997 resultados para Barley yellow dwarf virus
Plantas de Capsicum annuum cv. Magali R, resistentes ao Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV), exibindo sintomas severos de mosaico amarelo, malformação foliar e subdesenvolvimento foram encontradas em plantios na região de Lins, SP, Brasil, em 2003/04. Partículas semelhantes àquelas do gênero Potyvirus foram observadas em extrato foliar de planta infectada examinado em microscópio eletrônico de transmissão. O extrato foliar também reagiu com anti-soro contra o PepYMV em PTA-ELISA. Além de C. annuum cv. Magali R, esse potyvirus também infectou sistemicamente C. annuum cv. Rubia R, que é resistente ao PepYMV. A seqüência de nucleotídeos de parte do gene da proteína capsidial (CP) desse potyvirus apresentou 96-98% de identidade com a de outros isolados do PepYMV. A seqüência parcial de nucleotídeos da região 3' não traduzida (3' NTR) apresentou 94-96% de identidade com a do PepYMV. Esses resultados são indicativos de que o potyvirus que quebrou a resistência em pimentão é um isolado do PepYMV.
Background: Yellow fever virus (YFV) belongs to the Flavivirus genus and causes an important disease. An alarming resurgence of viral circulation and the expansion of YFV-endemic zones have been detected in Africa and South America in recent years. NS5 is a viral protein that contains methyltransferase and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) domains, which are essential for viral replication, and the interactions between NS5 and cellular proteins have been studied to better understand viral replication. The aim of this study was to characterize the interaction of the NS5 protein with eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit L (eIF3L) and to evaluate the role of eIF3L in yellow fever replication. Methods. To identify interactions of YFV NS5 with cellular proteins, we performed a two-hybrid screen using the YFV NS5 RdRp domain as bait with a human cDNA library, and RNApol deletion mutants were generated and analyzed using the two-hybrid system for mapping the interactions. The RNApol region involved was segmented into three fragments and analyzed using an eIF3L-expressing yeast strain. To map the NS5 residues that are critical for the interactions, we performed site-direct mutagenesis in segment 3 of the interaction domain (ID) and confirmed the interaction using in vitro assays and in vivo coimmunoprecipitation. The significance of eIF3L for YFV replication was investigated using eIF3L overexpression and RNA interference. Results: In this work, we describe and characterize the interaction of NS5 with the translation factor eIF3L. The interaction between NS5 and eIF3L was confirmed using in vitro binding and in vivo coimmunoprecipitation assays. This interaction occurs at a region (the interaction domain of the RNApol domain) that is conserved in several flaviviruses and that is, therefore, likely to be relevant to the genus. eIF3L overexpression and plaque reduction assays showed a slight effect on YFV replication, indicating that the interaction of eIF3L with YFV NS5 may play a role in YFV replication. Conclusions: Although the precise function of eIF3L on interactions with viral proteins is not entirely understood, these results indicate an interaction of eIF3L with YF NS5 and that eIF3L overexpression facilitates translation, which has potential implications for virus replication. © 2013 Morais et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
The potential of a sylvatic vector to act as reservoir of yellow fever virus was assessed in Haemagogus equinus (Theobald). Mosquitoes from the Maje'75 laboratory colony and a Panamanian human isolated strain of yellow fever virus were used. Female mosquitoes infected with yellow fever virus had a minimum transovarial transmission rate of 1:5745. This is the first time transovarial transmission of yellow fever virus has been demonstrated in a New World sylvatic vector. Transovarial transmission of yellow fever virus in this sylvatic mosquito species may be an alternative mechanism for biological survival of the virus during adverse periods or in the absence of susceptible vertebrate hosts. ^
The turnip yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA terminates at its 3' end in a tRNA-like structure that is capable of specific valylation. By directed mutation, the aminoacylation specificity has been switched from valine to methionine, a novel specificity for viral tRNA-like structures. The switch to methionine specificity, assayed in vitro under physiological buffer conditions with wheat germ methionyl-tRNA synthetase, required mutation of the anticodon loop and the acceptor stem pseudoknot. The resultant methionylatable genomes are infectious and stable in plants, but genomes that lack strong methionine acceptance (as previously shown with regard to valine acceptance) replicate poorly. The results indicate that amplification of turnip yellow mosaic virus RNA requires aminoacylation, but that neither the natural (valine) specificity nor interaction specifically with valyl-tRNA synthetase is crucial.
As viroses causam perdas significativas na cultura do melão. Dentre essas, o vírus do mosaico amarelo da abobrinha-de-moita (Zucchini yellow mosaic virus- ZYMV) possui grande importância para a cultura e é encontrado em todos os locais de plantio de cucurbitáceas. O controle desse vírus através da resistência genética é a forma mais eficiente de manejo. O acesso PI414723 é a única fonte de resistência de meloeiro ao ZYMV. Essa resistência é oligogênica e supostamente condicionada por três genes dominantes: Zym-1, Zym-2 e Zym-3. A localização cromossômica do gene Zym-1 já foi confirmada no grupo de ligação 2, próximo ao marcador CMAG36. Entretanto, a localização de Zym-2 ainda carece de confirmação experimental, muito embora existam evidências de sua localização no grupo de ligação 10 (LGX). Sendo assim, um dos objetivos do presente trabalho foi confirmar a localização do gene Zym-2 através de análises de ligação com marcadores microssatélites (SSRs). Para tanto, foi utilizada uma população F2 derivada do cruzamento PI414723 x \'Védrantais\'. As plantas foram inoculadas mecanicamente com o isolado RN6-F, patótipo 0, duas vezes em um intervalo de 24 h. A confirmação da infecção e a quantificação dos títulos virais nas plantas F2 foram realizadas através do teste PTA-ELISA. O DNA genômico das plantas foi extraído da primeira folha verdadeira e utilizado nas reações de PCR com primers específicos para SSRs selecionados pertencentes ao LGX. Observou-se uma distribuição assimétrica de classes de absorbância e maior frequência de indivíduos F2 na classe com menor valor (0,1 a 0,2), sugerindo a existência de um gene de efeito maior. O teste chi-quadrado mostrou que todos os marcadores segregaram na frequência esperada (1:2:1), exceto o marcador CMCT134b. A ligação do Zym-2 aos marcadores foi confirmada por meio de regressão linear simples. Dos marcadores analisados, a regressão linear foi significativa para MU6549 e CMBR55, com p-valores de 0,011 e 0,0054, respectivamente. As análises de ligação mostraram que as ordens e as distâncias entre os marcadores condizem com os mapas presentes na literatura. Um segundo objetivo do estudo foi o de avaliar a reação ao ZYMV de 42 acessos de meloeiro oriundos da região Nordeste do Brasil, com o intuito de explorar novas fontes de resistência. Foram realizados dois experimentos utilizando a mesma metodologia citada anteriormente. O título viral médio entre os acessos variou de 0,123 a 0,621 no experimento 1 e de 0,019 a 0,368 no experimento 2. Alguns acessos apresentaram consistentemente baixos títulos virais, próximos aos do acesso resistente PI414723 e dos controles negativos (plantas não inoculadas da cultivar \'Védrantais\'). Portanto, estes acessos mostram-se como potenciais fontes de resistência ao vírus para o emprego em programas de melhoramento.
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In this article, we propose a mathematical model that describes the competition between two plant virus strains (MAV and PAV) for both the host plant (oat) and their aphid vectors. We found that although PAV is transmitted by two aphids and MAV by only one, this fact, by itself, does not explain the complete replacement of MAV by PAV in New York State during the period from 1961 through 1976; an interpretation that is in agreement with the theories of A. G. Power. Also, although MAV wins the competition within aphids, we assumed that, in 1961, PAV mutated into a new variant such that this new variant was able to overcome MAV within the plants during a latent period. As shown below, this is sufficient to explain the swap of strains; that is, the dominant MAV was replaced by PAV, also in agreement with Power`s expectations.
La familia Rhabdoviridae incluye varios patógenos económicamente importantes de cultivos, entre los más de 70 virus que afectan plantas. Estos últimos se clasifican en los géneros Cytorhabdovirus y Nucleorhabdovirus, dependiendo de si producen inclusiones en el espacio perinuclear, o si desarrollan viriones citoplasmáticos. Los integrantes de esta familia infectan gran cantidad de monocotiledóneas y dicotiledóneas y la mayoría son dependientes de transmisión por insectos. Las interacciones virus-vector son altamente específicas, y se ha registrado la replicación en insectos, del rhabdovirus que transmiten a las plantas. Cada especie de rhabdovirus induce un amplio espectro de síntomas en sus plantas huéspedes, y estos van desde la falta de efectos discernibles hasta la muerte total de la planta. El maíz (Zea mays L.) es el cultivo más ampliamente distribuido a nivel mundial y uno de los principales cultivos de cereales, ubicándose tercero en el ranking de producción en el mundo. En maíz se ha citado la presencia de varios rhabdovirus, entre estos American wheat striate mosaic virus (AWSMV), Cereal chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV), Maize mosaic virus (MMV), Maize sterile stunt virus (strains of Barley yellow striate virus), Northern cereal mosaic virus (NCMV) y Maize fine streak virus (MFSV). Ninguno de ellos reportado en Argentina. Desde 2001 un rhabdovirus es observado, por sintomatología y microscopía electrónica, en plantas de maíz de diferentes localidades de la provincia de Córdoba. Esta virosis pudo ser transmitida en dos oportunidades a plantas de maíz sanas mediante Peregrinus maidis y logró amplificarse mediante RT-PCR con iniciadores degenerados, el gen de la polimerasa L. Nuestra hipótesis es que el agente causal de la sintomatología de mosaico estriado amarillo en maíz sería un rhabdovirus emergente en Argentina, diferente de Maize mosaic virus (MMV), transmitido por delfácidos, que puede aislarse y mantenerse en condiciones controladas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es generar conocimientos biológicos, moleculares y epidemiológicos sobre el agente causal de la sintomatología en maíz de mosaico estriado amarillo. Para ello se colectarán plantas de maíz con sintomatología de mosaico estriado amarillo, en distintas localidades donde se presente la sintomatología. Las muestras se observarán al microscopio electrónico en cortes ultrafinos y en “leaf dip". Los viriones se purificarán, extraerá el RNA de los mismos, y obtendrá la secuencia de nucleótidos, para compararla con otras publicadas de virosis vegetales y se obtendrán homologías. Se realizarán transmisiones experimentales de esta virosis, por incisiones vasculares y mediante el empleo de diferentes especies de insectos vectores. Importancia del proyecto El avance de patógenos tropicales hacia zonas templadas es una de las causas de la aparición de las virosis emergentes, que se caracterizan por producir epifítias al ingresar a nuevos ecosistemas. El Maize mosaic virus (MMV) es un rhabdovirus que produce una de las virosis más importantes del maíz en el continente americano. Determinar la identidad del agente etiológico del mosaico estriado amarillo y establecer su relación con MMV es fundamental para desarrollar medidas proactivas y diseñar estrategias de manejo de esta nueva enfermedad.
Garlic viruses often occur in complex infections in nature. In this study, a garlic virus complex, collected in fields in Brazil, was purified. RT-PCR was performed using specific primers designed from the consensus regions of the coat protein genes of Onion yellow dwarf virus, a garlic strain (OYDV-G) and Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV). cDNA of Garlic common latent virus (GCLV) was synthesized using oligo-dT and random primers. By these procedures individual garlic virus genomes were isolated and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence analysis associated with serological data reveals the presence of two Potyvirus OYDV-G and LYSV, and GCLV, a Carlavirus, simultaneously infecting garlic plants. Deduced amino acid sequences of the Brazilian isolates were compared with related viruses reported in different geographical regions of the world. The analysis showed closed relations considering the Brazilian isolates of OYDV-G and GCLV, and large divergence considering LYSV isolate. The detection of these virus species was confirmed by specific reactions observed when coat protein genes of the Brazilian isolates were used as probes in dot-blot and Southern blot hybridization assays. In field natural viral re-infection of virus-free garlic was evaluated.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Flaviviridae is a family of about 70 mostly arthropod-borne viruses many of which are major public health problems with members being present in most continents. Among the most important are yellow fever (YF), dengue with its four serotypes and Japanese encephalitis virus. A live attenuated virus is used as a cost effective, safe and efficacious vaccine against YF but no other live flavivirus vaccines have been licensed. The rise of recombinant DNA technology and its application to study flavivirus genome structure and expression has opened new possibilities for flavivirus vaccine development. One new approach is the use of cDNAs encopassing the whole viral genome to generate infectious RNA after in vitro transcription. This methodology allows the genetic mapping of specific viral functions and the design of viral mutants with considerable potential as new live attenuated viruses. The use of infectious cDNA as a carrier for heterologous antigens is gaining importance as chimeric viruses are shown to be viable, immunogenic and less virulent as compared to the parental viruses. The use of DNA to overcome mutation rates intrinsic of RNA virus populations in conjunction with vaccine production in cell culture should improve the reliability and lower the cost for production of live attenuated vaccines. The YF virus despite a long period ignored by researchers probably due to the effectiveness of the vaccine has made a come back, both in nature as human populations grow and reach endemic areas as well as in the laboratory being a suitable model to understand the biology of flaviviruses in general and providing new alternatives for vaccine development through the use of the 17D vaccine strain.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the protective effect of different forms of insecticide application on the transmission of yellow dwarf disease in barley cultivars, as well as to determine the production costs and the net profit of these managements. The experiments were carried out during 2011 and 2012 growing seasons, using the following managements at main plots: T1, seed treatment with insecticide (ST) + insecticide on shoots at 15-day interval; T2, just ST; T3, insecticide applied on shoots, when aphid control level (CL) was reached; T4, without insecticide; and T5, ST + insecticide on shoots when CL was reached. Different barley cultivars - BRS Cauê, BRS Brau and MN 6021 - were arranged in the subplots. Insecticides lambda cyhalothrin (pyrethroid) and thiamethoxam (neonicotinoid) were used. There were differences on yellow dwarf disease index in both seasons for the different treatments, while damage to grain yield was influenced by year and aphid population. Production costs and net profit were different among treatments. Seed treatment with insecticide is sufficient to reduce the transmission of yellow dwarf disease in years with low aphid population pressure, while in years with larger populations, the application of insecticide on shoots is also required.