995 resultados para BON-9-B


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本文以B(a)P污染土壤为处理对象 ,进行了土壤微生物群体及单一菌对B(a)P的降解试验 ,结果表明 ,鲜土中的微生物降解力 >风干土的微生物降解力。土壤微生物群体比单一微生物降解B(a)P效果好。真菌的降解能力强于细菌。 2 2 0 9号镰刀菌降解B(a)P的速率最快 ,为高效降解菌


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近些年来,利用海洋生物碳酸盐硼同位素重建古海水pH,计算当时大气CO2含量,进而推测古气候的变化已成为国际同位素地球化学界研究的热点问题,被称为δ11B-pH技术。古海水的δ11Bsw是否恒定、B(OH)4−和B(OH)3间理论的硼同位素分馏系数4/3是多少以及碳酸盐的δ11Bcarb是否等于海水B(OH)4−的δ11B4值是该技术成功的三个关键。但到目前为止以上三项问题还没得到完全证实。 为确定方解石的硼同位素组成与海水pH的依赖关系,已进行过大量实验研究。他们的结果与预期的假设一致,支持了B(OH)4-是掺入方解石结构主要形式的假设。但近期 Pagani(2005)指出B(OH)4-也许不是掺入方解石结构的主要形式,B(OH)3也可能同时掺入进碳酸盐。肖应凯等(2006)的无机碳酸盐沉积实验发现碳酸盐沉积和母液间的硼同位素分馏系数大于1的异常现象,认为碳酸钙中镁或其它微量元素的存在是重要原因,推断这是在高pH生成Mg(OH)2沉积后11B优先掺入的缘故,推断有B(OH)3掺入碳酸盐的可能。 以前进行的沉积实验,只考虑到碳酸钙本身,确实证明了硼只以或主要以B(OH)4-参与进生物碳酸钙。但天然的海洋生物碳酸盐含有镁、锶、铁等微量元素,这些微量元素的存在可能会改变硼的参与行为,从而对硼同位素分馏产生影响。现代珊瑚礁中水镁石普遍存在,这是否会影响珊瑚的硼同位素组成而导致δ11B-pH技术的误差还值得研究。 针对以上问题,主要对硼掺入进Mg(OH)2的形式及分馏机理,现代珊瑚中镁、锶等微量元素与硼浓度及硼同位素的关系进行研究,并用生物碳酸盐的硼同位素对陆相产出有孔虫的沉积环境进行判别。 通过研究,得到以下几点认识: 1. 在Mg(OH)2从pH9.5~13的含硼合成海水中沉积时,Mg(OH)2沉积11B的变化范围为-1.20‰~28.26‰,高于合成海水的11B (-7.00±0.07‰),沉积和海水间的硼同位素分馏系数固/液变化范围为1.0177~1.0569,平均值为1.0329,这是H3BO3优先掺入的结果,造成11B在Mg(OH)2沉积中富集。 2. Mg(OH)2沉积的硼浓度和硼在Mg(OH)2沉积与滤液间的分配系数Kd的变化范围分别为228.61 g/g~937.79 g/g和9.31~494.20。高pH值时硼掺入Mg(OH)2的过程中吸附作用占有重要位置。 3. Mg(OH)2吸附实验表明,硼掺入Mg(OH)2非常迅速,4 h能达到平衡。平衡后Mg(OH)2中硼浓度[B]固和固相与溶液相间的分配系数Kd随pH设定的升高和固液比的降低而降低。而且最高的[B]固和Kd均远高于硼被金属氧化物或粘土矿物吸附时的对应值,表硼具有很强的掺入Mg(OH)2的能力。 4. 吸附平衡时溶液相的11B液f (-19.2‰~-17.8‰)均低于原始溶液的11B液i (-7.00±0.07‰),计算的Mg(OH)2与平衡溶液间的硼同位素分馏系数固-液变化范围为1.0186~1.0220,平均值为1.0203。这充分表明,硼掺入Mg(OH)2时11B优先进入固相,这是B(OH)3优先掺入的结果。 5. 硼以B(OH)3和B(OH)4-两种形式同时掺入Mg(OH)2,并以B(OH)3优先掺入为主,pH设定越低掺入的B(OH)3比例越高。 6. 硼将通过吸附和与Mg(OH)2的沉淀反应而掺入Mg(OH)2,两者共同决定了Mg(OH)2中硼同位素分馏特征。 7. Ca、Sr、B和Na在珊瑚中均得到富集,而Mg在珊瑚中却是贫化的。珊瑚的B浓度主要不是由这几种元素决定的。 8. 珊瑚δ11Bcarb的变化范围为22.8‰~27.9‰,平均为25.2‰。除与B浓度相关性明显外,珊瑚δ11Bcarb与其它四种元素的相关性不强。北海涠洲岛、灯楼角和三亚三地珊瑚与海水间的分馏系数carb-sw分别为0.9839、0.9847和0.9850。珊瑚与海水B(OH)3间的分馏系数carb-3的变化范围为0.9772~0.9800,平均值为0.9788,随pH升高carb-3减小。珊瑚的平均δ11Bcarb基本位于采用=0.9772时理论计算的δ11B4曲线之上,而且都低于原始合成海水的δ11Bcarb,表明硼是以B(OH)3和B(OH)4-两种形式同时掺入进珊瑚中的,并以B(OH)4-优先掺入为主。 9. 由于B(OH)4- 和B(OH)3同时进入到珊瑚中,d11Bcarb=d11B4的假设不能成立,由所测定生物碳酸盐的δ11Bcarb值计算的海水pH值会产生误差,使δ11B-pH技术变得更为复杂。 10. 实验模拟与自然的真实情况是有差距的,不能完全用实验模拟来代替自然的真实情况。 11.杨户庄剖面的第四纪早期有孔虫的生存环境是非海相环境,不是“海侵”或“海泛”的结果;同时也表明有孔虫并非是特有的海洋生物,它完全可以在陆相环境中存在。


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Colourless single crystals of [Hg-2(Pym)](NO3)(2), [Hg-2(Pym)](ClO4)(2) and [Hg-2(Pyp)(2)](ClO4)(2) were obtained from aqueous solutions of the respective components Hg-2(NO3)(2).2H(2)O, Hg-2(ClO4)(2).6H(2)O, pyrimidine (Pym) and pyrazine (Pyp). The crystal structures were determined from single-crystal X-ray diffractometer data. [Hg-2(Pym)](NO3)(2): monoclinic, C2/c, Z = 8, a = 1607.4(2), b = 652.79(7), c = 2000.5(2) pm, beta = 103.42(2)degrees, R-all = 0.0530; [Hg-2(Pym)](ClO4)(2): orthorhombic, Pnma, Z = 4, a = 1182.7(2), b = 1662.5(2), c = 607.9(1) pm, R-all = 0.0438; [Hg-2(Pyp)(2)](ClO4)(2): orthorhombic, Aba2, Z = 4, a = 1529.39(9), b = 1047.10(14), c = 1133.49(15) pm, R-all = 0.0381. The crystal structures of [Hg-2(Pym)](NO3)(2) and [Hg-2(Pym)](ClO4)(2) contain polymeric cationic chains [Hg-2(Pym)](+) that are arranged to corrugated layers between which the anions are situated. [Hg-2(Pyp)(2)](ClO4)(2) consists of polymeric cationic layers that are built from (Hg-2)(2)(Hg-2)(2/2)(Pyp)(4) rings connected to each other; the perchlorate tetrahedra are located between these layers.


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The cobalt(III) complex, [Co(L)2(N3)2]2(ClO4)2, L being a Schiff base N-[phenyl(pyridin-2-yl)methylene]aniline has been synthesized and the crystal structure determined using X-ray crystallography. The complex crystallizes in triclinic system, space group P-1 with unit cell parameters a=10.9367(9) , b=18.0817(17) , c=20.1629(16) , α=111.341(2), β=91.622(2), γ=107.5030(10), V=3499.1(5) 3 and Z=2. It crystallizes with two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. The two cobalt atoms are hexa-coordinate and have a distorted octahedral geometry, satisfied by four nitrogen atoms from two molecules of the Schiff base and two nitrogen atoms from the monodentate azide group. The perchlorate ions are non-coordinating.


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The synthesis, characterisation, X-ray single crystal structures and magnetic properties of three new basal-apical mu(2)-1,1-azide-bridged complexes [(CuLN3)-N-1](2) (1), [(CuLN3)-N-2](2) (2) and [(CuLN3)-N-3](2) (3) with very similar tridentate Schiff-base blocking ligands {HL1 = N-[2-(ethylamino) ethyl] salicylaldimine; HL2 = 7-(ethylamino)-4-methyl-5-azahept-3-en-2-one; HL3 = 7-amino-4-methyl-5-azaoct-3-en-2-one} have been reported [complex 1: monoclinic, P2(1)/c, a = 8.390(2), b = 7.512(2), c = 19.822(6) Angstrom, beta = 91.45(5)degrees; complex 2: monoclinic, P2(1)/c, a = 8.070(9), b = 9.787(12), c = 15.743(17) A, beta = 98.467(10)degrees; complex 3: monoclinic, P2(1)/n, a = 5.884(7), b = 16.147(18), c = 11.901(12) Angstrom, beta = 90.050(10)degrees]. The structures consist of neutral dinuclear entities resulting from the pairing of two mononuclear units through end-on azide bridges connecting an equatorial position of one copper centre to an axial position of the other, The copper ions adopt a (4+1) square-based geometry in all the complexes. In complex 2, there is no inter-dimer hydrogen-bonding. However, complexes 1 and 3 form two different supramolecular structures in which the dinuclear entities are linked by H-bonds giving one-dimensional systems. Variable temperature (300-2 K) magnetic-susceptibility measurements and magnetisation measurements at 2 K reveal that all three complexes have antiferromagnetic coupling. Magneto-structural correlations have been made taking into consideration both the azido bridging ligands and the existence of intermolecular hydrogen bonds. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2004).


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Several new coordinatively unsaturated iron(II) complexes of the types [Fe(EN-iPr)X2] (E = P, S, Se; X = Cl, Br) and [Fe(ON-iPr)2X]X containing bidentate EN ligands based on N-(2-pyridinyl)aminophosphines as well as oxo, thio, and seleno derivatives thereof were prepared and characterized by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Mössbauer spectroscopy and magnetization studies confirmed their high-spin nature with magnetic moments very close to 4.9 μB, reflecting the expected four unpaired d-electrons in all these compounds. Stable low-spin carbonyl complexes of the types [Fe(PN-iPr)2(CO)X]X (X = Cl, Br) and cis-CO,cis-Br-[Fe(PN-iPr)(CO)2X2] (X = Br) were obtained by reacting cis-Fe(CO)4X2 with the stronger PN donor ligands, but not with the weaker EN donor ligands (E = O, S, Se). Furthermore, the reactivity of [Fe(PN-iPr)X2] toward CO was investigated by IR spectroscopy. Whereas at room temperature no reaction took place, at −50 °C [Fe(PN-iPr)X2] added readily CO to form, depending on the nature of X, the mono- and dicarbonyl complexes [Fe(PN-iPr)(X)2(CO)] (X = Cl) and [Fe(PN-iPr)(CO)2X2] (X = Cl, Br), respectively. In the case of X = Br, two isomeric dicarbonyl complexes, namely, cis-CO,trans-Br-[Fe(PN-iPr)(CO)2Br2] (major species) and cis-CO,cis-Br-[Fe(PN-iPr)(CO)2Br2] (minor species), are formed. The addition of CO to [Fe(PN-iPr)X2] was investigated in detail by means of DFT/B3LYP calculations. This study strongly supports the experimental findings that at low temperature two isomeric low-spin dicarbonyl complexes are formed. For kinetic reasons cis,trans-[Fe(PN-iPr)(CO)2Br2] releases CO at elevated temperature, re-forming [Fe(PN-iPr)Br2], while the corresponding cis,cis isomer is stable under these conditions.


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The coordination chemistry of the ligand N-thiazol-2-yl-toluenesulfonamidate towards the copper(II) ion has been investigated using an electrochemical synthesis method. The X-ray structure of this complex was elucidated and is discussed. The compound crystallised in the monoclinic crystal system, P2(1)/c space group with a = 17.3888(9), b = 16.3003(9), c = 18.3679(9) angstrom and beta = 114.3640(10)degrees. Four bidentate sulfathiazolato anions bridge two metal centers in a paddle-wheel fashion, with the nitrogen atoms as donors to give a dimeric species with a Cu center dot center dot center dot Cu distance of 2.7859(5) angstrom.


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The condensation of [Ph2(OH)Sn(CH2)nSn(OH)Ph2] (1-3; n = 1-3) with HO3SCF3 and HO2PPh2 provided [Ph2Sn(CH2)nSnPh2(OH)](O3SCF3) (4-6; n = 1-3) and [Ph2(O2PPh2)Sn(CH2)nSn(O2PPh2)Ph2] (10-12; n = 1-3), respectively. The reaction of [Ph2Sn(CH2)nSnPh2(OH)](O3SCF3) (4-6; n = 1-3) with HO2PPh2 and NaO2PPh2 gave rise to the formation of [Ph2Sn(CH2)nSnPh2(O2PPh2)](O3SCF3) (7-9; n = 1-3) and [Ph2(OH)Sn(CH2)nSn(O2PPh2)Ph2] (13-15; n = 1-3), respectively. In the solid state, compounds 4-9 comprise ion pairs of cationic cyclo-[Ph2SnCH2SnPh2(OH)]22+, cyclo-[Ph2Sn(CH2)nSnPh2(OH)]+ (n = 2, 3), and cyclo-[Ph2Sn(CH2)nSnPh2(O2PPh2)]+ (n = 1-3) and triflate anions. In MeCN, the eight-membered-ring system cyclo-[Ph2SnCH2SnPh2(OH)]22+ appears to be in equilibrium with the four-membered-ring system cyclo-[Ph2SnCH2SnPh2(OH)]+. In contrast, compounds 10-15 show no ionic character. Compounds 1-15 were characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy in solution and in the solid state, IR spectroscopy, conductivity measurements, electrospray mass spectrometry, osmometric molecular weight determinations, and X-ray crystallography (4, 5, 7, and 12).


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The bis(arylene silanes) p,p'-HMe2SiC6H4EMe2C6H4SiMe2H (E = C (10), Si (11), Ge (12), Sn(13)) were prepared by the in situ Grignard reaction of p,p'-BrC6H4CMe2C6H4Br, Mg turnings, and HSiMe2Cl (for 10) and the Grignard reaction using p-HMe2SiC6H4Br, Mg turnings, and Me2ECl2 (E = Si for 11, Ge for 12, Sn for 13). The oxidation of 10-13 using Pearlman's catalyst, Pd(OH)2/C, in aqueous THF provided the bis(arylene silanols) p,p'-HOMe2SiC6H4EMe2C6H4SiMe2OH (E = C (14), Si (15), Ge (16), Sn(17)). The HCl-catalyzed condensation of 14-17 in highly diluted solutions of acetone/water afforded the siloxane-bridged paracyclophanes cyclo-[p,p'-Me2SiC6H4EMe2C6H4SiMe2O]2 (6-9) that incorporate the group 14 elements E = C, Si, Ge, and Sn. Compounds 6-17 were investigated by multinuclear solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy and 6 and 9 also by X-ray crystallography.


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The reaction of Me3SiCH2Cl2Sn(CH2)3SnCl2Ph (6) with (tBu2SnO)3 gave a statistical mixture of the corresponding tetraorganodistannoxanes whereas the reaction of the spacer-bridged ditin tetrachlorides RCl2Sn(CH2)4SnCl2R (3, R = Me3CCH2; 4, R = Me2CHCH2; 10, R = Me3SiCH2) with the polymeric spacer-bridged ditin oxides [R(O)Sn(CH2)4Sn(O)R]n (7, R = Me2CHCH2; 8, R = Me3CCH2; 11, R = Me3SiCH2) provided the mixed double ladder compounds {[R(Cl)Sn(CH2)4Sn(Cl)R][R(Cl)Sn(CH2)4Sn(Cl)R']O2}2 (9, R = Me3CCH2, R' = Me2CHCH2; 12, R = Me3CCH2, R' = Me3SiCH2) in almost quantitative yield. In solution, 9 and 12 are in equilibrium with their corresponding dimers, as was evidenced by 119Sn NMR spectroscopy, molecular mass determination, and electrospray mass spectrometry. The molecular structures of 9 and 12 were established by single crystal X-ray diffraction.


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Os produtos de sensoriamento remoto gerados pelos novos sensores orbitais, aliados ao desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais e de técnicas de processamento de imagens possibilitam a manipulação numérica das imagens, visando o realce de informações de interesse para a interpretação visual ou automática. O uso dessas técnicas traz boas perspectivas no mapeamento geológico básico, pois possibilita uma visão sinóptica de amplas áreas e a integração de dados litológicos e estruturais de várias fontes. Este trabalho selecionou as imagens do sensor ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) devido as características de suas resoluções espectral e espacial, como as mais promissoras para identificação dos diferentes litotipos da área do Platô da Ramada, em especial as unidades vulcânicas e hipabissais relacionadas e sedimentares subjacentes. O Platô da Ramada, região de Vila Nova do Sul (RS) constitui uma feição geomorfológica de destaque na área, facilmente identificável nas imagens orbitais, sendo formado por uma seqüência vulcânica caracterizada por depósitos efusivos e piroclásticos, de composição dominantemente ácida. Representa uma fração significativa do magmatismo alcalino sódico neoproterozóico no Escudo Sul-rio-grandense e marca um dos ciclos vulcânicos do período pós-colisional do Ciclo Brasiliano Este estudo testou e avaliou diversos processamentos das imagens multiespectrais para diferenciação litológica, a identificação de alvos e a definição de morfoestruturas da área do Platô da Ramada. A integração de dados geológicos existentes com os produtos obtidos neste estudo possibilitou novas informações anexadas ao mapa geológico utilizado como verdade terrestre. O processamento utilizando a técnica de Transformação por Componentes Principais Seletivas proporcionou os melhores resultados realçando diferenças espectrais existentes entre as rochas vulcânicas e hipabissais e as rochas sedimentares. A partir dessa técnica, selecionou-se as imagens CP2 dos pares das bandas 4-5 (R), 3-4 (G) e 8-9 (B) na geração de uma composição colorida. Esta imagem permitiu a diferenciação espectral entre as rochas vulcânicas do Platô da Ramada e as rochas sedimentares do Grupo Maricá, bem como a individualização, no Grupo Maricá, de duas subunidades, levando-se em conta a densidade de intrusões de diques riolíticos ao norte da área. Identificou-se, ainda, um corpo diorítico com forma elíptica na borda SW do Platô da Ramada, não registrado anteriormente.


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An acidic (pI similar to 4.5) phospholipase A(2) (BthA-I-PLA(2)) was isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom by ion-exchange chromatography on a CM-Sepharose column followed by reverse phase chromatography on an RP-HPLC C-18 column. It is an similar to13.7 kDa single chain Asp49 PLA(2) with approximately 122 amino acid residues, 7 disulfide bridges, and the following N-terminal sequence: 'SLWQFGKMINYVMJGESGVLQYLSYGCYCGLGGQGQPTDATDRCCFVHDCC(51). Crystals of this acidic protein diffracted beyond 2.0 Angstrom resolution. These crystals are monoclinic and have unit cell dimensions of a = 33.9, b = 63.8, c = 49.1 Angstrom, and beta = 104.0degrees. Although not myotoxic, cytotoxic, or lethal, the protein was catalytically 3-4 tithes more active than BthTX-II, a basic D49 myotoxic PLA(2) from the same venom and other Bothrops venoms. Although it showed no toxic activity, it was able to induce time-independent edema, this activity being inhibited by EDTA. In addition, BthA-I-PLA(2) caused a hypotensive response in the rat and inhibited platelet aggregation, Catalytic, antiplatelet and other activities were abolished by chemical modification with 4-bromophenacyl bromide, which is known to covalently bind to His48 of the catalytic site. Antibodies raised against crude B. jararacussu venom recognized this acidic PLA(2), while anti-Asp49-BthTX-II recognized it weakly and anti-Lys49-BthTX-I showed the least cross-reaction. These data confirm that myotoxicity does not necessarily correlate with catalytic activity in native PLA(2) homologues and that either of these two activities may exist alone. BthA-I-PLA(2), in addition to representing a relevant molecular model of catalytic activity, is also a promising hypotensive agent and platelet aggregation inhibitor for further studies. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.