999 resultados para Auditory Development


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Résumé: Le développement rapide de nouvelles technologies comme l'imagerie médicale a permis l'expansion des études sur les fonctions cérébrales. Le rôle principal des études fonctionnelles cérébrales est de comparer l'activation neuronale entre différents individus. Dans ce contexte, la variabilité anatomique de la taille et de la forme du cerveau pose un problème majeur. Les méthodes actuelles permettent les comparaisons interindividuelles par la normalisation des cerveaux en utilisant un cerveau standard. Les cerveaux standards les plus utilisés actuellement sont le cerveau de Talairach et le cerveau de l'Institut Neurologique de Montréal (MNI) (SPM99). Les méthodes de recalage qui utilisent le cerveau de Talairach, ou celui de MNI, ne sont pas suffisamment précises pour superposer les parties plus variables d'un cortex cérébral (p.ex., le néocortex ou la zone perisylvienne), ainsi que les régions qui ont une asymétrie très importante entre les deux hémisphères. Le but de ce projet est d'évaluer une nouvelle technique de traitement d'images basée sur le recalage non-rigide et utilisant les repères anatomiques. Tout d'abord, nous devons identifier et extraire les structures anatomiques (les repères anatomiques) dans le cerveau à déformer et celui de référence. La correspondance entre ces deux jeux de repères nous permet de déterminer en 3D la déformation appropriée. Pour les repères anatomiques, nous utilisons six points de contrôle qui sont situés : un sur le gyrus de Heschl, un sur la zone motrice de la main et le dernier sur la fissure sylvienne, bilatéralement. Evaluation de notre programme de recalage est accomplie sur les images d'IRM et d'IRMf de neuf sujets parmi dix-huit qui ont participés dans une étude précédente de Maeder et al. Le résultat sur les images anatomiques, IRM, montre le déplacement des repères anatomiques du cerveau à déformer à la position des repères anatomiques de cerveau de référence. La distance du cerveau à déformer par rapport au cerveau de référence diminue après le recalage. Le recalage des images fonctionnelles, IRMf, ne montre pas de variation significative. Le petit nombre de repères, six points de contrôle, n'est pas suffisant pour produire les modifications des cartes statistiques. Cette thèse ouvre la voie à une nouvelle technique de recalage du cortex cérébral dont la direction principale est le recalage de plusieurs points représentant un sillon cérébral. Abstract : The fast development of new technologies such as digital medical imaging brought to the expansion of brain functional studies. One of the methodolgical key issue in brain functional studies is to compare neuronal activation between individuals. In this context, the great variability of brain size and shape is a major problem. Current methods allow inter-individual comparisions by means of normalisation of subjects' brains in relation to a standard brain. A largerly used standard brains are the proportional grid of Talairach and Tournoux and the Montreal Neurological Insititute standard brain (SPM99). However, there is a lack of more precise methods for the superposition of more variable portions of the cerebral cortex (e.g, neocrotex and perisyvlian zone) and in brain regions highly asymmetric between the two cerebral hemipsheres (e.g. planum termporale). The aim of this thesis is to evaluate a new image processing technique based on non-linear model-based registration. Contrary to the intensity-based, model-based registration uses spatial and not intensitiy information to fit one image to another. We extract identifiable anatomical features (point landmarks) in both deforming and target images and by their correspondence we determine the appropriate deformation in 3D. As landmarks, we use six control points that are situated: one on the Heschl'y Gyrus, one on the motor hand area, and one on the sylvian fissure, bilaterally. The evaluation of this model-based approach is performed on MRI and fMRI images of nine of eighteen subjects participating in the Maeder et al. study. Results on anatomical, i.e. MRI, images, show the mouvement of the deforming brain control points to the location of the reference brain control points. The distance of the deforming brain to the reference brain is smallest after the registration compared to the distance before the registration. Registration of functional images, i.e fMRI, doesn't show a significant variation. The small number of registration landmarks, i.e. six, is obvious not sufficient to produce significant modification on the fMRI statistical maps. This thesis opens the way to a new computation technique for cortex registration in which the main directions will be improvement of the registation algorithm, using not only one point as landmark, but many points, representing one particular sulcus.


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This project addresses methodological and technological challenges in the development of multi-modal data acquisition and analysis methods for the representation of instrumental playing technique in music performance through auditory-motor patterning models. The case study is violin playing: a multi-modal database of violin performances has been constructed by recording different musicians while playing short exercises on different violins. The exercise set and recording protocol have been designed to sample the space defined by dynamics (from piano to forte) and tone (from sul tasto to sul ponticello), for each bow stroke type being played on each of the four strings (three different pitches per string) at two different tempi. The data, containing audio, video, and motion capture streams, has been processed and segmented to facilitate upcoming analyses. From the acquired motion data, the positions of the instrument string ends and the bow hair ribbon ends are tracked and processed to obtain a number of bowing descriptors suited for a detailed description and analysis of the bow motion patterns taking place during performance. Likewise, a number of sound perceptual attributes are computed from the audio streams. Besides the methodology and the implementation of a number of data acquisition tools, this project introduces preliminary results from analyzing bowing technique on a multi-modal violin performance database that is unique in its class. A further contribution of this project is the data itself, which will be made available to the scientific community through the repovizz platform.


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This dissertation examined skill development in music reading by focusing on the visual processing of music notation in different music-reading tasks. Each of the three experiments of this dissertation addressed one of the three types of music reading: (i) sight-reading, i.e. reading and performing completely unknown music, (ii) rehearsed reading, during which the performer is already familiar with the music being played, and (iii) silent reading with no performance requirements. The use of the eye-tracking methodology allowed the recording of the readers’ eye movements from the time of music reading with extreme precision. Due to the lack of coherence in the smallish amount of prior studies on eye movements in music reading, the dissertation also had a heavy methodological emphasis. The present dissertation thus aimed to promote two major issues: (1) it investigated the eye-movement indicators of skill and skill development in sight-reading, rehearsed reading and silent reading, and (2) developed and tested suitable methods that can be used by future studies on the topic. Experiment I focused on the eye-movement behaviour of adults during their first steps of learning to read music notation. The longitudinal experiment spanned a nine-month long music-training period, during which 49 participants (university students taking part in a compulsory music course) sight-read and performed a series of simple melodies in three measurement sessions. Participants with no musical background were entitled as “novices”, whereas “amateurs” had had musical training prior to the experiment. The main issue of interest was the changes in the novices’ eye movements and performances across the measurements while the amateurs offered a point of reference for the assessment of the novices’ development. The experiment showed that the novices tended to sight-read in a more stepwise fashion than the amateurs, the latter group manifesting more back-and-forth eye movements. The novices’ skill development was reflected by the faster identification of note symbols involved in larger melodic intervals. Across the measurements, the novices also began to show sensitivity to the melodies’ metrical structure, which the amateurs demonstrated from the very beginning. The stimulus melodies consisted of quarter notes, making the effects of meter and larger melodic intervals distinguishable from effects caused by, say, different rhythmic patterns. Experiment II explored the eye movements of 40 experienced musicians (music education students and music performance students) during temporally controlled rehearsed reading. This cross-sectional experiment focused on the eye-movement effects of one-bar-long melodic alterations placed within a familiar melody. The synchronizing of the performance and eye-movement recordings enabled the investigation of the eye-hand span, i.e., the temporal gap between a performed note and the point of gaze. The eye-hand span was typically found to remain around one second. Music performance students demonstrated increased professing efficiency by their shorter average fixation durations as well as in the two examined eye-hand span measures: these participants used larger eye-hand spans more frequently and inspected more of the musical score during the performance of one metrical beat than students of music education. Although all participants produced performances almost indistinguishable in terms of their auditory characteristics, the altered bars indeed affected the reading of the score: the general effects of expertise in terms of the two eye- hand span measures, demonstrated by the music performance students, disappeared in the face of the melodic alterations. Experiment III was a longitudinal experiment designed to examine the differences between adult novice and amateur musicians’ silent reading of music notation, as well as the changes the 49 participants manifested during a nine-month long music course. From a methodological perspective, an opening to research on eye movements in music reading was the inclusion of a verbal protocol in the research design: after viewing the musical image, the readers were asked to describe what they had seen. A two-way categorization for verbal descriptions was developed in order to assess the quality of extracted musical information. More extensive musical background was related to shorter average fixation duration, more linear scanning of the musical image, and more sophisticated verbal descriptions of the music in question. No apparent effects of skill development were observed for the novice music readers alone, but all participants improved their verbal descriptions towards the last measurement. Apart from the background-related differences between groups of participants, combining verbal and eye-movement data in a cluster analysis identified three styles of silent reading. The finding demonstrated individual differences in how the freely defined silent-reading task was approached. This dissertation is among the first presentations of a series of experiments systematically addressing the visual processing of music notation in various types of music-reading tasks and focusing especially on the eye-movement indicators of developing music-reading skill. Overall, the experiments demonstrate that the music-reading processes are affected not only by “top-down” factors, such as musical background, but also by the “bottom-up” effects of specific features of music notation, such as pitch heights, metrical division, rhythmic patterns and unexpected melodic events. From a methodological perspective, the experiments emphasize the importance of systematic stimulus design, temporal control during performance tasks, and the development of complementary methods, for easing the interpretation of the eye-movement data. To conclude, this dissertation suggests that advances in comprehending the cognitive aspects of music reading, the nature of expertise in this musical task, and the development of educational tools can be attained through the systematic application of the eye-tracking methodology also in this specific domain.


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Middle ear infections (acute otitis media, AOM) are among the most common infectious diseases in childhood, their incidence being greatest at the age of 6–12 months. Approximately 10–30% of children undergo repetitive periods of AOM, referred to as recurrent acute otitis media (RAOM). Middle ear fluid during an AOM episode causes, on average, 20–30 dB of hearing loss lasting from a few days to as much as a couple of months. It is well known that even a mild permanent hearing loss has an effect on language development but so far there is no consensus regarding the consequences of RAOM on childhood language acquisition. The results of studies on middle ear infections and language development have been partly discrepant and the exact effects of RAOM on the developing central auditory nervous system are as yet unknown. This thesis aims to examine central auditory processing and speech production among 2-year-old children with RAOM. Event-related potentials (ERPs) extracted from electroencephalography can be used to objectively investigate the functioning of the central auditory nervous system. For the first time this thesis has utilized auditory ERPs to study sound encoding and preattentive auditory discrimination of speech stimuli, and neural mechanisms of involuntary auditory attention in children with RAOM. Furthermore, the level of phonological development was studied by investigating the number and the quality of consonants produced by these children. Acquisition of consonant phonemes, which are harder to hear than vowels, is a good indicator of the ability to form accurate memory representations of ambient language and has not been studied previously in Finnish-speaking children with RAOM. The results showed that the cortical sound encoding was intact but the preattentive auditory discrimination of multiple speech sound features was atypical in those children with RAOM. Furthermore, their neural mechanisms of auditory attention differed from those of their peers, thus indicating that children with RAOM are atypically sensitive to novel but meaningless sounds. The children with RAOM also produced fewer consonants than their controls. Noticeably, they had a delay in the acquisition of word-medial consonants and the Finnish phoneme /s/, which is acoustically challenging to perceive compared to the other Finnish phonemes. The findings indicate the immaturity of central auditory processing in the children with RAOM, and this might also emerge in speech production. This thesis also showed that the effects of RAOM on central auditory processing are long-lasting because the children had healthy ears at the time of the study. An effective neural network for speech sound processing is a basic requisite of language acquisition, and RAOM in early childhood should be considered as a risk factor for language development.


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Présentement, le diagnostic d’otite moyenne-interne chez le veau est basé sur la présence de signes cliniques appropriés ainsi que les tests diagnostiques tels que la radiographie et la tomodensitométrie. L’objectif de cette étude prospective était d’évaluer les valeurs prédictives de l’examen neurologique, l’examen otoscopique et le test des potentiels auditifs évoqués (PAE) dans le diagnostic d’otite moyenne-interne chez le veau, en utilisant la tomodensitométrie comme test standard. Le deuxième objectif était de définir les valeurs de référence pour le PAE chez le veau normal et d’en décrire les anomalies chez des veaux atteints d’otite moyenne-interne. Dix-sept veaux de race Holstein entre 5-7 semaines d’âge ont été inclus. Tous les veaux ont eu un examen neurologique, un examen otoscopique et une évaluation des PAEs. Les veaux ont été tranquillisés avec de la xylazine intraveineuse (0,05-0,15mg/kg) pour la tomodensitométrie des bulles tympaniques afin d’évaluer pour la présence d’otite moyenne-interne. Selon les résultats de la tomodensitométrie, 11 des 17 veaux étaient atteints avec otite moyenne, 4 de façon unilatérale et 7 bilatéralement. Cinq ondes ont été identifiées de façon constante sur les tracés des PAEs des 6 veaux normaux. Les valeurs positives prédictives pour le PAE, l’examen neurologique et l’examen otoscopique étaient 94,7%, 91,7% et 66,7% respectivement. D’un point de vue clinique, le test le plus fiable dans le diagnostic d’otite moyenne-interne chez le veau est le PAE. Les anomalies ont été observées au PAE avant le développement des signes neurologiques chez certains veaux.


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Le syndrome du X fragile (SXF) est la première cause héréditaire de déficience intellectuelle et également la première cause monogénique d’autisme. Le SXF est causé par l'expansion de la répétition du nucléotide CGG sur le gène FMR1, ce qui empêche l’expression de la protéine FMRP. L’absence du FMRP mène à une altération du développement structurel et fonctionnel de la synapse, ce qui empêche la maturation des synapses induite par l’activité et l’élagage synaptique, qui sont essentiels pour le développement cérébral et cognitif. Nous avons investigué les potentiels reliés aux événements (PRE) évoqués par des stimulations fondamentales auditives et visuelles dans douze adolescents et jeunes adultes (10-22) atteints du SXF, ainsi que des participants contrôles appariés en âge chronologique et développemental. Les résultats indiquent un profil des PRE altéré, notamment l’augmentation de l’amplitude de N1 auditive, par rapport aux deux groupes contrôle, ainsi que l’augmentation des amplitudes de P2 et N2 auditifs et de la latence de N2 auditif. Chez les patients SXF, le traitement sensoriel semble être davantage perturbé qu’immature. En outre, la modalité auditive semble être plus perturbée que la modalité visuelle. En combinaison avec des résultats anatomique du cerveau, des mécanismes biochimiques et du comportement, nos résultats suggèrent une hyperexcitabilité du système nerveux dans le SXF.


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This paper discusses three approaches to speech development in hearing-impaired children: auditory-verbal, association phoneme unit method, and multi-sensory.


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This paper discusses the development of a method to measure the habituation of the immobility response of guinea pigs.


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Environmental conditions during the early life stages of birds can have significant effects on the quality of sexual signals in adulthood, especially song, and these ultimately have consequences for breeding success and fitness. This has wide-ranging implications for the rehabilitation protocols undertaken in wildlife hospitals which aim to return captive-reared animals to their natural habitat. Here we review the current literature on bird song development and learning in order to determine the potential impact that the rearing of juvenile songbirds in captivity can have on rehabilitation success. We quantify the effects of reduced learning on song structure and relate this to the possible effects on an individual's ability to defend a territory or attract a mate. We show the importance of providing a conspecific auditory model for birds to learn from in the early stages post-fledging, either via live- or tape-tutoring and provide suggestions for tutoring regimes. We also highlight the historical focus on learning in a few model species that has left an information gap in our knowledge for most species reared at wildlife hospitals.


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(ABR) is of fundamental importance to the investiga- tion of the auditory system behavior, though its in- terpretation has a subjective nature because of the manual process employed in its study and the clinical experience required for its analysis. When analyzing the ABR, clinicians are often interested in the identi- fication of ABR signal components referred to as Jewett waves. In particular, the detection and study of the time when these waves occur (i.e., the wave la- tency) is a practical tool for the diagnosis of disorders affecting the auditory system. In this context, the aim of this research is to compare ABR manual/visual analysis provided by different examiners. Methods: The ABR data were collected from 10 normal-hearing subjects (5 men and 5 women, from 20 to 52 years). A total of 160 data samples were analyzed and a pair- wise comparison between four distinct examiners was executed. We carried out a statistical study aiming to identify significant differences between assessments provided by the examiners. For this, we used Linear Regression in conjunction with Bootstrap, as a me- thod for evaluating the relation between the responses given by the examiners. Results: The analysis sug- gests agreement among examiners however reveals differences between assessments of the variability of the waves. We quantified the magnitude of the ob- tained wave latency differences and 18% of the inves- tigated waves presented substantial differences (large and moderate) and of these 3.79% were considered not acceptable for the clinical practice. Conclusions: Our results characterize the variability of the manual analysis of ABR data and the necessity of establishing unified standards and protocols for the analysis of these data. These results may also contribute to the validation and development of automatic systems that are employed in the early diagnosis of hearing loss.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Sustained attention and vigilance are processeses that characterize attention, and are essential for the development of certain abilities Aim: a prospective study to propose a simple, easy and quick behavioral tool to support the assessment of sustained auditory attention. Material and methods: volunteer children aged between 6 and 11 years (139 female and 141 male) were selected. The test was named Sustained Auditory Attention Ability Test, and is based on the Continuous Performance Test. It consist of a binaural and diotic presentation of a list of 100 monosyllabic words in which a target monosyllable is included 20 times. This list was presented six times with no breaks. The test was carried out in a soundproofed room, using a CD player attached to a two-channel audiometer at 50 dBSL during 9 minutes. The test resulted in a total score and a vigilance decrement. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between genders, but a significant difference was found between ages. Conclusion: The proposed test had no discomfort for the participants, and was shown to be extremely promising to assess the sustained auditory attention ability in children. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.


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OBJETIVO:Relatar o caso de um lactente com citomegalovírus congênito e disacusia neurossensorial progressiva, analisado por três métodos de avaliação auditiva.DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO:Na primeira avaliação auditiva, aos quatro meses de idade, o lactente apresentou ausência de Emissões Otoacústicas (EOA) e Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) dentro dos padrões de normalidade para a faixa etária, com limiar eletrofisiológico em 30dBnHL, bilateralmente. Com seis meses, apresentou ausência de PEATE bilateral em 100dBnHL. A avaliação comportamental da audição mostrou-se prejudicada devido ao atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Aos oito meses, foi submetido ao exame de Resposta Auditiva de Estado Estável (RAEE) e os limiares encontrados foram 50, 70, ausente em 110 e em 100dB, respectivamente para 500, 1.000, 2.000 e 4.000Hz, à direita, e 70, 90, 90 e ausente em 100dB, respectivamente para 500, 1.000, 2.000 e 4.000Hz, à esquerda.COMENTÁRIOS:Na primeira avaliação, o lactente apresentou alteração auditiva no exame de EOA e PEATE normal, que passou a ser alterado aos seis meses de idade. A intensidade da perda auditiva só pôde ser identificada pelo exame de RAEE, permitindo estabelecer a melhor conduta na adaptação de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. Ressalta-se a importância do acompanhamento audiológico para crianças com CMV congênito.


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Given that the auditory system is rather well developed at the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, it is likely that couplings between acoustics and motor activity can be integrated as early as at the beginning of postnatal life. The aim of the present mini-review was to summarize and discuss studies on early auditory-motor integration, focusing particularly on upper-limb movements (one of the most crucial means to interact with the environment) in association with auditory stimuli, to develop further understanding of their significance with regard to early infant development. Many studies have investigated the relationship between various infant behaviors (e.g., sucking, visual fixation, head turning) and auditory stimuli, and established that human infants can be observed displaying couplings between action and environmental sensory stimulation already from just after birth, clearly indicating a propensity for intentional behavior. Surprisingly few studies, however, have investigated the associations between upper-limb movements and different auditory stimuli in newborns and young infants, infants born at risk for developmental disorders/delays in particular. Findings from studies of early auditory-motor interaction support that the developing integration of sensory and motor systems is a fundamental part of the process guiding the development of goal-directed action in infancy, of great importance for continued motor, perceptual, and cognitive development. At-risk infants (e.g., those born preterm) may display increasing central auditory processing disorders, negatively affecting early sensorymotor integration, and resulting in long-term consequences on gesturing, language development, and social communication. Consequently, there is a need for more studies on such implications.


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This study investigated whether there are differences in the Speech-Evoked Auditory Brainstem Response among children with Typical Development (TD), (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder (C) APD, and Language Impairment (LI). The speech-evoked Auditory Brainstem Response was tested in 57 children (ages 6-12). The children were placed into three groups: TD (n = 18), (C)APD (n = 18) and LI (n = 21). Speech-evoked ABR were elicited using the five-formant syllable/da/. Three dimensions were defined for analysis, including timing, harmonics, and pitch. A comparative analysis of the responses between the typical development children and children with (C)APD and LI revealed abnormal encoding of the speech acoustic features that are characteristics of speech perception in children with (C)APD and LI, although the two groups differed in their abnormalities. While the children with (C)APD might had a greater difficulty distinguishing stimuli based on timing cues, the children with LI had the additional difficulty of distinguishing speech harmonics, which are important to the identification of speech sounds. These data suggested that an inefficient representation of crucial components of speech sounds may contribute to the difficulties with language processing found in children with LI. Furthermore, these findings may indicate that the neural processes mediated by the auditory brainstem differ among children with auditory processing and speech-language disorders. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.