338 resultados para Bicamadas magnéticas
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
It was synthesized different Ni1-xMgxFe2O4 (0,2 ≤ x ≤ 0,7) compositions by use of citrate precursor method. Initially, the precursory citrates of iron, nickel and magnesium were mixed and homogenized. The stoichiometric compositions were calcined from 350°C to 1200°C at ambient atmosphere or in argon atmosphere. The calcined powders were characterized by XRD, TGA/DTG, FTIR, magnetic measures and reflectivity using the wave guide method. I was observed pure magnetic phase formation between 350°C and 500°C, with formation of ferrite and hematite after 600°C at ambient atmosphere. The calcined powder at argon atmosphere formed pure ferromagnetic phase at 1100°C and 1200°C. The Rietveld analyses calculated the cations level occupation and the crystallite size. The analyses obtained nanometric crystals (11-66 nm), that at 900°C/3h presents micrometric sizes (0,45 - 0,70 Om). The better magnetization results were 54 Am2/Kg for x= 0,2 composition, calcined at 350°C/3h and 30 min, and 55,6 Am2/Kg for x= 0,2 1200°C, calcined in argon. The hysteresis shows characteristics of soft magnetic material. Two magnetization processes were considered, superparamagnetism at low temperature and the magnetic domains formation at high temperatures. The materials presented absorption less or equal the 50 % in ranges specific frequency. As for the 2,0 and 3,0 thickness (in 11,0 - 11,8 GHz), the reflectivity of the x= 0,3, 0,5 and 0,4 compositions, all calcined at 900°C/3h showed agreement with MS and O. Various factors contribute for the final radiation absortion effect, such as, the particle size, the magnetization and the polymer characteristics in the MARE composition. The samples that presented better magnetization does not obtaining high radiation absorption. It is not clear the interrelaction between the magnetization and the radiation absorption in the strip of frequencies studied (8,2 - 12,4 GHz)
Were synthesized systems Ni0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, i0,2Zn0,5Mn0,3Fe2O4, Mn0,5Zn0,5Fe2O4, Ni0,5Mg0,5Fe2O4, Ni0,2Cu0,3Zn0,5Fe2O4 and Ni0,2Cu0,3Zn0,5Mg0,08Fe2O4, the precursors citrate method. The decomposition of the precursors was studied by thermogravimetric analysis and spectroscopy in the infrared region, the temperature of 350°C/3h. The evolution of the phases formed after calcinations at 350, 500, 900 and 1100ºC/3h was accompanied by X-ray diffraction using the Rietveld refinement to better identify the structures formed. The materials were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, magnetic measurements and analysis of the reflectivity of the material. The samples calcined at different temperatures showed an increase of crystallinity with increasing calcination temperature, verifying that for some compositions at temperatures above 500°C precipitates of second phase such as hematite and CuO. The compositions of manganese present in the structure diffusion processes slower due to the ionic radius of manganese is greater than for other ions substitutes, a fact that delays the stabilization of spinel structure and promotes the precipitation of second phase. The compositions presented with copper precipitation CuO phase at a temperature of 900 and 1100ºC/3h This occurs according to the literature because the concentration of copper in the structure is greater than 0.25 mol%. The magnetic measurements revealed features of a soft ferrimagnetic material, resulting in better magnetic properties for the NiZn ferrite and NiCuZnMg at high temperatures. The reflectivity measurements showed greater absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave band for the samples calcined at 1100ºC/3h, which has higher crystallite size and consequently the formation of multi-domain, increasing the magnetization of the material. The results of absorption agreed with the magnetic measurements, indicating among the ferrites studied, those of NiZn and NiCuZnMg as better absorbing the incident radiation.
Orthoferrites AFeO3 (A = rare earth) are an important class of perovskite oxides that exhibit weak ferromagnetism. These materials find numerous applications as chemical sensors, cathodes for fuel cells and catalysis, which make them interesting from the standpoint of science and technology. Their structural, electrical and magnetic properties are dependent on many factors such as the preparation method, heat treatment conditions, chemical composition and replacement of cations in sites A and/or B. In this paper, LaFe1-xMnxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) orthoferrites-type was prepared by Pechini method and Microwave-assisted combustion reaction in order to evaluate the influence of synthesis route on the formation of oxide, as well as the effect of parcial replacement of iron by manganese and heat treatment on the magnetic properties. The precursor powders were calcined at 700°C, 900°C, 1100°C and 1300°C for 4 hours and they were characterized by the techniques: Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X ray diffraction (XRD), Refinement by Rietveld method, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Reduction temperature programmed (RTP) and Magnetic hysteresis measurements performed at room temperature. According to the XRD patterns, the formation of perovskite phase with orthorhombic structure was observed for the systems where 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 and rhombohedral for x = 1. The results also showed a decrease of lattice parameters with the parcial replacement of iron by manganese and consequently a reduction in cell volume. The hysteresis curves exhibited weak ferromagnetism for the systems prepared by both synthesis methods. However, a dependence of magnetization as a function of dopant content was observed for samples produced by Pechini method. As for the systems prepared by combustion reaction, it was found that the secondary phases exert a strong influence on the magnetic behavior
The ferrite composition Ni1 - xCoxFe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.75) were obtained by the method of microwave assisted synthesis and had their structural and magnetic properties evaluated due to the effect of the substitution of Ni by Co. The compounds were prepared: according to the concept of chemical propellants and heated in the microwave oven with power 7000kw. The synthesized material was characterized by absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FTIR), Xray diffraction (XRD) using the Rietveld refinement, specific surface area (BET) , scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with aid of energy dispersive analysis (EDS) and magnetic measurements (MAV). The results obtained from these techniques confirmed the feasibility of the method of synthesis employed to obtain the desired spinel structure, the ferrite, nickel ferrite as for nickel doped with cobalt. The results from XRD refinement ally showed the formation of secondary phases concerning stages α - Fe2O3, FeO, (FeCo)O e Ni0. On the other hand, there is an increase in crystallite size with the increase of cobalt in systems, resulting in an increased crystallinity. The results showed that the BET systems showed a reduction in specific surface area with the increase of cobalt and from the SEM, the formation of irregular porous blocks and that the concentration of cobalt decreased the agglomerative state of the system. The magnetic ferrites studied showed different characteristics according to the amount of dopant used, ranging from a very soft magnetic material (easy magnetization and demagnetization ) - for the system without cobalt - a magnetic material with a little stiffer behavior - for systems containing cobalt. The values of the coercive field increased with the increasing growth of cobalt, and the values of saturation magnetization and remanence increased up to x = 0,25 and then reduced. The different magnetic characteristics presented by the systems according to the amount of dopant used, allows the use of these materials as intermediates magnetic
Were synthesized spinel-type ferrites with general formula Ni0,8Mg0.2-xMxFe2O4, where M represents the doping Mn, Co or Mn + Co simultaneously, x ranges for the values 0.02, 0.05 and 0.1. The value of x was divided by 2 in cases where M equals Mn and Co conjugates. We used the citrate precursor method and heat treatment to obtain the phases at 1100°C. The materials were characterized by XRD, TGA/ DTGA, SEM, MAV and reflectivity measurements by the method of waveguide. Powders to 350°C/3.5 h were crystalline and nanosized. According to the results this temperature all powders have a percentage of ferrite phase over 90%. The composition had the addition of Mn and Co simultaneously showed a higher percentage of secondary phase NiO, 5.8%. The TGA/DTGA curves indicate that this sample reached phase (s) crystalline (s) at lowest temperatures. The X-ray diffractograms of the samples calcined at 350°C and 1100°C were treated with the Rietveld refinament technique. The powders calcined at 1100 °C/3h in air show to be 100% except spinel phase composition with 0.02 doping. The micrographs show clusters of particles with sizes smaller than 1 μm in calcination temperature of 1100°C which agreed with the result of Rietveld refinement. In the compositions doped with Mn were higher values of magnetization (45.90 and 53.20 Am2/kg), which did not cause high microwave absorption. The theoretical calculation of magnetization (MT) was consistent with the results, considering that there was agreement between the increase of magnetization experimental and theoretical. It was observed that there was the interrelation of the final effect of absorption with the thickness of MARE, the composition of ferrimagnetic materials and in particular the specific values of frequency. The analysis shows that the reflectivity increases in the concentration of cobalt increased the frequency range and also for absorption 10.17 GHz and 84%, respectively. The best result of chemical homogeneity and the value of 2.96 x 10-2 tesla coercive field were crucial for high performance ferrite absorber with 0.1 cobalt. The Cobalt has high magnetocrystalline anisotropy, it is associated with an increased coercive field, Hc. Therefore, this property improves the results of reflectivity of spinel ferrites
Satellites signals present disturbances (scintillations), due to presence of irregularities in the ionospheric plasma. In the present work, we dedicate to the study of the attenuation of these scintillations that is, an improvement in the signal, during the main magnetic storm phase during the period of October 2006 to February 2007. Using amplitude of scintillation 1.5GHz (L1) data of the net of satellites GPS, in the ionospheric station of Natal (5.84o S, 35.20o O, -20o dip) and geomagnetic indices, during the minimum solar cycle (referred to as cycle 23), demonstrating its anti-correlation between magnetic activity (Kp) and index of scintillation (
In this work we study, for two different growth directions, multilayers of nanometric magnetic metallic lms grown, using Fibonacci sequences, in such a way that the thickness of the non-magnetic spacer may vary from a pair of lms to another. We applied a phenomenological theory that uses the magnetic energy to describe the behavior of the system. After we found numerically the global minimum of the total energy, we used the equilibrium angles to obtain magnetization and magnetoresistance curves. Next, we solved the equation of motion of the multilayers to nd the dispersion relation for the system. The results show that, when spacers are used with thickness so that the biquadratic coupling is strong in comparison to the bilinear one, non usual behaviors for both magnetization and magnetoresistance are observed. For example, a dependence on the parity of the Fibonacci generation utilized for constructing the system, a low magnetoresistance step in low external magnetic fields and regions that show high sensibility to small variations of the applied field. Those behaviors are not present in quasiperiodic magnetic multilayers with constant spacer thickness
Samples of lanthanum Ortoferrites doped with strontium were synthesized in a single phase by the sol-gel method. Two samples were prepared, one by varying the concentration of strontium in lanthanum ortoferrites La1−xSrxFeO3−δ with (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5), and another batch of samples of type, La1/3Sr2/3FeO3−δ, now varying only the temperature of calcination. Our samples were obtained by Pechini method and sintered in air and oxygen atmospheric. Their crystal structures were determined by x-ray diraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), where we observed that the samples (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) have orthorhombic symmetry and the volume of the single cell decreases with the increasing of concentration of strontium. For x = 0.5 it is only observed the simple phase when that is sintered in O2 atmospheric. Their magnetic characteristics were obtained by the Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetic measurements. The magnetization measurements for samples La1−xSrxFeO3−δ with (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) revealed that the magnetization decreases with increasing concentration of strontium, but for the sample x = 0.4 the magnetization shows a high coercive field and a ferrimagnetic behavior, which is attributed to a small amount of strontium hexaferrite. As for the samples La1/3Sr2/3FeO3−δ calcined between 800 oC e 1200 oC. The hysteresis curves revealed two distinct behaviors: an declined antiferromagnetic behavior (Canted) for samples calcined between 800 oC and 1000 oC and a paramagnetic behavior for the samples calcined at 1100 oC e 1200 o C. Thermal hysteresis and sharp peaks around the Néel temperature (TN), over the curves of specific heat as a function of temperature was only observed in calcined samples with 1100 oC and 1200 oC. This eect is attributed to the charge ordering. These results indicate that the charge ordering occurs only in the samples without oxygen deficiency. Magnetic measurements as a function of temperature are also in agreement with this interpretation
The ferromagnetic materials play an important role in the development of various electronic devices and, have great importance insofar as they may determine the efficiency, cost and, size of the devices. For this reason, many scientific researches is currently focused on the study of materials at ever smaller scales, in order to understand and better control the properties of nanoscale systems, i.e. with dimensions of the order of nanometers, such as thin film ferromagnetic. In this work, we analyze the structural and magnetic properties and magnetoresistance effect in Permalloy-ferromagnetic thin films produced by magnetron sputtering. In this case, since the magnetoresistance effect dependent interfaces of thin films, this work is devoted to the study of the magnetoresistance in samples of Permalloy in nominal settings of: Ta[4nm]/Py[16nm]/Ta[4nm], Ta[4nm]/Py[16nm]/O2/Ta[4nm], Ta[4nm]/O2/Py[16nm]/Ta[4nm], Ta[4nm]/O2/Py[16n m]/O2/Ta[4nm], as made and subjected to heat treatment at temperatures of 160ºC, 360ºC e 460ºC, in order to verify the influence of the insertion of the oxygen in the layer structure of samples and thermal treatments carried out after production of the samples. Results are interpreted in terms of the structure of the samples, residual stresses stored during deposition, stresses induced by heat treatments and magnetic anisotropies
We report a theoretical investigation of the magnetic phases and hysteresis of exchange biased ferromagnetic (F) nanoelements for three di erent systems: exchange biased nanoparticles, exchange biased narrow ferromagnetic stripes and exchange biased thin ferromagnetic lms. In all cases the focus is on the new e ects produced by suitable patterns of the exchange energy coupling the ferromagnetic nanoelement with a large anisotropy antiferromagnetic (AF) substrate. We investigate the hysteresis of iron and permalloy nanoparticles with a square basis, with lateral dimensions between 45 nm and 120 nm and thickness between 12 nm and 21 nm. Interface bias is aimed at producing large domains in thin lms. Our results show that, contrary to intuition, the interface exchange coupling may generate vortex states along the hysteresis loop. Also, the threshold value of the interface eld strength for vortex nucleation is smaller for iron nanoelements. We investigate the nucleation and depinning of an array of domain walls pinned at interface defects of a vicinal stripe/AF bilayer. The interface exchange eld displays a periodic pattern corresponding to the topology of the AF vicinal substrate. The vicinal AF substrate consists of a sequence of terraces, each with spins from one AF subalattice, alternating one another. As a result the interface eld of neighboring terraces point in opposite direction, leading to the nucleation of a sequence of domain walls in the ferromagnetic stripe. We investigated iron an permalloy micrometric stripes, with width ranging from 100 nm and 300 nm and thickness of 5 nm. We focused in domain wall sequences with same chirality and alternate chirality. We have found that for 100nm terraces the same chiraility sequence is more stable, requiring a larger value of the external eld for depinning. The third system consists of an iron lm with a thickness of 5 nm, exchange coupled to an AF substrate with a periodic distribution of islands where the AF spins have the opposite direction of the spins in the background. This corresponds to a two-sublattice noncompensated AF plane (such as the surface of a (100) FeF2 lm), with monolayer-height islands containing spins of one sublattice on a surface containing spins of the opposite sublattice. The interface eld acting in the ferromagnetic spins over the islands points in the opposite direction of that in the spins over the background. This a model system for the investigation of interface roughness e ects. We have studied the coercicivity an exchange bias hysteresis shift as a function of the distance between the islands and the degree of interface roughness. We have found a relevant reduction of coercivity for nearly compensated interfaces. Also the e ective hysteresis shift is not proportional to the liquid moment of the AF plane. We also developed an analytical model which reproduces qualitatively the results of numerical simulations
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC