911 resultados para Atividade anti-inflamatória
Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE
Accidents caused by venomous animals represents a significant and serious public health problem in certain regions of Brazil, as well as in other parts of the world by the frequency with which they occur and the mortality they cause. The use of plant extracts as an antidote for poisoning cases is an ancient practice used in many communities that have no access to antivenom. Medicinal plants represent an important source of obtaining bioactive compounds able to assist directly in the treatment of poisoning or indirectly supplementing serum therapy currently used. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extracts, fractions and isolated compounds from M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa in the inflammatory process induced by carrageenan and the venom of B. jararaca and T. serrulatus. The results showed that both M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa were capable of inhibiting cell migration and cytokines levels in peritonitis induced by carrageenin and venom of T. serrulatus. In poisoning by B. jararaca model, mice treated with the plants in studies decreased the leukocyte influx into the peritoneal cavity. Finally the M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa had antiphlogistic activity, reducing edema formation and exerted inhibitory action of leukocyte migration in local inflammation induced by the venom of B. jararaca. Through of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) analysis was possible identified the presence of flavonoids ,saponins and/or terpenes in aqueous extract of M. tenuiflora. By High Performance Liquid Chromatography analysis, it was possible to identify the presence of rutin and chlorogenic acid in aqueous extract of H. speciosa. We conclude that the administration of extracts, fractions and isolated compounds of H. speciosa and M. tenuiflora resulted in inhibition of the inflammatory process in different experimental models. This study demonstrates for the first time the effect of M. tenuiflora and H. speciosa in inhibition of the inflammation caused by B. jararaca and T. serrulatus venom.
Studies indicate that several components were isolated from medicinal plants, which have antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties. Sepsis is characterized by a systemic inflammation which leads to the production of inflammatory mediators exacerbated by excessive activation of inflammatory cells and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), in which the human neutrophil elastase plays an important role in its pathogenesis. Several epidemiological studies suggest that components of plants, especially legumes, can play a beneficial role in reducing the incidence of different cancers. A chymotrypsin inhibitor of Kunitz (Varela, 2010) was purified from seeds of Erythrina velutina (Mulungu) by fractionation with ammonium sulfate, affinity chromatography on Trypsin-Sepharose, Chymotrypsin-Sepharose and ion exchange chromatography on Resource Q 1 ml (GE Healthcare) in system FPLC / AKTA. The inhibitor, called EvCI, had a molecular mass of 17 kDa determined by SDS-PAGE. The purified protein was able to inhibit human neutrophil elastase (HNE), with an IC50 of 3.12 nM. The EvCI was able to inhibit both pathways of HNE release stimulated by PAF and fMLP (75.6% and 65% respectively). The inhibitor also inhibited leukocyte migration in septic mice about 87% and prolonged the time of coagulation and inhibition factor Xa. EvCI showed neither hemolytic activity nor cytotoxicity. EvCI showed a selective antiproliferative effect to HepG2 cell lines with IC50 of 0.5 micrograms per milliliter. These results suggest EvCI as a molecule antagonist of PAF / fMLP and a potential use in fighting inflammation related disorders, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and cancer
Sulfated polysaccharides comprise a complex group of macromolecules with a range of several biological activities, including antiviral activity, anticoagulant, antiproliferative, antiherpética, antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. These anionic polymers are widely distributed in tissues of vertebrates, invertebrates and algae. Seaweeds are the most abundant sources of sulfated polysaccharides in nature. The green algal sulfated polysaccharides are homo or heteropolysaccharides comprised of galactose, glucose, arabinose and/or glucuronic acid. They are described as anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-angiogenic, antitumor compounds. However, there are few studies about elucidation and evaluation of biological/pharmacological effects of sulfated polysaccharides obtained from green algae, for example, there is only one paper reporting the antinociceptive activity of sulfated polysaccharides of these algae. Therefore this study aimed to obtain sulfated polysaccharides of green seaweed Codium isthmocladum and evaluates them as potential antinociceptive agents. Thus, in this study, the total extract of polysaccharides of green alga C. isthmocladum was obtained by proteolytic digestion, followed by fractionation resulting in five fractions (F0.3, F0.5, F0.7, F0.9 and F1.2) by sequential precipitation with acetone. Using the test of abdominal contractions we observed that the fraction F0.9 was the most potent antinociceptive aompound. F0.9 consists mainly of a sulfated heterogalactana. More specific tests showed that Fo.9 effect is dose and time dependent, reaching a maximum at 90 after administration (10 mg / kg of animal). F0.9 is associated with TRPV1 and TRPA1 receptors and inhibits painful sensation in animals. Furthermore, F0.9 inhibits the migration of lymphocytes induced peritonitis test. On the other hand, stimulates the release of NO and TNF-α. These results suggest that F0.9 has the potential to be used as a source of sulfated galactan antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory
O sobrepeso induzido por uma dieta rica em gordura atrasa a cicatrização através do prolongamento da fase inflamatória, entretanto, quando recebem uma dieta obesogênica, alguns ratos são suscetíveis a desenvolver sobrepeso, enquanto outros são resistentes. Drogas anti-inflamatórias não-esteróides são frequentemente utilizadas para reduzir a inflamação. Este estudo investigou a cicatrização cutânea em ratos propensos a obesidade induzida por dieta (DIO) e em ratos resistentes a dieta (DR) e avaliou a participação da administração do celecoxibe na cicatrização cutânea destes animais. Ratos machos foram alimentados com uma dieta padrão (Controle, C) ou com uma dieta rica em gordura saturada (30%). Após 19 semanas, o grupo experimental foi subdividido nos grupos DIO e DR. Uma lesão excisional foi feita e os animais foram mortos 7 ou 14 dias depois. Os grupos tratados receberam uma dose diária de 5 ou 10 mg/kg/dia de celecoxibe a partir de dois dias antes da lesão até 7 dias após a lesão, quando foram mortos. O peso corporal foi maior no grupo DIO comparado aos grupos C e DR. A gordura retroperitoneal foi maior no grupo DIO do que nos grupos C e DR e foi maior no grupo DR do que no grupo C. O tratamento com o celecoxibe não alterou o maior peso corporal apresentado pelo grupo DIO ou a maior porcentagem de gordura retroperitoneal apresentada pelos grupos DIO e DR. Todos os grupos tratados com celecoxibe 10 mg apresentaram atraso na cicatrização e não foram mais analisados. O grupo DIO apresentou intolerância a glicose, e ambos os grupos DIO e DR apresentaram atraso na contração e na reepitelização da lesão. O tratamento com celecoxibe 5 mg reverteu a intolerância a glicose no grupo DIO e a contração atrasada nos grupos DIO e DR. Comparado ao grupo DR, o grupo DIO apresentou maior quantidade de células inflamatórias, assim como maiores níveis de peroxidação lipídica. O tratamento com celecoxib (5 mg) não reduziu o número de PMN, mas reduziu o número de mastócitos no grupo DIO, o número de macrófagos e a peroxidação lipídica em ambos os grupos. A diferenciação miofibroblástica e o remodelamento dos vasos foram atrasados em ambos os grupos DIO e DR. O tratamento com celecoxibe 5 mg aumentou a diferenciação miofibroblástica, mas não alterou os vasos sanguíneos. A quantidade de hidroxiprolina foi semelhante nos grupos DIO e DR. O tratamento com celecoxibe 5 mg aumentou a quantidade de hidroxiprolina em todos os grupos. A quantidade de nitrito foi menor no grupo do que no grupo DR. A expressão de TNF-α foi aumentada no grupo DIO comparada ao grupo DR. Nossos resultados mostraram que os ratos DIO assim como os ratos DR apresentam retardo na cicatrização cutânea devido principalmente a intensa inflamação, e a baixa dose de celecoxibe acelerou o reparo cutâneo nestas condições.
As estatinas são fármacos inibidores competitivos da enzima hidroxi-3-metil-glutaril Coenzima A (HMGCoA) redutase, amplamente utilizados para o controle da hipercolesterolemia total e, em especial, para a redução dos níveis séricos de LDLc (Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol). Além do efeito primário, esses fármacos apresentam vários efeitos secundários, chamados de efeitos pleiotrópicos, envolvendo atividade anti-inflamatória, antitumoral e antiparasitária. Para o desenvolvimento de inovações na área de química medicinal é imprescindível avaliar o risco de efeitos adversos para saúde ou, em outras palavras, a segurança terapêutica do novo produto nas condições propostas de uso. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a genotoxicidade de quatro análogos inibidores da biossíntese de lipídios, da classe das estatinas, em modelos experimentais in vitro, testados previamente contra o clone W2 de Plasmodium falciparum a fim de se obter o IC50 dessas moléculas frente ao patógeno. Foram desenvolvidas quatro novas moléculas (PCSR02.001, PCSR09.001, PCSR08.002 e PCSR10.002). Para a avaliação da toxicidade, foram realizados o teste de mutagenicidade bacteriana (teste de Ames), o ensaio de viabilidade celular utilizando o reagente WST-1 e o ensaio de indução de micronúcleos, ambos utilizando uma linhagem ovariana (CHO-K1) e uma linhagem hepática (HepG2). Levando em conta o fato de nenhuma das amostras ter induzido efeitos mutagênicos nas linhagens de S. enterica sorovar Typhimurium, e PCSR10.002 ter apresentado citotoxicidade sugere-se então que este composto seja o mais tóxico. Comparativamente, PCSR10.002 foi mais genotóxico e citotóxico para a linhagem CHO-K1 do que para a linhagem HepG2. PCSR02.001 apresentou elevado potencial genotóxico para células ovarianas, mas não foi capaz de induzir a formação de micronúcleos em células hepáticas, apresentando, portanto um perfil similar ao observado em PCSR10.002. Assim como a atorvastatina, PCSR09.001 apresentou elevado potencial pró-apoptótico para a linhagem de hepatócitos. Já PCSR08.002, apresentou aumento na apoptose de CHO-K1. A indução de apoptose não é necessariamente um evento negativo, já que é pouco lesiva e responsável pela eliminação de células danificadas. Porém, as respostas de apoptose induzidas por esse composto foram muito inferiores àquelas induzidas pela atorvastatina (cerca de 4 vezes menor que a atorvastatina). PCSR08.002 foi aquele se mostrou menos tóxico e essa amostra foi a que teve menor risco relativo, em uma análise global das respostas de citotoxicidade e não demonstrou ter potencial genotóxico para as linhagens utilizadas nesse estudo. Conclui-se, portanto, que a análise da atividade toxicológica utilizando modelos experimentais in vitro dessas estatinas constitui um importante passo para o estabelecimento de novos candidatos à fármacos com maior segurança.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar fármacos utilizados como antihistamínicos na terapêutica de patologias alérgicas em pequenos animais. O modelo empregado foi órgão isolado in vitro (íleo de Cavia porcelus), o qual permitiu avaliar as variáveis farmacológicas DE50, Emáx, pD2, pD’2 e pA2. Comparamos as ações produzidas em curvas concentração-efeito para histamina e acetilcolina frente a diferentes concentrações de clemastina e pirilamina. Difenidramina foi empregada como controle. Os resultados permitiram confirmar que os dois fármacos atuaram efetivamente como antihistamínicos no íleo isolado de Cavia porcelus. O principal efeito foi de antagonismo competitivo, porém, em concentrações maiores, apresentaram efeito não-competitivo e perderam a especificidade aos receptores da histamina. A clemastina com pA2 de 8,63 foi 10 vezes mais potente do que a pirilamina (pA2 = 7,61) como anti-histamínico, mas também apresentou significativo (P<0,05; ANOVA, Bonferroni) efeito anticolinérgico, o qual não foi observado com a pirilamina. Entretanto, em concentrações mais elevadas, ambos apresentaram efeito anticolinérgico por mecanismo não-competitivo: clemastina a partir de 10-7 mol/L e pirilamina com 10-5 mol/L, resultando em pD’2 de 5,66 e 5,36; respectivamente. Da comparação com difenidramina, concluiu-se que a clemastina foi cerca de 10 vezes mais potente no efeito competitivo enquanto a pirilamina foi menos potente. Quanto ao componente não-competitivo, a clemastina foi mais eficaz que a difenidramina enquanto a pirilamina foi menos eficaz. Se os efeitos obtidos com a clemastina e pirilamina no íleo isolado também se observarem quando empregados na terapêutica, in vivo, é de se esperar que a clemastina apresente mais efeitos adversos (anticolinérgicos) do que a pirilamina.
In recent years the heparin has been the subject of several studies that aim to expand its use as a therapeutic agent, due to its ability to modulate the activity of various proteins that play important roles in the regulation of pathophysiological processes. In several experiments and preclinical trials, heparin has demonstrated an anti-inflammatory role. However, its clinical use is limited, due to its strong anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic complications. For this reason, considerable efforts have been employed in discovery of heparin analogous (heparinoid) with reduced side effects, that retain the anti-inflammatory properties of heparin. In this context, a heparinoid obtained from the head of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, which presents a structural similarity to heparin, showed, in previous studies, anti-inflammatory activity in a model of acute peritonitis with reduced anticoagulant effect in vitro and low hemorrhagic activity. Thus, the present work had as objective to evaluate the effect the heparinoid of the cephalothorax of gray shrimp on the acute inflammatory response in different times (3 or 6 hours after the induction of inflammatory stimulus), using the model of acute peritonitis induced in mice. It was also analyzed the HL effect over the activity of elastase, an enzyme involved in leukocyte recruitment. Furthermore to check if the different doses of heparin and heparinoid change the hemostatic balance in vivo, was assessed the effect of these compounds on the plasma clotting time in animals submitted to inflammation. The results show that in 3 hours, all doses of heparinoid were able to prevent efficiently in the acute inflammatory process without any anticoagulant effects, unlike the extrapolation dose of heparin, which has induced a large hemorrhage due its high anticoagulant activity. However, 6 hours after induction of inflammation, only the dosages of 0.1 and 1.0 μg/Kg of heparin and 1.0 μg/Kg of heparinoid kept anti-migratory effect, without changing of the hemostatic balance. These results indicate that the anti-migratory effect of theses compounds depends on the dosage and time of inflammatory stimulus. The HL and heparin were also able to inhibit the activity of the enzyme elastase. The discovery of this bioactive compound in the cephalothorax of shrimps can arouse great interest in biotechnology, since this compound could be useful as a structural model interesting for the development of new therapeutic agents for peritonitis
Spondias sp. (Anacardiaceae), popularly known as cajá-umbu, is an endemic plant from Northeastern Brazil, where their leaves are widely used in folk medicine to treat inflammatory processes, while their fruits have a great agro industrial potential. This study was designed to evaluate hepatoprotective, antinociceptive, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the acute toxicity and repeated dose 28, using a methanolic extract (MES), a fraction rich in flavonoids (FRF) and a precipitate from Spondias sp.leaves. The antioxidant activity of them was valued to evaluate their free radical scavenger capacity by DPPH test, whereas MES and FRF were used to evaluate while the preventive action on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity. Seven groups (n=5) of female Wistar rats were used as follows: control group, CCl4-intoxicated group treated with EMS (500 mg/kg) for 7 days, three CCl4-intoxicated groups treated with FRF (25, 50 and 75 mg/kg) for 7 days and the CCl4-intoxicated group treated with Legalon ® (silimarina; (phytotherapeutic reference) (50 mg/kg; 7 days). MES and FRF showed a protective action against liver injury induced by CCl4, being observed a significant reduction of serum enzyme activity marker of liver damage (alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase). On the other hand, the lipid peroxidation (SRAT) decrease, as well as the increase of glutathione content and enzyme activity of antioxidant defense system (SOD, CAT, GPx) toward near normal values indicated the ability of EMS to restore the oxidative imbalance induced by CCl4. The histological analysis confirmed the hepatoprotection, compared to degenerative changes in CCl4-treated group. This hepatoprotetor effect was similar to that shown by Legalon®. The in vitro high antioxidant capacity of extract (93.16 ± 1.00%) showed analogous results to those obtained by Carduus marianus BHT (reference standard). This fact explains the obtained results in vivo. Although no antimicrobial activity was detected, EMS and FRF promoted the antinociceptive effect induced in the second phase by the intraplantar formalin test, evidencing the anti-inflammatory action; confirmed by the carrageenan-induced peritonitis model. The evaluation of the mechanical allodynia (CFA a 80%) demonstrated the involvement of the Spondias sp. chemical composition in the anti-inflammatory activity toward the acute processes. The acute exposure and repeated dose during 28 days did not produce significant changes in the parameters that evaluate toxicity. Together the experimental results reveal, that Spondias sp. leaf extracts have a promising potential in pharmaceutical area, and due to its non-toxic condition present efficiency and security
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The case of a patient with ulcerative colitis and isolated sacro-ileitis is presented. She suffered reactivation of the intestinal disease with diclofenac. The patient was allergic to sulfasalazine and was using fish oil fatty acid. The possible mechanisms of reactivation of the inflammatory bowel disease with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are discussed. It is suggested when necessary the utilization of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that inhibits the lipoxygenase in these patients.
Propolis has been used in folk medicine and possesses a broad spectrum of biological activities, specially antibacterial activity. Studies have demonstrated that the composition of propolis extract may have influence in such activity. The goal of this study was to investigate the antibacterial activity of eleven propolis extracts (PE) against sixty one Staphylococcus aureus strains, isolated from newborn clinical specimens. The PE from Apis mellifera were prepared by using pure water and mixtures of water with ethanol at different concentrations (from 0 to 100%), 25g of propolis in 100 mL of solvent, and three days of maceration followed by filtration. Determination of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) by agar dilution method was performed and serial concentrations from each PE were achieved (%v/v) in plates containing Mueller Hinton agar. It was possible to verify that the anti S. aureus activity was directly proportional to ethanol concentration and no significant differences were observed among PE with ethanol concentration from 70 to 100%. The MIC 90% values ranged from 0.4 to 0.6% (v/v) and the 70% ethanolic extract were the most efficient to inhibit bacterial growth (MIC 90%=0.42%, v/v). In conclusion, our results suggest that the EP composition and, consequently, the concentration of ethanol used as solvent may influence the antibacterial activity of propolis from A. mellifera.
In this study, the antimycobacterial activity of chloroformic and methanolic extracts obtained from Byrsonima crassa leaves was evaluated. Antimycobacterial activity was assessed through the microtechnique named Microplate Alamar Blue Assay (MABA) and the promising active principles were identified by spectrophotometric analysis. The chloroformic extract presenting 62.5 μg mL-1 minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) showed to be active against tuberculosis bacillus. The MIC value of the methanolic extract was 1000 μg mL-1. For the chloroformic one , phytochemical analysis indicated that antimycobacterial activity might be related to the presence of triterpenes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)