76 resultados para BIBLIOMETRIA


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The objective of this research is to analyze the scientific production about „Metric Studies‟. It was used the data base BRAPCI (data base of articles and journals in Information Science) to outline the authors and institutions that produced more. As research procedure it was analyzed the articles with the keywords that represent the area of metric studies such as: Bibliometric, Cientometric, Informetric, Webmetric and Patentometric between 1991 and 2011. It was analyzed the variable in study, building the collaborative network through the software Pajek. From these results, it was possible to delineate the tendencies presented in the scientific community on this subject from the data base BRAPCI.


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Of a theoretical-methodological nature, this research aims at analyzing the absolute and relative proximity indicators – Salton’s cosine and Jaccard’s index –, for authors’ co-citation analysis (ACA). It also aims at comparing the contribution of these three indicators to the understanding of a domain. Methodologically, it deepens the theoretical studies that motivate authors’ co-citation analysis (ACA) and the proximity indicators, and presents the studies of the normalized index of Salton’ cosine (SC) and Jaccard’s index (JI). It applies ACA to the GT7 of ANCIB, in the Information Science field, from 2007 to 2011.


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Author Cocitation Analysis (ACA) can be defined as the analysis of a group of actors, writers or researchers structurally organized in a (social and cognitive) network of a particular scientific community. The greater the number of researchers selected, the greater the amplitude and the domain boundary under consideration; the more restricted the number of researchers chosen as representative and appropriate, the less extensive the domain. From the perspective of the first axis of Tennis (2003), the selection of authors involves setting parameters on the extent of the domain, i.e., its total scope and amplitude. Thus, from the point of view of Tennis’s (2003) approach to Domain Analysis, the selection of authors for Author Cocitation Analysis is associated with the designations and boundaries of the domain, as well as to their goals (Tennis, 2003). Still, the selection of authors through the most cited authors in the literature, reflects the core elements of a domain and constitute the most specific foundation of a domain, aligning to the Degrees of Specialization characterized by Tennis (2003). It is concluded that the Author Cocitation Analysis (ACA) is a relevant procedure to the analysis of the underlying structure of a scientific knowledge domain, which meets the theories and concepts of Domain Analysis researchers, in that it allows characterizing the science, identifying, analyzing and assessing the conditions under which scientific knowledge is constructed and socialized.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This is a bibliometric study on the evolution of research on the topic Strategy as Social Practice, from 2009 to 2014. The general objective is to produce bibliometric indicators that show how scientific studies on the strategy as social practice They have evolved in the Brazilian scene. It was considered as a database articles published on the topic in scientific events EnANPAD and 3Es, both of ANPAD - National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration. Studies in strategy have a traditional and historical approach, rooted in the determination of strategies based on scientific knowledge acquired by the managers of the senior management of organizations. Opposing this trend, there are emerging studies in strategy, seeking to evaluate the strategic practice within organizations in various areas, and on some occasions without a decision expected by the traditional approach strategy. To this end, it conducted a theoretical study, descriptive and quantitative approach being used bibliometrics as a research method. They were selected and analyzed 53 articles using descriptive statistical techniques. The results show that studies on the subject are recent and still needs more specific and aligned studies determining the strategy as a social practice


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The contemporary world is characterized, among other factors, by the influence of the new computer information systems on the behavior of individuals. However, traditional information systems still have interaction problems with users. The aim of this study was to determine whether the interaction aspects between user versus traditional information systems (particularly the graphics) have been fully studied. To do so, the ergonomic aspects and usability of such systems were reviewed, with emphasis on the problems of visibility, legibility and readability. From that criteria, the evolution of ergonomic studies of information systems was reviewed (bibliometrics technique); and examples of ergonomic and usability problems in packaging were demonstrated (case study). The results confirm that traditional information systems still have problems of interaction between human X system, hindering the effective perception of information.


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The theme of solid waste is in high evidence today, a fact noted by the recent implementation of the European directive, and in Brazil, by the National Solid Waste Policy. Understanding the impact of this policy on the national scientific production is essential to plan new directions and research trends. Through a bibliometric and scientometric studied, this research analyzed the national and global context of the last 20 years and found areas in which research progressed, as municipal solid waste, and essentials gaps to develop more the national state-of-the-art, as solid waste of transport. So, the results of this study are a plausible tool to justify for further research on this topic.


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Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão (PCP), publicada pelo Conselho Federal de Psicologia ao longo de 30 anos, registra o avanço da Psicologia, como ciência e profissão. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar alguns aspectos que merecem destaque, a partir de 2005, quando PCP se consolida como uma revista científica, ganha a versão digital e se insere no movimento do acesso aberto. É feita também uma breve análise dos indicadores de citações da revista. As análises foram efetuadas a partir da leitura dos editoriais dos fascículos publicados do ano 2005 até o momento. Com base nos módulos de bibliometria do PePSIC e SciELO, além dos dados das referências da revista, foram levantados indicadores de citações recebidas e fornecidas por PCP. Os dados permitem afirmar que PCP vem aumentando o número de citações recebidas. A rede de revistas que mais citam PCP está publicada no PePSIC, demonstrando que publicações eletrônicas ganham maior visibilidade na comunidade científica. Ao completar 30 anos, a proposta da revista é o comprometimento com a Psicologia voltada para aliviar o sofrimento humano, mas também dedicada ao avanço da ciência psicológica. O conhecimento documentado em revistas científicas e o impacto que tais publicações representam para o saber universal é algo que deve ser abordado, discutido e entendido, assim, estudos dessa natureza devem ser incentivados.


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A relutância dos autores brasileiros em publicar em revistas brasileiras é histórica e não mais se justifica. Atualmente, vários periódicos brasileiros estão indexados em bases internacionais, cujas versões em inglês permitem a divulgação de nossos estudos a países estrangeiros. Os autores expressam seu ponto de vista quanto à importância da publicação em revistas brasileiras e citam o exemplo do impacto das publicações do Instituto do Coração - InCor- HC-FMUSP nos últimos dois anos.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar/quantificar a produtividade científica dos docentes pertencentes à Universidade de Estadual Paulista (UNESP), campus de Marília/SP. Para cada professor, analisamos o número total de artigos na plataforma Lattes, no ISI Web of Science e no SCOPUS. Além disso, verificamos o total de livros publicados, capítulos de livros publicados e orientações em Programas de Pós-Graduação (PPG). A análise dos nove departamentos da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências (FFC) mostrou que o Departamento de Ciências Políticas e Econômicas possui uma média elevada (21,42) de artigos na Plataforma Lattes, quando comparado aos outros departamentos. Entretanto, o Departamento de Fonoaudiologia apresentou médias mais altas em artigos indexados pelo ISI (2,61) e SCOPUS (4,39), bem como o índice-h, nessas plataformas. Em relação aos programas de pós-graduação, o Departamento de Administração e Supervisão Escolar foi o que apresentou a maior média de orientações em andamento e/ou concluídas. O desempenho mais baixo, em relação aos artigos publicados pelo ISI e SCOPUS, pelos departamentos na área de Humanas/Humanidades pode estar associado às características do campo da concentração e da cobertura limitada do banco de dados ISI e SCOPUS, indicando que o índice-h é muito sensível ao campo de concentração.