984 resultados para Azadiractha indica


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The antifertility activity of the plant Vicoa indica was tested in proven fertile bonnet monkeys. The dry powder of the whole plant was fed to the cycling monkeys on day 1 to 14 of menstrual cycle or day 9 to 14 of cycle or on day 2 to 5 after delivery and the fertility was evaluated in the following cycle in cycle fed monkey or after weaning the young one in the post-partum fed monkeys. Results indicated that while feeding in the post-partum monkeys did not confer any protection against pregnancy feeding during day 1 to 14 of cycle, protected from pregnancy. The monkeys did not become pregnant even after exposure to the proven fertile male monkeys for 13 ovulatory cycles while all the vehicle fed monkeys became pregnant within 3 cycles.


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A new tetranortriterpenoid 11-epi-azadirachtin H has been isolated from the methanolic extracts of Azadirachta indica seeds. Its structure is proposed on the basis of various spectral analyses.


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Owing to widespread applications, synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles is recently attracting considerable attention. Increasing environmental concerns over chemical synthesis routes have resulted in attempts to develop biomimetic approaches. One of them is synthesis using plant parts, which eliminates the elaborate process of maintaining the microbial culture and often found to be kinetically favourable than other bioprocesses. The present study deals with investigating the effect of process variables like reductant concentrations, reaction pH, mixing ratio of the reactants and interaction time on the morphology and size of silver nanoparticles synthesized using aqueous extract of Azadirachta indica (Neem) leaves. The formation of crystalline silver nanoparticles was confirmed using X-ray diffraction analysis. By means of UV spectroscopy, Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques, it was observed that the morphology and size of the nanoparticles were strongly dependent on the process parameters. Within 4 h interaction period, nanoparticles below 20-nm-size with nearly spherical shape were produced. On increasing interaction time (ageing) to 66 days, both aggregation and shape anisotropy (ellipsoidal, polyhedral and capsular) of the particles increased. In alkaline pH range, the stability of cluster distribution increased with a declined tendency for aggregation of the particles. It can be inferred from the study that fine tuning the bioprocess parameters will enhance possibilities of desired nano-product tailor made for particular applications.


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Coccinia indica agglutinin (CIA) is a chitooligosaccharide-specific lectin with two binding sites/homodimer of M(r) 32,000. Quenching studies implied tryptophan involvement in binding activity, which was confirmed by chemical modification experiments (A. R. Sanadi and A. Surolia, submitted for publication). Binding of 4-methylumbelliferyl chitooligosaccharides has been carried out to study their binding by CIA. Reversal experiments confirm the validity of the data previously obtained (A. R. Sanadi and A. Surolia, submitted for publication) from intrinsic fluorescence studies. Surprisingly, unlike wheat germ agglutinin, there is no consistent thermodynamic effect of the chromophoric label on binding activities as compared with the native sugars. From the changes in the optical properties of the chromophoric group upon binding to CIA, it has been possible to confirm that the tryptophan located in the binding site is closest to the fourth subsite. Thermodynamic analysis shows that the binding of the labeled tetrasaccharide is very strongly entropically driven, with the terminal, nonreducing sugar residue protruding from the binding pocket. The results of stopped-flow kinetic studies on the binding of the chromophoric trisaccharide by CIA show that the mechanism of binding is a one-step process.


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Nocardia sp. quantitatively converts salannin 1 and 3-de-O-acetylsalannin 2 (C-seco limonoids) into 3-deacetoxy-1-de[(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoyloxy]salannin-1-en-3-one 10, a novel and potentially bioactive compound with an alpha,beta-unsaturated ketone moiety in ring `A'. In order to establish the sequence of events involved in this transformation and the structural specificity of this bacterial system, several new derivatives of salannin 1 have been prepared. These studies have indicated that the transformation is initiated by deacetylation at C-3, followed by oxidation of the secondary hydroxy group to 3-keto, which appears to facilitate the elimination of the tigloyloxy/acetoxy group at C-1 with the formation of an olefinic linkage between C-1 and C-2. The organism very efficiently transforms some of the derivatives of salannin into their corresponding compounds possessing an enone systemin ring `A', an essential pre-requisite for various biological activities. Some of the C-seco limonoids prepared in the present study, viz. 10, 1,2-didehydro-1,3-dideoxy-3-oxosalannic acid 18, 3-deacetoxy-1-de[(E)-2-methylbut-2-enoyloxy]-20,21,22,23-tetrahydrosal annin-1-en-3-one 15 and 1,2-didehydro-1,3-dideoxy-3-oxosalannol 23 were hitherto not known.


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Isolation and structure elucidation of kiritiquinone, a new benzoquinone 2 5 dihydroxy-6-methyl 3 (hemeos 16-enyl)-1 4 benzoquinone from the frutis of Masca indica (Roxb) A DC is described


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Rice landraces are lineages developed by farmers through artificial selection during the long-term domestication process. Despite huge potential for crop improvement, they are largely understudied in India. Here, we analyse a suite of phenotypic characters from large numbers of Indian landraces comprised of both aromatic and non-aromatic varieties. Our primary aim was to investigate the major determinants of diversity, the strength of segregation among aromatic and non-aromatic landraces as well as that within aromatic landraces. Using principal component analysis, we found that grain length, width and weight, panicle weight and leaf length have the most substantial contribution. Discriminant analysis can effectively distinguish the majority of aromatic from non-aromatic landraces. More interestingly, within aromatic landraces long-grain traditional Basmati and short-grain non-Basmati aromatics remain morphologically well differentiated. The present research emphasizes the general patterns of phenotypic diversity and finds out the most important characters. It also confirms the existence of very unique short-grain aromatic landraces, perhaps carrying signatures of independent origin of an additional aroma quantitative trait locus in the indica group, unlike introgression of specific alleles of the BADH2 gene from the japonica group as in Basmati. We presume that this parallel origin and evolution of aroma in short-grain indica landraces are linked to the long history of rice domestication that involved inheritance of several traits from Oryza nivara, in addition to O. rufipogon. We conclude with a note that the insights from the phenotypic analysis essentially comprise the first part, which will likely be validated with subsequent molecular analysis.


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Elephants are thought to be effective seed dispersers, but research on whether elephant dung effectively protects seeds from seed predation is lacking. Quantifying rates of seed predation from elephant dung will facilitate comparisons between elephants and alternative dispersers, helping us understand the functional role of megaherbivores in ecosystems. We conducted an experiment to quantify the predation of Dillenia indica seeds from elephant dung in Buxa Reserve, India from December 2012 to April 2013. Using dung boluses from the same dung pile, we compared the number of seeds in boluses that are a) opened immediately upon detection (control boluses), b) made available only to small seed predators (<= 3 mm wide) for 1-4 months, and c) made available to all seed predators and secondary dispersers for 1-4 months. Using a model built on this experiment, we estimated that seed predation by small seed predators (most likely ants and termites) destroys between 82.9% and 96.4% of seeds in elephant dung between the time of defecation and the median germination date for D. indica. Exposure to larger seed predators and secondary dispersers did not lead to a significant additional reduction in the number of seeds per dung bolus. Our findings suggest that post-dispersal seed predation by small insects (<3 mm) substantially reduces but does not eliminate the success of elephants as dispersers of D. indica in a tropical moist forest habitat. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The tribe Iphigenieae (Colchicaceace, Liliales) includes two genera, viz. Camptorrhiza and Iphigenia, which are distributed in Africa, India, and Australasia. Iphigenia is represented by 12 species, of which six occur in India while Camptorrhiza comprises one species each in Africa (C. strumosa) and India (C. indica). The genus Camptorrhiza possesses a knee-shaped tuber attached to the corms, filaments with a thick bulge in the middle and styles with single stigma. Iphigenia on the other hand lacks knee-shaped tuber, bears linear filaments and has styles with three stigmas. Camptorrhiza indica possesses ovoid corms, linear filaments and styles with a single stigma. These characters are intermediate between Iphigenia and Camptorrhiza and hence we studied the cytogenetics and phylogenetic placement of this species to ascertain its generic identity. Somatic chromosome count (2n = 22) and karyotypic features of C. indica are very similar to that of Iphigenia species. Molecular phylogenetic studies based on atpB-rbcL, rps16, trnL, and trnL-F regions showed that C. indica is nested within a lineage of Indian Iphigenia species. Thus, C. indica was reduced to a species of Iphigenia, i.e., I. ratnagirica. Camptorrhiza is now a monotypic genus restricted only to southern Africa. A key to the Indian Iphigenia species is provided. In addition, a new combination Wurmbea novae-zelandiae is proposed for Iphigenia novae-zelandiae.


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El presente estudio se realizó en el CECA (Centro de Experimentación y Capacitación Agropecuaria), ubicado al Noreste de la ciudad de Granada, siendo el clima catalogado como clima tropical de sabana con una biotemperatura de 17-24°C y humedad relativa de) 68-85%. El ensayo tuvo una duración de 37 días comprendidos entre los meses de Julio y Agosto de 1994. Con el objetivo de comprar el efecto de la utilización del té de hojas de Nim (Azadirachta indica) como desparasitante interno botánico realizando un análisis comparativo con el producto químico Levamisol en el control de endoparásitos en cabras reproductoras en edades de 2-5 años. Se les realizaron análisis coprológicos al inicio del ensayo para diagnosticar las especies parasitarias y la intensidad de las cargas parasitarias, para este análisis se les realizó en el laboratorio del MAG la prueba de flotación y sedimentación resultando por orden de importancia los géneros: Strongylata, Strongyloides, Coccidias, Paramphistomun, Trichostrongylus y Haemonchus. A continuación se procedió a la aplicación del té de hojas de Nim Azadirachta indica) por vía oral, formando dos grupos para el tratamiento botánico, uno tratado con 150 hojas y otro con 250 hojas y un tercero tratado con desparasitante interno químico Levamisol en dosis de 3 ce por UE vía intramuscular. Después de aplicar los tratamientos se procedió a tomar muestras de heces a los 7, 14,21 y 30 días post-tratamiento. Al realizar el análisis comparativo de los tratamientos respecto a las cargas parasitarias y especies parasitarias resultó que los niveles de efectividad se obtuvieron a los 14 días con los tratamientos botánicos Nim 250 y químico Levamisol. El porcentaje de efectividad con Nim 250 fue del 83.3% para la especie Strongyloides y el tratamiento Levamisol del l00%, mostrando para Coocidia una efectividad del 83.3% para Nim 250.


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El presente trabajo experimental se llevó a cabo en la finca llamada Colonia Santa Isabel ubicada en el municipio de León departamento de León. En el trabajo experimental se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar (D.C.A) el que estuvo compuesto por un lote de 36 gallinas divididas en 3 grupos, cada grupo formado por 12 gallinas seleccionadas al azar y sometidas a tratamientos distintos: Tratamiento I: Tratamiento testigo, uso de Amebendazol. Tratamiento II. Solución a base de Neem 1 250 hojas. Tratamiento III: Solución a base de Madero negro, 250 hojas. Para el análisis de los resultados del experimento se utilizó la prueba de X2 en tablas de contingencias a un oc =0.05. El ensayo tuvo una duración de 30 días comprendido entre los meses de Mayo y Junio de 1999. Con el objetivo de comparar el efecto de la utilización del té de hojas de Neem (Azadirachta indica)y Madero negro (Gliricidia sepium) como desparasitantes internos botánicos, realizando un análisis comparativo con el producto químico Amebendazol en gallinas de patio. En las 36 aves que se realizaron análisis coprológicos se identificaron los siguientes parásitos:, Coccidias, Tenias, Heterakis y Capilarias. Al realizar el análisis comparativo de los tratamientos respecto a la carga parasitaria resultó que los niveles de efectividad se obtuvieron desde los siete hasta los treinta días con los tres tratamientos para los cuatro tipos de parásitos encontrados. Al realizar el análisis económico, los resultados obtenidos demuestran que los productos botánicos son una alternativa para los pequeños productores.


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El presente estudio se realizó en la finca "Toro Overo", ésta se encuentra ubicada en el municipio de Mateare departamento de Managua, el clima es ondeante con temperatura promedio de 26 a 32°C. La zona ecológica es de sabana tropical. La duración del experimento fue de 30 días a partir de la selección e identificación de los animales bajo los tratamientos evaluados. Con el objetivo de comparar el efecto del extracto acuoso de Neem en diferentes concentraciones versus Levamisol en el control de endoparásitos en terneros de 3 a 5 meses. Se seleccionaron 30 animales con edades promedio de 3 a 5 meses, estos se dividieron en 3 grupos, cada grupo formado por 10 animales por tratamiento, Tratamiento I: Levamisol (11.79%) a razón de 1 ce por 20 kg de peso vivo por vía intramuscular. Tratamiento II. Desparasitante interno botánico a base de un preparado de 250 hojas verdes de Neem, se le suministró la cantidad de 250 ce por cada animal vía oral. Tratamiento III: Desparasitante interno botánico a base de un preparado acuoso de 350 hojas verdes de Neem se le suministró la cantidad de 250 ce por cada animal vía oral. A los animales se les realizó análisis coprológico al inicio del ensayo para diagnosticar las especies parasitarias y la intensidad de las cargas parasitarias. Posteriormente se realizaron muestreos coprológicos a los 7, 14, 21 y 30 días post aplicación, para esto se utilizaron las pruebas de sedimentación y flotación identificando los géneros, mediante la cámara de Mac Master. Se identificaron tres géneros de parásitos, entre ellos se encontró al género Coccideas, Strongyloides y Dictyocau/us por orden de importancia y presentación. Para él genero Strongy/oides la efectividad de los tratamientos con Neem (250, 350) y Levamisol fue a los 7 días. Mientras que para el género Coccidea la mayor efectividad de los tres tratamientos se alcanzó a los 14 días. Y para el género Dictyocaulus ninguno de los tres tratamientos ejerció efecto. Desde el punto de vista económico con base en los costos se encontró factible el uso de los tratamientos botánicos.