997 resultados para BENTHIC METABOLISM


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Five zones along a transect of 180 m were selected for study on the Island of Pai Matos (Sao Paulo, Brazil). Four of the zones are colonised by vascular plants (Spartina SP, Laguncularia LG, Avicennia AV and Rhizophora RH) and were denominated soils, and the other zone, which lacks vegetation, was denominated sediment (SD). The geochemical conditions differed significantly in soils and sediment and also at different depths. The soils were oxic (Eh > 350 mV) or suboxic (Eh: 350-100 mV) at the surface and anoxic (Eh < 100 mV) at depth, whereas in the sediment anoxic conditions prevailed at all depths, but with a lower concentration of sulphides in the pore water and pyrite in the solid fraction. Under these geochemical conditions Fe is retained in the soils, while the Mn tends to be mobilized and lost. The most abundant form of iron oxyhydroxide was lepidocrocite (mean concentration for all sites and depths, 45 +/- 19 mu mol g(-1)), followed by goethite (30 19 mu mol g(-1))and ferrihydrite (19 +/- 11 mu mol g(-1)),with significant differences among the mean concentrations. There was a significant decrease with depth in all the types of Fe oxyhydroxides measured, particularly the poorly crystalline forms. The pyrite fraction was an important component of the free Fe pool (non-silicate Fe) in all soils as well as in the sediment, especially below 20 cm depth (mean concentration for all sites and depths, 60 +/- 54 mu mol CI). Furthermore, the mean concentration of Fe-pyrite for all sites and depths was higher than that obtained for any of the three Fe oxyhydroxides measured. The Fe-AVS was a minor fraction, indicating that the high concentrations of dissolved Fe in the soils in the upper area of the transect result from the oxidation of Fe sulphides during low tide. Mossbauer spectroscopy also revealed that most of the Fe (III) was associated with silicates, in this case nontronite. The presence of crystals of pyrite associated with phyllosilicates in samples from the upper layer of the soils may indicate that pyritization of this form of Fe(III) is more rapid than usually reported for ocean bed sediments. The sequential extraction of Mn did not reveal any clearly dominant fraction, with the Mn-carbonate fraction being the most prevalent, followed by exchangeable Mn and oxides of Mn, whereas pyrite-Mn and Mn associated with crystalline Fe-oxides were present at significantly lower concentrations. The high concentration of dissolved Mn found in the soils in the lower part of the transect is consistent with the fact that the solubility is determined by the carbonate fraction. Unlike for Fe, in the soils in the higher zone, which are subject to intense drainage during low tide, there was loss of Mn, as reflected by the concentration of total Mn. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An oligotrophic phosphorus (P) limited seagrass ecosystem in Florida Bay was experimentally fertilized in a unique way. Perches were installed to encourage seabirds to roost and deliver an external source of nutrients via defecation. Two treatments were examined: (1) a chronic 23-year fertilization and (2) an earlier 28-month fertilization that was discontinued when the chronic treatment was initiated. Because of the low mobility of P in carbonate sediments, we hypothesized long-term changes to ecosystem structure and function in both treatments. Structural changes in the chronic treatment included a shift in the dominant seagrass species from Thalassia testudinum to Halodule wrightii, large increases in epiphytic biomass and sediment chlorophyll-a, and a decline in species richness. Functional changes included increased benthic metabolism and quantum efficiency. Initial changes in the 28-month fertilization were similar, but after 23 years of nutrient depuration T. testudinum has reestablished itself as the dominant species. However, P remains elevated in the sediment and H. wrightii has maintained a presence. Functionally the discontinued treatment remains altered. Biomass exceeds that in the chronic treatment and indices of productivity, elevated relative to control, are not different from the chronic fertilization. Cessation of nutrient loading has resulted in a superficial return to the pre-disturbance character of the community, but due to the nature of P cycles functional changes persist.


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Shallow seagrass ecosystems frequently experience physical disturbance from vessel groundings. Specific restoration methods that modify physical, chemical, and biological aspects of disturbances are used to accelerate recovery. This study evaluated loss and recovery of ecosystem structure in disturbed seagrass meadows through plant and soil properties used as proxies for primary and secondary production, habitat quality, benthic metabolism, remineralization, and nutrient storage and exchange. The efficacy of common seagrass restoration techniques in accelerating recovery was also assessed. Beyond removal of macrophyte biomass, disturbance to seagrass sediments resulted in loss of organic matter and stored nutrients, and altered microbial and infaunal communities. Evidence of the effectiveness of restoration actions was variable. Fill placement prevented additional erosion, but the resulting sediment matrix had different physical properties, low organic matter content and nutrient pools, reduced benthic metabolism, and less primary and secondary production relative to the undisturbed ecosystem. Fertilization was effective in increasing nitrogen and phosphorus availability in the sediments, but concurrent enhancement of seagrass production was not detected. Seagrass herbivores removed substantial seagrass biomass via direct grazing, suggesting that leaf loss to seagrass herbivores is a spatially variable but critically important determinant of seagrass transplanting success. Convergence of plant and sediment response variables with levels in undisturbed seagrass meadows was not detected via natural recovery of disturbed sites, or through filling and fertilizing restoration sites. However, several indicators of ecosystem development related to primary production and nutrient accumulation suggest that early stages of ecosystem development have begun at these sites. This research suggests that vessel grounding disturbances in seagrass ecosystems create more complex and persistent resource losses than previously understood by resource managers. While the mechanics of implementing common seagrass restoration actions have been successfully developed by the restoration community, expectations of consistent or rapid recovery trajectories following restoration remain elusive.


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Shallow seagrass ecosystems frequently experience physical disturbance from vessel groundings. Specific restoration methods that modify physical, chemical, and biological aspects of disturbances are used to accelerate recovery. This study evaluated loss and recovery of ecosystem structure in disturbed seagrass meadows through plant and soil properties used as proxies for primary and secondary production, habitat quality, benthic metabolism, remineralization, and nutrient storage and exchange. The efficacy of common seagrass restoration techniques in accelerating recovery was also assessed. Beyond removal of macrophyte biomass, disturbance to seagrass sediments resulted in loss of organic matter and stored nutrients, and altered microbial and infaunal communities. Evidence of the effectiveness of restoration actions was variable. Fill placement prevented additional erosion, but the resulting sediment matrix had different physical properties, low organic matter content and nutrient pools, reduced benthic metabolism, and less primary and secondary production relative to the undisturbed ecosystem. Fertilization was effective in increasing nitrogen and phosphorus availability in the sediments, but concurrent enhancement of seagrass production was not detected. Seagrass herbivores removed substantial seagrass biomass via direct grazing, suggesting that leaf loss to seagrass herbivores is a spatially variable but critically important determinant of seagrass transplanting success. Convergence of plant and sediment response variables with levels in undisturbed seagrass meadows was not detected via natural recovery of disturbed sites, or through filling and fertilizing restoration sites. However, several indicators of ecosystem development related to primary production and nutrient accumulation suggest that early stages of ecosystem development have begun at these sites. This research suggests that vessel grounding disturbances in seagrass ecosystems create more complex and persistent resource losses than previously understood by resource managers. While the mechanics of implementing common seagrass restoration actions have been successfully developed by the restoration community, expectations of consistent or rapid recovery trajectories following restoration remain elusive.


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During the benthic cultivation process of Mytilus edulis (blue mussels), wild mussel seed is often transplanted from naturally occurring subtidal beds to sheltered in-shore waters to be grown to a commercial size. The survival of these relaid mussels is ultimately a function of their quality and physiological condition upon relaying and it has been recognised that mussels can suffer from a loss in condition following transportation. We investigated whether the process of being transported to ongrowing plots had a negative effect on the physiological health and resultant behaviour of mussels by simulating transportation conditions in a controlled experiment. Mussels were kept, out of water, in plastic piping to recreate translocation conditions and further, we tested if depth held in a ship hold (0, 1.5 and 3 m) and length of time emersed (12, 24 and 48 h) affected mussel condition and behaviour. Physiological condition was assessed by quantifying mussel tissue pH and whole tissue glucose, glycogen, succinate and propionate concentrations. The rate of byssogenesis was also quantified to estimate recovery following a period of re-immersion. The depth at which mussels were held did not affect any of the physiological indicators of mussel stress but short-term byssus production was affected. Mussels held at 3 m produced fewer byssus threads during the first 72 h following re-immersion compared with mussels at 0 m (i.e. not buried) suggesting that depth held can impede recovery following transportation. Duration of emersion affected all stress indicators. Specifically, mussels held out of water for 48 h had a reduced physiological condition compared with those emersed for just 12 h. This work has practical implications for the benthic cultivation industry and based on these results we recommend that mussels are held out of water for less than 24 h prior to relaying to ensure physiological health and resultant condition is preserved.


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The discovery that foraminifera are able to use nitrate instead of oxygen as energy source for their metabolism has challenged our understanding of nitrogen cycling in the ocean. It was evident before that only prokaryotes and fungi are able to denitrify. Rate estimates of foraminiferal denitrification were very sparse on a regional scale. Here, we present estimates of benthic foraminiferal denitrification rates from six stations at intermediate water depths in and below the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Foraminiferal denitrification rates were calculated from abundance and assemblage composition of the total living fauna in both, surface and subsurface sediments, as well as from individual species specific denitrification rates. A comparison with total benthic denitrification rates as inferred by biogeochemical models revealed that benthic foraminifera account for the total denitrification on the shelf between 80 and 250 m water depth. They are still important denitrifiers in the centre of the OMZ around 320 m (29-56% of the benthic denitrification) but play only a minor role at the lower OMZ boundary and below the OMZ between 465 and 700 m (3-7% of total benthic denitrification). Furthermore, foraminiferal denitrification was compared to the total benthic nitrate loss measured during benthic chamber experiments. Foraminiferal denitrification contributes 1 to 50% to the total nitrate loss across a depth transect from 80 to 700 m, respectively. Flux rate estimates ranged from 0.01 to 1.3 mmol m?2 d?1. Furthermore we show that the amount of nitrate stored in living benthic foraminifera (3 to 705 µmol L?1) can be higher by three orders of magnitude as compared to the ambient pore waters in near surface sediments sustaining an important nitrate reservoir in Peruvian OMZ sediments. The substantial contribution of foraminiferal nitrate respiration to total benthic nitrate loss at the Peruvian margin, which is one of the main nitrate sink regions in the world oceans, underpins the importance of previously underestimated role of benthic foraminifera in global biochemical cycles.


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The influence of microhabitat, organic matter flux, and metabolism on the stable oxygen and carbon isotope composition of live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead (empty tests) deep-sea benthic foraminifera from the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean Sea) have been studied. The total range of observed foraminiferal isotope values exceeds 1.0 per mil for d18O and 2.2 per mil for d13C demonstrating a wide range of coexisting disequilibria relative to d18O of equilibrium calcite (d18OEQ) and d13C of bottom water dissolved inorganic carbon (d13CDIC). The mean d18O values reveal strongest disequilibria for the studied epifaunal to shallow infaunal species (Cibicidoides pachydermus, Uvigerina mediterranea, Uvigerina peregrina) while values approach equilibrium in deep infaunal species (Globobulimina affinis, Globobulimina pseudospinescens). The mean d13C values decrease with increasing average living depths of the different species, thus reflecting a dominant microhabitat (pore water) signal. At the axis of the Lacaze-Duthier Canyon a minimum d13CDIC pore water gradient of approximately -2.1 per mil is assessed for the upper 6 cm of the surface sediment. Although live individuals of U. mediterranea were found in different depth intervals their mean d13C values are consistent with calcification at an average living depth around 1 cm. The deep infaunal occurrence of U. mediterranea specimens suggests association with macrofaunal burrows creating a microenvironment with geochemical characteristics similar to the topmost centimeter. This also explains the excellent agreement between stable isotope signals of live and dead individuals. The ontogenetic enrichment in both d18O and d13C values of U. mediterranea suggests a slow-down of metabolic rates during test growth similar to that previously observed in planktic foraminifera. Enhanced organic carbon fluxes and higher proportion of resuspended terrestrial organic material at the canyon axis are reflected by d13C values of U. mediterranea on average 0.58 per mil lower than those from the open slope. These results demonstrate the general applicability of the d13C signal of this species for the reconstruction of past organic matter fluxes in the Mediterranean Sea. Further studies on live specimens are needed for a more quantitative paleoceanographic approach.


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1. On the cruises 3 and 15 of R.V. "Meteor" 6 grab samples, and 6 hauls with the 6 m Agassiztrawl were taken and at 2 stations the deep sea camera was lowered. This material gave quantitative results on the meiofauna and minimum counts of the macrofauna. 2. The nematodes constitute nearly 95% of the meiofauna, the copepoda only 2%. With increasing sediment depth the density of animals decrease gradually. In the uppermost centimeter of sediment 42.6% of the meiofauna are found while only 3.7% live in layer 6-7 cm. Meiofauna weight ranges from 0.6-5.7 mg/25 m**2 surface i.e. 0.24-2.8 g/m**2. 3. Mean numbers of individuals and weights show standard errors of 20-30 %. As an approximate average values for further considerations the weight of the meiofauna in the area was taken as 1 g/m**2 4. Quantitative information on the macrofauna is derived from the trawls and the photographs for the actinia Chitonanthus abyssorum only, which is found in the rate of 1 individual/36-72 m**2, but seems to be less abundant generally. 5. Animal density does not decrease steadily from nearshore to offshore biocoenoses, i.e. generally with increasing depth. The decrease is more pronounced for macro- than for meiofauna. For the deep sea the weight proportion of macrofauna : meiofauna is of the order of 1 : 1. 6. With the assumption, that adaptation of metabolism to deep sea conditions is similar in macro- and meiofauna total metabolism of invertebrates is ascribed to meiofauna to more than 80%. 7. The structure of the biocoenosis of the deep sea floor is characterized by the meiofauna living on and in the sediment and by the dominance of sediment feeders in the macrofauna. 8. Considering the large numbets and high partition rates of bacteria a comparative large part of the metabolism in the deep sea sediment must be ascribed to bacteria. This favours the hypothesis, that with increasing depth and decreasing addition of organic material to the sediment, the importance of meiofauna and microorganisms for total metabolism increases. 9. Considering the different modes of food transport to the deep sea environment, i.e. sinking of dead particles, transport by vertical migration of organisms, aggregation of organic particles, adsorption of dissoloved organic substance to inorganic particles, and heterotrophy, the sediment may be assumed to contain more food for invertebrates than the water above the bottom. 10. Suspensions feeders of macrofauna are fixed to hard substrates in the sediment surface. Some of them are shown to bend themselves down to the bottom in underwater photographs. This suggests the idea that some deep sea suspension feeders partly depend on food from the sediment surface, on which they feed directly.