971 resultados para Assessment Instruments
Foot health is a part of overall health in every age group and its importance increases during ageing. Health care professionals are in a vital position for preventing foot health problems, and identifying and caring them in older people. Despite the rather high number of studies conducted in the field of foot health in older people, reliable and valid nurse-administered foot health assessment instruments seem to be lacking. By identifying foot health in older people, it is possible to develop nursing interventions to enhance safe, independent living at home. The purpose of this three-phase study was to develop an instrument to assess the level of foot health in older people and evaluate foot care practices from the perspective of older people themselves and nurses in home care. The ultimate goal is to prevent foot health problems by increasing the attention paid to older people’s feet and recognizing those foot health problems which need further care; thus not focus on different foot health problems. The study was conducted in different phases and contexts. In phase 1, a descriptive design with a literature review from the Medline (R) and CINAHL databases to explore foot health in older people and nurses’ role in foot health care and pre-post design intervention study in nursing home with nursing staff (n=16) and older residents (n=43) were conducted. In phase 2, a descriptive and explorative study design was employed to develop an instrument for assessing foot health in older people (N=651, n=309, response rate 47%) and explore the psychometrics of the instrument. The data were collected from sheltered housing and home care settings. Finally, in phase 3, descriptive and explorative as well as cross-sectional correlational survey designs were used to assess foot health and evaluate the foot self-care activities of older people (N=651, n=309, response rate 47%) and to describe foot care knowledge and caring activities of nurses (N=651, n=322, response rate 50%) in home care in Finland. To achieve this, the Foot Health Assessment Instrument (FHAI) developed in phase 2 was used; at the same time, this large sample also was used for the psychometric evaluation of the FHAI. The data analysis methods used in this study were content analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics including factor and multivariate analysis. Many long-term diseases can manifest in feet. Therefore, the FHAI, developed in this study consisted of items relating to skin and nail health, foot structure and foot pain. The FHAI demonstrated acceptable preliminary psychometric properties. A great deal of different foot health problems in older people were found of which edema, dry skin, thickened and discoloured toenails and hallux valgus were the most prevalent foot health problems. Moreover, many older people had difficulties in performing foot self-care. Nurses’ knowledge of foot care was insufficient and revealed a need for more information and continuing education in matters relating to foot care in older people. Instead, nurses’ foot care activities were mainly adequate, though the findings indicate the need for updating foot care activities to correspond with the evidence found in the field of foot care. Practical implications are presented for nursing practice, education and administration. In future, research should focus on developing interventions for older people and nurses to promote foot health in older people and to prevent foot health problems, as well as for further development of the FHAI.
Norms for the Gardner Steadiness Test and the Purdue Pegboard were developed for the neuropsychological assessment of children in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro. A computer-generated unbiased sample of 346 children with a mean age of 9.4 years (SD = 2.76), who were attending a large normal public school in this urban area, was the subject of this study. Two boys were removed from the study, one for refusing to participate and the other due to severe strabismus. Therefore, the final sample contained 344 children (173 boys and 171 girls). Sex and age of the child and hand preferred for writing, but not ethnic membership or social class, had significant effects on performance in the Gardner Steadiness Test and the Purdue Pegboard. Girls outperformed boys. Older children performed better than younger children. However, the predictive relationship between age of the child and neuropsychological performance included linear and curvilinear components. Comparison of the present results to data gathered in the United States revealed that the performance of this group of Brazilian children is equivalent to that of US children after Bonferroni's correction of the alpha level of significance. It is concluded that sex and age of the child and hand preferred for writing should be taken into account when using the normative data for the two instruments evaluated in the present study. Furthermore, the relevance of neurobehavioral antidotes for the obliteration of some of the probable neuropsychological effects of cultural deprivation in Brazilian public school children is hypothesized.
Non-adaptive personality traits may constitute risk factors for development of psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety. We aim to evaluate associations and the predictive value of personality traits among alcohol-dependent individuals, with or without psychiatric comorbidities. The convenience sample comprised two groups of males over 18 years of age: one with subjects who had an alcohol dependence diagnosis (AG, n=110), and a control group without abuse and/or alcohol dependence diagnosis (CG, n=110). The groups were assessed by means of the Structured Clinical Interview DSM-IV (SCID-IV). AG participants were recruited among outpatients from the university hospital, whereas CG participants were recruited from a primary healthcare program. Data collection was done individually with self-assessment instruments. Parametric statistics were performed, and a significance level of P=0.05 was adopted. A positive correlation was observed between openness and the length of time that alcohol has been consumed, as were significant and negative correlations between conscientiousness and both the length of time alcohol has been consumed and the number of doses. For alcoholics, extraversion emerged as a protective factor against depression development (P=0.008) and tobacco abuse (P=0.007), whereas openness worked as a protective factor against anxiety (P=0.02). The findings point to specific deficits presented by alcoholics in relation to personality traits with or without psychiatric comorbidities and to the understanding that therapeutic approaches should favor procedures and/or preventive measures that allow more refined awareness about the disorder.
L'enseignement, l'apprentissage et l'évaluation du raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières est un défi pour les éducateurs de cette profession et leurs étudiants. Depuis plusieurs décennies, les chercheurs et les éducateurs dans le domaine des sciences de la santé ont travaillé pour élaborer des instruments d'évaluation dans le but de pouvoir mesurer le raisonnement clinique (Charlin, Bordage & Van der Vleuten, 2003). Plusieurs études semblent appuyer le test de concordance de script (TCS) en termes de validité, fiabilité, faisabilité et applicabilité pour plusieurs disciplines et différents contextes (Carrière & al, 2009). Deschênes et ses collaborateurs (2006; Deschênes, Charlin, Gagnon & Goudreau, 2011) ont mis au point et validé un TCS spécifiquement pour le raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières (RCI). Comme l'évaluation a un impact important sur les stratégies d'apprentissage des étudiants (Sibert et al, 2001; Durak, Caliskan & Bor, 2007), les outils d'évaluation valides et fiables qui permettraient l'identification des problèmes spécifiques dans le développement du raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières seraient très utiles pour guider les décisions concernant l'éducation (Gierl, 2007). Nous avons donc mené une étude pour explorer le potentiel diagnostique des questions d'un TCS. La question de recherche est la suivante: «Dans quelle mesure chaque question d’un TCS visant à évaluer le RCI peut-elle être reliée à des catégories et des stratégies de pensée spécifiques?" Avec une sous-question: «Comment peut-on décrire le potentiel diagnostique d’un TCS pour évaluer le RCI?". Nous avons fait une deuxième analyse de contenu des données qui ont été obtenues dans une étude précédente dans laquelle cinq vignettes (15 questions) du TCS de Deschênes (2006) ont été utilisées. Les résultats ont montré les catégories et stratégies de pensées utilisées pour répondre à certaines questions du TCS selon les groupes de participants. Aussi, nos résultats ont permis de découvrir des disparités importantes entre les groupes, notamment que le RCI des expertes est si différent des étudiantes, qu’il ne peut servir de référence. Enfin, cette étude démontre que le TCS a un potentiel diagnostique niveau par niveau (1ère, 2e, 3e année et expertes) et non d’un niveau à un autre.
Introduction: L’arthrose est une maladie fréquente chez le chien. Même si des traitements palliatifs ont prouvé leur efficacité pour soulager les signes cliniques associés, aucun n’a permis de restaurer la structure des cartilages ou la fonction des patients. De nouvelles modalités de traitement sont proposées mais très peu d’évidences existent quant à leur efficacité. Un problème récurrent pour apporter plus d’évidence est le manque d’outils d’évaluation dûment validés. Objectif: Evaluer l’efficacité d’une diète contenant de la moule verte, ainsi que la validité de différentes méthodes pour évaluer les effets de ce traitement sur la condition arthrosique de chiens de propriétaire. Méthodes: Une étude prospective croisée contrôlée en aveugle a été conduite sur 30 chiens de propriétaires. Leur condition était stable et non traitée. Ils ont reçu une diète contrôle pendant 30 jours puis la diète thérapeutique pendant 60 jours. A J0 (inclusion), J30 (fin de la période contrôle) et J90 (fin du traitement), les concentrations plasmatiques en acides gras ω–3 (EPA et DHA), le pic de force verticale (PVF – critère de référence), un questionnaire multifactoriel standardisé (MFQ), et la conductance électrodermique (EDA) ont été mesurés. Deux fois par semaine, les propriétaires remplissaient un questionnaire sur la fonction spécifique à leur animal (CODI). L’activité locomotrice (actimétrie) a été enregistrée en continu sur 7 chiens. Résultats: Aucun effet secondaire n’a été documenté excepté une augmentation du poids des chiens durant la période traitement. La localisation -thoracique ou pelvienne- du membre étudié et le poids ont interagi avec PVF. Les taux d’EPA et DHA ont augmenté durant la période traitement (p=0.026 et p<0.001, respectivement), tout comme PVF corrigé pour l’effet du poids et de la localisation du membre (p=0.003). La validité technique de PVF a été vérifiée. La validité technique et selon-critère du CODI ont été vérifiées. MFQ n’a pas montré d’homogénéité suffisante entre ses différents composants, bien que les résultats du composite convergent partiellement avec PVF. L’EDA n’a pas montré de validité technique suffisante. L’actimétrie a montré une validité technique satisfaisante ainsi que des résultats convergeant avec ceux de PVF. Conclusions: La méthode choisie comme référence a montré un effet bénéfique de la diète testée et sa validité technique a été vérifiée. À la fois, CODI et l’actimétrie ont été validés. La validité d’EDA et de MFQ a été remise en question. L’actimétrie a donné des résultats prometteurs, probablement complémentaires de PVF.
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maitre ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option intervention
Regarding the standardization of psychological assessment instruments, that is, the construction of referential interpretations of a test, we can find different procedures performed both by Classical Test Theory (CTT) and the Theory of Item Response (IRT). Especially in this case (IRT), we can admit one test as a default, so to use its standardization and transfer the cut-off point to another instrument. Based on this information, the present study aimed to provide a cutoff score for the Baptista Depression Scale - Adult Version (EBADEP-A) through procedures of norms-transfer based on the Center for Epidemiologic Studies – Depression Scale (CES-D). The EBADEP-A presented good distribution and ability to discriminate depressive symptoms, and the sample, consisting of Brazilian College students, received a cutoff score of 32 points. It is emphasized that this is an exploratory and preliminary study, and it is suggested further analyzes to be performed with clinical samples for which results can be corroborated or confronted.
Nowadays there are many information technologies that can make a significant difference to support collaborative efforts in the workspace. The role of IT is to support group collaboration by empowering team members with the right capabilities. One way to assess capabilities is through a maturity model. This paper proposes a first version of the Collaboration-Technology Maturity model (CTMM), aiming to serve as a strategic instrument for IT managers to control and manage the adoption of Collaboration Technologies (CITs) among their organizations. Our contribution is both theoretical and practical as we propose a descriptive maturity model. Nevertheless, it is also an application method and assessment instruments. We also completed an empirical evaluation by conducting 89 assessments at Latin American companies of all sizes and industries. This extensive field exercise allowed us to not only evaluate the usefulness of the model and instruments but also investigate CIT adoption patterns in Latin America in an attempt to collect historical data to further evolve CTMM into a comparative model. Responses were used to provide conclusions on CIT adoption in Latin America with respect to three specific backgrounds: the country of origin (region), size (in number of employees) and industry type. The implications of our findings are discussed for practitioners and researchers.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
No Estado de São Paulo, existe uma rede extensiva de serviços de Atenção Básica (AB) com perfil organizacional heterogêneo e pouco conhecido. Este estudo objetiva caracterizar a organização dos serviços de AB em 37 municípios do Centro-oeste paulista, como primeira etapa de um projeto de avaliação da qualidade desses serviços. Trata-se de um estudo transversal conduzido mediante questionário estruturado, autorrespondido pelos gerentes e equipes locais, com questões que abordam características institucionais e de organização e gerência do trabalho. Esses questionários foram enviados para 131 UBS, distribuídas em 37 municípios. Obteve-se resposta de 113 unidades (87%) localizadas em 32 municípios (86,4%). do total de unidades, 57 (50%) são UBS tradicionais, 26 (22,8%), Unidades de Saúde da Família, e 31, (27,2%) organizadas segundo formas mistas. A maioria dos serviços (62%, 70/113) não trabalha com área de abrangência delimitada de modo planejado. Os serviços se polarizam entre aqueles que realizam entre 70 e 100% de consultas médicas agendadas (37,6%, 41/109), e aqueles que realizam entre 70 e 100% de não agendadas (39,4%, 43/109). Não possuem conselhos locais organizados 65 unidades (63,7%, 65/102). Os dados coletados permitem discutir as características dos principais programas, procedimentos e ações realizados pelos serviços. Os perfis organizacionais predominantes apontam a presença de deficiências de estrutura e processo em relação às diretrizes do SUS. O desenvolvimento de instrumentos de autoavaliação permite que as equipes se apropriem, de forma crítica, de seu trabalho, e possam elaborar novos arranjos tecnológicos para melhoria da qualidade.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para o debate sobre a avaliação do Ensino Superior no Brasil, apresentando um estudo a respeito dos sistemas utilizados para as medidas de qualidade e produtividade. Busca-se analisar, por meio da revisão bibliográfica e da análise documental, as origens do processo de avaliação, a seqüência histórica dos debates políticos que definiram os programas de trabalho na área, as concepções metodológicas adotadas por esses programas, os instrumentos de mensuração e acompanhamento que foram desenvolvidos e os sistemas de indicadores criados para aferir a qualidade de ensino nas instituições, bem como o desempenho dos estudantes. A discussão contempla todos os sistemas de avaliação praticados no Brasil até o ano de 2005 e conclui que, desde os primeiros procedimentos estabelecidos, houve uma evolução contínua na definição de indicadores mais precisos e eficientes. Os resultados alcançados pela pesquisa que fundamenta o trabalho aplicam-se explicitamente à revisão dos instrumentos de avaliação praticados no Brasil. O trabalho sugere indicadores ainda não utilizados no processo histórico de avaliação, buscando o aperfeiçoamento do sistema atual.
Objective Psychiatric comorbidity is the rule in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD); however, very few studies have evaluated the clinical characteristics of patients with no co-occurring disorders (non-comorbid or pure OCD). The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of pure cases in a large multicenter sample of OCD patients and compare the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of individuals with and without any lifetime axis I comorbidity. Method A cross-sectional study with 955 adult patients of the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (C-TOC). Assessment instruments included the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, The USP-Sensory Phenomena Scale and the Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale. Comorbidities were evaluated using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders. Bivariate analyses were followed by logistic regression. Results Only 74 patients (7.7%) presented pure OCD. Compared with those presenting at least one lifetime comorbidity (881, 92.3%), non-comorbid patients were more likely to be female and to be working, reported less traumatic experiences and presented lower scores in the Y-BOCS obsession subscale and in total DY-BOCS scores. All symptom dimensions except contamination-cleaning and hoarding were less severe in non-comorbid patients. They also presented less severe depression and anxiety, lower suicidality and less previous treatments. In the logistic regression, the following variables predicted pure OCD: sex, severity of depressive and anxious symptoms, previous suicidal thoughts and psychotherapy. Conclusions Pure OCD patients were the minority in this large sample and were characterized by female sex, less severe depressive and anxious symptoms, less suicidal thoughts and less use of psychotherapy as a treatment modality. The implications of these findings for clinical practice are discussed. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR