931 resultados para Barrier-free design.


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As the European Union (EU) approaches its 60th anniversary, it is worth assessing progress towards a key objective – the abolition of barriers to the marketing of food in the EU. Food has always created particular problems for the EU as national differences in diets, culture and geography make standardisation impossible. Early attempts focussed on direct measures to harmonise requirements or, later, to create an ‘internal market’. Subsequently a changed emphasis brought about the need to focus more clearly on the harmonisation of food safety. More widely, the recent recognition that too much legislation can itself create barriers has led legislators to attempt to consider more carefully the impact of their efforts. This paper reflects on the various stages in the creation of harmonised food controls and considers how case law has impacted the process. Today there are still differences and complete barrier-free trade seems some way off.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Purpose: The purpose of the Camp For All Connection project is to facilitate access to electronic health information resources at the Camp For All facility. Setting/Participants/Resources: Camp For All is a barrier-free camp working in partnership with organizations to enrich the lives of children and adults with chronic illnesses and disabilities and their families by providing camping and retreat experiences. The camp facility is located on 206 acres in Burton, Texas. The project partners are Texas Woman's University, Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library, and Camp For All. Brief Description: The Camp For All Connection project placed Internet-connected workstations at the camp's health center in the main lodge and provided training in the use of electronic health information resources. A train-the-trainer approach was used to provide training to Camp For All staff. Results/Outcome: Project workstations are being used by health care providers and camp staff for communication purposes and to make better informed health care decisions for Camp For All campers. Evaluation Method: A post-training evaluation was administered at the end of the train-the-trainer session. In addition, a series of site visits and interviews was conducted with camp staff members involved in the project. The site visits and interviews allowed for ongoing dialog between project staff and project participants.


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In this paper we present results on measurements of the dielectric strength of liquid argon near its boiling point and cathode-anode distances in the range of 0.1 mm to 40 mm with spherical cathode and plane anode. We show that at such distances the applied electric field at which breakdowns occur is as low as 40 kV/cm. Flash-overs across the ribbed dielectric of the high voltage feed-through are observed for a length of 300 mm starting from a voltage of 55 kV. These results contribute to set reference for the breakdown-free design of ionization detectors, such as Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr TPC).


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En este trabajo se aborda una cuestión central en el diseño en carga última de estructuras de hormigón armado y de fábrica: la posibilidad efectiva de que las deformaciones plásticas necesarias para verificar un estado de rotura puedan ser alcanzadas por las regiones de la estructura que deban desarrollar su capacidad última para verificar tal estado. Así, se parte de las decisiones de diseño que mediante mera estática aseguran un equilibrio de la estructura para las cargas últimas que deba resistir, pero determinando directamente el valor de las deformaciones necesarias para llegar a tal estado. Por tanto, no se acude a los teoremas de rotura sin más, sino que se formula el problema desde un punto de vista elastoplástico. Es decir, no se obvia el recorrido que la estructura deba realizar en un proceso de carga incremental monótono, de modo que las regiones no plastificadas contribuyen a coaccionar las libres deformaciones plásticas que, en la teoría de rotura, se suponen. En términos de trabajo y energía, se introduce en el balance del trabajo de las fuerzas externas y en el de la energía de deformación, aquella parte del sistema que no ha plastificado. Establecido así el balance energético como potencial del sistema es cuando la condición de estacionariedad del mismo hace determinados los campos de desplazamientos y, por tanto, el de las deformaciones plásticas también. En definitiva, se trata de un modo de verificar si la ductilidad de los diseños previstos es suficiente, y en qué medida, para verificar el estado de rotura previsto, para unas determinadas cargas impuestas. Dentro del desarrollo teórico del problema, se encuentran ciertas precisiones importantes. Entre ellas, la verificación de que el estado de rotura a que se llega de manera determinada mediante el balance energético elasto-plástico satisface las condiciones de la solución de rotura que los teoremas de carga última predicen, asegurando, por tanto, que la solución determinada -unicidad del problema elásticocoincide con el teorema de unicidad de la carga de rotura, acotando además cuál es el sistema de equilibrio y cuál es la deformada de colapso, aspectos que los teoremas de rotura no pueden asegurar, sino sólo el valor de la carga última a verificar. Otra precisión se basa en la particularidad de los casos en que el sistema presenta una superficie de rotura plana, haciendo infinitas las posibilidades de equilibrio para una misma deformada de colapso determinada, lo que está en la base de, aparentemente, poder plastificar a antojo en vigas y arcos. Desde el planteamiento anterior, se encuentra entonces que existe una condición inherente a cualquier sistema, definidas unas leyes constitutivas internas, que permite al mismo llegar al inicio del estado de rotura sin demandar deformación plástica alguna, produciéndose la plastificación simultánea de todas las regiones que hayan llegado a su solicitación de rotura. En cierto modo, se daría un colapso de apariencia frágil. En tal caso, el sistema conserva plenamente hasta el final su capacidad dúctil y tal estado actúa como representante canónico de cualquier otra solución de equilibrio que con idéntico criterio de diseño interno se prevea para tal estructura. En la medida que el diseño se acerque o aleje de la solución canónica, la demanda de ductilidad del sistema para verificar la carga última será menor o mayor. Las soluciones que se aparten en exceso de la solución canónica, no verificarán el estado de rotura previsto por falta de ductilidad: la demanda de deformación plástica de alguna región plastificada estará más allá de la capacidad de la misma, revelándose una carga de rotura por falta de ductilidad menor que la que se preveía por mero equilibrio. Para la determinación de las deformaciones plásticas de las rótulas, se ha tomado un modelo formulado mediante el Método de los Elementos de Contorno, que proporciona un campo continuo de desplazamientos -y, por ende, de deformaciones y de tensiones- incluso en presencia de fisuras en el contorno. Importante cuestión es que se formula la diferencia, nada desdeñable, de la capacidad de rotación plástica de las secciones de hormigón armado en presencia de cortante y en su ausencia. Para las rótulas de fábrica, la diferencia se establece para las condiciones de la excentricidad -asociadas al valor relativo de la compresión-, donde las diferencias entres las regiones plastificadas con esfuerzo normal relativo alto o bajo son reseñables. Por otro lado, si bien de manera un tanto secundaria, las condiciones de servicio también imponen un límite al diseño previo en carga última deseado. La plastificación lleva asociadas deformaciones considerables, sean locales como globales. Tal cosa impone que, en estado de servicio, si la plastificación de alguna región lleva asociadas fisuraciones excesivas para el ambiente del entorno, la solución sea inviable por ello. Asimismo, las deformaciones de las estructuras suponen un límite severo a las posibilidades de su diseño. Especialmente en edificación, las deformaciones activas son un factor crítico a la hora de decidirse por una u otra solución. Por tanto, al límite que se impone por razón de ductilidad, se debe añadir el que se imponga por razón de las condiciones de servicio. Del modo anterior, considerando las condiciones de ductilidad y de servicio en cada caso, se puede tasar cada decisión de diseño con la previsión de cuáles serán las consecuencias en su estado de carga última y de servicio. Es decir, conocidos los límites, podemos acotar cuáles son los diseños a priori que podrán satisfacer seguro las condiciones de ductilidad y de servicio previstas, y en qué medida. Y, en caso de no poderse satisfacer, qué correcciones debieran realizarse sobre el diseño previo para poderlas cumplir. Por último, de las consecuencias que se extraen de lo estudiado, se proponen ciertas líneas de estudio y de experimentación para poder llegar a completar o expandir de manera práctica los resultados obtenidos. ABSTRACT This work deals with a main issue for the ultimate load design in reinforced concrete and masonry structures: the actual possibility that needed yield strains to reach a ultimate state could be reached by yielded regions on the structure that should develop their ultimate capacity to fulfill such a state. Thus, some statically determined design decisions are posed as a start for prescribed ultimate loads to be counteracted, but finding out the determined value of the strains needed to reach the ultimate load state. Therefore, ultimate load theorems are not taken as they are, but a full elasto-plastic formulation point of view is used. As a result, the path the structure must develop in a monotonus increasing loading procedure is not neglected, leading to the fact that non yielded regions will restrict the supposed totally free yield strains under a pure ultimate load theory. In work and energy terms, in the overall account of external forces work and internal strain energy, those domains in the body not reaching their ultimate state are considered. Once thus established the energy balance of the system as its potential, by imposing on it the stationary condition, both displacements and yield strains appear as determined values. Consequently, what proposed is a means for verifying whether the ductility of prescribed designs is enough and the extent to which they are so, for known imposed loads. On the way for the theoretical development of the proposal, some important aspects have been found. Among these, the verification that the conditions for the ultimate state reached under the elastoplastic energy balance fulfills the conditions prescribed for the ultimate load state predicted through the ultimate load theorems, assuring, therefore, that the determinate solution -unicity of the elastic problemcoincides with the unicity ultimate load theorem, determining as well which equilibrium system and which collapse shape are linked to it, being these two last aspects unaffordable by the ultimate load theorems, that make sure only which is the value of the ultimate load leading to collapse. Another aspect is based on the particular case in which the yield surface of the system is flat -i.e. expressed under a linear expression-, turning out infinite the equilibrium possibilities for one determined collapse shape, which is the basis of, apparently, deciding at own free will the yield distribution in beams and arches. From the foresaid approach, is then found that there is an inherent condition in any system, once defined internal constitutive laws, which allows it arrive at the beginning of the ultimate state or collapse without any yield strain demand, reaching the collapse simultaneously for all regions that have come to their ultimate strength. In a certain way, it would appear to be a fragile collapse. In such a case case, the system fully keeps until the end its ductility, and such a state acts as a canonical representative of any other statically determined solution having the same internal design criteria that could be posed for the that same structure. The extent to which a design is closer to or farther from the canonical solution, the ductility demand of the system to verify the ultimate load will be higher or lower. The solutions being far in excess from the canonical solution, will not verify the ultimate state due to lack of ductility: the demand for yield strains of any yielded region will be beyond its capacity, and a shortcoming ultimate load by lack of ductility will appear, lower than the expected by mere equilibrium. For determining the yield strains of plastic hinges, a Boundary Element Method based model has been used, leading to a continuous displacement field -therefore, for strains and stresses as well- even if cracks on the boundary are present. An important aspect is that a remarkable difference is found in the rotation capacity between plastic hinges in reinforced concrete with or without shear. For masonry hinges, such difference appears when dealing with the eccentricity of axial forces -related to their relative value of compression- on the section, where differences between yield regions under high or low relative compressions are remarkable. On the other hand, although in a certain secondary manner, serviceability conditions impose limits to the previous ultimate load stated wanted too. Yield means always big strains and deformations, locally and globally. Such a thing imposes, for serviceability states, that if a yielded region is associated with too large cracking for the environmental conditions, the predicted design will be unsuitable due to this. Furthermore, displacements must be restricted under certain severe limits that restrain the possibilities for a free design. Especially in building structures, active displacements are a critical factor when chosing one or another solution. Then, to the limits due to ductility reasons, other limits dealing with serviceability conditions shoud be added. In the foresaid way, both considering ductility and serviceability conditions in every case, the results for ultimate load and serviceability to which every design decision will lead can be bounded. This means that, once the limits are known, it is possible to bound which a priori designs will fulfill for sure the prescribed ductility and serviceability conditions, and the extent to wich they will be fulfilled, And, in case they were not, which corrections must be performed in the previous design so that it will. Finally, from the consequences derived through what studied, several study and experimental fields are proposed, in order to achieve a completeness and practical expansion of the obtained results.


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In this paper the effects of introducing novelty search in evolutionary art are explored. Our algorithm combines fitness and novelty metrics to frame image evolution as a multi-objective optimisation problem, promoting the creation of images that are both suitable and diverse. The method is illustrated by using two evolutionary art engines for the evolution of figurative objects and context free design grammars. The results demonstrate the ability of the algorithm to obtain a larger set of fit images compared to traditional fitness-based evolution, regardless of the engine used.


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Many times, moving a loved one into a long-term care facility is a true act of love and unselfishness. If the caregiver and the care recipient cannot leave the house, you have both become very isolated. Imagine mom being able to go outside her door to find someone to talk with. There are activities, meals to be shared with friends, and a barrier free area where she can roam.


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The Open Access movement has encouraged the availability of publicly-funded research papers, data and learning content for barrier-free use of that content without payment by the user. The impact of increasing availability of content to researchers in European universities is understood in terms of easier access to previous research and greater exposure for new research results, bringing benefits to the research community itself. A new culture of informal sharing is evident within the teaching and learning communities and to some extent also within the research community, but as yet the growth in informal sharing has not had a major effect upon the use of formal publication choices. This briefing paper explores the impact of open access upon potential users of research outputs outside the walls of research-led European universities, where the economic value of open access may be even greater than the academic value within universities. The potential impact of open access is understood in many communities but requires a greater volume of open access content to be available for the full potential to be realised. More open access content will become available as the opportunities in open, internet-based digital scholarship are understood. This briefing paper was written in cooperation with SPARC Europe. All links provided in footnotes in this Briefing Paper are to studies available in open access.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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Road safety barriers are used to redirect traffic at roadside work-zones. When filled with water, these barriers are able to withstand low to moderate impact speeds up to 50kmh-1. Despite this feature, Portable Water-filled barriers (PWFB) face challenges such as large lateral displacements, tearing and breakage during impact; especially at higher speeds. This study explores the use of composite action to enhance the crashworthiness of PWFBs and enable their usage at higher speeds. Initially, energy absorption capability of water in PWFB is investigated. Then, composite action of the PWFB with the introduction of steel frame is considered to evaluate its enhanced impact performance. Findings of the study show that the initial height of the impact must be lower than the free surface level of water in a PWFB in order for the water to provide significant crash energy absorption. In general, an impact of a road barrier with 80% filled is a good estimation. Furthermore, the addition of a composite structure greatly reduces the probability of tearing by decreasing the strain and impact energy transferred to the shell container. This allows the water to remain longer in the barrier to absorb energy via inertial displacements and sloshing response. Information from this research will aid in the design of new generation roadside safety structures aimed to increase safety in modern roadways.


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Road safety barriers are used to redirect traffic at roadside work-zones. When filled with water, these barriers are able to withstand low to moderate impact speeds up to 50kmh-1. Despite this feature, there are challenges when using portable water-filled barriers (PWFBs) such as large lateral displacements as well as tearing and breakage during impact, especially at higher speeds. In this study, the authors explore the use of composite action to enhance the crashworthiness of PWFBs and enable their use at higher speeds. Initially, we investigated the energy absorption capability of water in PWFB. Then, we considered the composite action of a PWFB with the introduction of a steel frame to evaluate its impact on performance. Findings of the study show that the initial height of impact must be lower than the free surface level of water in a PWFB for the water to provide significant crash energy absorption. In general, impact of a road barrier that is 80% filled is a good estimation. Furthermore, the addition of a composite structure greatly reduces the probability of tearing by decreasing the strain and impact energy transferred to the shell container. This allows the water to remain longer in the barrier to absorb energy via inertial displacement and sloshing response. Information from this research will aid in the design of next generation roadside safety structures aimed to increase safety on modern roadways.


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Purpose Two diodes which do not require correction factors for small field relative output measurements are designed and validated using experimental methodology. This was achieved by adding an air layer above the active volume of the diode detectors, which canceled out the increase in response of the diodes in small fields relative to standard field sizes. Methods Due to the increased density of silicon and other components within a diode, additional electrons are created. In very small fields, a very small air gap acts as an effective filter of electrons with a high angle of incidence. The aim was to design a diode that balanced these perturbations to give a response similar to a water-only geometry. Three thicknesses of air were placed at the proximal end of a PTW 60017 electron diode (PTWe) using an adjustable “air cap”. A set of output ratios (ORfclin Det ) for square field sizes of side length down to 5 mm was measured using each air thickness and compared to ORfclin Det measured using an IBA stereotactic field diode (SFD). k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr was transferred from the SFD to the PTWe diode and plotted as a function of air gap thickness for each field size. This enabled the optimal air gap thickness to be obtained by observing which thickness of air was required such that k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr was equal to 1.00 at all field sizes. A similar procedure was used to find the optimal air thickness required to make a modified Sun Nuclear EDGE detector (EDGEe) which s “correction-free” in small field relative dosimetry. In addition, the feasibility of experimentally transferring k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr values from the SFD to unknown diodes was tested by comparing the experimentally transferred k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr values for unmodified PTWe and EDGEe diodes to Monte Carlo simulated values. Results 1.0 mm of air was required to make the PTWe diode correction-free. This modified diode (PTWeair) produced output factors equivalent to those in water at all field sizes (5–50 mm). The optimal air thickness required for the EDGEe diode was found to be 0.6 mm. The modified diode (EDGEeair) produced output factors equivalent to those in water, except at field sizes of 8 and 10 mm where it measured approximately 2% greater than the relative dose to water. The experimentally calculated k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr for both the PTWe and the EDGEe diodes (without air) matched Monte Carlo simulated results, thus proving that it is feasible to transfer k fclin, f msr Qclin,Qmsr from one commercially available detector to another using experimental methods and the recommended experimental setup. Conclusions It is possible to create a diode which does not require corrections for small field output factor measurements. This has been performed and verified experimentally. The ability of a detector to be “correction-free” depends strongly on its design and composition. A nonwater-equivalent detector can only be “correction-free” if competing perturbations of the beam cancel out at all field sizes. This should not be confused with true water equivalency of a detector.


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Dugong habitats were considered in the design for the new zoning network for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park as part of the Representative Areas Program. One of the specific design guidelines developed as part of the biophysical operational principles recommended that 50% of all high priority dugong habitats should be incorporated in the network of no-take areas. The high priority dugong habitat incorporated in no-take protection increased from 1396 to 3476 km2 (or 16.9-42.0% of all identified sites). Although this increase in protection fell short of the recommended 50%, overall the level of protection afforded by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Zoning Plan 2003 increased for all the locations identified.


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Late-transition-metal-doped Pt clusters are prevalent in CO oxidation catalysis, as they exhibit better catalytic activity than pure Pt, while reducing the effective cost and poisoning However, completely eliminating the critical problem of Pt poisoning still poses a big challenge. Here, we report for the first time that, among the bimetallic clusters ((Pt3M where M = Co, Ni, and Cu)/MgO(100)), the CO adsorption site inverts for Pt3Co/MgO(100) from Pt to Co, due to the complete uptake of Pt d-states by lattice oxygen. While this resolves the problem of Pt poisoning, good reaction kinetics are predicted through low barriers for Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Mars van Krevelen (MvK) mechanisms of CO oxidation for Pt3Co/MgO(100) and Li-doped MgO(100), respectively. Li doping in MgO(100) compensates for the charge imbalance caused by a spontaneous oxygen vacancy formation. Pt-3 Co/Li-doped MgO(100) stands out as an exceptional CO oxidation catalyst, giving an MvK reaction barrier as low as 0.11 eV. We thereby propose a novel design strategy of d-band center inversion for CO oxidation catalysts with no Pt poisoning and excellent reaction kinetics.