988 resultados para Barrientos, bartolome, 1518- ca. 1568
The phase and microstructural evolution of multi-cation Sm-Ca-alpha-sialon ceramics was investigated. Six samples were prepared, ranging from a pure Sm-sialon to a pure Ca-sialon, with calcium replacing samarium in 20 eq% increments, thus maintaining an equivalent design composition in all samples. After pressureless sintering at 1820 degreesC for 2 It, all samples were subsequently heat treated up to 192 h at 1450 and 1300 degreesC. The amount of grain boundary glass in the samples after sintering was observed to decrease with increasing calcium levels. A M-ss' or M-ss',-gehlenite solid solution was observed to form during the 1450 degreesC heat treatment of all Sm-containing samples, and this phase forms in clusters in the high-Sm samples. The thermal stability of the alpha-sialon phase was improved in the multi-cation systems. Heat treatment at 1300 degreesC produces SmAlO3 in the high-Sm samples, a M-ss',-gehlenite solid solution in the high-Ca samples, and a Sm-Ca-apatite phase in some intermediate samples. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
To reconstruct oceanographic variations in the subtropical South Pacific, 271-year long subseasonal time series of Sr/Ca and delta(18)O were generated from a coral growing at Rarotonga (21.5degreesS, 159.5degreesW). In this case, coral Sr/Ca appears to be an excellent proxy for sea surface temperature (SST) and coral delta(18)O is a function of both SST and seawater delta(18)O composition (delta(18)O(sw)). Here, we focus on extracting the delta(18)O(sw) signal from these proxy records. A method is presented assuming that coral Sr/Ca is solely a function of SST and that coral delta(18)O is a function of both SST and delta(18)O(sw). This method separates the effects of delta(18)O(sw) from SST by breaking the instantaneous changes of coral delta(18)O into separate contributions by instantaneous SST and delta(18)O(sw) changes, respectively. The results show that on average delta(18)O(sw) at Rarotonga explains similar to39% of the variance in delta(18)O and that variations in SST explains the remaining similar to61% of delta(18)O variance. Reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) shows systematic increases in summer months (December-February) consistent with the regional pattern of variations in precipitation and evaporation. The delta(18)O(sw) also shows a positive linear correlation with satellite-derived estimated salinity for the period 1980 to 1997 (r = 0.72). This linear correlation between reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) and salinity makes it possible to use the reconstructed delta(18)O(sw) to estimate the past interannual and decadal salinity changes in this region. Comparisons of coral delta(18)O and delta(18)O(sw) at Rarotonga with the Pacific decadal oscillation index suggest that the decadal and interdecadal salinity and SST variability at Rarotonga appears to be related to basin-scale decadal variability in the Pacific. Copyright (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.
The ability of mesenchymal stem cells to generate functional neurons in culture is still a matter of controversy. In order to assess this issue, we performed a functional comparison between neuronal differentiation of human MSCs and fetal-derived neural stem cells (NSCs) based on morphological, immunocytochemical, and electrophysiological criteria. Furthermore, possible biochemical mechanisms involved in this process were presented. NF200 immunostaining was used to quantify the yield of differentiated cells after exposure to CAMP. The addition of a PKA inhibitor and Ca(2+) blockers to the differentiation medium significantly reduced the yield of differentiated cells. Activation of CREB was also observed on MSCs during maturation. Na(+)-, K(+)-, and Ca(2+)-voltage-dependent currents were recorded from MSCs-derived cells. In contrast, significantly larger Na(+) currents, firing activity, and spontaneous synaptic currents were recorded from NSCs. Our results indicate that the initial neuronal differentiation of MSCs is induced by CAMP and seems to be dependent upon Ca(2+) and the PKA pathway. However, compared to fetal neural stem cells, adult mesenchymal counterparts are limited in their neurogenic potential. Despite the similar yield of neuronal cells, NSCs achieved a more mature functional state. Description of the underlying mechanisms that govern MSCs` differentiation toward a stable neuronal phenotype and their limitations provides a unique opportunity to enhance our understanding of stem cell plasticity. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective-Ras homolog gene family member A (RhoA)/Rho-kinase-mediated Ca(2+) sensitization is a critical component of constrictor responses. The present study investigates how angiotensin II activates RhoA. Methods and Results-Adenoviral vectors were used to manipulate the expression of regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) domain containing Rho-specific guanine exchange factors (RhoGEFs) and proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK2), a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, in primary rat vascular smooth muscle cells. As an evidence of RhoA activation, RhoA translocation and MYPT1 (the regulatory subunit of myosin light chain phosphatase) phosphorylation were analyzed by Western blot. Results showed that overexpression of PDZ-RhoGEF, but not p115-RhoGEF or leukemia-associated RhoGEF (LARG), enhanced RhoA activation by angiotensin II. Knockdown of PDZ-RhoGEF decreased RhoA activation by angiotensin II. PDZ-RhoGEF was phosphorylated and activated by PYK2 in vitro, and knockdown of PDZ-RhoGEF reduced RhoA activation by constitutively active PYK2, indicating that PDZ-RhoGEF links PYK2 to RhoA. Knockdown of PYK2 or PDZ-RhoGEF markedly decreased RhoA activation by A23187, a Ca(2+) ionophore, demonstrating that PYK2/PDZ-RhoGEF couples RhoA activation to Ca(2+). Conclusions-PYK2 and PDZ-RhoGEF are necessary for angiotensin II-induced RhoA activation and for Ca(2+) signaling to RhoA. (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2009;29:1657-1663.)
Diabetes has been implicated in the dryness of the mouth, loss of taste sensation, sialosis, and other disorders of the oral cavity, by impairment of the salivary glands. The aim of the present study was to examine the plasma membrane, microsomal, and homogenate Ca(2+)-ATPase activity in the rat submandibular and parotid salivary glands of streptozotocin-induced diabetes. We have also examined the influence of the acidosis state oil this parameter. Diabetes was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin and acidosis was induced by daily injection of NH(4)Cl. At 15 and 30 days after diabetes induction, the animals were euthanized and the submandibular and parotid salivary glands were removed and analyzed. Ca(2+)-ATPase (total, independent, and dependent) was determined in the homo-enate, microsomal, and plasma membranes of the salivary glands of diabetic and control rats. Calcium concentration was also determined in the glands and showed to be hi-her in the diabetic animals. Ca(2+)-ATPase activity was found to be reduced in all cell fractions studied in the diabetic animals compared with control. Similar results were obtained for the submandibular salivary glands of acidotic animals; however in the parotid salivary glands it was found an increase in the enzyme activity. Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro osteogenic potential of subcultured human osteoblastic cells derived from alveolar bone on a titanium (Ti) surface produced by an anodized alkali treatment (BSP-AK). Primary osteoblastic cells were subcultured on BSP-AK and machined Ti discs (control) and grown for periods of up to 21 days under osteogenic conditions. Morphologic and biochemical methods were used to assess important parameters of in vitro bone-like tissue formation. Although no major differences were observed between the BSP-AK and the control Ti surface in terms of cell attachment and mineralized matrix formation, a significant increase in cell population, ALP activity, and collagen content was detected in cultures on BSP-AK surface. Our results demonstrate that human osteoblastic cells are sensitive to the BSP-AK-modified Ti surface during the transitional stage between the end of the proliferative phase and the onset of the differentiation /matrix maturation ones. Together with the good mechanical properties exhibited by the Ca- and P- coating, our findings suggest that BSP-AK treatment could be useful for the development of a new surface for dental and orthopedic implants. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.J Biomed Mater Res 88A: 841-848, 2009
Aluminium (At) tolerance in plants may be conferred by reduced binding of Al in the cell wall through low root cation exchange capacity (CEC) or by organic acid exudation. Root CEC is related to the degree of esterification (DE) of pectin in the cell wall, and pectin hydrolysis plays a role in cell expansion. Therefore, it was hypothesised that Al-tolerant plants with a low root CEC maintain pectin hydrolysis in the presence of Al, allowing cell expansion to continue. Irrespective of the DE, binding of Al to pectin reduced the enzymatic hydrolysis of Al-pectin gels by polygalacturonase (E.C. Pectin gels with calcium (Ca) were slightly hydrolysed by polygalacturonase. It was concluded, therefore, that Al tolerance conferred by low root CEC is not mediated by the ability to maintain pectin hydrolysis. Citrate and malate, but not acetate, effectively dissolved Al-pectate gel and led to hydrolysis of the dissolved pectin by polygalacturonase. The organic acids did not dissolve Ca-pectate, nor did they increase pectin hydrolysis by polygalacturonase. It was concluded that exudation of some organic acids can remove Al bound to pectin and this could alleviate toxicity, constituting a tolerance mechanism. (C) 2003 Editions scientitiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
As características das leguminosas e gramíneas usadas como plantas de cobertura são bastante conhecidas, mas a velocidade com que os nutrientes associados à biomassa vegetal tornam-se disponíveis às culturas é ainda pouco estudada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o acúmulo e a taxa de liberação de nutrientes de crotalária e milheto solteiros ou consorciados. O delineamento experimental adotado foi blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram crotalária, milheto, crotalária + milheto e vegetação espontânea. O acúmulo de P e Mg foi influenciado pela produção de massa, com valores elevados na crotalária, enquanto o acúmulo de Ca resultou tanto do maior teor quanto da maior produção de massa nos tratamentos com a leguminosa. A liberação de nutrientes dos resíduos apresentou dinâmica semelhante, com duas fases distintas: a primeira com taxas mais elevadas nos primeiros 15 dias e a segunda mais lenta a partir dessa fase. As taxas de liberação de K, Ca e Mg foram semelhantes, independentemente dos tratamentos. Os resíduos da crotalária apresentaram maior liberação de P do que as da vegetação espontânea, com meia vida de 11 dias e a vegetação espontânea de 17 dias. O Ca foi liberado mais lentamente do que os demais nutrientes, e o Mg mais rapidamente. As plantas espontâneas e o milheto apresentam importante potencial na reciclagem de K, e a crotalária se destacou na reciclagem de Ca e Mg.