996 resultados para Barkhausen-like noise


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An analytical theory to describe the combined effects of the epitaxial layer thickness and the ohmic contact on the noise properties of Schottky barrier diodes is presented. The theory, which provides information on both the local and the global noise properties, takes into account the finite size of the epitaxial layer and the effects of the back ohmic contact, and applies to the whole range of applied bias. It is shown that by scaling down the epitaxial layer thickness, the current regime in which the noise temperature displays a shot-noise-like behavior increases at the cost of reducing the current range in which the thermal-noise-like behavior dominates. This improvement in noise temperature is limited by the effects of the ohmic contact, which appear for large currents. The theory is formulated on general trends, allowing its application to the noise analysis of other semiconductor devices operating under strongly inhomogeneous distributions of the electric field and charge concentrations.


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The measurement of global precipitation is of great importance in climate modeling since the release of latent heat associated with tropical convection is one of the pricipal driving mechanisms of atmospheric circulation.Knowledge of the larger-scale precipitation field also has important potential applications in the generation of initial conditions for numerical weather prediction models Knowledge of the relationship between rainfall intensity and kinetic energy, and its variations in time and space is important for erosion prediction. Vegetation on earth also greatly depends on the total amount of rainfall as well as the drop size distribution (DSD) in rainfall.While methods using visible,infrared, and microwave radiometer data have been shown to yield useful estimates of precipitation, validation of these products for the open ocean has been hampered by the limited amount of surface rainfall measurements available for accurate assessement, especially for the tropical oceans.Surface rain fall measurements(often called the ground truth)are carried out by rain gauges working on various principles like weighing type,tipping bucket,capacitive type and so on.The acoustic technique is yet another promising method of rain parameter measurement that has many advantages. The basic principle of acoustic method is that the droplets falling in water produce underwater sound with distinct features, using which the rainfall parameters can be computed. The acoustic technique can also be used for developing a low cost and accurate device for automatic measurement of rainfall rate and kinetic energy of rain.especially suitable for telemetry applications. This technique can also be utilized to develop a low cost Disdrometer that finds application in rainfall analysis as well as in calibration of nozzles and sprinklers. This thesis is divided into the following 7 chapters, which describes the methodology adopted, the results obtained and the conclusions arrived at.


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Perceptual effects of room reverberation on a "sir" or "stir" test-word can be observed when the level of reverberation in the word is increased, while the reverberation in a surrounding 'context I utterance remains at a minimal level. The result is that listeners make more "sit" identifications. When the context's reverberation is also increased, to approach the level in the test word, extrinsic perceptual compensation is observed, so that the number of listeners' "sir" identifications reduces to a value similar to that found with minimal reverberation. Thus far, compensation effects have only been observed with speech or speech-like contexts in which the short-term spectrum changes as the speaker's articulators move. The results reported here show that some noise contexts with static short-term spectra can also give rise to compensation. From these experiments it would appear that compensation requires a context with a temporal envelope that fluctuates to some extent, so that parts of it resemble offsets. These findings are consistent with a rather general kind of perceptual compensation mechanism; one that is informed by the 'tails' that reverberation adds at offsets. Other results reported here show that narrow-band contexts do not bring about compensation, even when their temporal-envelopes are the same as those of the more effective wideband contexts. These results suggest that compensation is confined to the frequency range occupied by the context, and that in a wideband sound it might operate in a 'band by band' manner.


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The experiment asks whether constancy in hearing precedes or follows grouping. Listeners heard speech-like sounds comprising 8 auditory-filter shaped noise-bands that had temporal envelopes corresponding to those arising in these filters when a speech message is played. The „context‟ words in the message were “next you‟ll get _to click on”, into which a “sir” or “stir” test word was inserted. These test words were from an 11-step continuum that was formed by amplitude modulation. Listeners identified the test words appropriately and quite consistently, even though they had the „robotic‟ quality typical of this type of 8-band speech. The speech-like effects of these sounds appears to be a consequence of auditory grouping. Constancy was assessed by comparing the influence of room reflections on the test word across conditions where the context had either the same level of reflections, or where it had a much lower level. Constancy effects were obtained with these 8-band sounds, but only in „matched‟ conditions, where the room reflections were in the same bands in both the context and the test word. This was not the case in a comparison „mismatched‟ condition, and here, no constancy effects were found. It would appear that this type of constancy in hearing precedes the across-channel grouping whose effects are so apparent in these sounds. This result is discussed in terms of the ubiquity of grouping across different levels of representation.


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The understanding of the statistical properties and of the dynamics of multistable systems is gaining more and more importance in a vast variety of scientific fields. This is especially relevant for the investigation of the tipping points of complex systems. Sometimes, in order to understand the time series of given observables exhibiting bimodal distributions, simple one-dimensional Langevin models are fitted to reproduce the observed statistical properties, and used to investing-ate the projected dynamics of the observable. This is of great relevance for studying potential catastrophic changes in the properties of the underlying system or resonant behaviours like those related to stochastic resonance-like mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a framework for encasing this kind of studies, using simple box models of the oceanic circulation and choosing as observable the strength of the thermohaline circulation. We study the statistical properties of the transitions between the two modes of operation of the thermohaline circulation under symmetric boundary forcings and test their agreement with simplified one-dimensional phenomenological theories. We extend our analysis to include stochastic resonance-like amplification processes. We conclude that fitted one-dimensional Langevin models, when closely scrutinised, may result to be more ad-hoc than they seem, lacking robustness and/or well-posedness. They should be treated with care, more as an empiric descriptive tool than as methodology with predictive power.


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A numerical model using boundary element techniques is discussed which enables the insertion loss for various noise barriers of complex profile and surface cover to be calculated. The model is applied to single-foundation noise barriers to which additional side-panels are added to create fork-like profiles. Spectra of insertion loss and mean insertion loss results over a range of receiver positions for a broadband source are presented. It is concluded that ‘multiple-edged’ barriers show a significant increase in acoustic-efficiency over a simple vertical screen. Adding lightweight side-panels would be a relatively inexpensive measure, and one which could be applied to barriers already in existence. This type of barrier would also allow the height of the construction to be kept to a minimum.


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The magnetic behaviour of most commercial ferromagnetic steels is usually anisotropic presenting a magnetic easy axis. Changes in the direction of this axis can be related to mechanical changes and anomalies that occur in the fabrication process. The present work describes a method that uses a device with permanent magnets to create a precise rotational magnetic field. The device measures continuous Magnetic Barkhausen Noise signals related to the angle of magnetization, in order to determine the direction of the macroscopic magnetic easy axis. It also offers the possibility of obtaining real time parameters that quantify the magnetic anisotropy of the sample. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) technique can evaluate both micro- and macro-residual stresses, and provides indication about the relevance of contribution of these different stress components. MBN measurements were performed in AISI 1070 steel sheet samples, where different strains were applied. The Barkhausen emission is also analyzed when two different sheets, deformed and non-deformed, are evaluated together. This study is useful to understand the effect of a deformed region near the surface on MBN. The low permeability of the deformed region affects MBN, and if the deformed region is below the surface the magnetic Barkhausen signal increases. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The thesis describes the implementation of a calibration, format-translation and data conditioning software for radiometric tracking data of deep-space spacecraft. All of the available propagation-media noise rejection techniques available as features in the code are covered in their mathematical formulations, performance and software implementations. Some techniques are retrieved from literature and current state of the art, while other algorithms have been conceived ex novo. All of the three typical deep-space refractive environments (solar plasma, ionosphere, troposphere) are dealt with by employing specific subroutines. Specific attention has been reserved to the GNSS-based tropospheric path delay calibration subroutine, since it is the most bulky module of the software suite, in terms of both the sheer number of lines of code, and development time. The software is currently in its final stage of development and once completed will serve as a pre-processing stage for orbit determination codes. Calibration of transmission-media noise sources in radiometric observables proved to be an essential operation to be performed of radiometric data in order to meet the more and more demanding error budget requirements of modern deep-space missions. A completely autonomous and all-around propagation-media calibration software is a novelty in orbit determination, although standalone codes are currently employed by ESA and NASA. The described S/W is planned to be compatible with the current standards for tropospheric noise calibration used by both these agencies like the AMC, TSAC and ESA IFMS weather data, and it natively works with the Tracking Data Message file format (TDM) adopted by CCSDS as standard aimed to promote and simplify inter-agency collaboration.


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The influence of applying European default traffic values to the making of a noise map was evaluated in a typical environment like Palma de Mallorca. To assess these default traffic values, a first model has been created and compared with measured noise levels. Subsequently a second traffic model, improving the input data used for the first one, has been created and validated according to the deviations. Different methodologies were also examined for collecting model input data that would be of higher quality, by analysing the improvement generated in the reduction in the uncertainty of the noise map introduced by the road traffic noise emission


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New actuation technology in functional or "smart" materials has opened new horizons in robotics actuation systems. Materials such as piezo-electric fiber composites, electro-active polymers and shape memory alloys (SMA) are being investigated as promising alternatives to standard servomotor technology [52]. This paper focuses on the use of SMAs for building muscle-like actuators. SMAs are extremely cheap, easily available commercially and have the advantage of working at low voltages. The use of SMA provides a very interesting alternative to the mechanisms used by conventional actuators. SMAs allow to drastically reduce the size, weight and complexity of robotic systems. In fact, their large force-weight ratio, large life cycles, negligible volume, sensing capability and noise-free operation make possible the use of this technology for building a new class of actuation devices. Nonetheless, high power consumption and low bandwidth limit this technology for certain kind of applications. This presents a challenge that must be addressed from both materials and control perspectives in order to overcome these drawbacks. Here, the latter is tackled. It has been demonstrated that suitable control strategies and proper mechanical arrangements can dramatically improve on SMA performance, mostly in terms of actuation speed and limit cycles.


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In this paper, a new linear method for optimizing compact low noise oscillators for RF/MW applications will be presented. The first part of this paper makes an overview of Leeson's model. It is pointed out, and it is demonstrates that the phase noise is always the same inside the oscillator loop. It is presented a general phase noise optimization method for reference plane oscillators. The new method uses Transpose Return Relations (RRT) as true loop gain functions for obtaining the optimum values of the elements of the oscillator, whatever scheme it has. With this method, oscillator topologies that have been designed and optimized using negative resistance, negative conductance or reflection coefficient methods, until now, can be studied like a loop gain method. Subsequently, the main disadvantage of Leeson's model is overcome, and now it is not only valid for loop gain methods, but it is valid for any oscillator topology. The last section of this paper lists the steps to be performed to use this method for proper phase noise optimization during the linear design process and before the final non-linear optimization. The power of the proposed RRT method is shown with its use for optimizing a common oscillator, which is later simulated using Harmonic Balance (HB) and manufactured. Then, the comparison of the linear, HB and measurements of the phase noise are compared.


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Output bits from an optical logic cell present noise due to the type of technique used to obtain the Boolean functions of two input data bits. We have simulated the behavior of an optically programmable logic cell working with Fabry Perot-laser diodes of the same type employed in optical communications (1550nm) but working here as amplifiers. We will report in this paper a study of the bit noise generated from the optical non-linearity process allowing the Boolean function operation of two optical input data signals. Two types of optical logic cells will be analyzed. Firstly, a classical "on-off" behavior, with transmission operation of LD amplifier and, secondly, a more complicated configuration with two LD amplifiers, one working on transmission and the other one in reflection mode. This last configuration has nonlinear behavior emulating SEED-like properties. In both cases, depending on the value of a "1" input data signals to be processed, a different logic function can be obtained. Also a CW signal, known as control signal, may be apply to fix the type of logic function. The signal to noise ratio will be analyzed for different parameters, as wavelength signals and the hysteresis cycles regions associated to the device, in relation with the signals power level applied. With this study we will try to obtain a better understanding of the possible effects present on an optical logic gate with Laser Diodes.


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Moment invariants have been thoroughly studied and repeatedly proposed as one of the most powerful tools for 2D shape identification. In this paper a set of such descriptors is proposed, being the basis functions discontinuous in a finite number of points. The goal of using discontinuous functions is to avoid the Gibbs phenomenon, and therefore to yield a better approximation capability for discontinuous signals, as images. Moreover, the proposed set of moments allows the definition of rotation invariants, being this the other main design concern. Translation and scale invariance are achieved by means of standard image normalization. Tests are conducted to evaluate the behavior of these descriptors in noisy environments, where images are corrupted with Gaussian noise up to different SNR values. Results are compared to those obtained using Zernike moments, showing that the proposed descriptor has the same performance in image retrieval tasks in noisy environments, but demanding much less computational power for every stage in the query chain.


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Los peces son animales, donde en la mayoría de los casos, son considerados como nadadores muy eficientes y con una alta capacidad de maniobra. En general los peces se caracterizan por su capacidad de maniobra, locomoción silencioso, giros y partidas rápidas y viajes de larga distancia. Los estudios han identificado varios tipos de locomoción que los peces usan para generar maniobras y natación constante. A bajas velocidades la mayoría de los peces utilizan sus aletas pares y / o impares para su locomoción, que ofrecen una mayor maniobrabilidad y mejor eficiencia de propulsión. A altas velocidades la locomoción implica el cuerpo y / o aleta caudal porque esto puede lograr un mayor empuje y aceleración. Estas características pueden inspirar el diseo y fabricación de una piel muy flexible, una aleta caudal mórfica y una espina dorsal no articulada con una gran capacidad de maniobra. Esta tesis presenta el desarrollo de un novedoso pez robot bio-inspirado y biomimético llamado BR3, inspirado en la capacidad de maniobra y nado constante de los peces vertebrados. Inspirado por la morfología de los peces Micropterus salmoides o también conocido como lubina negra, el robot BR3 utiliza su fundamento biológico para desarrollar modelos y métodos matemáticos precisos que permiten imitar la locomoción de los peces reales. Los peces Largemouth Bass pueden lograr un nivel increíble de maniobrabilidad y eficacia de la propulsión mediante la combinación de los movimientos ondulatorios y aletas morficas. Para imitar la locomoción de los peces reales en una contraparte artificial se necesita del análisis de tecnologías de actuación alternativos, como arreglos de fibras musculares en lugar de servo actuadores o motores DC estándar, así como un material flexible que proporciona una estructura continua sin juntas. Las aleaciones con memoria de forma (SMAs) proveen la posibilidad de construir robots livianos, que no emiten ruido, sin motores, sin juntas y sin engranajes. Asi es como un pez robot submarino se ha desarrollado y cuyos movimientos son generados mediante SMAs. Estos actuadores son los adecuados para doblar la espina dorsal continua del pez robot, que a su vez provoca un cambio en la curvatura del cuerpo. Este tipo de arreglo estructural está inspirado en los músculos rojos del pescado, que son usados principalmente durante la natación constante para la flexión de una estructura flexible pero casi incompresible como lo es la espina dorsal de pescado. Del mismo modo la aleta caudal se basa en SMAs y se modifica para llevar a cabo el trabajo necesario. La estructura flexible proporciona empuje y permite que el BR3 nade. Por otro lado la aleta caudal mórfica proporciona movimientos de balanceo y guiada. Motivado por la versatilidad del BR3 para imitar todos los modos de natación (anguilliforme, carangiforme, subcarangiforme y tunniforme) se propone un controlador de doblado y velocidad. La ley de control de doblado y velocidad incorpora la información del ángulo de curvatura y de la frecuencia para producir el modo de natación deseado y a su vez controlar la velocidad de natación. Así mismo de acuerdo con el hecho biológico de la influencia de la forma de la aleta caudal en la maniobrabilidad durante la natación constante se propone un control de actitud. Esta novedoso robot pescado es el primero de su tipo en incorporar sólo SMAs para doblar una estructura flexible continua y sin juntas y engranajes para producir empuje e imitar todos los modos de natación, así como la aleta caudal que es capaz de cambiar su forma. Este novedoso diseo mecatrónico presenta un futuro muy prometedor para el diseo de vehículos submarinos capaces de modificar su forma y nadar mas eficientemente. La nueva metodología de control propuesto en esta tesis proporcionan una forma totalmente nueva de control de robots basados en SMAs, haciéndolos energéticamente más eficientes y la incorporación de una aleta caudal mórfica permite realizar maniobras más eficientemente. En su conjunto, el proyecto BR3 consta de cinco grandes etapas de desarrollo: • Estudio y análisis biológico del nado de los peces con el propósito de definir criterios de diseño y control. • Formulación de modelos matemáticos que describan la: i) cinemática del cuerpo, ii) dinámica, iii) hidrodinámica iv) análisis de los modos de vibración y v) actuación usando SMA. Estos modelos permiten estimar la influencia de modular la aleta caudal y el doblado del cuerpo en la producción de fuerzas de empuje y fuerzas de rotación necesarias en las maniobras y optimización del consumo de energía. • Diseño y fabricación de BR3: i) estructura esquelética de la columna vertebral y el cuerpo, ii) mecanismo de actuación basado en SMAs para el cuerpo y la aleta caudal, iii) piel artificial, iv) electrónica embebida y v) fusión sensorial. Está dirigido a desarrollar la plataforma de pez robot BR3 que permite probar los métodos propuestos. • Controlador de nado: compuesto por: i) control de las SMA (modulación de la forma de la aleta caudal y regulación de la actitud) y ii) control de nado continuo (modulación de la velocidad y doblado). Está dirigido a la formulación de los métodos de control adecuados que permiten la modulación adecuada de la aleta caudal y el cuerpo del BR3. • Experimentos: está dirigido a la cuantificación de los efectos de: i) la correcta modulación de la aleta caudal en la producción de rotación y su efecto hidrodinámico durante la maniobra, ii) doblado del cuerpo para la producción de empuje y iii) efecto de la flexibilidad de la piel en la habilidad para doblarse del BR3. También tiene como objetivo demostrar y validar la hipótesis de mejora en la eficiencia de la natación y las maniobras gracias a los nuevos métodos de control presentados en esta tesis. A lo largo del desarrollo de cada una de las cinco etapas, se irán presentando los retos, problemáticas y soluciones a abordar. Los experimentos en canales de agua estarán orientados a discutir y demostrar cómo la aleta caudal y el cuerpo pueden afectar considerablemente la dinámica / hidrodinámica de natación / maniobras y cómo tomar ventaja de la modulación de curvatura que la aleta caudal mórfica y el cuerpo permiten para cambiar correctamente la geometría de la aleta caudal y del cuerpo durante la natación constante y maniobras. ABSTRACT Fishes are animals where in most cases are considered as highly manoeuvrable and effortless swimmers. In general fishes are characterized for his manoeuvring skills, noiseless locomotion, rapid turning, fast starting and long distance cruising. Studies have identified several types of locomotion that fish use to generate maneuvering and steady swimming. At low speeds most fishes uses median and/or paired fins for its locomotion, offering greater maneuverability and better propulsive efficiency At high speeds the locomotion involves the body and/or caudal fin because this can achieve greater thrust and accelerations. This can inspire the design and fabrication of a highly deformable soft artificial skins, morphing caudal fins and non articulated backbone with a significant maneuverability capacity. This thesis presents the development of a novel bio-inspired and biomimetic fishlike robot (BR3) inspired by the maneuverability and steady swimming ability of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii, bony fishes). Inspired by the morphology of the Largemouth Bass fish, the BR3 uses its biological foundation to develop accurate mathematical models and methods allowing to mimic fish locomotion. The Largemouth Bass fishes can achieve an amazing level of maneuverability and propulsive efficiency by combining undulatory movements and morphing fins. To mimic the locomotion of the real fishes on an artificial counterpart needs the analysis of alternative actuation technologies more likely muscle fiber arrays instead of standard servomotor actuators as well as a bendable material that provides a continuous structure without joins. The Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) provide the possibility of building lightweight, joint-less, noise-less, motor-less and gear-less robots. Thus a swimming underwater fish-like robot has been developed whose movements are generated using SMAs. These actuators are suitable for bending the continuous backbone of the fish, which in turn causes a change in the curvature of the body. This type of structural arrangement is inspired by fish red muscles, which are mainly recruited during steady swimming for the bending of a flexible but nearly incompressible structure such as the fishbone. Likewise the caudal fin is based on SMAs and is customized to provide the necessary work out. The bendable structure provides thrust and allows the BR3 to swim. On the other hand the morphing caudal fin provides roll and yaw movements. Motivated by the versatility of the BR3 to mimic all the swimming modes (anguilliform, caranguiform, subcaranguiform and thunniform) a bending-speed controller is proposed. The bending-speed control law incorporates bend angle and frequency information to produce desired swimming mode and swimming speed. Likewise according to the biological fact about the influence of caudal fin shape in the maneuverability during steady swimming an attitude control is proposed. This novel fish robot is the first of its kind to incorporate only SMAs to bend a flexible continuous structure without joints and gears to produce thrust and mimic all the swimming modes as well as the caudal fin to be morphing. This novel mechatronic design is a promising way to design more efficient swimming/morphing underwater vehicles. The novel control methodology proposed in this thesis provide a totally new way of controlling robots based on SMAs, making them more energy efficient and the incorporation of a morphing caudal fin allows to perform more efficient maneuvers. As a whole, the BR3 project consists of five major stages of development: • Study and analysis of biological fish swimming data reported in specialized literature aimed at defining design and control criteria. • Formulation of mathematical models for: i) body kinematics, ii) dynamics, iii) hydrodynamics, iv) free vibration analysis and v) SMA muscle-like actuation. It is aimed at modelling the e ects of modulating caudal fin and body bend into the production of thrust forces for swimming, rotational forces for maneuvering and energy consumption optimisation. • Bio-inspired design and fabrication of: i) skeletal structure of backbone and body, ii) SMA muscle-like mechanisms for the body and caudal fin, iii) the artificial skin, iv) electronics onboard and v) sensor fusion. It is aimed at developing the fish-like platform (BR3) that allows for testing the methods proposed. • The swimming controller: i) control of SMA-muscles (morphing-caudal fin modulation and attitude regulation) and ii) steady swimming control (bend modulation and speed modulation). It is aimed at formulating the proper control methods that allow for the proper modulation of BR3’s caudal fin and body. • Experiments: it is aimed at quantifying the effects of: i) properly caudal fin modulation into hydrodynamics and rotation production for maneuvering, ii) body bending into thrust generation and iii) skin flexibility into BR3 bending ability. It is also aimed at demonstrating and validating the hypothesis of improving swimming and maneuvering efficiency thanks to the novel control methods presented in this thesis. This thesis introduces the challenges and methods to address these stages. Waterchannel experiments will be oriented to discuss and demonstrate how the caudal fin and body can considerably affect the dynamics/hydrodynamics of swimming/maneuvering and how to take advantage of bend modulation that the morphing-caudal fin and body enable to properly change caudal fin and body’ geometry during steady swimming and maneuvering.