975 resultados para Asset Pricing


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We study the asset pricing implications of an endowment economy when agents can default on contracts that would leave them otherwise worse off. We specialize and extend the environment studied by Kocherlakota (1995) and Kehoe and Levine (1993) to make it comparable to standard studies of asset pricillg. We completely charactize efficient allocations for several special cases. We illtroduce a competitive equilibrium with complete markets alld with elldogellous solvency constraints. These solvellcy constraints are such as to prevent default -at the cost of reduced risk sharing. We show a version of the classical welfare theorems for this equilibrium definition. We characterize the pricing kernel, alld compare it with the one for economies without participation constraints : interest rates are lower and risk premia can be bigger depending on the covariance of the idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks. Quantitative examples show that for reasonable parameter values the relevant marginal rates of substitution fali within the Hansen-Jagannathan bounds.


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The consumption capital asset pricing model is the standard economic model used to capture stock market behavior. However, empirical tests have pointed out to its inability to account quantitatively for the high average rate of return and volatility of stocks over time for plausible parameter values. Recent research has suggested that the consumption of stockholders is more strongly correlated with the performance of the stock market than the consumption of non-stockholders. We model two types of agents, non-stockholders with standard preferences and stock holders with preferences that incorporate elements of the prospect theory developed by Kahneman and Tversky (1979). In addition to consumption, stockholders consider fluctuations in their financial wealth explicitly when making decisions. Data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics are used to calibrate the labor income processes of the two types of agents. Each agent faces idiosyncratic shocks to his labor income as well as aggregate shocks to the per-share dividend but markets are incomplete and agents cannot hedge consumption risks completely. In addition, consumers face both borrowing and short-sale constraints. Our results show that in equilibrium, agents hold different portfolios. Our model is able to generate a time-varying risk premium of about 5.5% while maintaining a low risk free rate, thus suggesting a plausible explanation for the equity premium puzzle reported by Mehra and Prescott (1985).


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O crescimento económico de um país depende dos fundos disponíveis, quer para o financiamento da formação de capital quer para a sua reposição. Fundos obtidos pelas empresas e organismos públicos através de diversas formas, entre as quais, se destaca a emissão de valores mobiliários. Os aforradores, detentores de recursos, ao comprarem valores mobiliários, aliam uma alta rentabilidade a uma elevada liquidez na remuneração dos seus investimentos. As bolsas de valores são o meio onde as empresas, os organismos públicos e os aforradores, têm a possibilidade de verem esses interesses conciliados de uma maneira eficiente, eficaz e transparente, garantindo assim, uma maior liquidez aos títulos financeiros transaccionados em bolsa de valores. As empresas possuem várias alternativas de financiamento, o mercado de capitais é considerado pelos gestores, a fonte onde o rendimento ou o retorno obtido pode ser maior, perante a contrapartida de se incorrer um maior risco. Este mercado surge como alternativa aos empréstimos bancários, as empresas podem, dessa forma, adquirir financiamento de terceiros, os quais se tornarão accionistas dessa empresa. Podem emitir novas acções no mercado accionista de forma a atrair investidores externos que garantam a sustentabilidade do negócio. As acções possuem diversas caracteristicas e modalidades e fazem com que o capital da empresa seja partilhado por todos os seus accionistas, tendo em conta a proporção por eles adquirida individualmente. Esta dissertação investiga a dinâmica de compra e de venda das acções no mercado bolsista, os factores que determinam o seu preço, assim como os modelos que permitem a avaliação das mesmas e a inferência da taxa de retorno esperada por um investidor. A avaliação das acções é o tema de maior importância para esta análise, mais concretamente, a determinação e previsão do preço, e não apenas o preço propriamente dito, pois este é facultado diáriamente por vários jornais e também na internet. Perante o estudo da determinação de preços de uma acção num horizonte temporal, um investidor pode inferir se as suas acções estão a ser avaliadas sob um preço justo, e mais importante, pode apurar a sua previsão consoante dados e análises de factores. Outro ponto importante abordado nesta investigação tem que ver com a possibilidade das empresas em conhecer o modo como o mercado faz a sua avaliação a fim de tomar decisões certas acerca do orçamento de capital. Apenas se deve julgar a atractividade de um negócio se se souber como são avaliadas as acções. Nos mercados financeiros existe a tendência, por parte dos agentes económicos, de relacionarem o preço com o valor dos títulos financeiros. As decisões para a transacção de títulos financeiros são tomadas segundo a sua comparação. O preço ou cotação de mercado é formado em mercados organizados, pelo que depende das regras de funcionamento do mercado, tais como, os mínimos para transacção ou a variação máxima e mínima permitida. Estão associados a uma transação dependendo assim da procura e oferta dos títulos e incorporam ainda os custos de transacção. A ideia subjacente ao modelo Capital Asset Pricing Model é a de que, os investidores esperam uma recompensa pela preocupação dos investimentos realizados com risco ou com um retorno incerto. Quando se investe em títulos com risco, espera-se um retorno extra (comparando com os Bilhetes do Tesouro sem risco, recebe-se apenas os juros) ou um prémio de risco pela preocupação. A incerteza no retorno dos títulos provem de duas fontes, nomeadamente os factores macroeconómicos, pode-se chamar também, um factor comum, e os factores específicos inerentes à actividade da empresa. O facto comum é assumido como tendo um valor esperado zero pois é medido por nova informação respeitante à macroeconomia. O modelo assume duas ideias fundamentais: em primeiro lugar, existe consenso em relação ao facto dos investidores exigirem um retorno adicional por correrem riscos, e em segundo lugar, os investidores preocupam-se geralmente com o risco de mercado geral que não pode ser eliminado através de diversificação da carteira de investimentos. Este modelo pode ser bastante eficaz pois apenas considera um único factor para o cálculo da rendibilidade esperada de um título financeiro, que é a volatilidade do mercado no geral, a qual pode ser estudada. Ao contrário dos modelos multifactoriais, que incluem vários factores macroeconómicos tornando o objectivo da análise pouco intuitivo e complexo. Existem vários modelos para avaliação dos títulos de uma empresa cotada em bolsa de valores, geralmente estes modelos utilizam taxas de juro sem risco para equilibrar carteiras diversificadas, embora seja necessário analisar o retorno de um título ou carteira sob a influência de diversas variáveis macroeconómicas. Por exemplo outro modelo aplicado neste dissertação é o modelo Arbitrage Pricing Theory que perante o seu resultado comparado com o primeiro modelo, se pode definir qual dos modelos tem uma aplicação mais conclusiva para o mercado accionista português. Este modelo de avaliação por arbitragem estabelece uma relação linear entre o excedente do retorno esperado dos activos face à taxa de juro certa (sem risco) e um conjunto de variáveis. Pressupõe que a taxa de rentabilidade de um activo com risco é uma função linear de um conjunto de factores comuns a todos os activos financeiros. Tem como ideia subjacente, a constituição de uma carteira de não arbitragem, ou seja, uma carteira que não envolve qualquer risco (sistemático ou específico) e não requer investimento inicial pois a venda de certos activos gera fundos para adquirir novos. A metodologia implementada abrange o mercado financeiro e modelos possíveis para esta questão. Para responder às hipóteses de investigação efectuou-se a aplicação efectiva do modelo CAPM e do modelo APT, com a captação de dados oficiais em instituições financeiras e na Bolsa de Valores NYSE Euronext Lisbon. Considerou-se um período temporal num passado próximo de forma a poder obter-se conclusões concretas e indicadores precisos para a sua implementação e desenvolvimento no futuro. A principal conclusão desta dissertação relaciona-se com o facto de não se verificar a total validação da aplicação dos modelos, contudo o modelo CAPM é mais conclusivo do que o modelo APT, pois pode-se afirmar que tem aplicação prática em empresas que se conheça à priori a sua capitalização bolsista e beta anual. Por exemplo, aos títulos financeiros de empresas com capitalizações bolsistas inferiores a cinco mil milhões de euros e com um beta anual inferior a 1 poderá aplicar-se o modelo, assim como a títulos de empresas com capitalizações bolsistas superiores a dez mil milhões de euros e beta anual superior 1,5. Os sectores da Banca e do Papel também poderão ter potencial de aplicação do modelo.


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The present study adds to the sparse published Australian literature on the size effect, the book to market (BM) effect and the ability of the Fama French three factor model to account for these effects and to improve on the asset pricing ability of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The present study extends the 1981–1991 period examined by Halliwell, Heaney and Sawicki (1999) a further 10 years to 2000 and addresses several limitations and findings of that research. In contrast to Halliwell, Heaney and Sawicki the current study finds the three factor model provides significantly improved explanatory power over the CAPM, and evidence that the BM factor plays a role in asset pricing.


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A pénzügyi eszközök árazásának alaptétele - kissé pongyolán megfogalmazva - azt állítja, hogy egy értékpapírpiacon akkor nincs arbitrázs, ha létezik egy az eredetivel ekvivalens valószínűségi mérték, amelyre vonatkozóan az értékpapírok árait leíró folyamat egy bizonyos értelemben "martingál". Az első ilyen jellegű állítást M. Harrison és S. R. Pliska bizonyították arra esetre, amikor a valószínűségi mező végesen generált. Azóta a tételnek számos általánosítása született. Ezek közül az egyik legismertebb a Dalang{Morton{ Willinger-tétel, ami már teljesen általános valószínűségi mezőből indul ki, de felteszi, hogy az időparaméter diszkrét, és az időhorizont véges. Időközben a tételnek számos folytonos időparaméterű folyamatokra vonatkozó változata is született. Az alaptételt általános esetben, vagyis amikor valószínűségi mező teljesen általános, és az értékpapírok piaci árait leíró folyamat lokálisan korlátos szemimartingál, Delbaen és W. Schachermayer bizonyították be. A Delbaen{Schachermayer-féle alaptétel a maga nemében egy igen általános áll ítás. A tétel bizonyítása igen hosszadalmas, és a funkcionálanalízis valamint a sztochasztikus folyamatok általános elméletének mély eredményeit használja. Utóbbi tudományterület nagy részét P. A. Meyer és a francia strassbourgi iskola matematikusai dolgozták ki a 60-as évek végétől kezdve. A terület megértését tehát alaposan megnehezíti, hogy a felhasznált matematikai apparátus viszonylag friss, egy része pedig csak francia nyelven érhető el. Meggyőződésünk szerint az eredeti, 1994-es Delbaen és Schachermayer-féle bizonyítás csak kevesek által hozzáférhető. A tételnek tudomásunk szerint azóta sem született tankönyvi feldolgozása, annak ellenére, hogy maga az állítás közgazdász körökben is széles körben ismerté vált, és az eredeti cikket számos szerző idézi. Az itt bemutatott bizonyítás Delbaen és Schachermayer 1992 és 2006 közötti írásain alapul. ______ The Delbaen and Schachermayer's theorem is one of the deepest results of mathematical finance. In this article we tried to rethink and slightly simplify the original proof of the theorem to make understandable for nonspecialists who are familiar with general theory of stochastic processes. We give a detailed proof of the theorem and we give new proofs for some of the used statements.


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A dolgozatban röviden bemutatjuk az eszközárazás második alaptételét. A bizonyítás során felhasználjuk a Dalang-Morton-Wilinger tétel bizonyításában használt állításokat. ______ In the article we summarize the results about the second fundamental theorem of asset pricing.


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Liquidity is an important attribute of an asset that investors would like to take into consideration when making investment decisions. However, the previous empirical evidence whether liquidity is a determinant of stock return is not unanimous. This dissertation provides a very comprehensive study about the role of liquidity in asset pricing using the Fama-French (1993) three-factor and Kraus and Litzenberger (1976) three-moment CAPM as models for risk adjustment. The relationship between liquidity and well-known determinants of stock returns such as size and book-to-market are also investigated. This study examines the liquidity and asset pricing issues for both intertemporal as well as cross-sectional data. ^ The results indicate an existence of a liquidity premium, i.e., less liquid stocks would demand higher rate of return than more liquid stocks. More specifically, a drop of 1 percent in liquidity is associated with a higher rate of return of about 2 to 3 basis points per month. Further investigation reveals that neither the Fama-French three-factor model nor the three-moment CAPM captures the liquidity premium. Finally, the results show that well-known determinants of stock return such as size and book-to-market do not serve as proxy for liquidity. ^ Overall, this dissertation shows that a liquidity premium exists in the stock market and that liquidity is a distinct effect, and is not influenced by the presence of non-market factors, market factors and other stock characteristics.^


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With the rapid globalization and integration of world capital markets, more and more stocks are listed in multiple markets. With multi-listed stocks, the traditional measurement of systematic risk, the domestic beta, is not appropriate since it only contain information from one market. ^ Prakash et al. (1993) developed a technique, the global beta, to capture information from multiple markets wherein the stocks are listed. In this study, the global betas are obtained as well as domestic betas for 704 multi-listed stocks from 59 world equity markets. Welch tests show that domestic betas are not equal across markets, therefore, global beta is more appropriate in a global investment setting. ^ The traditional Capital Asset Pricing Models (CAPM) is also tested with regards to both domestic beta and global beta. The results generally support the positive relationship between stocks returns and global beta while tend to reject this relationship between stocks returns and domestic beta. Further tests of International CAPM with domestic beta and global beta strengthen the conclusion.^


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In this dissertation, I investigate three related topics on asset pricing: the consumption-based asset pricing under long-run risks and fat tails, the pricing of VIX (CBOE Volatility Index) options and the market price of risk embedded in stock returns and stock options. These three topics are fully explored in Chapter II through IV. Chapter V summarizes the main conclusions. In Chapter II, I explore the effects of fat tails on the equilibrium implications of the long run risks model of asset pricing by introducing innovations with dampened power law to consumption and dividends growth processes. I estimate the structural parameters of the proposed model by maximum likelihood. I find that the stochastic volatility model with fat tails can, without resorting to high risk aversion, generate implied risk premium, expected risk free rate and their volatilities comparable to the magnitudes observed in data. In Chapter III, I examine the pricing performance of VIX option models. The contention that simpler-is-better is supported by the empirical evidence using actual VIX option market data. I find that no model has small pricing errors over the entire range of strike prices and times to expiration. In general, Whaley’s Black-like option model produces the best overall results, supporting the simpler-is-better contention. However, the Whaley model does under/overprice out-of-the-money call/put VIX options, which is contrary to the behavior of stock index option pricing models. In Chapter IV, I explore risk pricing through a model of time-changed Lvy processes based on the joint evidence from individual stock options and underlying stocks. I specify a pricing kernel that prices idiosyncratic and systematic risks. This approach to examining risk premia on stocks deviates from existing studies. The empirical results show that the market pays positive premia for idiosyncratic and market jump-diffusion risk, and idiosyncratic volatility risk. However, there is no consensus on the premium for market volatility risk. It can be positive or negative. The positive premium on idiosyncratic risk runs contrary to the implications of traditional capital asset pricing theory.


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A plethora of recent literature on asset pricing provides plenty of empirical evidence on the importance of liquidity, governance and adverse selection of equity on pricing of assets together with more traditional factors such as market beta and the Fama-French factors. However, literature has usually stressed that these factors are priced individually. In this dissertation we argue that these factors may be related to each other, hence not only individual but also joint tests of their significance is called for. ^ In the three related essays, we examine the liquidity premium in the context of the finer three-digit SIC industry classification, joint importance of liquidity and governance factors as well as governance and adverse selection. Recent studies by Core, Guay and Rusticus (2006) and Ben-Rephael, Kadan and Wohl (2010) find that governance and liquidity premiums are dwindling in the last few years. One reason could be that liquidity is very unevenly distributed across industries. This could affect the interpretation of prior liquidity studies. Thus, in the first chapter we analyze the relation of industry clustering and liquidity risk following a finer industry classification suggested by Johnson, Moorman and Sorescu (2009). In the second chapter, we examine the dwindling influence of the governance factor if taken simultaneously with liquidity. We argue that this happens since governance characteristics are potentially a proxy for information asymmetry that may be better captured by market liquidity of a company's shares. Hence, we jointly examine both the factors, namely, governance and liquidity - in a series of standard asset pricing tests. Our results reconfirm the importance of governance and liquidity in explaining stock returns thus independently corroborating the findings of Amihud (2002) and Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003). Moreover, governance is not subsumed by liquidity. Lastly, we analyze the relation of governance and adverse selection, and again corroborate previous findings of a priced governance factor. Furthermore, we ascertain the importance of microstructure measures in asset pricing by employing Huang and Stoll's (1997) method to extract an adverse selection variable and finding evidence for its explanatory power in four-factor regressions.^


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In this dissertation, I investigate three related topics on asset pricing: the consumption-based asset pricing under long-run risks and fat tails, the pricing of VIX (CBOE Volatility Index) options and the market price of risk embedded in stock returns and stock options. These three topics are fully explored in Chapter II through IV. Chapter V summarizes the main conclusions. In Chapter II, I explore the effects of fat tails on the equilibrium implications of the long run risks model of asset pricing by introducing innovations with dampened power law to consumption and dividends growth processes. I estimate the structural parameters of the proposed model by maximum likelihood. I find that the stochastic volatility model with fat tails can, without resorting to high risk aversion, generate implied risk premium, expected risk free rate and their volatilities comparable to the magnitudes observed in data. In Chapter III, I examine the pricing performance of VIX option models. The contention that simpler-is-better is supported by the empirical evidence using actual VIX option market data. I find that no model has small pricing errors over the entire range of strike prices and times to expiration. In general, Whaley’s Black-like option model produces the best overall results, supporting the simpler-is-better contention. However, the Whaley model does under/overprice out-of-the-money call/put VIX options, which is contrary to the behavior of stock index option pricing models. In Chapter IV, I explore risk pricing through a model of time-changed Lévy processes based on the joint evidence from individual stock options and underlying stocks. I specify a pricing kernel that prices idiosyncratic and systematic risks. This approach to examining risk premia on stocks deviates from existing studies. The empirical results show that the market pays positive premia for idiosyncratic and market jump-diffusion risk, and idiosyncratic volatility risk. However, there is no consensus on the premium for market volatility risk. It can be positive or negative. The positive premium on idiosyncratic risk runs contrary to the implications of traditional capital asset pricing theory.


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The financial crisis of 2007-2008 led to extraordinary government intervention in firms and markets. The scope and depth of government action rivaled that of the Great Depression. Many traded markets experienced dramatic declines in liquidity leading to the existence of conditions normally assumed to be promptly removed via the actions of profit seeking arbitrageurs. These extreme events motivate the three essays in this work. The first essay seeks and fails to find evidence of investor behavior consistent with the broad 'Too Big To Fail' policies enacted during the crisis by government agents. Only in limited circumstances, where government guarantees such as deposit insurance or U.S. Treasury lending lines already existed, did investors impart a premium to the debt security prices of firms under stress. The second essay introduces the Inflation Indexed Swap Basis (IIS Basis) in examining the large differences between cash and derivative markets based upon future U.S. inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It reports the consistent positive value of this measure as well as the very large positive values it reached in the fourth quarter of 2008 after Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. It concludes that the IIS Basis continues to exist due to limitations in market liquidity and hedging alternatives. The third essay explores the methodology of performing debt based event studies utilizing credit default swaps (CDS). It provides practical implementation advice to researchers to address limited source data and/or small target firm sample size.