991 resultados para Asistencia hospitalaria


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OBJECTIVE To assess the scientific activity and information production of the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria, for the period 2001-2005 by means of a Bibliometric study. METHOD Cross-sectional descriptive study of the results obtained from the analysis of the articles published in the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria. The data were obtained by consulting the electronic version through the Web. In those cases in which there was a link breakdown, and thus, the inability to have access to the electronic document the printed version was consulted. All the documental possibilities were taken into account with the exception of communications to congresses. RESULTS A total of 345 articles were published, 187 (54.20%) being original articles. The geographical distribution of the first author was Spanish in 287 articles (83.19%) and Latin American in 27 (7.83%). Most of the articles are from health care centers (172 articles (49.86%)), and the cooperation index being 4.15. Madrid is the most productive province, for both the absolute and adjusted frequencies. The median number of references per article is 18, the mean being 23.52 (95% CI 20.93 - 26.10). The predominant language was Spanish, with 308 articles (89.28%). CONCLUSION Nutrición Hospitalaria may be considered as a reference journal regarding information and scientific communication on Nutrition for both the Spanish and Latin American communities. The bibliometric parameters studied compare with those verified for the remaining top of the list Spanish scientific journals on health sciences.


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OBJECTIVE To describe and assess the consumption of the information consulted and cited in the articles published in the journal Nutrición Hospitalaria for the period 2001--2005 by means of bibliometric analysis. METHOD Cross-sectional descriptive analysis of the results obtained from the analysis of the lists of bibliographic references of the articles published at Nutrición Hospitalaria. We studied the most cited journals, the signatures index, the type of document referred, the publication language, the distribution of geographical origin, and obsolescence and readiness index. We took into account all types of documents with the exception of Communications to Congresses. RESULTS 345 articles were published at Nutr Hosp, containing 8,113 bibliographic references, with a median of 18, a maximum of 136 and minimum of 0 BR per article. The mean (rate of publications per published article during the specified period) is 23.52 (95% IC 20.93-26.10) and the mean at 5% is 20.66 per article. The 25th and 75th percentiles are 6 and 32, respectively, the interquartile interval being 26 BR per document. The semi-period of Burton and Kebler is 7 years and the Price Index is 38.18%. CONCLUSION The bibliographic references, the consumption of information, of the articles published at Nutrición Hospitalaria present parameters similar to other journals on health science. However, good data on obsolescence are observed, which reveal the good validity of most of the references studied.


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Este proyecto consiste en la elaboración de las fases de análisis y diseño técnico de un software que permite la gestión integral del área quirúrgica de un centro hospitalario.


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El presente documento contiene la descripción del proyecto CFluxProject, realizado durante el segundo semestre de 2010 y el primer semestre de 2011. Consiste en una serie de aplicaciones informáticas que pretendan ayudar en el proceso de restauración del componente software de un equipo informático ante un evento no deseado.


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Desarrollo de una aplicación en .NET para la gestión de faltas del profesorado en centros docentes.


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Artículos destacados: Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica: Plan de prevención y atención a la parada cardiorrespiratoria en el Hospital Materno-Infantil de Málaga. Modelo de atención socio sanitaria: optimización de recursos y coordianción de la asistencia a pacientes institucionalizados en la residencia Manuel Ridruejo. Aplicación para la dispensación de medicamentos biológicos para el tratamiento de los pacientes con psoriasis (ADISBIO). Análisis de las prescripciones farmacológicas potencialmente inapropiadas en pacientes mayores en Atención Primaria. Boletín informativo sobre prácticas clínicas basadas en la mejor evidencia científica. Atención integral al paciente en situación terminal. Sala de acompañamiento.


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AIM To determine the opinions of infectious diseases professionals on the possibilities of monitoring patients with HIV in Primary Care. DESIGN Qualitative study using in-depth interviews. LOCATION Infectious Diseases Unit in the University Hospital "Virgen de la Victoria" in Málaga. PARTICIPANTS Health professionals with more than one year experience working in infectious diseases. A total of 25 respondents: 5 doctors, 15 nurses and 5 nursing assistants. METHOD Convenience sample. Semi-structured interviews were used that were later transcribed verbatim. Content analysis was performed according to the Taylor and Bogdan approach with computer support. Validation of information was made through additional analysis, expert participation, and feedback of part of the results to the participants. RESULTS Hospital care professionals considered the disease-related complexity of HIV, treatment and social aspects that may have an effect on the organizational level of care. Professionals highlighted the benefits of specialized care, although opinions differed between doctors and nurses as regards follow up in Primary Care. Some concerns emerged about the level of training, confidentiality and workload in Primary Care, although they mentioned potential advantages related to accessibility of patients. CONCLUSIONS Physicians perceive difficulties in following up HIV patients in Primary Care, even for those patients with a good control of their disease. Nurses and nursing assistants are more open to this possibility due to the proximity to home and health promotion in Primary Care.


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Estimación del coste económico (tratamiento y asistencia) de los pacientes diagnosticados de herpes-zoster atendidos en las consultas de Dermatología de un centro hospitalario en Barcelona entre Enero del 2007 y Junio 2011


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Como parte del proyecto A.P.A.T. (Asistencia y seguimiento al Paciente Anciano Traumatizado), desarrollamos un protocolo para optimizar la hemoglobina preoperatoria mediante ferroterapia endovenosa, en pacientes con fractura de cadera susceptible de intervención quirúrgica. Los objetivos del estudio fueron describir el perfil anémico de estos pacientes y determinar la influencia de la administración de hierro endovenoso sobre la transfusión de sangre alogénica (TSA), el número total de concentrados de hematíes administrados y la estancia media hospitalaria.


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The occurrence of angina in the week preceding myocardial infarction is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular complications in the acute phase. However, little is known about it relationship with prognosis after hospitalization (e.g., cardiovascular death and the development of heart failure or ischemic cardiomyopathy). The study included 290 consecutive patients admitted for a first myocardial infarction: 107 (36.9%) had preceding angina while 183 did not. Those with a history of ischemic cardiomyopathy of more than 1 week or structural cardiopathy were excluded. There was no difference in baseline characteristics between the two groups. Moreover, there was no difference in the rates of cardiovascular complications after hospital discharge: cardiovascular death (7% vs. 12.6%; P=.3), heart failure (7.4% vs. 11.6%; P=.2), and myocardial ischemia, including myocardial infarction and unstable angina, requiring hospitalization (41.2% vs. 31.3%; P=.3). The occurrence of angina in the week before a first myocardial infarction did not influence cardiovascular complications after hospital discharge (odds ratio = 0.75 [0.51-1.11]; P=.15).


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Esta guía ha sido elaborada y editada como parte de las actividades del proyecto de investigación “Como mejorar la recuperación de costes derivados de la asistencia sanitaria a ciudadanos de la Unión Europea en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía”. Inés García-Sánchez, editora


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Introduction: The quality of life assessment means investigating how patients perceive their disease. Malnutrition-specific characteristics make patients more vulnerable, so it is important to know how these factors impaction patients’ daily life. Aim: To assess the quality of life in malnourished patients who have had hospital admission, and to determine the relationship of the quality of life with age, body mass index, diagnosis of malnutrition, and dependency. Method: Multicenter transversal descriptive study in 106 malnourished patients after hospital admission. The quality of life (SF-12 questionnaire), BMI, functional independency (Barthel index), morbidity, and a dietary intake evaluation were assessed. The relationship between variables was tested by using the Spearman correlation coefficient Results: The patients of the present study showed a SF-12 mean of 38.32 points. The age was significantly correlated with the SF-12 (r= -0.320, p= 0.001). The BMI was correlated with the SF-12 (r= 0.251, p= 0.011) and its mental component (r= 0.289, p= 0.03). It was also reported a significant correlation between the Barthel index and the SF-12 (r= 0.370, p< 0.001). Conclusions: The general health perception in malnourished patients who have had a hospital admission was lower than the Spanish mean. Moreover, the quality of life in these patients is significantly correlated with age, BMI and functional independency.


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Desarrollo de mecanismos para la edición de datos semánticos mendiante formularios generados automáticamente que asisten al usuario mediante mecanismos de auto-completado. Estos mecanismos se basarán en formularios web y se integrarán en una aplicación basada en tecnologías de web semántica. Los formularios se generarán a partir de datos basados en RDF, su estructura y semántica proporcionada por esquemas RDF. Los usuarios podrán editar los datos existentes o crear nuevas descripciones basadas en datos semánticos. En ambos casos, se recomendarán al usuario propiedades y valores conformes a los esquemas y ontologías que estructuran los datos.


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Se trata de un estudio retrospectivo de los factores predisponentes, etiología, clínica, diagnóstico y evolución de las osteomielitis vertebrales hematógenas (OVH) relacionadas con la asistencia sanitaria (OVHAS) en pacientes adultos diagnosticados en el Hospital Valle de Hebrón durante el periodo comprendido entre 1987 y 2011, y posterior comparación con las de origen comunitario. Como principales conclusiones, un tercio de las OVH están relacionadas con la asistencia sanitaria, y un tercio se asocian a infección de catéter. Los pacientes con OVHAS tienen más patología subyacente, foco conocido de la infección, y peor evolución en cuanto a mortalidad y recidiva.