646 resultados para Astrofísica relativista


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The study of long-term evolution of neutron star (NS) magnetic fields is key to understanding the rich diversity of NS observations, and to unifying their nature despite the different emission mechanisms and observed properties. Such studies in principle permit a deeper understanding of the most important parameters driving their apparent variety, e.g. radio pulsars, magnetars, X-ray dim isolated NSs, gamma-ray pulsars. We describe, for the first time, the results from self-consistent magnetothermal simulations considering not only the effects of the Hall-driven field dissipation in the crust, but also adding a complete set of proposed driving forces in a superconducting core. We emphasize how each of these core-field processes drive magnetic evolution and affect observables, and show that when all forces are considered together in vectorial form, the net expulsion of core magnetic flux is negligible, and will have no observable effect in the crust (consequently in the observed surface emission) on megayear time-scales. Our new simulations suggest that strong magnetic fields in NS cores (and the signatures on the NS surface) will persist long after the crustal magnetic field has evolved and decayed, due to the weak combined effects of dissipation and expulsion in the stellar core.


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We study the timing and spectral properties of the low-magnetic field, transient magnetar SWIFT J1822.3−1606 as it approached quiescence. We coherently phase-connect the observations over a time-span of ∼500 d since the discovery of SWIFT J1822.3−1606 following the Swift-Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) trigger on 2011 July 14, and carried out a detailed pulse phase spectroscopy along the outburst decay. We follow the spectral evolution of different pulse phase intervals and find a phase and energy-variable spectral feature, which we interpret as proton cyclotron resonant scattering of soft photon from currents circulating in a strong (≳1014 G) small-scale component of the magnetic field near the neutron star surface, superimposed to the much weaker (∼3 × 1013 G) magnetic field. We discuss also the implications of the pulse-resolved spectral analysis for the emission regions on the surface of the cooling magnetar.


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We report on the discovery of a new member of the magnetar class, SGR J1935+2154, and on its timing and spectral properties measured by an extensive observational campaign carried out between 2014 July and 2015 March with Chandra and XMM–Newton (11 pointings). We discovered the spin period of SGR J1935+2154 through the detection of coherent pulsations at a period of about 3.24 s. The magnetar is slowing down at a rate of P˙=1.43(1)×10−11 s s−1 and with a decreasing trend due to a negative P¨ of −3.5(7) × 10−19 s s−2. This implies a surface dipolar magnetic field strength of ∼2.2 × 1014 G, a characteristic age of about 3.6 kyr and a spin-down luminosity Lsd ∼1.7 × 1034 erg s−1. The source spectrum is well modelled by a blackbody with temperature of about 500 eV plus a power-law component with photon index of about 2. The source showed a moderate long-term variability, with a flux decay of about 25 per cent during the first four months since its discovery, and a re-brightening of the same amount during the second four months. The X-ray data were also used to study the source environment. In particular, we discovered a diffuse emission extending on spatial scales from about 1 arcsec up to at least 1 arcmin around SGR J1935+2154 both in Chandra and XMM–Newton data. This component is constant in flux (at least within uncertainties) and its spectrum is well modelled by a power-law spectrum steeper than that of the pulsar. Though a scattering halo origin seems to be more probable we cannot exclude that part, or all, of the diffuse emission is due to a pulsar wind nebula.


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The observation of several neutron stars in the centre of supernova remnants and with significantly lower values of the dipolar magnetic field than the average radio-pulsar population has motivated a lively debate about their formation and origin, with controversial interpretations. A possible explanation requires the slow rotation of the protoneutron star at birth, which is unable to amplify its magnetic field to typical pulsar levels. An alternative possibility, the hidden magnetic field scenario, considers the accretion of the fallback of the supernova debris on to the neutron star as responsible for the submergence (or screening) of the field and its apparently low value. In this paper, we study under which conditions the magnetic field of a neutron star can be buried into the crust due to an accreting, conducting fluid. For this purpose, we consider a spherically symmetric calculation in general relativity to estimate the balance between the incoming accretion flow and the magnetosphere. Our study analyses several models with different specific entropy, composition, and neutron star masses. The main conclusion of our work is that typical magnetic fields of a few times 1012 G can be buried by accreting only 10−3–10−2 M⊙, a relatively modest amount of mass. In view of this result, the central compact object scenario should not be considered unusual, and we predict that anomalously weak magnetic fields should be common in very young (< few kyr) neutron stars.


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La realització pràctica d’experiments és fonamental en qualsevol disciplina científica. Per això, en aquest treball exposem una sèrie d’experiències de física senzilles i sorprenents que ens permetran reforçar diversos conceptes físics d’una manera amena, utilitzant materials molt assequibles i barats. Amb la realització d’aquests experiments volem estimular la curiositat de l’alumnat i el plaer per la investigació i el descobriment de nous fenòmens físics. Aquestes experiències estan adreçades tant a estudiants d’educació secundària i batxillerat com a alumnes dels primers cursos d’universitat. Hem dissenyat i dut a terme experiències de diversos camps de la física, entre els quals hi ha algunes pràctiques per a posar de manifest la conservació del moment lineal, o l’efecte Coandă en fluids en moviment, i també experiments de física atòmica relacionats amb l’emissió atòmica en l’espectre visible, que posen de manifest la quantització de l’energia dels nivells atòmics. Amb aquestes experiències volem motivar els alumnes en l’estudi i l’interès per la física des d’una perspectiva diferent de l’habitual.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Comunicação de Ciência,


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A internet está a tornar-se cada vez mais um meio importante na comunicação de ciência, permitindo a criação de novas atividades de envolvimento do público (AEPs). Instituições científicas, grupos de investigação e até cientistas recorrem à internet para comunicar com o público. Cientistas membros do grupo Gravitation in Técnico (GRIT), do Centro Multidisciplinar de Astrofísica, Instituto Superior Técnico, criaram o website “Gravitão” como meio de difusão de diversos tipos de AEPs para o público, em particular para os jovens. O objetivo principal do estágio curricular foi a criação, em conjunto com os membros do GRIT, de conteúdos para o “Gravitão”. Foram também desenvolvidas outras AEPs, incluindo press releases. Durante o estágio procurou-se ainda analisar a visão dos membros do GRIT sobre as AEPs e sobre a comunicação de ciência, com o objetivo de facilitar o envolvimento dos cientistas nestas atividades. A análise dos dados recolhidos permitiu conhecer melhor a visão destes cientistas e identificar os fatores que influenciam a sua motivação para a participação em AEPs. Este estudo permite apresentar estratégias para o desenvolvimento do website “Gravitão” e de outras AEPs no futuro.


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Resumen tomado de la revista


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The recent astronomical observations indicate that the universe has null spatial curvature, is accelerating and its matter-energy content is composed by circa 30% of matter (baryons + dark matter) and 70% of dark energy, a relativistic component with negative pressure. However, in order to built more realistic models it is necessary to consider the evolution of small density perturbations for explaining the richness of observed structures in the scale of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The structure formation process was pioneering described by Press and Schechter (PS) in 1974, by means of the galaxy cluster mass function. The PS formalism establishes a Gaussian distribution for the primordial density perturbation field. Besides a serious normalization problem, such an approach does not explain the recent cluster X-ray data, and it is also in disagreement with the most up-to-date computational simulations. In this thesis, we discuss several applications of the nonextensive q-statistics (non-Gaussian), proposed in 1988 by C. Tsallis, with special emphasis in the cosmological process of the large structure formation. Initially, we investigate the statistics of the primordial fluctuation field of the density contrast, since the most recent data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) indicates a deviation from gaussianity. We assume that such deviations may be described by the nonextensive statistics, because it reduces to the Gaussian distribution in the limit of the free parameter q = 1, thereby allowing a direct comparison with the standard theory. We study its application for a galaxy cluster catalog based on the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (hereafter HIFLUGCS). We conclude that the standard Gaussian model applied to HIFLUGCS does not agree with the most recent data independently obtained by WMAP. Using the nonextensive statistics, we obtain values much more aligned with WMAP results. We also demonstrate that the Burr distribution corrects the normalization problem. The cluster mass function formalism was also investigated in the presence of the dark energy. In this case, constraints over several cosmic parameters was also obtained. The nonextensive statistics was implemented yet in 2 distinct problems: (i) the plasma probe and (ii) in the Bremsstrahlung radiation description (the primary radiation from X-ray clusters); a problem of considerable interest in astrophysics. In another line of development, by using supernova data and the gas mass fraction from galaxy clusters, we discuss a redshift variation of the equation of state parameter, by considering two distinct expansions. An interesting aspect of this work is that the results do not need a prior in the mass parameter, as usually occurs in analyzes involving only supernovae data.Finally, we obtain a new estimate of the Hubble parameter, through a joint analysis involving the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE), the X-ray data from galaxy clusters and the baryon acoustic oscillations. We show that the degeneracy of the observational data with respect to the mass parameter is broken when the signature of the baryon acoustic oscillations as given by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) catalog is considered. Our analysis, based on the SZE/X-ray data for a sample of 25 galaxy clusters with triaxial morphology, yields a Hubble parameter in good agreement with the independent studies, provided by the Hubble Space Telescope project and the recent estimates of the WMAP


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Programa de doctorado: Sistemas inteligentes y aplicaciones numéricas en Ingeniería


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Desde tiempos inmemoriales, mujeres y hombres han mirado hacia lo alto buscando indicios que los ayudaran a entender su propia humanidad y que los orientaran en la comprensión de su propio planeta y de los astros más lejanos, tal vez con la esperanza noexplícita de develar misterios inexplicables. De la mano de los avances científicos y tecnológicos, el siglo xx mostró una expansión de las investigaciones astronómicas y astrofísicas. En los países centrales, que durante la centuria se repartieron el mundo, los viajes espaciales se constituyeron en un capítulo más de la carrera por la conquista de territorios. También en el sur del continente americano, en la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina), se desarrollaban investigaciones astronómicas y astrofísicas y hasta se ensayaban viajes al espacio. De estas prácticas no solo participaron científicos, técnicos e instituciones, sino también grupos de aficionados, todos apasionados por aquel cosmos tan lejano, tan ajeno y propio a la vez. Pablo Pacheco relata los andares de estos profesionales y aficionados que se sucedieron en su pasión y su interés por la astronomía. En esta obra, la historia de la ciencia se ve alimentada por una investigación minuciosa que, además, está escrita en un estilo ameno y atrapante. Capítulo a capítulo, el relato sobre las actividades astronómicas y espaciales se va imbricando con los avatares políticos y culturales del momento en una compleja y alucinante trama. Acompañando el relato de las investigaciones sobre el cosmos, en este libro, ganador del Concurso Ida y Vuelta 2012 de Ediunc, las ilustraciones del artista plástico Daniel Fernández Serruya aportan un condimento para hacer todavía más amena una historia que aún sigue construyéndose.


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Inclui notas explicativas e bibliograficas


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Dissertação de mest. em Física - área de especialização em Física para Ensino, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2003