122 resultados para Axenic microplants


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A simple technique for routine, reproducible global surveillance of the drug susceptibility status of the anaerobic protozoa Trichomonas, Entamoeba, and Giardia is described, Data collected using this technique can be readily compared among different laboratories and with previously reported data. The technique employs a commercially available sachet and bag system to generate a low-oxygen environment and log, drug dilutions in microtiter plates, which can be monitored without aerobic exposure, to assay drug-resistant laboratory lines and clinically resistant isolates. MICs (after 2 days) of 3.2 and 25 muM indicated metronidazole-sensitive and highly clinically resistant isolates of T. vaginalis in anaerobic assays, respectively. The aerobic MICs were 25 and > 200 muM. MICs (1 day) of 12.5 to 25 muM were found for axenic lines of E. histolytica, and MICs for G. duodenalis (3 days) ranged from 6.3 muM for metronidazole-sensitive isolates to 50 muM for laboratory metronidazole-resistant lines. This technique should encourage more extensive monitoring of drug resistance in these organisms.


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Metacyclic trypomastigotes ol the CL strain of Trypanosoma cruzi obtained from triatomid vectors and from axenic cultures were comparatively analysed as to their antigen make-up and immunogenic characteristics. They were found to be similar by the various parameters examined. Thus, sera of mice immunized with either one of the two metacyclic types precipitated a 82Kd surface protein from 131I-labeled culture metacyclics. Sera of mice protected against acute T. cruzi infection by immunization with killed culture metacyclics of a different strain (G) recognized, by immunoblotting, a 77Kd protein in both types of CL strain metacyclics. A monoclonal antibody raised against G strain metacyclics, and specific for metacyclic stages of this strain, reacted with both CL strain metacyclic types. Both metacyclic forms were similarly Iysed by various anti-T. cruzi sera, in a complement-mediated reaction.


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Germfree (GF and conventional (CV) mice were infected intraperitoneally with GF cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni and kept for six weeks. Twenty four hours before killing, they were injected with [³H]-thymidine. Schistosoma worms, harvested after perfusion of portal system, were counted as well as eggs from liver and intestines. Liver was also used for DNA, protein, and collagen determinations. [³H] -Thymidine incorporation and collagen determinations were used to establish the indices given by the difference between their contents in infected and control animals and expressed per thousand eggs in liver. The recovery of worms in GF mice was around twice as much as in CV ones, and the total number of eggs was higher in the liver of GF animals. No hypertrophy of liver cells was observed by the ratio protein/DNA, but [³H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA was higher than in controls in both GF and CV infected animals. The [³H]-thymidine and collagen indices were lower in GF animals which indicate a more discrete cellular replication and smaller collagen content in relation to the number of eggs present in livers of these mice. It was concluded that the disease seems to be less severe in GF animals.


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A sensitive and specific Capture Sandwich ELISA (CSE) was developed using polyclonal purified rabbit antibodies against three different axenic strains of Entamoeba histolytica: CSP from Brazil and HM1 - IMSS from Mexico, for the detection of coproantigens in fecal samples. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) againstis E. histolytica was isolated from rabbits immunized with throphozoites whole extract in two stages: affinity chromatography in a column containing E. histolytica antigens bound to Sepharose 4B was followed by another chromatography in Sepharose antibodies 4B-Protein A. A Capture Sandwich ELISA using purified antibodies was able to detect 70ng of amebae protein, showing a sensitivity of 93% and specificity of 94%. The combination of microscopic examination and CSE gave a concordance and discordance of 93.25% and 6.75%, respectively. It was concluded that CSE is highly specific for the detection of coproantigens of E. histolytica in feces of infected patients, is quicker to perform, easier and more sensitive than microscopic examination.


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The isoenzyme profiles (IP) of 33 strains of Entamoeba histolytica isolated from patients and carriers of two regions in Brazil (Amazonia and Southeast) were determined. The enzymes phosphoglucomutase, glucose-phosphate isomerase, hexokinase and malic enzyme were considered. IP of the strains was correlated with culture conditions, time of maintenance in laboratory and clinical history of patients. The strains were maintained under polyxenic, monoxenic and axenic culture conditions: 27 polyxenic, 1 polyxenic and monoxenic, 1 polyxenic, monoxenic and axenic and 4 axenic only. The patients were symptomatic and asymptomatic. The symptomatic patients presented either non dysenteric (NDC) or dysenteric colitis (DC), associated or not with hepatic abscess (HA). One patient presented anal amoeboma (AM). The analysis of IP for isolates maintained in polyxenic culture showed non pathogenic IP (I) for strains from carriers and patients with NDC, while the strains isolated from patients presenting DC, HA and AM resulted in isolates II or XIX pathogenic IP. This parameter was not able to differentiate strains from carriers from symptomatic patients when these strains were found in axenic or monoxenic culture. All these strains displayed pathogenic IP (II), demonstrating the inability of this parameter to classifying for virulence since it showed identical IP for strains isolated from carriers or symptomatic patients.


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Differences in virulence of strains of Entamoeba histolytica have long been detected by various experimental assays, both in vivo and in vitro. Discrepancies in the strains characterization have been arisen when different biological assays are compared. In order to evaluate different parameters of virulence in the strains characterization, five strains of E. histolytica, kept under axenic culture, were characterized in respect to their, capability to induce hamster liver abscess, erythrophagocytosis rate and cytopathic effect upon VERO cells. It was found significant correlation between in vitro biological assays, but not between in vivo and in vitro assays. Good correlation was found between cytopathic effect and the mean number of uptaken erythrocytes, but not with percentage of phagocytic amoebae, showing that great variability can be observed in the same assay, according to the variable chosen. It was not possible to correlate isoenzyme and restriction fragment pattern with virulence indexes since all studied strains presented pathogenic patterns. The discordant results observed in different virulence assays suggests that virulence itself may not the directly assessed. What is in fact assessed are different biological characteristics or functions of the parasite more than virulence itself. These characteristics or functions may be related or not with pathogenic mechanisms occurring in the development of invasive amoebic disease


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Iron plays a central role in host-parasite interactions, since both intervenients need iron for survival and growth, but are sensitive to iron-mediated toxicity. The host’s iron overload is often associated with susceptibility to infection. However, it has been previously reported that iron overload prevented the growth of Leishmania major, an agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in BALB/c mice. In order to further clarify the impact of iron modulation on the growth of Leishmania in vivo, we studied the effects of iron supplementation or deprivation on the growth of L. infantum, the causative agent of Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis, in the mouse model. We found that dietary iron deficiency did not affect the protozoan growth, whereas iron overload decreased its replication in the liver and spleen of a susceptible mouse strain. The fact that the iron-induced inhibitory effect could not be seen in mice deficient in NADPH dependent oxidase or nitric oxide synthase 2 suggests that iron eliminates L. infantum in vivo through the interaction with reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Iron overload did not significantly alter the mouse adaptive immune response against L. infantum. Furthermore, the inhibitory action of iron towards L. infantum was also observed, in a dose dependent manner, in axenic cultures of promastigotes and amastigotes. Importantly, high iron concentrations were needed to achieve such effects. In conclusion, externally added iron synergizes with the host’s oxidative mechanisms of defense in eliminating L. infantum from mouse tissues. Additionally, the direct toxicity of iron against Leishmania suggests a potential use of this metal as a therapeutic tool or the further exploration of iron anti-parasitic mechanisms for the design of new drugs.


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This report describes a preliminary characterization of proteolytic activity of proteins isolated from lysate of Giardia trophozoites of an axenic Brazilian strain. Fractions obtained by high-performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) were tested in SDS-polyacrylamide gel for the protein profiles, and the proteases activity was analyzed using gelatin impregnated SDS-PAGE. The proteases characterization was based on inhibition assays employing synthetic inhibitors for cysteine (E-64, IAA), serine (PMSF, TPCK, TLCK, and elastatinal), metalo (EDTA) and aspartic (pepstatin) proteases. Among thirty eluted fractions, polypeptide bands were observed in eight of them, however, proteolytic activity was detected in four ones (F23, F24, F25 and F26). Protein profiles of these fractions showed a banding pattern composed by few bands distributed in the migration region of 45 to < 18 kDa. The zymograms revealed proteolytic activity in all the four fractions assayed, mainly distributed in the migration region of 62 to 35 kDa. Among the profiles, the main pronounced zones of proteolysis were distinguished at 62, 55, 53, 50, 46 and 40 kDa. In inhibition assays, the protease activities were significantly inhibited by cysteine (E-64) and serine proteases (TPCK, TLCK and elastatinal) inhibitors. Gels incubated with other cysteine and serine protease inhibitors, IAA and PMSF, respectively, showed a decrease in the intensity of hydrolysis zones. Indeed, in the assays with the inhibitors EDTA for metalloproteases and pepstatin for aspartic proteases, none inhibition was detected against the substrate. These observations are relevants, especially if we consider that to define the real role of the proteases in host-parasite interaction, the purification of these enzymes for detailed studies may be warranted.


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In this study, we isolated Trypanosoma cruzi from chronic Chagas heart disease and from megaesophagus patients. The parasite stock hSLU239 (heart disease) yielded clones h1 and h2, whereas stock mSLU142 (megaesophagus) yielded clones m1, m2, m3 and m4. The parasite growth kinetics, doubling time and differentiation in axenic liquid medium showed broad behavioral diversity. It was shown that a particular pattern of behavior for a parental stock could not necessarily be assigned for subsequent clones. This study indicates that i) each Chagas disease patient is infected with several T. cruzi populations; ii) clonal lines derived from patient samples may have different biological characteristics from the original isolate; and that iii) additional behavioral and/or molecular markers are required for further characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi stocks and clones derived from Chagas disease patients in order to identify correlations with pathology.


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: To characterize Trypanosoma cruzi (TcI) isolated from a Panstrongylus megistus specimen found in one of the biggest metropolitan areas of Latin America, the relationship between the TcI group of T. cruzi and the transmission cycle in the urban environment was studied. METHODS: The T. cruzi strain, Pm, was isolated in a culture medium from the evolutionary forms present in the hindgut of a live male specimen of P. megistus found in the Jabaquara subway in São Paulo City. The sample from the triatomine showed trypomastigote forms of Trypanosomatidae, which were inoculated in the peritoneum of Balb/c mice. The sample was then inoculated in Liver Infusion Tryptose medium and J774 cells for the molecular identification and characterization of the parasite. The Pm strain of T. cruzi was identified by isolation in axenic culture medium, and based on the morphology, cell infection, growth kinetics, and molecular characterization. RESULTS: After isolation, the protozoan was identified as T. cruzi. No parasites were detected in the peripheral blood of the animal, which can be a characteristic inherent to the strain of T. cruzi that was isolated. Cell invasion assays were performed in triplicate in the J774 cell line to confirm the invasive ability of the Pm strain and revealed amastigote forms of the parasite within macrophages. CONCLUSIONS: Our biological and molecular characterizations helped understand parasite-host interactions and their evolutionary history in context of the associations between vectors, ecotopes, hosts, and groups of the parasite.


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Megazol, nifurtimox, benznidazol and allopurinol were investigated, by light and electron µscopy, for their action on T. cruzi. Both the direct effect upon amastigote and trypomastigote forms and the effect upon the interaction of heart muscle cells (HMC) with bloodstream trypomastigotes were studied. The proliferation of amastigotes in Warren medium was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by megazol, nifurtimox and benznidazol. Treatment of amastigotes (25-50 µM/24 h) and trypomastigotes (25 µM/24h) led to several ultrastructural alterations in the parasites. These three drugs also had a potent effect on the treatment of infected heart muscle cells when added at the beginning of the interaction or after one or three days of infection. The interiorized parasites showed a similar pattern of ultrastructural alterations as observed by the direct effect on the amastigotes. The primary heart muscle cell culture proved to be a suitable model for the study of drugs on intracellular parasites. Likewise, the amastigote proliferation in axenic medium was shown to be an adequate assay for an initial trial of drugs. These parameters seem very reliable to us for a systematic investigation of the mechanism of action of new drugs.


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Monogenetic insect trypanosomatids of the genera Crithidia, Leptomonas and Herpetomonas, multiplied as in axenic cultures, for many months, in the lumen of the scent glands of the opossum Didelphis marsupialis. Specific antibodies were detected in the serum of the animals but there was no evidence of invasion of their tissues by the parasites.


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The complex ecology of free-living amoebae (FLA) and their role in spreading pathogenic microorganisms through water systems have recently raised considerable interest. In this study, we investigated the presence of FLA and amoebae-resisting bacteria (ARB) at various stages of a drinking water plant fed with river water. We isolated various amoebal species from the river and from several points within the plant, mostly at early steps of water treatment. Echinamoeba- and Hartmannella-related amoebae were mainly recovered in the drinking water plant whereas Acanthamoeba- and Naegleria-related amoebae were recovered from the river water and the sand filtration units. Some FLA isolates were recovered immediately after the ozonation step, thus suggesting resistance of these microorganisms to this disinfection procedure. A bacterial isolate related to Mycobacterium mucogenicum was recovered from an Echinamoeba-related amoeba isolated from ozone-treated water. Various other ARB were recovered using co-culture with axenic Acanthamoeba castellanii, including mycobacteria, legionella, Chlamydia-like organisms and various proteobacteria. Noteworthy, a new Parachlamydia acanthamoebae strain was recovered from river water and from granular activated carbon (GAC) biofilm. As amoebae mainly multiply in sand and GAC filters, optimization of filter backwash procedures probably offers a possibility to better control these protists and the risk associated with their intracellular hosts


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In this work we have studied the modifications in the biological properties of Trypanosoma cruzi when the parasite is maintained for a long time in axenic culture. The studies were done with a clone from an avirulent strain (Dm30L) and a non-cloned virulent strain (EP) of T. cruzi. Both parasiteswere maintained, for at least three years, by successive triatomine/mouse alternate passage (control condition), or by serial passage in axenic medium (culture condition), or only in the mouse (mouse condition). The comparison between parasites of culture and control condition showed that metacyclogenesis capacity was reduced in the former and that the resulting metacyclics displayed an attenuatedvirulence. In order to compare the virulence of metacyclics from the urine of the insect vector, Rhodnius prolixus were infected by artificial feeding with parasites of the control or culture condition. After three triatomine/triatomine passages, there was observed an almost identical biological behavior for these parasites, hence indicating that the maintenance of T. cruzi for a long time in axenic culture affects the differentiation capacity and the virulence of the parasite. Additionally, it was demonstrated that it is possible to maintain T. cruzi exclusively through passages in the invertebrate host.


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Trypanosoma minasense was isolated for the first time in blood axenic culture from a naturally infected marmoset, Callithrix penicillata, from Brazil. The parasite grew profusely in an overlay of Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium plus 20% foetal bovine serum, on Novy, McNeal and Nicolle medium (NNN) , at 27°C, with a peak around 168 hr. The morphometry of cultural forms of T. minasense, estimates of cell population size and comparative growth in four different media overlays always with NNN, were studied. The infectivity of cultural forms to marmosets (C. penicillata and C. jacchus) and transformation of epimastigotes into metacyclic-like forms in axenic culture in the presence of chitin derivates (chitosan) were evaluated.