55 resultados para BIOCONCENTRATION
O fitoplancton é de grande importância para os estudos das interações solo-água, como indicadores de modificações químicas e biológicas nos ecossistemas naturais. O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar a composição química total do fitoplâncton nos estuários do rio Pará e Mocajuba (Pará, Brasil). As análises químicas foram realizadas na água superficial, sedimento de fundo (amostra total e fração biodisponível) e no fitoplancton, por espectrometria óptica e de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado. A composição química elementar do fitoplancton é composta por elevadas concentrações de Ca, P, Mn, Fe, Zn, Al, Ba e Pb. O fitoplancton do estuário do rio Mocajuba é rico em Fe (2.967 a 84.750 µg g-1) e do rio Pará rico em Al (1.216 a 15.389 µg g-1), provavelmente com contribuição antropogênica. O material fitoplanctonico apresentou elevado fator de bioconcentração proveniente tanto da água quanto da fração biodisponível, e reflete a eficiência desses organismos em concentrar metais.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Binding of hydrophobic chemicals to colloids such as proteins or lipids is difficult to measure using classical microdialysis methods due to low aqueous concentrations, adsorption to dialysis membranes and test vessels, and slow kinetics of equilibration. Here, we employed a three-phase partitioning system where silicone (polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS) serves as a third phase to determine partitioning between water and colloids and acts at the same time as a dosing device for hydrophobic chemicals. The applicability of this method was demonstrated with bovine serum albumin (BSA). Measured binding constants (K(BSAw)) for chlorpyrifos, methoxychlor, nonylphenol, and pyrene were in good agreement with an established quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR). A fifth compound, fluoxypyr-methyl-heptyl ester, was excluded from the analysis because of apparent abiotic degradation. The PDMS depletion method was then used to determine partition coefficients for test chemicals in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) liver S9 fractions (K(S9w)) and blood plasma (K(bloodw)). Measured K(S9w) and K(bloodw) values were consistent with predictions obtained using a mass-balance model that employs the octanol-water partition coefficient (K(ow)) as a surrogate for lipid partitioning and K(BSAw) to represent protein binding. For each compound, K(bloodw) was substantially greater than K(S9w), primarily because blood contains more lipid than liver S9 fractions (1.84% of wet weight vs 0.051%). Measured liver S9 and blood plasma binding parameters were subsequently implemented in an in vitro to in vivo extrapolation model to link the in vitro liver S9 metabolic degradation assay to in vivo metabolism in fish. Apparent volumes of distribution (V(d)) calculated from the experimental data were similar to literature estimates. However, the calculated binding ratios (f(u)) used to relate in vitro metabolic clearance to clearance by the intact liver were 10 to 100 times lower than values used in previous modeling efforts. Bioconcentration factors (BCF) predicted using the experimental binding data were substantially higher than the predicted values obtained in earlier studies and correlated poorly with measured BCF values in fish. One possible explanation for this finding is that chemicals bound to proteins can desorb rapidly and thus contribute to metabolic turnover of the chemicals. This hypothesis remains to be investigated in future studies, ideally with chemicals of higher hydrophobicity.
Atenolol is a highly prescribed anti-hypertensive pharmaceutical and a member of the group of β-blockers. It has been detected at concentrations ranging from ng L(-1) to low μg L(-1) in waste and surface waters. The present study aimed to assess the sub-lethal effects of atenolol on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and to determine its tissue-specific bioconcentration. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed for 21 and 42 days to three concentration levels of atenolol (1 μg L(-1) - environmentally relevant concentration, 10 μg L(-1), and 1000 μg L(-1)). The fish exposed to 1 μg L(-1) atenolol exhibited a higher lactate content in the blood plasma and a reduced haemoglobin content compared with the control. The results show that exposure to atenolol at concentrations greater than or equal to 10 μg L(-1) significantly reduces both the haematocrit value and the glucose concentration in the blood plasma. The activities of the studied antioxidant enzymes (catalase and superoxide dismutase) were not significantly affected by atenolol exposure, and only the highest tested concentration of atenolol significantly reduced the activity of glutathione reductase. The activities of selected CYP450 enzymes were not affected by atenolol exposure. The histological changes indicate that atenolol has an effect on the vascular system, as evidenced by the observed liver congestion and changes in the pericardium and myocardium. Atenolol was found to have a very low bioconcentration factor (the highest value found was 0.27). The bioconcentration levels followed the order liver>kidney>muscle. The concentration of atenolol in the blood plasma was below the limit of quantification (2.0 ng g(-1)). The bioconcentration factors and the activities of selected CYP450 enzymes suggest that atenolol is not metabolised in the liver and may be excreted unchanged.
Measured rates of intrinsic clearance determined using cryopreserved trout hepatocytes can be extrapolated to the whole animal as a means of improving modeled bioaccumulation predictions for fish. To date, however, the intra- and interlaboratory reliability of this procedure has not been determined. In the present study, three laboratories determined in vitro intrinsic clearance of six reference compounds (benzo[a]pyrene, 4-nonylphenol, di-tert-butyl phenol, fenthion, methoxychlor and o-terphenyl) by conducting substrate depletion experiments with cryopreserved trout hepatocytes from a single source. O-terphenyl was excluded from the final analysis due to nonfirst-order depletion kinetics and significant loss from denatured controls. For the other five compounds, intralaboratory variability (% CV) in measured in vitro intrinsic clearance values ranged from 4.1 to 30%, while interlaboratory variability ranged from 27 to 61%. Predicted bioconcentration factors based on in vitro clearance values exhibited a reduced level of interlaboratory variability (5.3-38% CV). The results of this study demonstrate that cryopreserved trout hepatocytes can be used to reliably obtain in vitro intrinsic clearance of xenobiotics, which provides support for the application of this in vitro method in a weight-of-evidence approach to chemical bioaccumulation assessment.
La presencia de arsénico (As) en suelos permite su migración hacia cultivos como el garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.). En este trabajo se comparan contenidos de As en tres suelos de dos estados de la República Mexicana, y su acumulación en C. arietinum L. Los suelos resultaron moderadamente alcalinos, no salinos, reductores intermedios y con potenciales zeta (pZ) que indican suspensiones coloidales moderadamente estables. Con moderados contenidos de humedad y texturas franco- arcillosas, densidad aparente, capacidad de campo, agregados estables y capacidad de intercambio catiónico, significativamente diferentes y semejantes en velocidad de infiltración y espesor del horizonte A. En materia orgánica, carbono y nitrógeno son significativamente diferentes y con bajos contenidos. Existen diferencias importantes entre semillas de C. arietinum L. certificadas o no en su capacidad de germinación y desarrollo de raíces. El efecto genotóxico del As en raíces de C. arietinum L. se apreció por inducción de micronúcleos, reducción de 2,8 veces la división celular de muestras tratadas con agua con As, respecto de muestras control. Se apreció incremento de As de 9,5 veces en plántulas germinadas en suelo de El Salitre, que en suelo de Bella Vista, indicativo de migración del As. La suma de efectos de concentración de As en suelos y agua se incrementa 15,3 veces. Entre suelos de Bella Vista y Querétaro la correlación fue 2,9 veces mayor. En controles positivos los IBAs resultan 3 veces mayores que en las pruebas experimentales.
Background and aims The high metal bioavailability and the poor conditions of mine soils yield a low plant biomass, limiting the application of phytoremediation techniques. A greenhouse experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of organic amendments on metal stabilization and the potential of Brassica juncea L. for phytostabilization in mine soils. Methods Plants were grown in pots filled with soils collected from two mine sites located in Central Spain mixed with 0, 30 and 60 tha?1 of pine bark compost and horse- and sheep-manure compost. Plant biomass and metal concentrations in roots and shoots were measured. Metal bioavailability was assessed using a rhizosphere-based method (rhizo), which consists of a mixture of low-molecular-weight organic acids to simulate root exudates. Results Manure reduced metal concentrations in shoots (10?50 % reduction of Cu and 40?80 % of Zn in comparison with non-amended soils), bioconcentration factor (10?50 % of Cu and 40?80 % of Zn) and metal bioavailability in soil (40?50 % of Cu and 10?30 % of Zn) due to the high pH and the contribution of organic matter. Manure improved soil fertility and was also able to increase plant biomass (5?20 times in shoots and 3?30 times in roots), which resulted in a greater amount of metals removed from soil and accumulated in roots (increase of 2?7 times of Cu and Zn). Plants grown in pine bark treatments and in non-amended soils showed a limited biomass and high metal concentrations in shoots. Conclusions The addition of manure could be effective for the stabilization of metals and for enhancing the phytostabilization ability of B. juncea in mine soils. In this study, this species resulted to be a potential candidate for phytostabilization in combination with manure, differing from previous results, in which B. juncea had been recognized as a phytoextraction plant.
The present study assessed the uptake and toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs), ZnO bulk, and ZnCl2 salt in earthworms in spiked agricultural soils. In addition, the toxicity of aqueous extracts to Daphnia magna and Chlorella vulgaris was analyzed to determine the risk of these soils to the aquatic compartment. We then investigated the distribution of Zn in soil fractions to interpret the nature of toxicity. Neither mortality nor differences in earthworm body weight were observed compared with the control. The most sensitive end point was reproduction. ZnCl2 was notably toxic in eliminating the production of cocoons. The effects induced by ZnO-NPs and bulk ZnO on fecundity were similar and lower than those of the salt. In contrast to ZnO bulk, ZnO-NPs adversely affected fertility. The internal concentrations of Zn in earthworms in the NP group were greater than those in the salt and bulk groups, although bioconcentration factors were consistently <1. No relationship was found between toxicity and internal Zn amounts in earthworms. The results from the sequential extraction of soil showed that ZnCl2 displayed the highest availability compared with both ZnO. Zn distribution was consistent with the greatest toxicity showed by the salt but not with Zn body concentrations. The soil extracts from both ZnO-NPs and bulk ZnO did not show effects on aquatic organisms (Daphnia and algae) after short-term exposure. However, ZnCl2 extracts (total and 0.45-μm filtered) were toxic to Daphnia.
Os elementos potencialmente tóxicos (EPTs) estão presentes nos solos em concentrações dependentes do material de origem e das ações antrópicas. A adição de EPTs ao solo pelas atividades antrópicas pode ocasionar risco à saúde humana, já que estes elementos podem ser acumulados no organismo por meio do contato dérmico com o solo, da inalação de partículas em suspensão, de ingestão de solo e de alimentos contaminados. A contaminação dos alimentos ocorre pelo cultivo em áreas com alta biodisponibilidade de EPTs, e nessa condição ocorre absorção e translocação para a parte aérea, com possível acúmulo dos metais nas porções comestíveis, como raízes, frutos e grãos. A biodisponibilidade dos EPTs é regulada pelas características químicas dos elementos e por atributos do solo, como a CTC, o pH e a matéria orgânica (MO). Sintomas de toxicidade e alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas podem aparecer dependendo da absorção e da movimentação dos EPTs nas plantas. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito da adição de bário (Ba), de cádmio (Cd), de cobre (Cu), de níquel (Ni) e de zinco (Zn) em amostras de um Neossolo Quartzarênico e um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, sob duas condições de saturação por bases (30% e 50 ou 70%, dependendo da cultura), no cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa), alface (Lactuca sativa), girassol (Helianthus annuus) e tomate (Solanum lycopersicum). Os EPTs nos solos foram extraídos com EPA 3051a, Água Régia, DTPA, Mehlich 1, Mehlich 3, HNO3 (0,43 mol L-1) e CaCl2 (0,01 mol L-1), e seus teores correlacionados com os presentes nas raízes, na parte aérea, nos frutos e com a quantidade acumulada pelas plantas. Os fatores de bioconcentração (FBC) e de transferência (FT) foram calculados para as culturas. O índice SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development - Chlorophyll Meter) foi determinado na fase vegetativa da alface, do arroz e do girassol, enquanto a atividade fotossintética foi determinada pelo IRGA (Infrared gas analyzer). Os maiores teores de EPTs foram observados nas plantas cultivadas no Neossolo. As quantidades de Cu, Ni e Zn acumuladas nas plantas apresentaram correlação positiva com os teores extraídos pelo EPA 3051a e pela Água Régia. Os teores extraídos com HNO3 (0,43 mol L-1) apresentaram elevada correlação positiva com os teores reativos extraídos com DTPA e com Mehlich 3, e também com as quantidades de EPTs acumuladas pelas plantas. Os FBCs foram mais altos nos solos com baixa CTC, baixos teores de MO e baixos valores de pH. O arroz apresentou a menor translocação de Cd do sistema radicular para os grãos. O Cu, o Ni e o Zn causaram alterações no desenvolvimento da alface e do girassol, e diminuíram a transpiração e a condutância estomática da alface. O arroz apresentou a menor absorção de EPTs e a maior tolerância ao Ba, ao Cd, ao Ni e ao Zn, no entanto, as plantas apresentaram maiores condutividade estomática e transpiração.
The mathematical modelling underlying passive air sampling theory can be based on mass transfer coefficients or rate constants. Generally, these models have not been inter-related. Starting with basic models, the exchange of chemicals between the gaseous phase and the sampler is developed using mass transfer coefficients and rate constants. Importantly, the inter-relationships between the approaches are demonstrated by relating uptake rate constants and loss rate constants to mass transfer coefficients when either sampler-side or air-side resistance is dominating chemical exchange. The influence of sampler area and sampler volume on chemical exchange is discussed in general terms and as they relate to frequently used parameters such as sampling rates and time to equilibrium. Where air-side or sampler-side resistance dominates, an increase in the surface area of the sampler will increase sampling rates. Sampling rates are not related to the sampler/air partition coefficient (K-SV) when air-side resistance dominates and increase with K-SV when sampler-side resistance dominates.
Inorganic arsenic compounds are known carcinogens. The human epidemiologic evidence of arsenic-induced skin, lung, and bladder cancers is strong. However, the evidence of arsenic carcinogenicity in animals is very limited. Lack of a suitable animal model until recent years has inhibited studies of the mechanism of arsenic carcinogenesis. The toxicity and bioavailability of arsenic depend on its solubility and chemical forms. Therefore, it is critical to be able to measure arsenic speciation accurately and reliably. However, speciation of arsenic in more complex matrices remains a real challenge. There are tens of millions of people who are being exposed to excessive levels of arsenic in the drinking water alone. The source of contamination is mainly of natural origin and the mass poisoning is occurring worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Chronic arsenicosis resulting in cancer and non-cancer diseases will impact significantly on the public health systems in their respective countries. Effective watershed management and remediation technologies in addition to medical treatment are urgently needed in order to avoid what has been regarded as the largest calamity of chemical poisoning in the world.
Water-sampler equilibrium partitioning coefficients and aqueous boundary layer mass transfer coefficients for atrazine, diuron, hexazionone and fluometuron onto C18 and SDB-RPS Empore disk-based aquatic passive samplers have been determined experimentally under a laminar flow regime (Re = 5400). The method involved accelerating the time to equilibrium of the samplers by exposing them to three water concentrations, decreasing stepwise to 50% and then 25% of the original concentration. Assuming first-order Fickian kinetics across a rate-limiting aqueous boundary layer, both parameters are determined computationally by unconstrained nonlinear optimization. In addition, a method of estimation of mass transfer coefficients-therefore sampling rates-using the dimensionless Sherwood correlation developed for laminar flow over a flat plate is applied. For each of the herbicides, this correlation is validated to within 40% of the experimental data. The study demonstrates that for trace concentrations (sub 0.1 mu g/L) and these flow conditions, a naked Empore disk performs well as an integrative sampler over short deployments (up to 7 days) for the range of polar herbicides investigated. The SDB-RPS disk allows a longer integrative period than the C18 disk due to its higher sorbent mass and/or its more polar sorbent chemistry. This work also suggests that for certain passive sampler designs, empirical estimation of sampling rates may be possible using correlations that have been available in the chemical engineering literature for some time.
A comprehensive method for the analysis of 11 target pharmaceuticals representing multiple therapeutic classes was developed for biological tissues (fish) and water. Water samples were extracted using solid phase extraction (SPE), while fish tissue homogenates were extracted using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) followed by mixed-mode cation exchange SPE cleanup and analyzed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Among the 11 target pharmaceuticals analyzed, trimethoprim, caffeine, sulfamethoxazole, diphenhydramine, diltiazem, carbamazepine, erythromycin and fluoxetine were consistently detected in reclaimed water. On the other hand, caffeine, diphenhydramine and carbamazepine were consistently detected in fish and surface water samples. In order to understand the uptake and depuration of pharmaceuticals as well as bioconcentration factors (BCFs) under the worst-case conditions, mosquito fish were exposed to reclaimed water under static-renewal for 7 days, followed by a 14-day depuration phase in clean water. Characterization of the exposure media revealed the presence of 26 pharmaceuticals while 5 pharmaceuticals including caffeine, diphenhydramine, diltiazem, carbamazepine, and ibuprofen were present in the organisms as early as 5 h from the start of the exposure. Liquid chromatography ultra-high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry was explored as a tool to identify and quantify phase II pharmaceutical metabolites in reclaimed water. The resulting data confirmed the presence of acetyl-sulfamethoxazole and sulfamethoxazole glucuronide in reclaimed water. To my knowledge, this is the first known report of sulfamethoxazole glucuronide surviving intact through wastewater treatment plants and occurring in environmental water samples. Finally, five bioaccumulative pharmaceuticals including caffeine, carbamazepine, diltiazem, diphenhydramine and ibuprofen detected in reclaimed water were investigated regarding the acute and chronic risks to aquatic organisms. The results indicated a low potential risk of carbamazepine even under the worst case exposure scenario. Given the dilution factors that affect environmental releases, the risk of exposure to carbamazepine will be even more reduced.
O cobre é um metal essencial para as plantas, porém considerado tóxico quando em elevadas concentrações na água. No caso de macrófitas aquáticas já foi demonstrado que este metal inibe o processo fotossintético e provoca alterações pigmentares. Neste contexto, expusemos (96h) a macrófita aquática Potamogeton pectinatus (L.) à diferentes concentrações de cobre 1, 10, 100 e 1000 µM para avaliar o potencial bioacumulador da planta, e às concentrações de 1, 10 e 100 µM de Cu para verificar os possíveis efeitos do metal na taxa fotossintética (24 e 96h) em diferentes intensidades luminosas (17, 100, 300 e 500 µmol/m2 /s), no teor pigmentar (96h) e no crescimento das macrófitas (30 dias). Para os experimentos de bioacumulação mantivemos um grupo de plantas controle (sem adição de cobre no meio), enquanto que para os outros testes mantivemos um grupo controle e um grupo em solução nutritiva de Hoagland 100%, que contem cobre e outros micronutrientes em concentrações ideais para sobrevivência e crescimento de P. pectinatus. Nossos resultados mostram que a macrófita P. pectinatus é capaz de acumular altas concentrações de cobre, sendo que este acúmulo aumenta com a elevação dos níveis do metal na água. Apesar de basicamente não haver diferença estatística entre a concentração do metal nos diferentes órgãos da planta, as raízes mostraram-se capazes de acumular mais cobre que as folhas e caule com base no fator de bioconcentração. Com relação aos teores de clorofila “a”, “b” e carotenoides, estes foram menores nas folhas das plantas controle em comparação com as plantas em solução de Hogland, mas esta diferença só foi significativa nas plantas expostas ao cobre, que apresentaram menor concentração dos teores pigmentares já à 1 µM de Cu. Quanto à fotossíntese, em 24h de exposição, novamente observamos um efeito negativo da ausência e presença de cobre nas concentrações de 1, 10 e 100 µM, bem como, um efeito da luminosidade, de forma que as plantas em solução de Hoagland apresentaram maior taxa fotossintética quando em 100 µmol/m2 /s. Em virtude de um aumento na respiração em 96h, a fotossíntese, quando ocorreu, foi menor que em 24h e não diferiu entre os grupos e luminosidade. Em relação ao crescimento, as plantas perderam biomassa, mas mantiveram seus comprimentos e apenas aquelas em solução de Hoagland aumentaram seu número de folhas. Ainda, verificou-se clorose e necrose nas plantas controle e expostas ao cobre. Diante do exposto, concluímos que a macrófita P. pectinatus acumula altas concentrações de cobre, principalmente na raiz, sendo capaz e refletir as concentrações do metal no meio. Esta condição, sugere seu uso no biomonitoramento e fitorremediação de locais contaminados por cobre. Por outro lado, elas mostram-se sensíveis ao metal pela redução no teor pigmentar e fotossíntese, sugerindo estes como mecanismos toxicidade do cobre.