-stream habitat and water quality degradation). The total number of fish species available for prediction was low in comparison to similar applications of multivariate predictive models based on other indicator groups, yet the accuracy and precision of our model was comparable to outcomes from such studies. In addition, our model developed for sites sampled on one occasion and in one season only (winter), was able to accurately predict fish assemblage composition at sites sampled during other seasons and years, provided that they were not subject to unusually extreme environmental conditions (e.g. extended periods of low flow that restricted fish movement or resulted in habitat desiccation and local fish extinctions).
The invasive fruit fly, Bactrocera invadens Drew, Tsuruta & White, is a highly polyphagous fruit pest that occurs predominantly in Africa yet has its origins in the Indian subcontinent. It is extremely morphologically and genetically similar to the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel); as such the specific relationship between these two species is unresolved. We assessed prezygotic compatibility between B. dorsalis and B. invadens using standardized field cage mating tests, which have proven effectiveness in tephritid cryptic species studies. These tests were followed by an assessment of postzygotic compatibility by examining egg viability, larval and pupal survival, and sex ratios of offspring produced from parental and subsequent F1 crosses to examine for hybrid breakdown as predicted under a two-species hypothesis. B. dorsalis was sourced from two countries (Pakistan and China), and each population was compared with B. invadens from its type locality of Kenya. B. invadens mated randomly with B. dorsalis from both localities, and there were generally high levels of hybrid viability and survival resulting from parental and F1 crosses. Furthermore, all but one hybrid cross resulted in equal sex ratios, with the single deviation in favor of males and contrary to expectations under Haldane's rule. These data support the hypothesis that B. dorsalis and B. invadens represent the same biological species, an outcome that poses significant implications for pest management and international trade for sub-Saharan Africa.
Indian society is an agglomeration of several thousand endogamous groups or castes each with a restricted geographical range and a hereditarily determine mode of subsistence. These reproductively isolated castes may be compared to biological species, and the society thought of as a biological community with each caste having its specific ecological niche. In this paper we examine the ecological-niche relationships of castes which are directly dependent on natural resources. Evidence is presented to show that castes living together in the same region had so organized their pattern of resource use as to avoid excessive intercaste competition for limiting resources. Furthermore, territorial division of the total range of the caste regulated intra-caste competition. Hence, a particular plant or animal resource in a given locality was used almost exclusively by a given lineage within a caste generation after generation. This favoured the cultural evolution of traditions ensuring sustainable use of natural resources. This must have contributed significantly to the stability of Indian caste society over several thousand years. The collapse of the base of natural resources and increasing monetarization of the economy has, however, destroyed the earlier complementarity between the different castes and led to increasing conflicts between them in recent years.
Simmonds introduced Colletotrichum acutatum in 1965, validated in 1968, with a broad concept, as demonstrated by the selection of several type specimens from a range of hosts. This has created some confusion in the species concept and identification of C. acutatum. There are no viable ex-type cultures of C. acutatum and furthermore there are no existing cultures of C. acutatum on Carica papaya from the type locality in south-east Queensland. The application of molecular phylogenetic studies to isolates of C. acutatum is only meaningful if the taxonomy is stable and species are properly named. In order to clarify the species concept of C. acutatum, an isolate of Colletotrichum acutatum from Carica papaya from Yandina in Southeast Queensland (Australia) is designated as an epitype. A detailed morphological description is provided. Phylogenies based on a combined ITS and beta-tubulin gene analysis indicate that C. acutatum bears close phylogenetic affinities to C. gloeosporioides and C. capsici. Results also indicate that C. acutatum is monophyletic and there is a close relationship between the epitype and other Australian C. acutatum isolates from Carica papaya. Molecular data, however did not provide further evidence to properly elucidate the taxonomie affinities of C. acutatum especially the holotype and epitype. Our studies indicate that given the complexity of the genus Colletotrichum, there is a need to check previously described type specimens and redesign neotypes where necessary in order to clarify taxonomie uncertainties.
Males of some species included in the Bactrocera dorsalis complex are strongly attracted to methyl eugenol (ME) (1,2-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl) benzene), a natural compound occurring in a variety of plant species. ME feeding of males of the B. dorsalis complex is known to enhance their mating competitiveness. Within B. dorsalis, recent studies show that Asian and African populations of B. dorsalis are sexually compatible, while populations of B. dorsalis and Bactrocera carambolae are relatively incompatible. The objectives of this study were to examine whether ME feeding by males affects mating compatibility between Asian and African populations of B. dorsalis and ME feeding reduces male mating incompatibility between B. dorsalis (Asian population) and B. carambolae. The data confirmed that Asian and African populations of B. dorsalis are sexually compatible for mating and showed that ME feeding only increased the number of matings. Though ME feeding also increased the number of matings of B. dorsalis (Asian population) and B. carambolae males but the sexual incompatibility between both species was not reduced by treatment with ME. These results conform to the efforts resolving the biological species limits among B. dorsalis complex and have implications for fruit fly control programs in fields and horticultural trade.
The effectiveness of any trapping system is highly dependent on the ability to accurately identify the specimens collected. For many fruit fly species, accurate identification (= diagnostics) using morphological or molecular techniques is relatively straightforward and poses few technical challenges. However, nearly all genera of pest tephritids also contain groups of species where single, stand-alone tools are not sufficient for accurate identification: such groups include the Bactrocera dorsalis complex, the Anastrepha fraterculus complex and the Ceratitis FAR complex. Misidentification of high-impact species from such groups can have dramatic consequences and negate the benefits of an otherwise effective trapping program. To help prevent such problems, this chapter defines what is meant by a species complex and describes in detail how the correct identification of species within a complex requires the use of an integrative taxonomic approach. Integrative taxonomy uses multiple, independent lines of evidence to delimit species boundaries, and the underpinnings of this approach from both the theoretical speciation literature and the systematics/taxonomy literature are described. The strength of the integrative approach lies in the explicit testing of hypotheses and the use of multiple, independent species delimitation tools. A case is made for a core set of species delimitation tools (pre- and post-zygotic compatibility tests, multi-locus phylogenetic analysis, chemoecological studies, and morphometric and geometric morphometric analyses) to be adopted as standards by tephritologists aiming to resolve economically important species complexes. In discussing the integrative approach, emphasis is placed on the subtle but important differences between integrative and iterative taxonomy. The chapter finishes with a case study that illustrates how iterative taxonomy applied to the B. dorsalis species complex led to incorrect taxonomic conclusions, which has had major implications for quarantine, trade, and horticultural pest management. In contrast, an integrative approach to the problem has resolved species limits in this taxonomically difficult group, meaning that robust diagnostics are now available.
Novas metodologias de análise molecular voltadas para estudos populacionais, clínicos, evolutivos, da biodiversidade e identificação forense foram desenvolvidas com base em marcadores microssátelites ou STR Short Tandem Repeats. Os marcadores STR, que estão amplamente espalhados nos genomas e se caracterizam por apresentar alto grau de polimorfismo, podem ser analisados a partir da amplificação por PCR (Reação em Cadeia da polimerase). A análise foi facilitada a partir do desenvolvimento de sistemas de amplificação simultânea de múltiplos STR (multiplex STR) e com a detecção automatizada dos produtos de amplificação marcados por fluorescência. Recentemente, o uso de marcadores STR do cromossomo X (X-STR) tornou-se significativo na prática forense. Devido ao seu modo de transmissão, os X-STR são úteis em situações particulares de investigação de relações de parentesco, apresentando vantagens sobre o uso de STR autossômicos. Este estudo teve como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento e validação de sistema multiplex, denominado LDD (X-STR) Decaplex, capaz de amplificar dez loci X-STR (DXS7133, DXS7424, DXS8378, DXS6807, DXS7132, DXS10074, DXS7423, DXS8377, GATA172D05 e DXS10101) para aplicação em genética populacional, identificação e análises forenses. Utilizando o LDD (X-STR) Decaplex 170 indivíduos autodenominados afrodescendentes, não aparentados geneticamente, foram genotipados. As freqüências alélicas e genotípicas não apresentaram desvio do equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg e estão em concordância com aquelas observadas em outros estudos. Os haplótipos observados foram únicos em indivíduos de amostra masculina. A análise de desequilíbrio de ligação não revelou associação entre os marcadores X-STR. A diversidade genética foi elevada, variando entre 0,6218 para o locus DXS7133 a 0,9327 para o locus DXS8377. Os parâmetros de Probabilidade de Vinculação (PV), Índice de Vinculação (IV), Poder de Exclusão (PE), Poder de Discriminação e Razão de Verossimilhança foram também elevados, demonstraram que os dez X-STRs são altamente polimórficos e discriminativos na população estudada. A concentração mínima de DNA para a amplificação dos loci do LDD (X-STR) Decaplex é de 0,5 ng e verificamos que amplificação por PCR pode ser afetada quando são adicionados mais de 5 ng de DNA nas reações. Os percentuais de bandas stutter foram elevados para os loci DXS7132 e DXS8377. No teste de reprodutibilidade observamos consistência entre as tipagem de diferentes amostras biológicas, incluindo as de restos mortais. No teste de mistura a proporção limite em que observamos a coexistência de duas espécies biológicas foi de 2,5:1ng (feminino-masculino). Os resultados evidenciaram que os loci do LDD (X-STR) Decaplex são altamente informativos, consistindo, em conjunto, uma ferramenta importante em estudos de identificação humana e de relações de parentesco.