971 resultados para BPB-chemical modification


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Membrane fusion is an essential step in the entry of enveloped viruses into their host cells triggered by conformational changes in viral glycoproteins. We have demonstrated previously that modification of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) with diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) abolished conformational changes on VSV glycoprotein and the fusion reaction catalyzed by the virus. In the present study, we evaluated whether treatment with DEPC was able to inactivate the virus. Infectivity and viral replication were abolished by viral treatment with 0.5 mM DEPC. Mortality profile and inflammatory response in the central nervous system indicated that G protein modification with DEPC eliminates the ability of the virus to cause disease. In addition, DEPC treatment did not alter the conformational integrity of surface proteins of inactivated VSV as demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy and competitive ELISA. Taken together, our results suggest a potential use of histidine (His) modification to the development of a new process of viral inactivation based on fusion inhibition. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, modifications of alumina surface with of alkaline earth metal oxides were studied, using the polymeric precursor method. The modified compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption-desorption and scanning electron microscopy. The catalytical properties of these new catalysts were evaluated for the transesterification reaction of babassu oil. It is observed that the transesterification reaction of babassu oil with methanol was successfully carried out using the modified alumina samples.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Polyamine polymers have attracted attention due to their ability to demonstrate pH dependent cationic nature and presence of highly reactive pendant amino groups. These amino groups make them suitable for a host of applications through cross-linking and derivatization. As a result the end use application of a polyamine is largely driven by the number of amino groups and the way they are attached to the polymer backbone. Thus, this piece of work describes the synthesis and investigation of properties of a novel aliphatic polyamine, poly(methylene amine); that carries maximum number of amino group on its backbone. The target polymer, poly(methylene amine); was synthesized via two major steps viz.1.synthesis of precursor polymers of poly(methylene amine) and 2. Hydrolysis of the precursor polymers to obtain poly(methylene amine). The precursor polymers poly (1,3-diacetylimidazole-2-one)(6) and poly(1,3-diformyldihydroimidazol-2-one)(7) were synthesized via radical polymerization of their respective monomers. The monomers were polymerized in bulk as well as in solution at different reaction conditions. The maximum molecular weights were achieved by polymerizing the monomers in bulk (Mn = 6.5 x 104 g/mol and Mw = 2.13 x 105 g/mol) of 6. The precursor polymers were hydrolyzed under strong reaction conditions in ethanol in presence of NaOH, LiCl at 170°C to yield poly(methylene amine). The process of hydrolysis was monitored by IR spectroscopy. The solution properties of poly(methylene amine) and its hydrochloride were investigated by viscosimetry and light scattering. The reduced viscosity of poly (methylene amine) hydrochloride as a function of polymer concentration demonstrated a behavior typical of cationic polyelectrolyte. With decrease in polymer concentration the reduced viscosity of poly(methylene amine) hydrochloride increased gradually. The dynamic light scattering studies also revealed behaviors of a polyelectrolyte. Poly(methylene amine) was reacted with electrophiles to yield novel materials. While the attachment of alkyl group onto the nitrogen would increase nucleophilicity, it would also impose steric hindrance. As a result the degree of substitution on poly(methylene amine) would be governed by both the factors. Therefore, few model reactions with electrophiles were performed on polvinylamine under similar reaction conditions in order to make a comparative evaluation. It was found that under similar reaction conditions the degree of substitution was higher in case of polyvinylamine in comparison with poly (methylene amine).This shows that the steric hindrance outweighs nucleophilicity while deciding degree of substitution of electrophiles on poly(methylene amine). The modification was further extended to its use as an initiator for ring opening polymerization of benzyloxy protected N-carboxyanhydride of z-Lysine. The resulting polymer had an interesting brush like architecture. The solid state morphology of this polymer was investigated by SAXS. The 2D-WAXS diffractograms revealed hexagonal morphology of peptide segments without formation of alpha helices.


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The 5-HT3 receptor (5-HT3R) is an important ion channel responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses in the CNS and PNS that is activated by the endogenous agonist serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT). 5-HT3R is the only serotonin receptor belonging to the Cys-loop superfamily of neurotransmitter receptors. Different structural biology approaches can be applied, such as crystallization and x-ray analysis. Nonetheless, characterizing the exact ligand binding site(s) of these dynamic receptors is still challenging. The use of photo-crosslinking probes is an alternative validated approach allowing identification of regions in the protein that are important for the binding of small molecules. We designed our probes based on the core structure of the 5-HT3R antagonist granisetron, a FDA approved drug used for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. We synthesized a small library of photo-crosslinking probes by conjugating diazirines and benzophenones via various linkers to granisetron. We were able to obtain several compounds with diverse linker lengths and different photo-crosslinking moieties that show nanomolar binding affinity for the orthosteric binding site. Furthermore we established a stable h5-HT3R expressing cell line and a purification protocol to yield the receptor in a high purity. Several experiments showed unambiguously that we are able to photo-crosslink our probes with the receptor site-specifically. The functionalised protein was analysed by Western blot and MS-analysis. This yielded the exact covalent modification site, corroborating current ligand binding models derived from mutagenesis and docking studies.


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A novel, chemically-modified partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (PHVO) is described. The PHVO is produced by a three-step reaction process that includes epoxidation, a ringopening reaction, followed by esterification. The modified PHVO has improved kneadability and, if mixed with fully hydrogenated fat(s ), hardness comparable to umnodified PHVO.


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Chemical modification of proteins with polyethylene glycol (PEGylation) can increase plasma half-lives, stability, and therapeutic potency. To make a PEGylated recombinant immunotoxin with improved therapeutic properties, we prepared a mutant of anti-Tac(Fv)-PE38 (LMB-2), a recombinant immunotoxin composed of a single-chain Fv fragment of the anti-human Tac monoclonal antibody to the IL-2 receptor α subunit fused to a 38-kDa fragment of Pseudomonas exotoxin. For site-specific PEGylation of LMB-2, one cysteine residue was introduced into the peptide connector (ASGCGPE) between the Fv and the toxin. This mutant LMB-2 (cys1-LMB-2), which retained full cytotoxic activity, was then site-specifically conjugated with 5 or 20 kDa of polyethylene glycol-maleimide. When compared with unmodified LMB-2, both PEGylated immunotoxins showed similar cytotoxic activities in vitro but superior stability at 37°C in mouse serum, a 5- to 8-fold increase in plasma half-lives in mice, and a 3- to 4-fold increase in antitumor activity. This was accompanied by a substantial decrease in animal toxicity and immunogenicity. Site-specific PEGylation of recombinant immunotoxins may increase their therapeutic potency in humans.