973 resultados para Beta 1-adrenergic receptor gene


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alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor (AR) activation is thought to be initiated by disruption of a constraining interhelical salt bridge (Porter et al., 1996). Disruption of this salt bridge is achieved through a competition for the aspartic acid residue in transmembrane domain three by the protonated amine of the endogenous ligand norepinephrine and a lysine residue in transmembrane domain seven. To further test this hypothesis, we investigated the possibility that a simple amine could mimic an important functional group of the endogenous ligand and break this alpha(1)-AR ionic constraint leading to agonism. Triethylamine (TEA) was able to generate concentration-dependent increases of soluble inositol phosphates in COS-1 cells transiently transfected with the hamster alpha(1b)-AR and in Rat-1 fibroblasts stably transfected with the human alpha(1a)-AR subtype. TEA was also able to synergistically potentiate the second messenger production by weak partial alpha(1)-AR agonists and this effect was fully inhibited by the alpha(1)-AR antagonist prazosin. However, this synergistic potentiation was not observed for full alpha(1)-AR agonists. Instead, TEA caused a parallel rightward shift of the dose-response curve, consistent with the properties of competitive antagonism. TEA specifically bound to a single population of alpha(1)-ARs with a K-i of 28.7 +/- 4.7 mM. In addition, the site of binding by TEA to the alpha(1)-AR is at the conserved aspartic acid residue in transmembrane domain three, which is part of the constraining salt bridge. These results indicate a direct interaction of TEA in the receptor agonist binding pocket that leads to a disruption of the constraining salt bridge, thereby initiating alpha(1)-AR activation.


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In the present study, the changes in the brain EPI (Epinephrine), adrenergic receptors and the receptor gene expression were investigated during pancreatic regeneration and insulin secretion. The changes in the pancreatic islet EPI and adrenergic receptors were also studied in the pancreatectomised rats. The regulatory function of EPI in association with Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and glucose were investigated in rat islet cultures. In vitro studies were carried out using antagonists for adrenergic receptor subtypes to see their involvement in the islet DNA synthesis. The mechanism by which the peripheral EPI regulate insulin secretion was also investigated by studying the nuclear binding proteins in the pancreatic islets during pancreatic regeneration and diabetes. The study reveals that EPI can regulate the pancreatic islet cell proliferation by controlling the insulin synthesis and secretion. The brain adrenergic receptor gene expression and functional correlation regulate the pancreatic adrenergic receptors. The functional balance of α and β-adrenergic receptors controls the insulin secretion and pancreatic β-cell proliferation, which will have immense clinical significance in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus.


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Homologous desensitization of beta(2)-adrenergic and other G-protein-coupled receptors is a two-step process. After phosphorylation of agonist-occupied receptors by G-protein-coupled receptor kinases, they bind beta-arrestins, which triggers desensitization and internalization of the receptors. Because it is not known which regions of the receptor are recognized by beta-arrestins, we have investigated beta-arrestin interaction and internalization of a set of mutants of the human beta(2)-adrenergic receptor. Mutation of the four serine/threonine residues between residues 355 and 364 led to the loss of agonist-induced receptor-beta-arrestin2 interaction as revealed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), translocation of beta-arrestin2 to the plasma membrane, and receptor internalization. Mutation of all seven serine/threonine residues distal to residue 381 did not affect agonist-induced receptor internalization and beta-arrestin2 translocation. A beta(2)-adrenergic receptor truncated distal to residue 381 interacted normally with beta-arrestin2, whereas its ability to internalize in an agonist-dependent manner was compromised. A similar impairment of internalization was observed when only the last eight residues of the C terminus were deleted. Our experiments show that the C terminus distal to residue 381 does not affect the initial interaction between receptor and beta-arrestin, but its last eight amino acids facilitate receptor internalization in concert with beta-arrestin2.


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Homologous desensitization of beta(2)-adrenergic receptors has been shown to be mediated by phosphorylation of the agonist-stimulated receptor by G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) followed by binding of beta-arrestins to the phosphorylated receptor. Binding of beta-arrestin to the receptor is a prerequisite for subsequent receptor desensitization, internalization via clathrin-coated pits, and the initiation of alternative signaling pathways. In this study we have investigated the interactions between receptors and beta-arrestin2 in living cells using fluorescence resonance energy transfer. We show that (a) the initial kinetics of beta-arrestin2 binding to the receptor is limited by the kinetics of GRK2-mediated receptor phosphorylation; (b) repeated stimulation leads to the accumulation of GRK2-phosphorylated receptor, which can bind beta-arrestin2 very rapidly; and (c) the interaction of beta-arrestin2 with the receptor depends on the activation of the receptor by agonist because agonist withdrawal leads to swift dissociation of the receptor-beta-arrestin2 complex. This fast agonist-controlled association and dissociation of beta-arrestins from prephosphorylated receptors should permit rapid control of receptor sensitivity in repeatedly stimulated cells such as neurons.


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The rat tail artery has been used for the study of vasoconstriction mediated by alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors (ARs). However, rings from proximal segments of the tail artery (within the initial 4 cm, PRTA) were at least 3- fold more sensitive to methoxamine and phenylephrine (n = 6 - 12; p < 0.05) than rings from distal parts (between the sixth and 10th cm, DRTA). Interestingly, the imidazolines N-[ 5-( 4,5- dihydro- 1H- imidazol-2-yl)-2-hydroxy-5,6,7,8- tetrahydronaphthalen- 1- yl] methanesulfonamide hydrobromide (A-61603) and oxymetazoline, which activate selectively alpha(1A)- ARs, were equipotent in PRTA and DRTA (n = 4 - 12), whereas buspirone, which activates selectively alpha(1D)-AR, was approximate to 70-fold more potent in PRTA than in DRTA (n = 8; p < 0.05). The selective alpha(1D)-AR antagonist 8-[2-[4-(methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl] ethyl]-8-azaspiro[4.5] decane-7,9-dione dihydrochloride (BMY- 7378) was approximate to 70- fold more potent against the contractions induced by phenylephrine in PRTA (pK(B) of approximate to 8.45; n = 6) than in DRTA (pK B of approximate to 6.58; n = 6), although the antagonism was complex in PRTA. 5-Methylurapidil, a selective alpha(1A)-antagonist, was equipotent in PRTA and DRTA (pK(B) of approximate to 8.4), but the Schild slope in DRTA was 0.73 +/- 0.05 ( n = 5). The noncompetitive alpha(1B)-antagonist conotoxin rho-TIA reduced the maximal contraction induced by phenylephrine in DRTA, but not in PRTA. These results indicate a predominant role for alpha(1A)-ARs in the contractions of both PRTA and DRTA but with significant coparticipations of alpha(1D)-ARs in PRTA and alpha(1B)-ARs in DRTA. Semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction revealed that mRNA encoding alpha(1A)- and alpha(1B)-ARs are similarly distributed in PRTA and DRTA, whereas mRNA for alpha(1D)-ARs is twice more abundant in PRTA. Therefore, alpha(1)-ARs subtypes are differentially distributed along the tail artery. It is important to consider the segment from which the tissue preparation is taken to avoid misinterpretations on receptor mechanisms and drug selectivities. antagonism was complex in PRTA. 5- Methylurapidil, a selective alpha(1A)-antagonist, was equipotent in PRTA and DRTA (pK(B) of approximate to 8.4), but the Schild slope in DRTA was 0.73 +/- 0.05 ( n = 5). The noncompetitive alpha(1B)-antagonist conotoxin rho-TIA reduced the maximal contraction induced by phenylephrine in DRTA, but not in PRTA. These results indicate a predominant role for alpha(1A)-ARs in the contractions of both PRTA and DRTA but with significant coparticipations of alpha(1D)-ARs in PRTA and alpha(1B)-ARs in DRTA. Semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction revealed that mRNA encoding alpha(1A)- and alpha(1B)- ARs are similarly distributed in PRTA and DRTA, whereas mRNA for alpha(1D)-ARs is twice more abundant in PRTA. Therefore, alpha(1)-ARs subtypes are differentially distributed along the tail artery. It is important to consider the segment from which the tissue preparation is taken to avoid misinterpretations on receptor mechanisms and drug selectivities.


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Caring for a spouse with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is associated with overall health decline and impaired cardiovascular functioning. This morbidity may be related to the effects of caregiving stress and impaired coping on beta(2)-adrenergic receptors, which mediate hemodynamic and vascular responses and are important for peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) trafficking and cytokine production. This study investigated the longitudinal relationship between stress, personal mastery, and beta(2)-adrenergic receptor sensitivity assessed in vitro on PBMC. Over a 5-year study, 115 spousal AD caregivers completed annual assessments of caregiving stress, mastery, and PBMC beta(2)-adrenergic receptor sensitivity, as assessed by in vitro isoproterenol stimulation. Heightened caregiving stress was associated with significantly decreased receptor sensitivity, whereas greater sense of personal mastery was associated with significantly increased receptor sensitivity. These results suggest that increased stress may be associated with a desensitization of beta(2)-receptors, which may contribute to the development of illness among caregivers. However, increased mastery is associated with increased receptor sensitivity, and may therefore serve as a resource factor for improved health in this population.


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Several G-protein coupled receptors, such as the β1-adrenergic receptor (β1-AR), contain polyproline motifs within their intracellular domains. Such motifs in other proteins are known to mediate protein–protein interactions such as with Src homology (SH)3 domains. Accordingly, we used the proline-rich third intracellular loop of the β1-AR either as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein in biochemical “pull-down” assays or as bait in the yeast two-hybrid system to search for interacting proteins. Both approaches identified SH3p4/p8/p13 (also referred to as endophilin 1/2/3), a SH3 domain-containing protein family, as binding partners for the β1-AR. In vitro and in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, SH3p4 specifically binds to the third intracellular loop of the β1-AR but not to that of the β2-AR. Moreover, this interaction is mediated by the C-terminal SH3 domain of SH3p4. Functionally, overexpression of SH3p4 promotes agonist-induced internalization and modestly decreases the Gs coupling efficacy of β1-ARs in HEK293 cells while having no effect on β2-ARs. Thus, our studies demonstrate a role of the SH3p4/p8/p13 protein family in β1-AR signaling and suggest that interaction between proline-rich motifs and SH3-containing proteins may represent a previously underappreciated aspect of G-protein coupled receptor signaling.


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To investigate the molecular mechanism for stereospecific binding of agonists to beta 2-adrenergic receptors we used receptor models to identify potential binding sites for the beta-OH-group of the ligand, which defines the chiral center. Ser-165, located in transmembrane helix IV, and Asn-293, situated in the upper half of transmembrane helix VI, were identified as potential binding sites. Mutation of Ser-165 to Ala did not change the binding of either isoproterenol isomer as revealed after transient expression in human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells. In contrast, a receptor mutant in which Asn-293 was replaced by Leu showed substantial loss of stereospecific isoproterenol binding. Adenylyl cyclase stimulation by this mutant after stable expression in CHO cells confirmed the substantial loss of stereospecificity for isoproterenol. In a series of agonists the loss of affinity in the Leu-293 mutant receptor was strongly correlated with the intrinsic activity of the compounds. Full agonists showed a 10-30-fold affinity loss, whereas partial agonists had almost the same affinity for both receptors. Stereospecific recognition of antagonists was unaltered in the Leu-293 mutant receptor. These data indicate a relationship between stereospecificity and intrinsic activity of agonists and suggest that Asn-293 is important for both properties of the agonist-receptor interaction.


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The beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors are two structurally related, but pharmacologically distinguishable, receptor subtypes, both of which activate adenylyl cyclase in a catecholamine-dependent manner through the guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein Gs. The receptors are approximately 50% identical in amino acid sequence and each is characterized by the presence of seven putative transmembrane domains. To elucidate the structural basis for the pharmacological distinctions between these two receptor subtypes, we constructed a series of chimeric beta 1/beta 2-adrenergic receptor genes and expressed them by injection of RNA into Xenopus laevis oocytes. The pharmacological properties of the expressed chimeric receptor proteins were assessed by radioligand binding and adenylyl cyclase assays utilizing subtype-selective agonists and antagonists. Our data indicate that transmembrane region IV is largely responsible for determining beta 1 vs. beta 2 properties with respect to agonist binding (relative affinities for epinephrine and norepinephrine). Transmembrane regions VI and VII play an important role in determining binding of beta 1 vs. beta 2 selective antagonists. However, a number of the other transmembrane regions also contribute, to a lesser extent, to the determination of beta-adrenergic receptor subtype specificity for agonists and antagonists. Thus, several of the membrane-spanning regions appear to be involved in the determination of receptor subtype specificity, presumably by formation of a ligand-binding pocket, with determinants for agonist and antagonist binding being distinguishable.


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Ross River (RR) virus is an alphavirus endemic to Australia and New Guinea and is the aetiological agent of epidemic polyarthritis or RR virus disease. Here we provide evidence that RR virus uses the collagen-binding α1β1 integrin as a cellular receptor. Infection could be inhibited by collagen IV and antibodies specific for the β1 and α1 integrin proteins, and fibroblasts from α1-integrin-/- mice were less efficiently infected than wild-type fibroblasts. Soluble α1β1 integrin bound immobilized RR virus, and peptides representing the α1β1 integrin binding-site on collagen IV inhibited virus binding to cells. We speculate that two highly conserved regions within the cell-receptor binding domain of E2 mimic collagen and provide access to cellular collagen-binding receptors.


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Homologous (agonist-specific) desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptors (beta ARs) is accompanied by and appears to require phosphorylation of the receptors. We have recently described a novel protein kinase, beta AR kinase, which phosphorylates beta ARs in vitro in an agonist-dependent manner. This kinase is inhibited by two classes of compounds, polyanions and synthetic peptides derived from the beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR). In this report we describe the effects of these inhibitors on the process of homologous desensitization induced by the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol. Permeabilization of human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells with digitonin was used to permit access of the charged inhibitors to the cytosol; this procedure did not interfere with the pattern of isoproterenol-induced homologous desensitization of beta 2AR-stimulated adenylyl cyclase. Inhibitors of beta AR kinase markedly inhibited homologous desensitization of beta 2ARs in the permeabilized cells. Inhibition of desensitization by heparin, the most potent of the polyanion inhibitors of beta AR kinase, occurred over the same concentration range (5-50 nM) as inhibition of purified beta AR kinase assessed in a reconstituted system. Inhibition of desensitization by heparin was accompanied by a marked reduction of receptor phosphorylation in the permeabilized cells. Whereas inhibitors of beta AR kinase inhibited homologous desensitization, inhibitors of protein kinase C and of cyclic-nucleotide-dependent protein kinases were ineffective. These data establish that phosphorylation of beta ARs by beta AR kinase is an essential step in homologous desensitization of the receptors. They further suggest a potential therapeutic value of inhibitors of beta AR kinase in inhibiting agonist-induced desensitization.