832 resultados para Barker, Frederic, Bp. of Sydney.


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Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen affecting around 3% of the human population. In Brazil, it is estimated that there are approximately 2 to 3 million HCV chronic carriers. There are few reports of HCV prevalence in Rondonia State (RO), but it was estimated in 9.7% from 1999 to 2005. The aim of this study was to characterize HCV genotypes in 58 chronic HCV infected patients from Porto Velho, Rondonia (RO), Brazil. Methods: A fragment of 380 bp of NS5B region was amplified by nested PCR for genotyping analysis. Viral sequences were characterized by phylogenetic analysis using reference sequences obtained from the GenBank (n = 173). Sequences were aligned using Muscle software and edited in the SE-AL software. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation (MCMC) to obtain the MCC tree using BEAST v. 1.5.3. Results: From 58 anti-HCV positive samples, 22 were positive to the NS5B fragment and successfully sequenced. Genotype 1b was the most prevalent in this population (50%), followed by 1a (27.2%), 2b (13.6%) and 3a (9.0%). Conclusions: This study is the first report of HCV genotypes from Rondonia State and subtype 1b was found to be the most prevalent. This subtype is mostly found among people who have a previous history of blood transfusion but more detailed studies with a larger number of patients are necessary to understand the HCV dynamics in the population of Rondonia State, Brazil.


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The stingless bees are among the most abundant and ecologically important social invertebrates in tropical communities. The Neotropical stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata has two subspecies: M. quadrifasciata quadrifasciata and M. quadrifasciata anthidioides. The main difference between subspecies are the yellow metassomal stripes, which are continuous in M. q. quadrifasciata and discontinuous in M. q. anthidioides. Recently, two populations were described with continuous stripes and inhabiting clearly disjunct areas in relation to M. q. quadrifasciata. We sequenced 852 bp of the mtDNA COI gene from 145 colonies from 56 localities, and for the first time performed a detailed phylogeographic study of a neotropical stingless bee. Phylogenetic analyses revealed the existence of two clades exhibiting a south to north distribution: southern populations comprise the subspecies M. q. quadrifasciata, and northern populations are composed of M. q. anthidioides and two disjunct populations with continuous stripes. The divergence time of these two phylogroups was estimated between 0.233 and 0.840 million years ago in the Pleistocene, a period of climatic changes and geomorphological alterations in the Neotropical region. No evidence of genetic structure in relation to the tergal stripes was found, indicating that the morphological trait regarding the pattern of stripes on tergites is not an accurate diagnostic for the subspecies of M. quadrifasciata.


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We show indirect evidences for the possible involvement of NIT-2-like binding motifs in transcription modulation of the PbGP43 gene, which codes for an important antigen from the human fungal pathogen Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. This investigation was motivated by the finding of 23 NIT2-like sites within the proximal -2047 nucleotides of the PbGP43 5` intergenic region from the Pb339 isolate. They compose four clusters, two of them identical. We found four NIT2-containing probes that were positive in electrophoretic mobility shift assays and further analyzed them. PbGP43 could be modulated by nitrogen primary sources in Pb339, Pb3 and Pb18 isolates, as observed by reverse transcription (RT) real time-PCR. Gene reporter assays conducted in Aspergillus nidulans suggested that the minimal fragment responsible for nitrogen modulation lies within -480 bp of the PbGP43 gene. This is the first report on PbGP43 transcription modulation in response to nitrogen primary sources, which might help understand its regulation during infection. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The National Health and Medical Research Council has funded Professor Wayne Hall (University of Queensland) and Professor Simon Chapman (University of Sydney) for three years 2006-2008, to research aspects of the future of tobacco control, particularly in nations with advanced tobacco control programs like Australia. Dr Coral Gartner (UQ) and Ms Becky Freeman (USyd) are also working on the project. The University of Queensland's eSpace site provides links to papers and data appendices produced by the University of Queensland team on the project. Materials relevant to this project produced by the University of Sydney group are available at the link provided.


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The eye lenses of Parma microlepis from the rocky barrens of Sydney (New South Wales, Australia) were found to contain Ba, Hg, Rb, and Sr at concentrations above the quantitative detection limits of solution-based inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Lenses were separated into the hard central nucleus and the softer surrounding cortex. Nuclei contained lower (equal for Ba) concentrations of these metals. Biochemical analysis of the protein composition of these lenses revealed differences in the ratio of gamma-crystallin to beta-crystallin in the lens nucleus and cortex. These changes were shown to be attributable both to protein degradation and changes in protein synthesis as fish age. Such changes may lead to the loss of sequestered metals from older cell layers, or change the affinity of new layers for particular trace metals. Differential binding affinities of these crystallins may, therefore, partially account for trace-metal differences observed in the lens nucleus and cortex.


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We describe here two new transposable elements, CemaT4 and CemaT5, that were identified within the sequenced genome of Caenorhabditis elegans using homology based searches. Five variants of CemaT4 were found, all non-autonomous and sharing 26 bp inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) and segments (152-367 bp) of sequence with similarity to the CemaT1 transposon of C. elegans. Sixteen copies of a short, 30 bp repetitive sequence, comprised entirely of an inverted repeat of the first 15 bp of CemaT4's ITR, were also found, each flanked by TA dinucleotide duplications, which are hallmarks of target site duplications of mariner-Tc transposon transpositions. The CemaT5 transposable element had no similarity to maT elements, except for sharing identical ITR sequences with CemaT3. We provide evidence that CemaT5 and CemaT3 are capable of excising from the C. elegans genome, despite neither transposon being capable of encoding a functional transposase enzyme. Presumably, these two transposons are cross-mobilised by an autonomous transposon that recognises their shared ITRs. The excisions of these and other non-autonomous elements may provide opportunities for abortive gap repair to create internal deletions and/or insert novel sequence within these transposons. The influence of non-autonomous element mobility and structural diversity on genome variation is discussed.


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Hepatitis B is a worldwide health problem affecting about 2 billion people and more than 350 million are chronic carriers of the virus. Nine HBV genotypes (A to I) have been described. The geographical distribution of HBV genotypes is not completely understood due to the limited number of samples from some parts of the world. One such example is Colombia, in which few studies have described the HBV genotypes. In this study, we characterized HBV genotypes in 143 HBsAg-positive volunteer blood donors from Colombia. A fragment of 1306 bp partially comprising HBsAg and the DNA polymerase coding regions (S/POL) was amplified and sequenced. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were conducted using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach to obtain the maximum clade credibility (MCC) tree using BEAST v.1.5.3. Of all samples, 68 were positive and 52 were successfully sequenced. Genotype F was the most prevalent in this population (77%) - subgenotypes F3 (75%) and Fib (2%). Genotype G (7.7%) and subgenotype A2 (15.3%) were also found. Genotype G sequence analysis suggests distinct introductions of this genotype in the country. Furthermore, we estimated the time of the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) for each HBV/F subgenotype and also for Colombian F3 sequences using two different datasets: (i) 77 sequences comprising 1306 bp of S/POL region and (ii) 283 sequences comprising 681 bp of S/POL region. We also used two other previously estimated evolutionary rates: (i) 2.60 x 10(-4) s/s/y and (ii) 1.5 x 10(-5) s/s/y. Here we report the HBV genotypes circulating in Colombia and estimated the TMRCA for the four different subgenotypes of genotype F. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a frequent cause of acute and chronic hepatitis and a leading cause for cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma. HCV is classified in six major genotypes and more than 70 subtypes. In Colombian blood banks, serum samples were tested for anti-HCV antibodies using a third-generation ELISA. The aim of this study was to characterize the viral sequences in plasma of 184 volunteer blood donors who attended the ""Banco Nacional de Sangre de la Cruz Roja Colombiana,`` Bogota, Colombia. Three different HCV genomic regions were amplified by nested PCR. The first of these was a segment of 180 bp of the 5`UTR region to confirm the previous diagnosis by ELISA. From those that were positive to the 5`UTR region, two further segments were amplified for genotyping and subtyping by phylogenetic analysis: a segment of 380 bp from the NS5B region; and a segment of 391 bp from the E1 region. The distribution of HCV subtypes was: 1b (82.8%), 1a (5.7%), 2a (5.7%), 2b (2.8%), and 3a (2.8%). By applying Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, it was estimated that HCV-1b was introduced into Bogota around 1950. Also, this subtype spread at an exponential rate between about 1970 to about 1990, after which transmission of HCV was reduced by anti-HCV testing of this population. Among Colombian blood donors, HCV genotype 1b is the most frequent genotype, especially in large urban conglomerates such as Bogota, as is the case in other South American countries. J. Med. Virol. 82: 1889-1898, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Scher, LML, Ferriolli, E, Moriguti, JC, Scher, R, and Lima, NKC. The effect of different volumes of acute resistance exercise on elderly individuals with treated hypertension. J Strength Cond Res 25(4): 1016-1023, 2011-Acute resistance exercise can reduce the blood pressure (BP) of hypertensive subjects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different volumes of acute low-intensity resistance exercise over the magnitude and the extent of BP changes in treated hypertensive elderly individuals. Sixteen participants (7 men, 9 women), with mean age of 68 6 5 years, performed 3 independent randomized sessions: Control (C: 40 minutes of rest), Exercise 1 (E1: 20 minutes, 1 lap in the circuit), and Exercise 2 (E2: 40 minutes, 2 laps in the circuit) with the intensity of 40% of 1 repetition maximum. Blood pressure was measured before (during 20 minutes) and after each session (every 5 minutes during 60 minutes) using both a mercury sphygmomanometer and a semiautomatic device (Omrom-HEM-431). After that, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was performed (Dyna-MAPA). Blood pressure decreased during the first 60 minutes (systolic: p < 0.01, diastolic: p < 0.05) after all exercise sessions. Only the highest volume session promoted a reduction of mean systolic 24-hour BP and awake BP (p, 0.05) after exercise, with higher diastolic BP during sleep (p, 0.05). Diastolic 24-hour BP and both systolic and diastolic BP during sleep were higher after E1 (p, 0.05). Concluding, acute resistive exercise sessions in a circuit with different volumes reduced BP during the first 60 minutes after exercise in elderly individuals with treated hypertension. However, only the highest volume promoted a reduction of mean 24-hour and awake systolic BP.


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In the beginning of the 20th century, a new canine disease was reported in Brazil under the name ""nambiuvu"", whose etiological agent was called Rangelia vitalii, a distinct piroplasm that was shown to parasitize not only erythrocytes, but also leucocytes and endothelial cells. In this new century, more publications on R. vitalii were reported from Brazil, including an extensive study on its ultrastructural analysis, in addition to clinical, pathological, and epidemiological data on nambiuvu. However, a molecular analysis of R. vitalii has not been performed to date. In the present study, we performed molecular phylogenetic analyses of R. vitalii based on fragments of the genes 18S rRNA and the heat shock protein 70 (hsp70), amplified by PCR performed on blood samples derived from five clinical cases of dogs presumably infected with R. vitalii in southern Brazil. In addition, we examined Giemsa-stained thin blood smears from these same dogs. DNA sequences (604-bp) of the 18S rRNA gene obtained from the five dogs were identical to each other, and by Blast analysis, this sequence shared the highest degree of sequence identity (95%) with Babesia sp. China-BQ1. DNA sequences (1056-bp) of the hsp70 gene obtained from the five dogs were identical to each other, and by Blast analysis, this sequence shared the highest degree of sequence identity (87%) with Babesia bigemina. Phylogenetic analyses inferred from either of the two genes resulted in the newly genotype being placed in the Babesia spp.sensu stricto clade with very high bootstrap support (95-100%) in three analyses (Neighbor-Joining, Maximum parsimony, and Maximum likelihood). Giemsa-stained thin blood smears from the dogs were shown to contain piroplasm organisms within erythrocytes, monocytes and neutrophils (individual forms), and schizont-like forms within neutrophils, in accordance with literature reports of R. vitalii. Based on these results, we conclude that R. vitalii, the etiological agent of ""nambiuvu"" in southern Brazil, is a valid species of piroplasm. Further studies are required to evaluate the validity of the genus Rangelia. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The cDNA sequence for insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) was determined from the liver of the marsupial brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) using reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with gene-specific primers. The 359 bp of possum sequence encompassed the mature peptide, 27 bp of the signal peptide, and 125 bp of the E-peptide. Alignment of the deduced amino acid sequence with those from other species indicated that the mature peptide was 71 amino acids in length, 4 amino acids longer than most other mammals. At both the nucleotide and amino acid levels there was a high degree of sequence identity with IGF-2 from other mammalian and nonmammalian species. Amino acid identity ranged from 94.4% with a variant form of human IGF-2 to 80.3% with zebrafinch IGF-2. Northern analysis revealed that radiolabeled possum IGF-2, cDNA hybridized to multiple transcripts in the liver of both adult possums and 150-day-old pouch young and that the overall level of expression was greater in pouch young. Semiquantitative RT-PCR with total RNA from liver samples of pouch young aged 12 to 150 days postpartum and adults confirmed that IGF-2 gene expression was two to three times more abundant in pouch young than in adults but there was no significant change in the level of expression during pouch life. Unlike other mammalian species, in which there is a decline in levels of liver IGF-2 gene expression around the time of birth, levels in the marsupial brushtail possum remain elevated for at least 150 days after birth. This suggests that the decline in liver IGF-2 expression in marsupials and eutherians occurs at a similar stage of development and may reflect a role for this growth factor during the postnatal growth and development of the marsupial, (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Approximately 50% of all melanoma families worldwide show linkage to 9p21-22, but only about half of these have been shown to contain germ line CDKN2A mutations. It has been hypothesized that a proportion of these families carry mutations in the noncoding regions of CDKN2A. Several Canadian families have been reported to carry a mutation in the 5' UTR, at position -34 relative to the start site, which gives rise to a novel AUG translation initiation codon that markedly decreases translation from the wild-type AUG (Liu et al., 1999). Haplotype sharing in these Canadian families suggested that this mutation is of British origin. We sequenced 1,327 base pairs (bp) of CDKN2A, making up 1,116 bp of the 5' UTR and promoter, all of exon 1, and 61 bp of intron 1, in at least one melanoma case from 110 Australian families with three or more affected members known not to carry mutations within the p16 coding region. In addition, 431 bp upstream of the start codon was sequenced in an additional 253 affected probands from two-case melanoma families for which the CDKN2A mutation status was unknown. Several known polymorphisms at positions -33, -191, -493, and -735 were detected, in addition to four novel variants at positions 120, -252, -347, and -981 relative to the start codon. One of the probands from a two-case family was found to have the previously reported Q50R mutation. No family member was found to carry the mutation at position -34 or any other disease-associated mutation. For further investigation of noncoding CDKN2A mutations that may affect transcription, allele-specific expression analysis was carried out in 31 of the families with at least three affected members who showed either complete or indeterminate 9p haplotype sharing without CDKN2A exonic mutations. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and automated sequencing showed expression of both CDKN2A alleles in all family members tested. The lack of CDKN2A promoter mutations and the absence of transcriptional silencing in the germ line of this cohort of families suggest that mutations in the promoter and 5' UTR play a very limited role in melanoma predisposition. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Henneguya lesteri n. sp, (Myxosporea) is described from sand whiting, Sillago analis, from the southern Queensland coast of Australia. H. lesteri displays a preference for the pseudobranchs and is typically positioned along the afferent blood vessels, displacing the adjoining lamellae and disrupting their normal array, The plasmodia appeared as whitish-hyaline, elliptical cysts (mean dimensions 230 x 410 mum) attached to the oral mucosa lining of the hyoid arch on the inner surface of the operculum. Infections of the gills were also found, in which the plasmodia were spherical, averaged 240 x 240 mum in size and were located on the inner hemibranch margin. The parasites lodged in the gill filament crypts and generated a mild hyperplastic response of the branchial epithelium, In histological sections, the plasmodium wall and adjoining ectoplasm appeared as a finely granulated, weakly eosinophilic layer, Ultrastructurally, this section of the host-parasite interface contained an intricate complex of pinocytotic channels. H. lesteri is polysporic, disporoblastic and pansporoblast forming. Sporogenesis is asynchronous, with the earliest developmental stages aligned predominantly along the plasmodium periphery, and maturing sporoblasts and spores toward the center. Ultrastructural details of sporoblast and spore development are in agreement with previously described myxosporeans. The mature spore is drop-shaped, length (mean) 9.1 mum, width 4.7 mum, thickness 2.5 mum, and comprises 2 polar capsules positioned closely together, a binucleated sporoplasm and a caudal process of 12.6 mum. The polar capsules are elongated, 3.2 x 1.6 mum, with 4 turns of the polar filament. Mean length of the everted filament is 23.2 mum, Few studies have analyzed the 18S gene-of marine Myxosporea. In fact, H. lesteri is the first marine species of Henneguya to be characterized at the molecular level: we determined 1966 bp of the small-subunit (18S) rDNA, The results indicated that differences between this and the hitherto studied freshwater Henneguya species are greater than differences among the freshwater Henneguya species.


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