985 resultados para Bai Shuihe Nature Reserve


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This is a technical report of a hydrogeological assessment by the Environment Agency, an assessment to inform the Stage 3 review of Consents under the Habitats Directive for Wybunbury Moss, a National Nature Reserve and Special Area of Conservation in Cheshire. In the Stage 2 Review of Consents, one groundwater licence could not be clearly assessed as having no significant impact and so was taken forward to Stage 3. Further work has been carried out to refine the understanding of groundwater flow and the extent of the actual groundwater catchment of Wybunbury Moss, including three drilled boreholes, the monitoring of groundwater levels in the boreholes by data-loggers for more than 18 months and the sampling and analysis of the groundwater from the boreholes. Results of this further work are shown in Appendixes. From this work, a geological cross-section and Conceptual Model has been produced, and a map showing the revised understanding of the groundwater catchment of Wybunbury Moss. It also includes in Appendix I, the Stage 2 Review of Consents previously made.


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保护区是否真的能起保护作用?保护区究竟如何布局?这是自然保护区的建设一直争论不休的课题。就大熊猫保护而言,目前面临的最紧迫问题可能不是保护区数量多少的问题,而是这些多个保护区组成的保护区群的配置或格局是否合理。因此,本研究以岷山大熊猫保护区群为研究对象,分析现有大熊猫及栖息地及其保护现状,指出目前保护区存在的问题,并对岷山大熊猫自然保护区群合理布局提出建议性设计,以期为大熊猫保护及自然保护区建设的理论提供借鉴。 到目前,为了保护大熊猫,在岷山地区已经建立了1 7个自然保护区,这些保护区的建立对大熊猫的保护起到了非常重要的重要。但是,大熊猫栖息地仍然持续下降。就其原因有两方面,即岷山地区人为活动的干扰,如旅游业的盲目发展。但,同时大熊猫自然保护区本身的布局存在一定的不合理性。最后,从景观尺度上提出岷山大熊猫保护区群合理建设的布局,即在分析现有保护布局基础上,找到优先保护的敏感地带建立廊道,将所有保护区连成布局合理的保护区群。 大熊猫受威胁的关键因子并不是竹子,而是森林.竹子复合系统的破碎化或质量的退化,故保护大熊猫应从保护森林、恢复森林.竹子复合生态系统的质量入手。但是,具体实践中究竞采取什么模式来恢复退化的大熊猫栖息地?选取不同模式的科学依据是什么?如何评判不同恢复模式的成本和效益?这些方面的工作到目前缺少系统研究。本研究在分析了岷山地区自然、社会与经济条件的基础上,从荒山荒地造林、天然林保护与低效林地改造主要植被恢复措施着手,全面分析各类植被恢复措施所形成植被的生态效益(保持水土、涵养水源、保持肥力等)、经济收益(木材、果品和林副特产品)、社会效益(种植结构、劳动力再分配等),总结出植被恢复成本和效益的构成要素,计算主要植被恢复模式的成本和效益,为选择适宜的植被恢复措施、典型植被恢复模式和合理确定植被恢复技术提供科学依据,从而推动岷山植被快速健康地恢复,为大熊猫提供适宜的生存空间。 三峡大坝的建设使其固有水域的人为改造导致水位上升,使原本连续的山地生态系统被分割成大小不等的岛屿。水位变化导致的这种生境岛屿化为栖息地破碎化和岛屿生物地理学提供了十分难得的实证研究的机会。然而,同时,这种栖息地的片段化无疑对三峡库区生物多样性保护和生态系统的完整性造成威胁。到目前,为了监测库区建设对生态环境的影响,已经建立了22个定位观测站,但没有一个是生境破碎化方面的,为此建议尽快建立生境破碎化方面的定位研究站。三峡库区生物多样性丰富,但保护区面积仅仅占库区面积的6.9%,而同期我国已经建立了1 999个自然保护区,占国土面积的15%,因此,非常迫切建立更多的保护区(至少达到全国平均水平)。为了从宏观尺度上加强对库区的综合保护,建议从景观生态学的角度出发,将库区作为一个自然、社会和经济复合生态系绕对待。


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本文从种群、群落、景观等水平研究了浑善达克沙地退化状况,发现浑善达克沙地生态系统退化严重。运用“以地养地”模式,建立自然保护地,能恢复浑善达克退化生态系统,同时能实现社区的经济发展。通过对自然保护区恢复潜力和可行性的分析,发现将“以地养地”模式推广到全旗,可实现全旗的可持续发展。运用自然保护区设计理论,对拟建自然保护区进行了设计,并对自然保护区-社区的区域可持续发展能力进行了分析,提出了可持续发展战略。有以下主要内容: 1)浑善达克沙地榆树疏林种群在人为干扰下处于衰退期。本研究表明,浑善达克沙地中部榆树疏林种群是一个数量处于下降的种群。中老龄龄级榆树较多,而年幼龄级榆树较少。种群静态生命表表明,幼苗库严重不足,种群进入中老龄期后,外界干扰(例如直接砍伐等)导致了个体较高的死亡量。按照一次平均推移法预测各龄级在未来20年、40年、60年及100年后的株数,老龄龄级株数将有所增加,而中幼年株数则下降。目前蓝旗榆种群中老年个体仍保持着比较旺盛生殖能力,应该充分利用这一特征,采取适度放牧、严禁超载过牧、严禁滥砍滥伐等措施,促进天然更新。 2)浑善达克沙地沙丘植物群落退化严重。浑善达克沙地中部典型固定沙丘调查表明,阴坡植物群落种类复杂,主要为耐阴乔木半乔木+灌木+柳灌丛类,群落较为稳定。阳坡主要以褐沙蒿、雾冰藜和虫实为主,种类组成较为简单,沙脊为沙蒿+半旱生杂草类,腰地形成木岩黄芪+半灌木半旱生杂草类。落沙地形成虫实+狗尾草优势群落,风蚀坑形成狗尾草+虫实+褐沙蒿优势群落。顶部则形成虫实单优势群落。固定沙丘退化严重,有活化的可能,需要加强保护,控制放牧强度。 3)浑善达克沙地榆树疏林在景观水平上破碎化严重。研究发现榆树疏林斑块在全旗分布不均匀,斑块集中分布于北部苏木。其中有20个嘎查所含疏林斑块面积较多,占该旗疏林斑块总面积的86%,是主要分布区。榆树疏林斑块密度较低,斑块边界割裂严重,斑块之间分离度高,大斑块较少,小斑块数量多。 4)建立保护区可恢复浑善达克退化生态系统。运用以地养地模式,将大部分退化沙地围封保护,进行自然恢复;在小面积土地上建立了高产高效饲料基地,以向上一营养级提供足够的能量。结果表明,牲畜的压力逐步向小范围的土地集中,而大面积的退化草地借助自然力逐步恢复。群落生物量、平均高度和总盖度2年后均显著增加。植被组成方面,优质牧草比例提高。生态恢复不仅使自然生态系统得以恢复,而且带动了社会经济的发展,项目中的正蓝旗巴音胡舒嘎查牧民,在实验示范以后,年人均收入提高了32%。在全旗自然保护区建成后,大量居民将从保护区内迁移到城镇中去,有利于提高城市化水平,有利于调整产业结构,对于当前逐渐发展的二、三产业有促进作用;同时,自然保护区面积扩大有利于城市人口增长,能为城市发展提供消费食物来源、水源保障、环境保障。 5)拟建自然保护区设计。按照景观规划理论、Diamond自然保护区设计原则,选择榆树疏林斑块集中分布区,作为潜在核心区,运用ArcGIS的缓冲区分析功能,设计不同的宽度。同时调查斑块外不同距离样方与疏林斑块的群落相似度。由此而初步确定的核心区分布在正蓝旗23个嘎查,面积1 531 km2,约占全旗总面积的15%。根据核心区边界的生态、经济社会发展等因素,以及保护核心区所需要的最小宽度、当地土地利用所能规划的最大宽度,确定了不同区域的缓冲区宽度。由此而确定的缓冲区面积为1140km2,占保护区总面积的11.2%。其他地区均设置为过渡区,面积为7514km2,占保护区总面积的73.8%。 6)浑善达克自然保护区-社区的可持续发展。按照区域可持续发展理论,对浑善达克自然保护区-社区的各个苏木、镇、牧场、示范区,按照环境、经济、社会三个子系统进行了综合评价。发现可以按照区域可持续发展原则将正蓝旗划分为四个区域、两条畜产品产业带,简称“四区两带”战略:北部景观保护区、西部生态功能恢复区,以自然保护和生态恢复为主;中部社会经济服务区,以经济社会发展为主,集中建设好三个小城镇,发展集约化畜牧业、生态旅游产业;南部低山丘陵农业区,以及沿国道、省道的畜产品产业带。


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长白山自然保护区始建于1960年,位于北坡的红松针阔叶混交林森林生态系统是我国东北地区典型温带地带性森林植被之一,面临着全球气候变化和人类干扰的双重影响。 本研究以间隔43年的野外调查数据为基础,对1963年和2006年的长白山自然保护区北坡海拔800~1700m的森林植物群落进行对比分析,得到该区域的森林结构、植物多样性与碳储量的变化特点,讨论森林动态变化与人类活动、气候变化的关系,评价长白山自然保护区的保护效果: 对长白山北坡森林沿海拔梯度的森林结构和植物多样性的分析表明:群落的整体空间格局保存完好,植物种类变化不大,乔木层的建群种的种类基本不变,植物多样性与海拔高度呈负相关关系;林下层植物多样性受小环境影响,与海拔高度无明显相关。 以红松(Pinus koraiensis)针阔混交林、红松针叶混交林和云冷杉暗针叶林三种类型为单元分别研究各森林类型的多样性变化:α多样测度选择物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener和Pielou均匀度指数,较好体现了样地内发生的多样性变化,灌木层和草本层多样性明显下降,一些稀有种和药用物种消失,红松等原优势物种有衰退趋势,阔叶树比例增大;β多样性测度选取Cody指数,体现出海拔梯度上的植被空间格局细节变化,演替层特别是阔叶树的物种更替变化有向高海拔移动的趋势。 对森林生态系统各层次碳储量进行估算:乔木层和灌木层采用维量法,对灌木层自建生长回归方程;草本层、枯枝落叶层采取收获法;植物细根采取根钻法;土壤采取土壤深度加权法。碳密度估算结果都与前人研究结果相似。各类型植被碳库总碳密度都达到170 t/hm2,远远高于国内平均森林植被碳库密度值44.9 t/hm2。 乔木层43年来的碳储量变化都无显著性差异,但仍表现出:阔叶树种碳储量上升,特别在高海拔类型这种变化更加明显;针叶树种碳储量在暗针叶林内大幅下降;树干的碳库分配比例都有所减少,表明植被碳库正存在向不稳定性方向发展的趋势。针阔混交林和暗针叶林的土壤碳储量,与植被碳库出现相反的变化趋势,整体碳库保持在一个相对平衡的状态。 推测造成这种变化的原因是:禁止砍伐等保护措施的实施,基本保存了乔木层垂直分布格局,而气候变暖使阔叶树种比例大幅增加,采集松籽等人类生产及旅游活动对林下层植被影响破坏较大。提议加强保护区内管理力度和规划,以减缓长白山北坡森林群落的不稳定变化趋势。


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The Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) is one of the most endangered primates in the world, confined to mature natural forest in Hainan Island, China. We assessed changes in habitat condition on the island between 1991 and 2008, using vegetation maps generated by remote-sensing images. We defined forest suitable for gibbons based on composition, tree size and canopy cover. During the 17-year period, the area of suitable gibbon forest decreased by 540 km(2) (35%) across the whole island, and by 6.3 km(2) (7%) in the locality of the sole remaining gibbon population at Bawangling National Nature Reserve. The forest patches large enough (>1 km(2)) to support a gibbon group decreased from 754 km(2) to 316 km(2) in total area, and from 92 to 64 in number. Suitable natural forest was mainly replaced by plantations below 760 m, or degraded by logging, grazing and planting of pines above 760 m. Meanwhile, forests in former confirmed gibbon areas became more fragmented: mean area of patches decreased by 53%. We mapped the patches of natural forest in good condition which could potentially support gibbons. We recommend a freeze on further expansion of plantations between core patches at Bawangling, Jiaxi-Houmiling and Yinggeling Nature Reserves in accordance with forest protection regulations; establishment of nature reserves in currently unprotected natural forest patches elsewhere in line with the local government's nature reserve expansion policy; and active natural-forest restoration between remaining fragments at Bawangling. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Specific interactions among biomolecules drive virtually all cellular functions and underlie phenotypic complexity and diversity. Biomolecules are not isolated particles, but are elements of integrated interaction networks, and play their roles through specific interactions. Simultaneous emergence or loss of multiple interacting partners is unlikely. If one of the interacting partners is lost, then what are the evolutionary consequences for the retained partner? Taking advantages of the availability of the large number of mammalian genome sequences and knowledge of phylogenetic relationships of the species, we examined the evolutionary fate of the motilin (MLN) hormone gene, after the pseudogenization of its specific receptor, MLN receptor (MLNR), on the rodent lineage. We speculate that the MLNR gene became a pseudogene before the divergence of the squirrel and other rodents about 75 mya. The evolutionary consequences for the MLN gene were diverse. While an intact open reading frame for the MLN gene, which appears functional, was preserved in the kangaroo rat, the MLN gene became inactivated independently on the lineages leading to the guinea pig and the common ancestor of the mouse and rat. Gain and loss of specific interactions among biomolecules through the birth and death of genes for biomolecules point to a general evolutionary dynamic: gene birth and death are widespread phenomena in genome evolution, at the genetic level; thus, once mutations arise, a stepwise process of elaboration and optimization ensues, which gradually integrates and orders mutations into a coherent pattern.


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下载PDF阅读器2004年10月-2005年5月,在云南纳帕海自然保护区采用定点扫描法对越冬黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)的集群类犁和集群大小进行了观察.结果表明黑颈鹤夜间集群夜栖,形成较大的夜栖群,平均群体大小为67.9只(16-157,n=17):按照有无灰鹤加入,又将其分为同种集群和混种集群两种类型,其中同种集群的黑颈鹤数量占整个越冬种群的65.3%.在白昼,黑颈鹤以家庭鹤、集群鹤及特殊群体3种类型活动,家庭鹤和集群鹤的平均大小分别为2.7只(2-4,n=145)和16.1只(3-65,n=1017).黑颈鹤的集群大小并不稳定,在日内和月份间均有明显变化(P=0.000<0.05).存越冬期,最大集群形成于12月,其次为11月和1月;在日内,早上8时集群最大,随后减小并保持相对稳定,18时黑颈鹤开始向夜栖地靠拢,使得集群再次开始增大.随后观察中还发现,黑颈鹤的家庭解体过程开始于3月底,当幼鹤被成鹤驱逐离群后,逐渐加入集群鹤活动,从而使得家庭鹤和集群鹤的大小和组成发生改变.黑颈鹤的集群大小和组成受自身状况、种内关系、天气、食物等多种因素的共同影响,随时间和季节变动而发生变化,是对自身、种群和环境条件变化的综合反映.


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2005年9月利用铗日法辅以陷阱法对位于秦岭山脉南坡东段的平河梁自然保护区及牛背梁自然保护区小型兽类进行了调查,共设置采集点10个;2 460铗日中共捕获小型兽类689只,隶属于3目6科19属27种(另有两种鼢鼠和一种鼯鼠系其他手段捕获),平均捕获率28.01%.对捕获的27种小型兽类生态和垂直分布进行分析结果表明:平河梁保护区3个群落的Shannon-Weiner多样性指数在2.9288-3.3639之间,Pielou均匀性指数在0.7669-0.8602之间.在上述调查的基础上,结合前人对邻近地区的调查,据一些物种的分布特点,订出平河梁自然保护区小型兽类的名录,计48种,结果显示秦岭南坡东段小型兽类的物种多样性和丰富度要高于秦岭其他地区.另在考察中采集到白尾鼹(Parascaptor leucura)、小纹背鼩鼱(Sorex bedfordiae)、斯氏鼢鼠(Myospalax smithⅡ)、川西白腹鼠(Niviventer excelsior),在秦岭山区尚属首次记录.还整理了秦岭南坡小型兽类名录,认为秦岭南坡有小型兽类55种,在动物地理区划上应属于西南区.


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:"))) 年( * ’ 月对云南省思茅菜阳河省级自然保护区两栖爬行动物多样性进行了调查。调查结果表明:菜 阳河自然保护区共有两栖爬行动物+, 种。其中,两栖类#, 种,隶属于" 目’ 科!+ 属;爬行类() 种,隶属于# 目!- 科$! 属。属于国家!级重点保护的种类有" 种;"级重点保护的种类有( 种;云南省省级保护动物# 种; 列入云南省“三有”动物的!) 种。结合调查结果,对菜阳河自然保护区提出了进行功能区划,分区管理,以及 严格管理农药的使用等两方面的建议。


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The Nangunhe Nature Reserve in Southwest Yunnan (PRC) has long been presumed to be the last stronghold of lar (or white-handed) gibbons (Hylobates lar) in China and the likely last place of occurrence of Hylobates lar yunnanensis. We conducted a comprehen


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2005年3~4月,对云南省临沧地区澜沧江自然保护区的鸟类资源进行了调查.通过观察和网捕调查,共计采集记录105种鸟类.结合中国科学院昆明动物研究所鸟类标本室收藏的临沧地区的207种鸟类标本,以及该地区的有关文献资料记录的84种,保护区内共有396种鸟类,隶属55 科(另4亚科)19 目,占云南省所录鸟类种数848种的47%,全国鸟类种数1331种的30%.其中国家一级保护物种2种,二级保护物种39种.保护区内记录的鸟类有留鸟307种,占所录鸟类的78%.区系成分以东洋界物种为主,有292种,占繁殖鸟类总种数的83%.亚区级区系分析表明保护区内的鸟类以滇南山地亚区和西南山地亚区的种类为主,前者成分稍多于后者,说明该地区处于由滇南山地亚区向西南山地亚区过渡的地带.结合该区鸟类垂直分布的特点,提出应加强对原生及次生阔叶林的保护,尤其是对成熟次生林的保护,因为它们对保存该保护区的大多数物种具有重要的价值.


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From 5 May 2003 to early June 2005, nest site selection of Black-necked Cranes Grits nigricollis was studied at the Ruoergai Wetland Nature Reserve (RWNR), an important breeding area for the species in China. Results showed that the crane nests only in we


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Gymnodiptychus integrigymnatus is a critically endangered species endemic to the Gaoligongshan Mountains. It was thought to be only distributed in several headwater-streams of the Longchuanjiang River (west slope of the Gaoligongshan Mountains, belonging to the Irrawaddy River drainage). In recent years, dozens of G. integrigymnatus specimens have been collected in some streams on the east slope of the Gaoligongshan Mountains (the Salween drainage). We performed a morphological and genetic analyses (based on cytochrome b and D-loop) of the newly discovered populations of G. integrigymnatus to determine whether the degree of separation of these populations warrants species status. Our analysis from the cytochrome b gene revealed that nine individuals from the Irrawaddy drainage area and seven individuals from the Salween drainage area each have only one unique haplotype. The genetic distance between the two haplotypes is 1.97%. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed that G. integrigymnatus is closely related to highly specialized schizothoracine fishes. Analysis from the mitochondrial control region revealed that G. integrigymnatus has relatively high genetic diversity (pi was 0.00891 and h was 0.8714), and individuals from different river drainages do not share the same haplotypes. The AMOVA results indicated 87.27% genetic variability between the Salween and Irrawaddy populations. Phylogenetic trees show two major geographic groups corresponding to the river systems. We recommend that G. integrigymnatus should be considered as a high priority for protected species status in the Gaoligongshan Mountains National Nature Reserve, and that the area of the Gaoligongshan Mountains National Nature Reserve should be expanded to cover the entire distribution of G. integrigymnatus. Populations of G. integrigymnatus from different river systems should be treated as evolutionarily significant units.


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One of the most endangered populations of Black-necked Cranes (Grus nigricollis), the central population, is declining due to habitat loss and degradation, but little is known about their space use patterns and habitat preferences. We examined the space use and habitat preferences of Black-necked Cranes during the winter of 2007-2008 at the Napahai wetland in northwest Yunnan, China, where approximately 300 Black-necked Cranes (>90% of the total central population) spent the winter. Euclidean distance analysis was employed to determine the habitat preferences of Black-necked Cranes, and a local nearest-neighbor, convex-hull construction method was used to examine space use. Our results indicate that Black-necked Cranes preferred shallow marsh and wet meadow habitats and avoided farmland and dry grassland. Core-use areas (50% isopleths) and total-use areas (100% isopleths) accounted for only 1.2% and 28.2% of the study area, respectively. We recommend that habitat protection efforts focus on shallow marsh and wet meadow habitats to maintain preferred foraging sites. Core-use areas, such as the primary foraging areas of Black-necked Cranes, should be designated as part of the core zone of the nature reserve. Monthly shifts in the core-use areas of the cranes also indicate that the reserve should be large enough to permit changes in space use. In addition to preserving habitat, government officials should also take measures to decrease human activity in areas used by foraging Black-necked Cranes.


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介绍了黄连山自然保护区非人灵长类的现状。利用现有统计资料中隐含的生态信息 对自然保护区中的非人灵长类的生存威胁因素作了分析。农村人口与农民收入、粮食面积、粮 食产量、茶叶产量、水果产量和紫胶产量呈正相关;农民收入与粮食产量、茶叶产量、水果产量、 紫胶产量和橡胶面积呈正相关。农村人口、农业发展和偷猎行为是保护区非人灵长类的威胁 因素;提高农业生产效率和加强保护区管理是改善非人灵长类现状的关键。