995 resultados para Beam splitter


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Aberrations affect image quality of the eye away from the line of sight as well as along it. High amounts of lower order aberrations are found in the peripheral visual field and higher order aberrations change away from the centre of the visual field. Peripheral resolution is poorer than that in central vision, but peripheral vision is important for movement and detection tasks (for example driving) which are adversely affected by poor peripheral image quality. Any physiological process or intervention that affects axial image quality will affect peripheral image quality as well. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of accommodation, myopia, age, and refractive interventions of orthokeratology, laser in situ keratomileusis and intraocular lens implantation on the peripheral aberrations of the eye. This is the first systematic investigation of peripheral aberrations in a variety of subject groups. Peripheral aberrations can be measured either by rotating a measuring instrument relative to the eye or rotating the eye relative to the instrument. I used the latter as it is much easier to do. To rule out effects of eye rotation on peripheral aberrations, I investigated the effects of eye rotation on axial and peripheral cycloplegic refraction using an open field autorefractor. For axial refraction, the subjects fixated at a target straight ahead, while their heads were rotated by ±30º with a compensatory eye rotation to view the target. For peripheral refraction, the subjects rotated their eyes to fixate on targets out to ±34° along the horizontal visual field, followed by measurements in which they rotated their heads such that the eyes stayed in the primary position relative to the head while fixating at the peripheral targets. Oblique viewing did not affect axial or peripheral refraction. Therefore it is not critical, within the range of viewing angles studied, if axial and peripheral refractions are measured with rotation of the eye relative to the instrument or rotation of the instrument relative to the eye. Peripheral aberrations were measured using a commercial Hartmann-Shack aberrometer. A number of hardware and software changes were made. The 1.4 mm range limiting aperture was replaced by a larger aperture (2.5 mm) to ensure all the light from peripheral parts of the pupil reached the instrument detector even when aberrations were high such as those occur in peripheral vision. The power of the super luminescent diode source was increased to improve detection of spots passing through the peripheral pupil. A beam splitter was placed between the subjects and the aberrometer, through which they viewed an array of targets on a wall or projected on a screen in a 6 row x 7 column matrix of points covering a visual field of 42 x 32. In peripheral vision, the pupil of the eye appears elliptical rather than circular; data were analysed off-line using custom software to determine peripheral aberrations. All analyses in the study were conducted for 5.0 mm pupils. Influence of accommodation on peripheral aberrations was investigated in young emmetropic subjects by presenting fixation targets at 25 cm and 3 m (4.0 D and 0.3 D accommodative demands, respectively). Increase in accommodation did not affect the patterns of any aberrations across the field, but there was overall negative shift in spherical aberration across the visual field of 0.10 ± 0.01m. Subsequent studies were conducted with the targets at a 1.2 m distance. Young emmetropes, young myopes and older emmetropes exhibited similar patterns of astigmatism and coma across the visual field. However, the rate of change of coma across the field was higher in young myopes than young emmetropes and was highest in older emmetropes amongst the three groups. Spherical aberration showed an overall decrease in myopes and increase in older emmetropes across the field, as compared to young emmetropes. Orthokeratology, spherical IOL implantation and LASIK altered peripheral higher order aberrations considerably, especially spherical aberration. Spherical IOL implantation resulted in an overall increase in spherical aberration across the field. Orthokeratology and LASIK reversed the direction of change in coma across the field. Orthokeratology corrected peripheral relative hypermetropia through correcting myopia in the central visual field. Theoretical ray tracing demonstrated that changes in aberrations due to orthokeratology and LASIK can be explained by the induced changes in radius of curvature and asphericity of the cornea. This investigation has shown that peripheral aberrations can be measured with reasonable accuracy with eye rotation relative to the instrument. Peripheral aberrations are affected by accommodation, myopia, age, orthokeratology, spherical intraocular lens implantation and laser in situ keratomileusis. These factors affect the magnitudes and patterns of most aberrations considerably (especially coma and spherical aberration) across the studied visual field. The changes in aberrations across the field may influence peripheral detection and motion perception. However, further research is required to investigate how the changes in aberrations influence peripheral detection and motion perception and consequently peripheral vision task performance.


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Purpose: Poor image quality in the peripheral field may lead to myopia. Most studies measuring the higher order aberrations in the periphery have been restricted to the horizontal visual field. The purpose of this study was to measure higher order monochromatic aberrations across the central 42º horizontal x 32º vertical visual fields in myopes and emmetropes. ---------- Methods: We recruited 5 young emmetropes with spherical equivalent refractions +0.17 ± 0.45D and 5 young myopes with spherical equivalent refractions -3.9 ± 2.09D. Measurements were taken with a modified COAS-HD Hartmann-Shack aberrometer (Wavefront Sciences Inc). Measurements were taken while the subjects looked at 38 points arranged in a 7 x 6 matrix (excluding four corner points) through a beam splitter held between the instrument and the eye. A combination of the instrument’s software and our own software was used to estimate OSA Zernike coefficients for 5mm pupil diameter at 555nm for each point. The software took into account the elliptical shape of the off-axis pupil. Nasal and superior fields were taken to have positive x and y signs, respectively. ---------- Results: The total higher order RMS (HORMS) was similar on-axis for emmetropes (0.16 ± 0.02 μm) and myopes (0.17 ± 0.02 μm). There was no common pattern for HORMS for emmetropes across the visual field where as 4 out of 5 myopes showed a linear increase in HORMS in all directions away from the minimum. For all subjects, vertical and horizontal comas showed linear changes across the visual field. The mean rate of change of vertical coma across the vertical meridian was significantly lower (p = 0.008) for emmetropes (-0.005 ± 0.002 μm/deg) than for myopes (-0.013 ± 0.004 μm/deg). The mean rate of change of horizontal coma across the horizontal meridian was lower (p = 0.07) for emmetropes (-0.006 ± 0.003 μm/deg) than myopes (-0.011 ± 0.004 μm/deg). ---------- Conclusion: We have found differences in patterns of higher order aberrations across the visual fields of emmetropes and myopes, with myopes showing the greater rates of change of horizontal and vertical coma.


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Nonclassicality in the sense of quantum optics is a prerequisite for entanglement in multimode radiation states. In this work we bring out the possibilities of passing from the former to the latter, via action of classicality preserving systems like beam splitters, in a transparent manner. For single-mode states, a complete description of nonclassicality is available via the classical theory of moments, as a set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the photon number distribution. We show that when the mode is coupled to an ancilla in any coherent state, and the system is then acted upon by a beam splitter, these conditions turn exactly into signatures of negativity under partial transpose (NPT) entanglement of the output state. Since the classical moment problem does not generalize to two or more modes, we turn in these cases to other familiar sufficient but not necessary conditions for nonclassicality, namely the Mandel parameter criterion and its extensions. We generalize the Mandel matrix from one-mode states to the two-mode situation, leading to a natural classification of states with varying levels of nonclassicality. For two-mode states we present a single test that can, if successful, simultaneously show nonclassicality as well as NPT entanglement. We also develop a test for NPT entanglement after beam-splitter action on a nonclassical state, tracing carefully the way in which it goes beyond the Mandel nonclassicality test. The result of three-mode beam-splitter action after coupling to an ancilla in the ground state is treated in the same spirit. The concept of genuine tripartite entanglement, and scalar measures of nonclassicality at the Mandel level for two-mode systems, are discussed. Numerous examples illustrating all these concepts are presented.


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Dammann gratings are well known for their ability to generate arrays of Lmiform-intensity beams from an incoming monochromatic beam. We apply the even-numbered Dammann grating to achieve dynamic optical coupled technology. A 1 x N dynamic optical coupled system is developed by employing two complementary even-numbered Dammann gratings. With this system we can achieve a beam splitter and combiner as a switch between them according to the relative shift between the gratings. Also, this system is a preferable approach in integral packaging. More importantly, this device has the potential to be applied to the splitting of a large array, e.g., 8 x 16 array and 64 x 64 array, which is difficult to be realized with conventional splitting methods. We experimentally demonstrated a 1 x 8 coupler at the wavelength of 1550 nm. Furthermore we analyze the effects of the alignment errors between gratings and the wavelength-dependent error on efficiency and uniformity. The experimental results and the influence of alignment error and wavelength-dependent error are analyzed in detail. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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This paper summarized the recent research results of Changhe Zhou's group of Information Optics Lab in Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM). The first is about the Talbot self-imaging research. We have found the symmetry rule, the regular-rearranged neighboring phase difference rule and the prime-number decamping rule, which is briefly summarized in a recent educational publication of Optics and Photonics News, pp.46-50, November 2004. The second is about four novel microoptical gratings designed and fabricated in SIOM. The third is about the design and fabrication of novel supperresolution phase plates for beam shaping and possible use in optical storage. The fourth is to develop novel femtosecond laser information processing techniques by incorporating microoptical elements, for example, use of a pair of reflective Dammann gratings for splitting the femtosecond laser pulses. The most attractive feature of this approach is that the conventional beam splitter is avoided. The conventional beam splitter would introduce the unequal dispersion due to the broadband spectrum of ultrashort laser pulses, which will affect the splitting result. We implemented the Dammann splitting apparatus by using two-layered reflective Dammann gratings, which generates the almost same array without angular dispersion. We believe that our device is highly interesting for splitting femtosecond laser pulses.


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We present two novel 1XN dynamic optical couplers that are based on Dammann gratings to achieve dynamic optical coupled technology. One is presented by employing a specially designed Dammann grating that consists of the Dammann-grating area and the blank area. The other is developed by using two complementary even-numbered Dammann gratings. The couplers can achieve the function conversion between a beam splitter and a combiner according to the modulation of the gratings. We have experimentally demonstrated 1X8 dynamic optical couplers at the wavelength of 1550 nm. The experimental results and the analyses are reported in detail.


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Kilometer scale interferometers for the detection of gravitational waves are currently under construction by the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) and VIRGO projects. These interferometers will consist of two Fabry-Perot cavities illuminated by a laser beam which is split in half by a beam splitter. A recycling mirror between the laser and the beam splitter will reflect the light returning from the beam splitter towards the laser back into the interferometer. The positions of the optical components in these interferometers must be controlled to a small fraction of a wavelength of the laser light. Schemes to extract signals necessary to control these optical components have been developed and demonstrated on the tabletop. In the large scale gravitational wave detectors the optical components must be suspended from vibration isolation platforms to achieve the necessary isolation from seismic motion. These suspended components present a new class of problems in controlling the interferometer, but also provide more exacting test of interferometer signal and noise models.

This thesis discusses the first operation of a suspended-mass Fabry-Perot-Michelson interferometer, in which signals carried by the optically recombined beams are used to detect and control all important mirror displacements. This interferometer uses an optical configuration and signal extraction scheme that is planned for the full scale LIGO interferometers with the simplification of the removal of the recycling mirror. A theoretical analysis of the performance that is expected from such an interferometer is presented and the experimental results are shown to be in generally good agreement.


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提出了一种基于达曼光栅的动态光耦合器,通过控制装置中达曼光栅位移参量,可实现入射光束的分束或合束以及两者之间的动态转换。适当选择达曼光栅类型可实现任意N×M的动态光耦合。实验中以1550 nm光波长为例,对1×8达曼动态光耦合器进行测量,测得其实现光开关功能时插入损耗为0.43 dB,实现光分束功能时均匀性达到0.03,单路插入损耗均值为10.5 dB。该实验装置易于调节、体积小、能耗低,且关键元件达曼光栅制作工艺成熟,易于批量化生产。特别是在实现中大规模光交换阵列时,该方案就具有更明显的优越性,有实用意


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采用反射式达曼光栅对飞秒激光进行分束,可以避免材料色散的影响。搭建了利用反射式1×2达曼光栅为基础的频率分辨光学开关(FROG)装置,并把测量结果与传统多发频率分辨光学开关装置的测量结果进行了对比。理论和实验结果表明,当输入脉冲宽度大于50 fs时,用达曼光栅作为分光器和使用分光镜分光的效果是一样的;当输入脉冲的宽度小于50 fs时,用达曼光栅作为分光器引入的展宽量明显小于分光镜引入的展宽量,尤其是当输入脉冲的宽度小于20 fs时用达曼光栅作为分光器的效果更为突出。


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Inverse symmetric Dammann grating is a special grating, whose transition points are reflection symmetric about the midpoint with inverse phase offset in one period. It can produce even-numbered or odd-numbered array illumination when the phase modulations are pi or a specific value. Numerical solutions optimized by the steepest-descent algorithm for binary phase and multilevel phases with splitting ratio from I x 4 to 1 x 14 are given. Fabrication of 1 x 6 array without the zero-order intensity and 1 x 7 array with the zero-order intensity are made from the same amplitude mask. A 6 x 6 output without the crossed zero-orders was achieved by crossing two one-dimensional 1 x 6 inverse symmetric Dammann gratings. This grating may have potential value for practical applications. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple actively Q-switched double-clad fiber laser combining an amplifying cavity is reported by using a dynamic acoustooptic Q-switching as a beam splitter. Sub-100-ns. pulses independence of the repetition rate of acoustooptic modulator are almost changeless with repetition rate varied from 50 kHz to 1.5 MHz. With 4.5-W absorbed power, 9.4-W peak-power pulses at 1.5-MHz repetition rate with 75-ns pulse duration are generated.


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We report on an optical interference method to fabricate array microstructures on the surface of silicon wafers by means of five-beam interference of femtosecond laser pulses. Optical microscope and scanning electron microscope observations revealed microstructures with micrometer-order were fabricated. The diffraction characteristics of the fabricated structures were evaluated. The present technique allows one-step realization of functional optoelectronic devices on silicon surface. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on an optical interference method to fabricate arrayed holes on metal nickel foil and aluminum film deposited on glass substrate by means of five-beam interference of femtosecond laser pulses. Optical microscope and scanning electron microscope observations revealed that arrayed holes of micrometre-order were fabricated on both metal foil and metal film. The present technique allows one-step, large-area, micrometric processing of metal materials for potential industrial applications.


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In this paper, 2 X 2 characteristic matrices of uniaxially anisotropic thin film for extraordinary and ordinary wave are deduced at oblique incidence. Furthermore, the reflectance and transmittance of thin films are calculated separately for two polarizations, which provide a new concept for designing non-polarizing thin films at oblique incidence. Besides, using the multilayer birefringent thin films, non-polarizing designs, such as beam splitter thin film at single wavelength, edge filter and antireflection thin film over visible spectral region are obtained at oblique incidence.