955 resultados para BORON-CENTERED RADICALS


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High resolution TEM images of boron carbide (B13C2) have been recorded and compared with images calculated using the multislice method as implemented by M. A. O'Keefe in the SHRLI programs. Images calculated for the [010] zone, using machine parameters for the JEOL 2000FX AEM operating at 200 keV, indicate that for the structure model of Will et al., the optimum defocus image can be interpreted such that white spots correspond to B12 icosahedra for thin specimens and to low density channels through the structure adjacent to the direct inter-icosahedral bonds for specimens of intermediate thickness (-40 > t > -100 nm). With this information, and from the symmetry observed in the TEM images, it is likely that the (101) twin plane passes through the center of icosahedron located at the origin. This model was tested using the method of periodic continuation. Resulting images compare favorably with experimental images, thus supporting the structural model. The introduction of a (101) twin plane through the origin creates distortions to the icosahedral linkages as well as to the intra-icosahedral bonding. This increases the inequivalence of adjacent icosahedral sites along the twin plane, and thereby increases the likelihood of bipolaron hopping.


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Boron carbides exhibit an anomalously large Seebeck coefficient with a temperature coefficient that is characteristic of polaronic hopping between inequivalent sites. The inequivalence in the sites is associated with disorder in the solid. The temperature dependence of the Seebeck coefficient for materials prepared by different techniques provides insight into the nature of the disorder.


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Two samples of boron carbide have been examined using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). A hot pressed B13C2 sample shows a high density of variable width twins normal to (10-11). Subtle shifts or offsets of lattice fringes along the twin plane and normal to (10 5) were also observed. A B4C powder showed little evidence of stacking disorder in crystalline regions.


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The microstructures of hot-pressed B4C were monitored during in situ heating experiments from room temperature to 1000C by analytical electron microscopy (AEM). Variations in the microstructure of B4C were not observed. However, during heating, secondary phases formed in voids and on the surfaces of the specimen.


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Triangle-shaped nanohole, nanodot, and lattice antidot structures in hexagonal boron-nitride (h-BN) monolayer sheets are characterized with density functional theory calculations utilizing the local spin density approximation. We find that such structures may exhibit very large magnetic moments and associated spin splitting. N-terminated nanodots and antidots show strong spin anisotropy around the Fermi level, that is, half-metallicity. While B-terminated nanodots are shown to lack magnetism due to edge reconstruction, B-terminated nanoholes can retain magnetic character due to the enhanced structural stability of the surrounding two-dimensional matrix. In spite of significant lattice contraction due to the presence of multiple holes, antidot super lattices are predicted to be stable, exhibiting amplified magnetism as well as greatly enhanced half-metallicity. Collectively, the results indicate new opportunities for designing h-BNbased nanoscale devices with potential applications in the areas of spintronics, light emission, and photocatalysis.


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A profluorescent nitroxide was used to evaluate the oxidative potential of pollution derived from a compression ignition engine fuelled with biodiesel. The reaction products responsible for the observed fluorescence increase when a DMSO solution of nitroxide was exposed to biodiesel exhaust were determined by using HPLC/MS. The main fluorescent species was identified as a methanesulfonamide adduct arising from the reaction of the nitroxide with DMSO-derived sulfoxyl radicals.


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Selective separation of nitrogen (N2) from methane (CH4) is highly significant in natural gas purification, and it is very challenging to achieve this because of their nearly identical size (the molecular diameters of N2 and CH4 are 3.64 Å and 3.80 Å, respectively). Here we theoretically study the adsorption of N2 and CH4 on B12 cluster and solid boron surfaces a-B12 and c-B28. Our results show that these electron-deficiency boron materials have higher selectivity in adsorbing and capturing N2 than CH4, which provides very useful information for experimentally exploiting boron materials for natural gas purification.


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Boron, which is an essential element for plants, is toxic to humans and animals at high concentrations. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and thermally activated LDHs have shown good uptake of a range of boron species in laboratory scale experiments when compared to current available methods, which are for the most part ineffective or prohibitively expensive. LDHs were able to remove anions from water by anion exchange, the reformation (or memory) effect and direct precipitation. The main mechanism of boron uptake appeared to be anion exchange, which was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. Solution pH appeared to have little effect on boron sorption while thermal activation did not always significantly improve boron uptake. In addition, perpetration of numerous LDHs with varying boron anions in the interlayer region by direct co-precipitation and anion exchange have been reported by a number of groups. The composition and orientation of the interlayer boron ions could be identified with reasonable certainty by applying a number of characterisation techniques including: powder XRD, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. There is still considerable scope for future research on the application of LDHs for the removal of boron contaminants.


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Increasing concerns about the atmospheric CO2 concentration and its impact on the environment are motivating researchers to discover new materials and technologies for efficient CO2 capture and conversion. Here, we report a study of the adsorption of CO2, CH4, and H2 on boron nitride (BN) nanosheets and nanotubes (NTs) with different charge states. The results show that the process of CO2 capture/release can be simply controlled by switching on/off the charges carried by BN nanomaterials. CO2 molecules form weak interactions with uncharged BN nanomaterials and are weakly adsorbed. When extra electrons are introduced to these nanomaterials (i.e., when they are negatively charged), CO2 molecules become tightly bound and strongly adsorbed. Once the electrons are removed, CO2 molecules spontaneously desorb from BN absorbents. In addition, these negatively charged BN nanosorbents show high selectivity for separating CO2 from its mixtures with CH4 and/or H2. Our study demonstrates that BN nanomaterials are excellent absorbents for controllable, highly selective, and reversible capture and release of CO2. In addition, the charge density applied in this study is of the order of 1013 cm–2 of BN nanomaterials and can be easily realized experimentally.


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First principle calculations for a hexagonal (graphene-like) boron nitride (g-BN) monolayer sheet in the presence of a boron-atom vacancy show promising properties for capture and activation of carbon dioxide. CO2 is found to decompose to produce an oxygen molecule via an intermediate chemisorption state on the defect g-BN sheet. The three stationary states and two transition states in the reaction pathway are confirmed by minimum energy pathway search and frequency analysis. The values computed for the two energy barriers involved in this catalytic reaction after enthalpy correction indicate that the catalytic reaction should proceed readily at room temperature.


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Concern about the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and its impact on the environment has led to increasing attention directed toward finding advanced materials and technologies suited for efficient CO2 capture, storage and purification of clean-burning natural gas. In this letter, we have performed comprehensive theoretical investigation of CO2, N2, CH4 and H2 adsorption on B2CNTs. Our study shows that CO2 molecules can form strong interactions with B2CNTs with different charge states. However, N2, CH4 and H2 can only form very weak interactions with B2CNTs. Therefore, the study demonstrates B2CNTs could sever as promising materials for CO2 capture and gas separation.


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Structural and electronic properties have been studied for Boron Nitride nanoribbons (BNNR) with both zigzag and armchair shaped edge (Z-BNNR and A-BNNR) by first-principle spin-polarized total energy calculations. We found that the energy band gap of Z-BNNR is indirect and decreases monotonically with the increasing ribbon width, whereas direct energy band gap oscillation was observed for A-BNNRs. Additionally, C-substitution at either single boron or nitrogen atom site in BNNRs could induce spontaneous magnetization. Our results could be potentially useful to design magnetic nano-devices based on BNNRs.


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A fear of imminent information overload predates the World Wide Web by decades. Yet, that fear has never abated. Worse, as the World Wide Web today takes the lion’s share of the information we deal with, both in amount and in time spent gathering it, the situation has only become more precarious. This chapter analyses new issues in information overload that have emerged with the advent of the Web, which emphasizes written communication, defined in this context as the exchange of ideas expressed informally, often casually, as in verbal language. The chapter focuses on three ways to mitigate these issues. First, it helps us, the users, to be more specific in what we ask for. Second, it helps us amend our request when we don't get what we think we asked for. And third, since only we, the human users, can judge whether the information received is what we want, it makes retrieval techniques more effective by basing them on how humans structure information. This chapter reports on extensive experiments we conducted in all three areas. First, to let users be more specific in describing an information need, they were allowed to express themselves in an unrestricted conversational style. This way, they could convey their information need as if they were talking to a fellow human instead of using the two or three words typically supplied to a search engine. Second, users were provided with effective ways to zoom in on the desired information once potentially relevant information became available. Third, a variety of experiments focused on the search engine itself as the mediator between request and delivery of information. All examples that are explained in detail have actually been implemented. The results of our experiments demonstrate how a human-centered approach can reduce information overload in an area that grows in importance with each day that passes. By actually having built these applications, I present an operational, not just aspirational approach.


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Boron nitride nanotubes were functionalized by microperoxidase-11 in aqueous media, showing improved catalytic performance due to a strong electron coupling 10 between the active centre of microperoxidase-11 and boron nitride nanotubes. One main application challenge of enzymes as biocatalysts is molecular aggregation in the aqueous solution. This issue is addressed by immobilization of enzymes on solid supports which 15 can enhance enzyme stability and facilitate separation, and recovery for reuse while maintaining catalytic activity and selectivity. The protein-nanoparticle interactions play a key role in bio-nanotechnology and emerge with the development of nanoparticle-protein “corona”. Bio-molecular coronas provide a 20 unique biological identity of nanosized materials.1, 2 As a structural analogue to carbon nanotubes (CNTs), Boron nitride nanotubes have boron and nitrogen atoms distributed equally in hexagonal rings and exhibit excellent mechanical strength, unique physical properties, and chemical stability at high-temperatures. 25 The chemical inertness of BN materials suits to work in hazardous environments, making them an optimal candidate in practical applications in biological and medical field.3, 4


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The electrochemical reduction of TCNQ to TCNQ•- in acetonitrile in the presence of [Cu(MeCN)4]+ has been undertaken at boron-doped diamond (BDD) and indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes. The nucleation and growth process at BDD is similar to that reported previously at metal electrodes. At an ITO electrode, the electrocrystallization of more strongly adhered, larger, branched, needle-shaped phase I CuTCNQ crystals is detected under potential step conditions and also when the potential is cycled over the potential range of 0.7 to −0.1 V versus Ag/AgCl (3 M KCl). Video imaging can be used at optically transparent ITO electrodes to monitor the growth stage of the very large branched crystals formed during the course of electrochemical experiments. Both in situ video imaging and ex situ X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) data are consistent with the nucleation of CuTCNQ taking place at a discrete number of preferred sites on the ITO surface. At BDD electrodes, ex situ optical images show that the preferential growth of CuTCNQ occurs at the more highly conducting boron-rich areas of the electrode, within which there are preferred sites for CuTCNQ formation.