860 resultados para Awareness-raising


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A szerző arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogyan alakulhat ki látványos szakadék az egyéni cselekvések iránya és azok együttes hatása között. A szándékok és tettek hatását felülírhatja a társadalmi gazdasági tényezőkből adódó tehetetlenség: a kritikus tömeg hiánya, szervezeti-infrastrukturális tényezők, kompenzációs hatások, egymás hatását kioltó cselekvések. A szerző a környezettudatosság és az ökológiai lábnyom példáján - ezerfős reprezentatív felmérésre alapozva - mutatja be, hogy az önkéntességre alapozó megközelítés sokszor túlbecsüli a fogyasztó - társadalmi-gazdasági tényezők által korlátozott - lehetőségeit és szuverenitását. _____ Behaviour impact gaps are demonstrably present in everyday life. It is increasingly found that environmental awareness in individuals fails to lead to reductions in the ecological footprint. Intensive agricultural practice reduces biodiversity in the EU even in areas where massive agri-environmental grant schemes are available and applied. Labour market training programmes do not necessarily facilitate job-finding for underprivileged segments of the society. So individual efforts may not add up or induce the expected effect. This outcome appears even for programmes that are successful in attaining the required behavioural change in a target group. The impact of attitudes and individual acts may be wiped out by structural and economic lock-ins such as trade-offs made for the gains, lack of a critical mass of actions, infrastructural deficiencies, or interfering acts of economic actors. The discrepancy between environmental awareness and ecological footprint is used to point out how awareness-raising programmes may miss their targets by overestimating the sovereignty and capabilities of consumers. Consumers are unwillingly locked into unsustainable practices and cannot be moved from that position unless economic and structural premises are also changed.


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This thesis reports on an exploratory study of the relationship between the Internet and women’s empowerment in China. The theoretical framework of the study combines feminist theorisations of power – the core concept of empowerment – with insights from sociological perspectives on power and gender, as well as collective action theory. This allows for the conceptualisation of women’s empowerment as a dynamic process that is shaped by a set of communicative practices. Focusing on female Chinese bloggers and women’s groups of different organisational types, this study aims to explore the respective ways in which these two types of women actors use the Internet with a view to examining whether, and the extent to which it enables them to generate a sense of empowerment. The empirical data mainly derives from interviews with female bloggers and with staff members from different women’s groups, as well as from a features analysis and social network analysis of the sampled blogs and official websites of studied groups. Overall, the findings suggest that the opportunities offered by the Internet for women’s empowerment through awareness-raising, social interactions, and the organising of collective action, are limited. For female bloggers, their activities do not translate the new communicative practices afforded by the Internet into concrete action to bring about changes in their everyday life. On the contrary, blogs become an alternative platform to discipline their behaviours and to reinforce patriarchal gendered norms. Moreover, the research finds that the promise of empowerment is further undermined by the pervasive commercialisation of the Internet and state control. For women’s groups, contextual factors prevent them from fully realising the potential of the Internet for increasing their organisational visibility, promoting public awareness about gender issues, building a sense of the collective, campaigning, or networking. The major barriers in these processes are state control, a lack of resources, online censorship, and at times, competition from commercial sites. In this respect, the Internet does not play a significant role in forming a collective to challenge existing unjust power relations.


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Having well-trained staff is key to ensuring good quality autism services, especially since people affected with autism generally tend to have higher support needs than other populations in terms of daily living as well as their mental and physical health. Poorly-trained staff can have detrimental effects on service provision and staff morale and can lead to staff burn-out as well as increased service user anxiety and stress. This paper reports on a survey with health, social care, and education staff who work within the statutory autism services sector in the UK that explored their knowledge and training with regards to autism. Interview data obtained from staff and service users offer qualitative illustrations of survey findings. Overall, the findings expose an acute lack of autism specific training that has detrimental impacts. At best this training was based on brief and very basic awareness raising rather than on in-depth understanding of issues related to autism or skills for evidence-based practice. Service users were concerned with the effects that lack of staff training had on the services they received. The paper concludes with a discussion of policy routes to achieving quality staff training based on international best practice. The focus is on improving the quality of life and mental health for services users and staff as well as making potentially significant cost-savings for governments.


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Introdução: As Perturbações do Comportamento Alimentar (PCA) constituem um grave problema de saúde pública. Poucos estudos em Portugal ligam esta temática a áreas como o autocriticismo e a estima corporal. Assim, são nossos objetivos principais: explorar, numa amostra de adolescentes do sexo feminino, as diferenças entre praticantes de ballet e praticantes de andebol, nos sintomas de PCA, índice de massa corporal (IMC), dimensões avaliativas da aparência e níveis de autocriticismo; analisar se níveis maiores de autocriticismo e uma visão mais depreciativa em termos de aparência se associam a níveis mais elevados de sintomas de PCA (nas duas modalidades desportivas). Em virtude das associações encontradas, pretendemos realizar análises preditivas, controlando a influência de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e stress. Metodologia: A amostra é constituída por 105 adolescentes do sexo feminino (n = 52; 49,5% do ballet e n = 53; 50,5% do andebol) com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e 18 anos (M = 14,5; DP = 1,80). As participantes preencheram um protocolo composto por um questionário sociodemográfico, pela Escala de Autocriticismo e Autotranquilização (FSCRS), pelo Teste de Atitudes Alimentares-25 (TAA-25/EAT-25), pela Escala Estima Corporal (BES) e pela Escala Depressão Ansiedade e Stress (DASS-21). Resultados: Verificaram-se percentagens preocupantes de eventual PCA (ponto de corte de 19) nas praticantes de Ballet (7,7%) e de Andebol (9,4%). Quanto ao IMC, na amostra de praticantes de ballet, encontrou-se uma percentagem relevante de jovens com magreza (34,6%). As praticantes de Ballet e de Andebol apenas se diferenciaram no IMC e na dimensão FSCRS_eu inadequado (valores superiores nas praticantes de Andebol). Verificaram-se, na subamostra Ballet, associações significativas entre a Motivação para a Magreza e as formas de autocriticismo FSCRS_eu inadequado, FSCRS_eu detestado, FSCRS_eu tranquilizador e FSCRS_total e entre os Comportamentos Bulímicos e as formas de autocriticismo FSCRS_eu detestado e FSCRS_total. Na subamostra Andebol constataram-se associações significativas entre a Motivação para a Magreza e a forma de autocriticismo FSCRS_eu inadequado e FSCRS_total. A dimensão FSCRS_eu detestado mostrou predizer, na subamostra Ballet, a Motivação para a Magreza e os Comportamentos Bulímicos. Na subamostra Andebol o BES_Peso foi o preditor significativo da Motivação para a Magreza. Discussão: É preocupante a percentagem de eventual PCA (em ambas em subamostras) bem como a percentagem de jovens que praticam Ballet com um IMC indicador de magreza, principalmente por serem jovens atletas e estarem mais focadas no seu corpo e forma física, estando mais vulneráveis ao desenvolvimento da patologia. É um contributo fundamental deste trabalho verificar associações (bem como o papel preditivo) nestas duas modalidades desportivas, separadamente, entre as formas de autocriticismo e as dimensões do TAA-25 Motivação para a Magreza e Comportamentos Bulímicos. Parece essencial o desenvolvimento de ações de sensibilização junto dos professores/treinadores, com o intuito de despertar uma maior atenção para a visão crítica das suas bailarinas/atletas em relação ao seu corpo, que parece influenciar as suas atitudes alimentares. Será importante iniciar estas ações/intervenções precocemente (antes mesmo da adolescência) não esquecendo a inclusão das figuras paternas, com vista a melhorar o seu sucesso, tendo consciência que particularmente no “nicho” desportivo do ballet a imagem/aparência e o peso continuam e continuarão, muito provavelmente, a ser valorizados e reforçados. / Introduction: Eating Disorders are a major public health problem. Few studies in Portugal associate this theme with areas such as self-criticism and body esteem. Thus, our main objectives are: to explore, in a sample of female adolescents, the differences between ballet and handball practitioners as to symptoms of eating disorders, body mass index (BMI) and evaluative dimensions of appearance and self-criticism levels; to analyze whether higher levels of self-criticism and a more derogatory vision in terms of appearance are associated with higher levels of PCA symptoms (in both sports). Having these associations into account, we intend to perform predictive analysis, controlling the influence of symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress. Methodology: Our sample is composed by 105 female adolescents (n = 52; 49.5% from ballet and n = 53; 50.5% from handball) with ages between 12 and 18 years (M = 14.5; DP = 1.80). The participants filled in a protocol composed by a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Forms of Self-Criticizing and Reassuring Scale (FSCRS), the Eating Attitudes Test-25 (TAA-25/EAT-25), the Body Esteem Scale (BES) and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Results: There were worrying percentages of eventual PCA (cutoff of 19) in Ballet practitioners (7.7%) and Handball (9.4%). As to the BMI, in the sample of practitioners of ballet we found a significant percentage of young people with malnutrition (34.6%). Ballet and Handball practitioners only differed in BMI and in the inadequate self form (higher values in Handball practitioners). In the Ballet subsample there were significant associations between Motivation for thinness and forms of self-criticism, inadequate self form, hated self form, reassure self form and total self criticism and between Bulimic behaviors and inadequate self form and total self criticism. In the Handball subsample, significant associations were found between Motivation for thinness, the inadequate self form and total self criticism. The hated self form predicted, in the Ballet subsample, Motivation for thinness and Bulimic behaviors. In the subsample Handball BES_Weight was the significant predictor of Motivation for thinness. Discussion: The percentage of any Eating Disorders (in both subsamples) and the percentage of young people who practice ballet with a IMC indicating thinness is worrying, especially in young athletes who are more focused on their body and physical form, being more vulnerable to develop these disorders/symptoms. A major contribution of this work is to have shown the associations (as well as the predictive role), in these two sports, separately, between self-criticism forms and the TAA-25 dimensions Motivation for thinness and Bulimic behaviors. It seems essential to develop awareness-raising among teachers/trainers, in order to raise greater attention to the critical view of their dancers / athletes in relation to their body, which seems to influence their eating attitudes. It will be important to start these actions/interventions earlier (even before adolescence) not forgetting the inclusion of parents in order to improve their success, particularly in the ballet “niche”, where image/appearance and weight will most likely continue to be valued and reinforced.


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Through the awareness-raising efforts of several high-profile current and former athletes, the issue of common mental disorders (CMD) in this population is gaining increasing attention from researchers and practitioners alike. Yet the prevalence is unclear and most likely, under-reported. Whilst the characteristics of the sporting environment may generate CMD within the athletic population, it also may exacerbate pre-existing conditions, and hence it is not surprising that sport psychology and sport science practitioners are anecdotally reporting increased incidences of athletes seeking support for CMDs. In a population where there are many barriers to reporting and seeking help for CMD, due in part to the culture of the high performance sporting environment, anecdotal reports suggest that those athletes asking for help are approaching personnel who they are most comfortable talking to. In some cases, this may be a sport scientist, the sport psychologist or sport psychology consultant. Among personnel in the sporting domain, there is a perception that the sport psychologist or sport psychology consultant is best placed to assist athletes seeking assistance for CMD. However, sport psychology as a profession is split by two competing philosophical perspectives; one of which suggests that sport psychologists should work exclusively with athletes on performance enhancement, and the other views the athlete more holistically and accepts that their welfare may directly impact on their performance. To add further complication, the development of the profession of sport psychology varies widely between countries, meaning that practice in this field is not always clearly defined. This article examines case studies that illustrate the blurred lines in applied sport psychology practice, highlighting challenges with the process of referral in the U.K. athletic population. The article concludes with suggestions for ensuring the field of applied sport psychology is continually evolving and reconfiguring to ensure that it continues to meet the demands of its clients.


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A esperança média de vida tem vindo a aumentar, resultando no envelhecimento da população mundial e, consequentemente, num aumento das populações com idades mais avançadas. Torna-se, por isso, importante estudar as especificidades do envelhecimento para que possamos trazer bem-estar e qualidade de vida a esta população que é cada vez mais numerosa, já que o envelhecimento traz mudanças a nível do corpo humano que se vão repercutir na saúde geral e na saúde oral. Os idosos apresentam, normalmente, pobres condições de saúde oral, sendo as doenças orais que mais acometem a esta população a perda dentária, a experiência de cárie, as altas taxas de prevalência de doença periodontal, a xerostomia e o pré-cancro/cancro oral. Além do envelhecimento populacional, têm sido notadas, ao longo do tempo, mudanças na estrutura familiar. Tudo isto leva a que o número de idosos institucionalizados aumente. Neste estudo foram utilizados dados, ainda não publicados, recolhidos no âmbito do projeto Sorrisos de Porta em Porta, que pertence à Mundo a Sorrir – Associação de Médicos Dentistas Portugueses. Este projeto visa a promoção de hábitos de saúde oral na população idosa e atua através da realização de ações de sensibilização subordinadas à temática da saúde oral no idoso e realização de rastreios de saúde oral aos idosos que se encontrem no âmbito de uma reposta social. Foram observados um total de 3586 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, onde 70,3% eram do género masculino. A idade média (desvio padrão) encontrada foi 81,9 (±7,5) e a maioria referiu ser autónoma nos cuidados de higiene oral, no entanto, observou-se que grande parte dos idosos não realizava a escovagem diária e mais de metade destes disse não sentir necessidade de o fazer. Observou-se também, que apenas 13,7% tinham tido a sua última consulta de Medicina Dentária nos últimos 6 meses e a maioria disse visitar o Médico Dentista por razões de dor dentária. A média (desvio padrão) obtida para o Índice CPOd foi 26,3 (±8,4), sendo a componente “Perdidos” a mais significativa. Relativamente ao Índice de Placa, a maioria apresentava um acúmulo de placa bacteriana maior de 1/3 mas menor de 2/3. Quanto ao tipo de desdentação a maior percentagem era a de idosos desdentados parciais sem prótese. Foi também realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Com este estudo concluiu-se que o estado de saúde oral dos idosos é bastante pobre consequência de uma pobre higiene oral e de falta de cuidados de saúde oral. Há uma grande necessidade de se instruir as pessoas relativamente à importância da Medicina Dentária e dos problemas que uma má saúde oral pode trazer para a saúde em geral.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré- Escolar.RENATES TID 201004437


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança


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A dependência energética das grandes economias mundiais alertou o mundo para a necessidade de mudar o comportamento relativo ao consumo de energia. O aumento dos custos energéticos tem induzido ao uso racional da energia por parte das organizações, implicando uma monitorização permanente nas instalações. A eficiência energética é um tema que tem vindo a assumir grande importância nos dias de hoje na nossa sociedade, não só pelos compromissos internacionais assumidos, como também pelo combate ao desperdício energético. Esta dissertação relata o estágio curricular na Agência de Energia do Ave, que inclui uma auditoria energética à escola Padre Benjamim Salgado. O estágio visou essencialmente a contribuição para um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável, na procura de alternativas com menor impacto ambiental, introduzindo conceitos de eficiência energética e ambiental nos processos de planeamento. Acções de sensibilização e auditorias energéticas foram os projetos que, durante o período curricular, tiveram maior intervenção por parte do autor desta dissertação, tendo em vista a mudança de hábitos de consumo energético na sociedade. A auditoria energética à escola Padre Benjamim Salgado, Joane Vila Nova de Famalicão, apresenta uma abordagem para a determinação da redução dos custos de energia, mantendo o conforto para os seus ocupantes. A escola em análise configura um Grande Edifício de Serviços (GES) à luz de uma análise térmica feita ao edifício escolar, com os valores de eferência atualizados, com entrada em vigor a 31 de dezembro de 2015, ao abrigo da nova regulamentação (decreto-lei n.º118/2013, 20 de Agosto) verificando-se o cumprimento dos requisitos mínimos definidos na Portaria n.º 349/2013 do atual decreto. Foi ainda efetuada, após um levantamento exaustivo, uma análise detalhada das faturas de energia, gás e água, e de todos os equipamentos consumidores de energia que se encontram instalados na instituição.


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Extreme natural events, like e.g. tsunamis or earthquakes, regularly lead to catastrophes with dramatic consequences. In recent years natural disasters caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, destruction of infrastructure, disruption of economic activity and loss of billions of dollars worth of property and thus revealed considerable deficits hindering their effective management: Needs for stakeholders, decision-makers as well as for persons concerned include systematic risk identification and evaluation, a way to assess countermeasures, awareness raising and decision support systems to be employed before, during and after crisis situations. The overall goal of this study focuses on interdisciplinary integration of various scientific disciplines to contribute to a tsunami early warning information system. In comparison to most studies our focus is on high-end geometric and thematic analysis to meet the requirements of smallscale, heterogeneous and complex coastal urban systems. Data, methods and results from engineering, remote sensing and social sciences are interlinked and provide comprehensive information for disaster risk assessment, management and reduction. In detail, we combine inundation modeling, urban morphology analysis, population assessment, socioeconomic analysis of the population and evacuation modeling. The interdisciplinary results eventually lead to recommendations for mitigation strategies in the fields of spatial planning or coping capacity. © Author(s) 2009.


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A presente investigação visa aferir formas de cooperação institucional entre o Destacamento Territorial de Sintra e os atores locais na prevenção do consumo/tráfico juvenil de estupefacientes. Pretende-se verificar que ações são desenvolvidas para prevenir este comportamento desviante; que vulnerabilidades são identificadas ao nível da cooperação institucional e melhorias para colmatar essas mesmas vulnerabilidades; e ainda propor possíveis ações ou medidas a serem realizadas, no âmbito da cooperação institucional, na prevenção do consumo/tráfico de estupefacientes. Neste sentido, a Guarda Nacional Republicana, enquanto força de segurança, tem incumbências na prevenção destes comportamentos e na criação de laços cooperativos com outros atores, para que este tipo de ações contribua para a promoção do sentimento de segurança. Além do patrulhamento que os militares efetuam diariamente, os militares das secções de programas especiais do Destacamento Territorial são os que mais lidam com esta problemática, essencialmente na prevenção desenvolvida junto da comunidade escolar. O presente estudo adota uma metodologia de tipo qualitativo. Combina a análise documental sobre a atividade policial do Destacamento Territorial de Sintra com as entrevistas realizadas a militares com funções de chefia e a entidades externas que atuam na zona de ação da subunidade. Os resultados decorrentes das entrevistas revelam sintonia no balanço da cooperação institucional, que tanto a Guarda Nacional Republicana como os atores locais consideram ser positiva. As ações de sensibilização junto dos jovens contam-se entre as atividades realizadas conjuntamente, mas a cooperação também proporciona a partilha de informação que permite agir mais rapidamente. Entre as potencialidades desta cooperação elencadas pelos entrevistados salientou-se assim a experiência adquirida e a facilitação das relações entre instituições, que desbloqueia situações e permite resolver problemas de forma mais célere. No âmbito das potencialidades referiu-se ainda o duplo papel da Guarda Nacional Republicana, que por atuar na prevenção e na aplicação da lei causa mais impacto junto dos jovens. No que diz respeito às vulnerabilidades da cooperação existente, foram apontadas limitações quanto aos recursos humanos e materiais e foi salientada a ausência de uma política de prevenção nas escolas. Mencionaram-se ainda algumas dificuldades pontuais de articulação entre entidades, o que também ocorre por via da falta de interoperabilidade entre sistemas de informação. Por último, no que concerne a recomendações de ações a desenvolver apurou-se a necessidade de reforçar a formação específica no sentido de qualificar um leque mais abrangente de intervenientes; considerou-se pertinente a celebração de contratos locais de segurança; e a especialização dos militares da Guarda Nacional Republicana para se dedicarem unicamente a este tipo de temas. Em suma, a prevenção do consumo/tráfico juvenil de estupefacientes passa, cada vez mais, pela cooperação institucional entre atores, visto que é desta forma que se consegue alcançar um maior número de indivíduos e pelo facto de esta realidade ser um problema socialmente relevante na estruturação social, pelo que reclama esforços e ações conjuntas.


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Background: It has been argued that the alcohol industry uses corporate social responsibility activities to influence policy and undermine public health, and that every opportunity should be taken to scrutinise such activities. This study analyses a controversial Diageo-funded ‘responsible drinking’ campaign (“Stop out of Control Drinking”, or SOOCD) in Ireland. The study aims to identify how the campaign and its advisory board members frame and define (i) alcohol-related harms, and their causes, and (ii) possible solutions. Methods: Documentary analysis of SOOCD campaign material. This includes newspaper articles (n = 9), media interviews (n = 11), Facebook posts (n = 92), and Tweets (n = 340) produced by the campaign and by board members. All material was coded inductively, and a thematic analysis undertaken, with codes aggregated into sub-themes. Results: The SOOCD campaign utilises vague or self-defined concepts of ‘out of control’ and ‘moderate’ drinking, tending to present alcohol problems as behavioural rather than health issues. These are also unquantified with respect to actual drinking levels. It emphasises alcohol-related antisocial behaviour among young people, particularly young women. In discussing solutions to alcohol-related problems, it focuses on public opinion rather than on scientific evidence, and on educational approaches and information provision, misrepresenting these as effective. “Moderate drinking” is presented as a behavioural issue (“negative drinking behaviours”), rather than as a health issue. Conclusions: The ‘Stop Out of Control Drinking’ campaign frames alcohol problems and solutions in ways unfavourable to public health, and closely reflects other Diageo Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity, as well as alcohol and tobacco industry strategies more generally. This framing, and in particular the framing of alcohol harms as a behavioural issue, with the implication that consumption should be guided only by self-defined limits, may not have been recognised by all board members. It suggests a need for awareness-raising efforts among the public, third sector and policymakers about alcohol industry strategies


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The Toledo Gate of Ciudad Real, Spain, constructed between the late 13th and early 14th centuries, is the last remaining portion of a once complete medieval city wall. It represents the long history of the city and constitutes its main heritage symbol, dividing the historic city centre from the later 19th and 20th century expansions. In October 2012, the Town Hall and the Montemadrid Foundation started the conservation works to preserve this important monument. The preliminary phase of this project included an in-depth series of scientific studies which were carried out by a multidisciplinary team focusing on archival research, historic investigations, archaeological excavations as well as material composition analysis and main treatment application tests. As a result of these studies a series of virtual 3D models were created to inform, discuss and study the monument. A first digital model permitted visualization of the gate in the 19th century and how the main entrance to the city was integrated as a fundamental part of the city walls. This virtual reconstruction also became an important part of the campaign to raise awareness among the citizens towards a monument that had remained in the shadows for the last century, isolated in a roundabout after the systematic demolition of the city walls in the late 19th century. Over the last three years and as a result of these archaeological and historic investigations and subsequent virtual models, surprisingly new and interesting data were brought to light thus permitting the establishment and corroboration of a new and updated hypothesis of the Toledo Gate that goes beyond the previous ideas. As a result of these studies a new architectural typology with construction techniques of has been suggested. This paper describes how the results of this continuous and interdisciplinary documentation process have benefitted from a computer graphic reconstruction of the gate. It highlights how virtual reconstruction can be a powerful tool for conservation decision making and awareness raising. Furthermore, the interesting results of the final reconstruction hypothesis convinced the technical team responsible for the conservation to alter some aspects of the final project physical interventions in order to focus on some of the features and conclusions discovered through the virtual model study.


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Inglês


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The incidence and prevalence of chronic kidney disease have been increasing in recent years in developing countries. The aim of this study was to report the results of a general chronic kidney disease awareness program applied to an urban population in a large Brazilian city. From January 2002 to January 2005 a total of 8883 individuals in the city of Curitiba (PR, Brazil) were screened for hypertension, body mass index, hematuria, and proteinuria. A family history and previous medical diagnosis of hypertension and diabetes mellitus (DM) were also recorded. Of the 8883 individuals assessed, 56% were women, subject median age was 47 years (range: 17-93 years) and more than 90% were Caucasian. Thirty percent had signs of hematuria, 6% had proteinuria, and 3% had hematuria and proteinuria. The median of mean arterial pressure values was 93 mmHg (range: 71-135 mmHg) and 16% of the population screened had a history of hypertension. A significant positive family history of both hypertension or DM was present in 42% (P < 0.0001; chi-square = 83.18) and 7% (P < 0.0001; chi-square = 161.31) of the hypertensive group, respectively. Finally, the prevalence of hypertension and DM was significantly higher in older individuals with proteinuria. In the present study, a higher prevalence of hematuria and proteinuria was found in older individuals with hypertension and diabetes compared to the general population. These data confirm the need for public awareness of renal disease in high-risk individuals.