538 resultados para Biliary atresia


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Background Curative resection of pancreatic and biliary malignancies is rare. Most tumors are inoperable at presentation, and palliation of jaundice often is the goal. Biliary decompression can be achieved by surgical diversion or endoscopic biliary stents. This study aimed to compare clinical outcomes between surgical bypass and endoscopic uncovered nitinol stents in the palliation of patients with malignant distal common bile duct obstruction. Methods A multicenter, retrospective, cohort study investigated 86 patients with inoperable malignant distal common bile duct strictures at tertiary referral centers in Medellin, Colombia. These patients had undergone surgery (group 1) or placement of an uncovered 30-Fr self-expandable nitinol stent produced locally in Medellin, Colombia (group 2). The main outcome measurements included cumulative biliary patency, hospital stay, and patient survival. Results The study enrolled 86 patients (mean age, 66 years; range, 43-78 years) including 40 patients in group 1 and 46 patients in group 2. Both groups were similar in terms of age, gender, liver metastasis, and diagnosis. Technical success was achieved for 38 patients in group 1 (95%) and 43 patients in group 2 (93%). Functional biliary decompression was obtained in for 35 of the surgical patients (88%) and 42 of the stented patients (91%). Group 2 had lower rates for procedure-related mortality (2 vs. 7.5%; p = 0.01), a lower frequency of early complications (8.7 vs. 45%; p = 0.02), and a shorter hospital stay (median, 6 vs. 12 days; p = 0.01). Recurrent jaundice occurred for three patients in group 1 (7.5%) and eight patients in group 2 (17.3%) (p = 0.198). Late gastric outlet obstruction occurred for 12.5% of the patients in group 1 and 13% of the patients in group 2 (p = 0.73). Despite the early benefits of stenting, no significant difference in the median overall survival between the two groups was found (group 1, 163 days; group 2, 178 days; p = 0.11). The limitations of this study included the small number of patients and the retrospective design. Conclusions Endoscopic stenting and surgery are effective palliation. The former is associated with fewer early complications and the latter with fewer late complications. Patients who do not qualify for curative resection may be better managed by stent placement. Surgery should be reserved for patients more likely to survive longer.


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We describe two infants having an atrioventricular septal defect in the setting of a double inlet atrioventricular connection, but with patency of the left-sided valvar orifice and an imperforate right-sided valvar component, and a further case with atrioventricular septal defect and an imperforate Ebstein`s malformation, all producing the haemodynamic effect of tricuspid atresia. We make comparisons with the arrangement in trisomy 16 mice, in whom deficient atrioventricular septation is seen at times with the common atrioventricular junction exclusively connected to the left ventricle, a situation similar to that seen in two of our infants. We also review previous reports emphasising the important theoretical implication of the findings despite their rarity.


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Background. Bilioduodenal (BD) and biliojejunal (BJ) derivation induce enterobiliary reflux and bile stasis. Decompression of the excluded loop of the Roux-en-Y (BJD) was proposed to minimize these effects. The aim of this study was to compare the influence of these three modalities of biliary bypass on hepatic lesion repair in rats with secondary biliary fibrosis. Materials and Methods. Rats with 15 d of biliary obstruction underwent BD, BJ, and BJD drainage and were compared with a group submitted to simulated operation (SO) and biliary obstruction (CBO). The serum values of total and fractional bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and aminotransferases (AST and ALT), as well as hepatobiliointestinal excretion determined with (99m)Tc-Disida, were used for comparison. In addition, we used morphometric analyses to estimate the mass of the hepatocytes, bile ducts, and liver fibrosis. We also counted hepatic stellate cells (SC). Results. For each of the three modalities of biliary drainage, there were significant reductions in bilirubin, AST, ALP, and the number of SCs. The recovery of the estimated mass of all histologic components occurred only after BJ and BJD; in the BD group, the estimated hepatocyte mass was reduced compared with the SO group. The residual hepatic radioactivity of (99m)Tc-Disida was greater in the BJD group than in the SO group. Conclusions. The interposition of the jejunal loop between the biliary tree and the intestine may slow hepatobiliary clearance of radioactivity, even though it provides the resolution of cholestasis and is effective in recovering from hepatic lesions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bilioduodenal and biliojejunal anastomoses are effective for the treatment of biliary obstruction. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of these anastomoses on hepatobiliary excretion and enterobiliary reflux. Enterobiliary reflux and biliary excretion were evaluated respectively after oral administration of technetium (Tc-99m) in combination with sodium phytate and intravenous infusion of Tc-99m with diisopropyl-iminodiacetic acid. Enterobiliary reflux occurred to an equal degree in the bilioduodenal and biliojejunal groups. Maximum hepatic activity time (T-max) and radiotracer clearance half-time (T-1/2) were similar in both groups. However, when compared with that found for the sham-operated group, T-max, and T-1/2 were higher in the biliojejunal group (P = 0.02 and P = 0.01, respectively). Histopathological analysis showed marked reduction in ductal proliferation in both groups. These data undermine the theoretical advantages attributed to biliojejunal anastomosis and further the understanding of the pathophysiology of cholangitis that occurs even with patent anastomosis.


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A Síndrome de Treacher Collins ou disostose mandibulofacial apresenta-se com deformidades crânio-faciais, tendo expressão e severidade variável. É uma malformação congênita que envolve o primeiro e segundo arcos branquiais. A Síndrome de Treacher Collins é rara e sua incidência está estimada em uma faixa de 1:40000 a 1:70000 nascidos vivos. Esta síndrome é caracterizada por anormalidades dos pavilhões auriculares, hipoplasia dos ossos da face, obliqüidade antimongolóide das fendas palpebrais com coloboma palpebral inferior e fissura palatina. A Síndrome de Treacher Collins raramente está associada com atresia coanal. Estes pacientes são apropriadamente acompanhados por uma equipe multidisciplinar que inclui cirurgiões crânio-faciais, oftalmologistas, fonoaudiologistas, cirurgiões dentistas e otorrinolaringologistas. Relatamos neste artigo um caso raro de Síndrome de Treacher Collins com atresia coanal, uma revisão da patologia e intervenção multidisciplinar.


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Atresia de coanas é uma patologia rara cuja incidência varia de 1:5.000-8.000 nascidos vivos, sendo mais comum no sexo feminino e associada a outras malformações. FORMA DE ESTUDO: clínico retrospectivo. Quando unilateral, tem seu diagnóstico retardado pela carência de sintomas, porém, quando bilateral, necessita de tratamento imediato devido à insuficiência respiratória e à incapacidade de o recém nascido realizar respiração oral. Neste artigo relatamos a incidência e a experiência do HRAC-USP.


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Hepatobiliary alterations found in an autopsy case of massive Biliary Ascariasis, are reported on histological grounds. Severe cholangitis was the main finding, but other changes were also detected, such as pyloric and intestinal metaplasia, hyperplasia of the epithelial lining, with intraductal papillomas and adenomatous proliferation. Remnants of the worm were observed tightly adhered to the epithelium, forming microscopic intrahepatic calculi. Mucopolysaccharides, especially acid, showed to be strongly positive on the luminal border, and in proliferated glands around the ducts. The authors discuss the similarity between such findings and Oriental Cholangiohepatitis, and suggest that inflammation and the presence of the parasitic remnants are responsible for the hyperplastic and metaplastic changes, similarly with what occurs in chlonorchiasis, fascioliasis and schistosomiasis.


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This is a report of a 25 years old black woman from the city of São Paulo, Brazil, who developed acute obstructive cholangitis of Ascaris lumbricoides with septicemia and multiple hepatic abscesses. The patient had sickle cell trait and normal delivery 3 months ago. Massive infestation of the biliary tract by Ascaris lumbricoides was diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. Sixty worms were removed from the common bile duct and hepatic abscesses were drained by surgery. The infectious process was polymicrobial. The patient's recovery was complete after a long evolution with a wide spectrum antibiotic therapy. New surgeries were needed to remove residual worms in the biliary tract. The diagnostic methods, clinical-biochemical features and also the clinical and surgical management are presented. The biliary ascariasis pathophysiology is commented.


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A atrésia pulmonar com septo interventricular intacto (AtrP-SI) é uma cardiopatia congénita rara e de prognóstico reservado. Apresenta grande variabilidade anatómica, com diversos graus de hipoplasia do ventrículo direito (VD) o que condiciona a abordagem terapêutica. Idealmente, o objectivo é a reconstituição de uma circulação de tipo biventricular. Para o efeito, dispomos de técnicas cirúrgicas e percutâneas. A perfuração da válvula pulmonar com energia de radiofrequência (RF) é um método válido para doentes com atresia de tipo membranoso, VD sem hipoplasia marcada (bipartido ou tripartido) e circulação coronária não dependente do VD. Por vezes, há necessidade de suplementar a circulação pulmonar implantando um stent no canal arterial. Desta forma é possível tratar alguns doentes com técnicas exclusivamente percutâneas. Relatamos o primeiro caso conhecido em Portugal de um recém-nascido com AtrP-SI submetido a perfuração com radiofrequência e, num segundo tempo, implantação de stent no canal arterial.


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Objectivos: A atresia do esófago está associada a uma variedade de malformações congénitas de outros órgãos. A persistência da veia cava superior esquerda e uma das malformações venosas torácicas mais comuns, ocorrendo em 0,3% da população. O objectivo deste estudo é caracterizar a persistência da veia cava superior esquerda nos doentes com atresia do esófago tratados no Hospital Dona Estefânia. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos doentes admitidos por atresia do esófago desde Janeiro 2002 a Dezembro 2013. As seguintes variáveis foram estudadas, considerando, idade gestacional, o peso à nascença, o sexo, tipo de atresia do esófago, ecocardiograma no pré-operatório, malformações associadas, abordagem cirúrgica, eventual ecocardiograma no pós-operatório e angioressonância. Resultados: De um total de 107 doentes, em cinco casos foi diagnosticada persistência da veia cava superior esquerda. Destes, apenas um tinha diagnostico pré-natal. A restante investigação revelou um doente com atresia duodenal e outro com malformação do aparelho urinário, coloboma e malformação bilateral dos pavilhões auriculares. Todos os cinco doentes foram submetidos a toracotomia, esofagoesofagostomia primária após laqueação da fístula traqueo-esofágica e angio-ressonância para caracterizar a malformação vascular. Não houve registo de complicações, quer intra-operatórias quer pós-operatórias. Conclusão: Apesar do estudo pré-operatório, apenas se diagnosticou persistência da veia cava superior esquerda num dos doentes. O diagnóstico é geralmente feito de forma incidental durante a colocação rotineira de catéteres venosos centrais à esquerda. É importante identificar estes doentes e caracterizar o seu padrão de retorno venoso cardíaco, pelo risco de complicações embó1icas paradoxais para o sistema arterial.


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Diarrhea caused by Cryptosporidium sp is frequent in patients with AIDS, but involvement of other organs of the digestive tract is uncommon. We report a case of Cryptosporidium-associated obstruction of the biliary tract mimicking cancer of the head of the pancreas in a 43-year-old woman with AIDS.


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Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a cholestatic liver disease, which is characterized by a chronic inflammatory destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts. It is a rare disorder whose precise etiology is still to be elucidated. Even though the liver is the principal target of PBC, other organ systems also might be affected. Muscular involvement has rarely been described in this disease, and in the majority of cases, muscular weakness has been interpreted as polymyositis. We report the case of a 48-year-old woman suffering from classic PBC, in association with a myopathy whose histological features are distinct from the cases reported before. We also performed a MEDLINE research for PBC and concomitant muscular diseases.