994 resultados para B08-05
This Professional Estates Letter informs HSC bodies of the closure of the Space for Health information service and the availability of DHSPPS estates and facilities management policy on the DHSSPS website.
The Department’s Evaluation and Equality Unit provides advice and guidance to colleagues throughout the Department who are planning and undertaking reviews and evaluations of programmes, services and policies, and provides guidance and information to support the policy-making processes. In carrying out this function the Unit has continued to help colleagues to mainstream equality considerations into decision-making, reviews and evaluations from the earliest stages of these processes. åÊ
Nursing & Midwifery Workforce Planning - Final Report Sept 05
PRIORITIES FOR ACTION- 2004/2005 Planning Priorities and Actions for the Health and Personal Social Services
This tool contains the data for the LHO briefing "The London Health Inequalities Forecast: A briefing on inequalities in life expectancy and deaths from cancers, heart disease and stroke in London". The tool enables local areas to monitor their progress towards the national health inequalities targets for life expectancy, mortality from heart disease and stroke, and mortality from cancers.
Tamoxifen (tam) is a widely used endocrine therapy in the treatment of early and advanced stage breast cancer in women and men. It is a pro-drug having weak affinity with the estrogen receptor and needs to be converted to its main metabolite, endoxifen (endox), to have full anticancer activity. Cytochrome 2D6 (CYP2D6) plays a major role in the metabolism of tamoxifen to endoxifen. It is genetically highly polymorphic and its activity influences profoundly the synthesis of endoxifen and potentially the efficacy of tamoxifen treatment. Genotyping is currently the most widely used approach in studies and also in clinical practice to categorize patients as poor- (PM), intermediate- (IM), extensive- (EM) and ultra rapid-metabolizers (UM). Some clinicians already use genotyping in order to tailor the endocrine therapy of their patients. Owing to the large inter-individual variations in concentrations of the active moitey due to genetic and non-genetic influences renders the predictive value of the test uncertain for an individual patient. A significant number of patients classified as EM or IM by genotyping have indeed relatively low endoxifen levels similar to PMs1. This suggests that genotyping is probably not the opti ma l meth o d f or predi cti ng end oxif en l evels.
End-stage renal diseases (ESRD) are becoming more frequent in HIV-infected patients. In Europe there is little information about HIV-infected patients on dialysis. A cross-sectional multicenter survey in 328 Spanish dialysis units was conducted in 2006. Information from 14,876 patients in dialysis was obtained (81.6% of the Spanish dialysis population). Eighty-one were HIV infected (0.54%; 95% CI, 0.43-0.67), 60 were on hemodialysis, and 21 were on peritoneal dialysis. The mean (range) age was 45 (28-73) years. Seventy-two percent were men and 33% were former drug users. The mean (range) time of HIV infection was 11 (1-27) years and time on dialysis was 4.6 (0.4-25) years. ESRD was due to glomerulonephritis (36%) and diabetes (15%). HIV-associated nephropathy was not reported. Eighty-five percent were on HAART, 76.5% had a CD4 T cell count above 200 cells, and 73% had undetectable viral load. Thirty-nine percent of patients met criteria for inclusion on the renal transplant (RT) waiting list but only 12% were included. Sixty-one percent had HCV coinfection. HCV-coinfected patients had a longer history of HIV, more previous AIDS events, parenteral transmission as the most common risk factor for acquiring HIV infection, and less access to the RT waiting list (p < 0.05). The prevalence of HIV infection in Spanish dialysis units in 2006 was 0.54% HCV coinfection was very frequent (61%) and the percentage of patients included on the Spanish RT waiting list was low (12%).
The ASTM standards on Writing Ink Identification (ASTM 1789-04) and on Writing Ink Comparison (ASTM 1422-05) are the most up-to-date guidelines that have been published on the forensic analysis of ink. The aim of these documents is to cover most aspects of the forensic analysis of ink evidence, from the analysis of ink samples, the comparison of the analytical profile of these samples (with the aim to differentiate them or not), through to the interpretation of the result of the examination of these samples in a forensic context. Significant evolutions in the technology available to forensic scientists, in the quality assurance requirements brought onto them, and in the understanding of frameworks to interpret forensic evidence have been made in recent years. This article reviews the two standards in the light of these evolutions and proposes some practical improvements in terms of the standardization of the analyses, the comparison of ink samples, and the interpretation of ink examination. Some of these suggestions have already been included in a DHS funded project aimed at creating a digital ink library for the United States Secret Service.
[Euchologe (français). 1933-1939 fac-sim.]
No processo educativo as variáveis inter agentes desdobram-se numa multiplicidade de actividades para que, como nos disse sabiamente Pitágoras, deixemos de ter necessidade de castigar os homens. Nesse processo, a informação estatística é um instrumento de planeamento fundamental. “Os Principais Indicadores da Educação 2004/05” oferecem informação estatística, exclusivamente relativa a esse ano lectivo, que permite caracterizar o sistema educativo, estabelecer o diagnóstico actual da situação e perspectivar as tendências futuras. A informação estatística que consta nesta publicação destina-se a um público que não se confina ao universo educativo, alarga-se a todos os sectores de integração social, na medida em que compila de forma exaustiva, informações sobre alunos, professores, turmas, acção social escolar, alfabetização e educação de adultos, afectação de recursos financeiros, e ainda indicadores macroeconómicos. A sua construção consolida-se na concepção de indicadores, cuja identificação se baseia num conhecimento cada vez mais exacto da realidade, que permitem formular as políticas educativas em termos quantitativos precisos, e avaliar os progressos alcançados em relação aos objectivos preconizados. Agradecemos a todos aqueles que directa ou indirectamente colaboraram na produção estatística, entre os quais destacamos as delegações do Ministério da Educação nos concelhos, liceus/escolas secundárias, institutos, serviços centrais e desconcentrados.
“O Anuário da Educação 2004/05” traz-nos as estatísticas oficiais do sistema educativo nacional: alunos, professores, escolas, turmas, acção social escolar, alfabetização, educação de adultos, bolsas de estudo, administração e afectação de recursos financeiros e como tradicionalmente foi precedido pela publicação das estatísticas educativas provisórias. No momento em que Cabo Verde se prepara para sair do grupo dos PMA, (Países Menos Avançados)1, o conhecimento exaustivo do nosso sistema educativo deverá ser considerado como ferramenta para a construção dos desenvolvimentos que a cidadania universal nos exige. A todos os que contribuíram, de forma empenhada e eficaz, para que o Gabinete de Estudos e Planeamento do Ministério da Educação e Ensino Superior cumprisse a sua vocação orgânica, e a delegação de competências do Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas, chegando ao momento da publicação do Anuário da Educação 2004/05, os nossos sinceros agradecimentos.