631 resultados para Arun Upneja


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Building for a sustainable environment requires sustainable infrastructure assets. Infrastructure capacity management is the process of ensuring optimal provision of such infrastructure assets. Effectiveness in this process will enable the infrastructure asset owners and its stakeholders to receive full value on their investment. Business research has shown that an organisation can only achieve business value when it has the right capabilities. This paradigm can also be applied to infrastructure capacity management. With limited access to resources, the challenge for infrastructure organisations is to identify and develop core capabilities to enable infrastructure capacity management. This chapter explores the concept of capability and identifies the core capability needed in infrastructure capacity management. Through a case study of the Port of Brisbane, this chapter shows that infrastructure organisations must develop their intelligence gathering capability to effectively manage the capacity of their infrastructure assets.


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Road agencies require comprehensive, relevan and quality data describing their road assets to support their investment decisions. An investment decision support system for raod maintenance and rehabilitation mainly comprise three important supporting elements namely: road asset data, decision support tools and criteria for decision-making. Probability-based methods have played a crucial role in helping decision makers understand the relationship among road related data, asset performance and uncertainties in estimating budgets/costs for road management investment. This paper presents applications of the probability-bsed method for road asset management.


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A one-sided classifier for a given class of languages converges to 1 on every language from the class and outputs 0 infinitely often on languages outside the class. A two-sided classifier, on the other hand, converges to 1 on languages from the class and converges to 0 on languages outside the class. The present paper investigates one-sided and two-sided classification for classes of recursive languages. Theorems are presented that help assess the classifiability of natural classes. The relationships of classification to inductive learning theory and to structural complexity theory in terms of Turing degrees are studied. Furthermore, the special case of classification from only positive data is also investigated.


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While it is commonly accepted that computability on a Turing machine in polynomial time represents a correct formalization of the notion of a feasibly computable function, there is no similar agreement on how to extend this notion on functionals, that is, what functionals should be considered feasible. One possible paradigm was introduced by Mehlhorn, who extended Cobham's definition of feasible functions to type 2 functionals. Subsequently, this class of functionals (with inessential changes of the definition) was studied by Townsend who calls this class POLY, and by Kapron and Cook who call the same class basic feasible functionals. Kapron and Cook gave an oracle Turing machine model characterisation of this class. In this article, we demonstrate that the class of basic feasible functionals has recursion theoretic properties which naturally generalise the corresponding properties of the class of feasible functions, thus giving further evidence that the notion of feasibility of functionals mentioned above is correctly chosen. We also improve the Kapron and Cook result on machine representation.Our proofs are based on essential applications of logic. We introduce a weak fragment of second order arithmetic with second order variables ranging over functions from NN which suitably characterises basic feasible functionals, and show that it is a useful tool for investigating the properties of basic feasible functionals. In particular, we provide an example how one can extract feasible programs from mathematical proofs that use nonfeasible functions.


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In the terminology of Logic programming, current search engines answer Sigma1 queries (formulas of the form where is a boolean combination of attributes). Such a query is determined by a particular sequence of keywords input by a user. In order to give more control to users, search engines will have to tackle more expressive queries, namely, Sigma2 queries (formulas of the form ). The purpose of the talk is to examine which directions could be explored in order to move towards more expressive languages, more powerful search engines, and the benefits that users should expect.


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In the context of learning paradigms of identification in the limit, we address the question: why is uncertainty sometimes desirable? We use mind change bounds on the output hypotheses as a measure of uncertainty, and interpret ‘desirable’ as reduction in data memorization, also defined in terms of mind change bounds. The resulting model is closely related to iterative learning with bounded mind change complexity, but the dual use of mind change bounds — for hypotheses and for data — is a key distinctive feature of our approach. We show that situations exists where the more mind changes the learner is willing to accept, the lesser the amount of data it needs to remember in order to converge to the correct hypothesis. We also investigate relationships between our model and learning from good examples, set-driven, monotonic and strong-monotonic learners, as well as class-comprising versus class-preserving learnability.


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The topic of the present work is to study the relationship between the power of the learning algorithms on the one hand, and the expressive power of the logical language which is used to represent the problems to be learned on the other hand. The central question is whether enriching the language results in more learning power. In order to make the question relevant and nontrivial, it is required that both texts (sequences of data) and hypotheses (guesses) be translatable from the “rich” language into the “poor” one. The issue is considered for several logical languages suitable to describe structures whose domain is the set of natural numbers. It is shown that enriching the language does not give any advantage for those languages which define a monadic second-order language being decidable in the following sense: there is a fixed interpretation in the structure of natural numbers such that the set of sentences of this extended language true in that structure is decidable. But enriching the original language even by only one constant gives an advantage if this language contains a binary function symbol (which will be interpreted as addition). Furthermore, it is shown that behaviourally correct learning has exactly the same power as learning in the limit for those languages which define a monadic second-order language with the property given above, but has more power in case of languages containing a binary function symbol. Adding the natural requirement that the set of all structures to be learned is recursively enumerable, it is shown that it pays o6 to enrich the language of arithmetics for both finite learning and learning in the limit, but it does not pay off to enrich the language for behaviourally correct learning.


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The present paper motivates the study of mind change complexity for learning minimal models of length-bounded logic programs. It establishes ordinal mind change complexity bounds for learnability of these classes both from positive facts and from positive and negative facts. Building on Angluin’s notion of finite thickness and Wright’s work on finite elasticity, Shinohara defined the property of bounded finite thickness to give a sufficient condition for learnability of indexed families of computable languages from positive data. This paper shows that an effective version of Shinohara’s notion of bounded finite thickness gives sufficient conditions for learnability with ordinal mind change bound, both in the context of learnability from positive data and for learnability from complete (both positive and negative) data. Let Omega be a notation for the first limit ordinal. Then, it is shown that if a language defining framework yields a uniformly decidable family of languages and has effective bounded finite thickness, then for each natural number m >0, the class of languages defined by formal systems of length <= m: • is identifiable in the limit from positive data with a mind change bound of Omega (power)m; • is identifiable in the limit from both positive and negative data with an ordinal mind change bound of Omega × m. The above sufficient conditions are employed to give an ordinal mind change bound for learnability of minimal models of various classes of length-bounded Prolog programs, including Shapiro’s linear programs, Arimura and Shinohara’s depth-bounded linearly covering programs, and Krishna Rao’s depth-bounded linearly moded programs. It is also noted that the bound for learning from positive data is tight for the example classes considered.


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The present paper focuses on some interesting classes of process-control games, where winning essentially means successfully controlling the process. A master for one of these games is an agent who plays a winning strategy. In this paper we investigate situations in which even a complete model (given by a program) of a particular game does not provide enough information to synthesize—even incrementally—a winning strategy. However, if in addition to getting a program, a machine may also watch masters play winning strategies, then the machine is able to incrementally learn a winning strategy for the given game. Studied are successful learning from arbitrary masters and from pedagogically useful selected masters. It is shown that selected masters are strictly more helpful for learning than are arbitrary masters. Both for learning from arbitrary masters and for learning from selected masters, though, there are cases where one can learn programs for winning strategies from masters but not if one is required to learn a program for the master's strategy itself. Both for learning from arbitrary masters and for learning from selected masters, one can learn strictly more by watching m+1 masters than one can learn by watching only m. Last, a simulation result is presented where the presence of a selected master reduces the complexity from infinitely many semantic mind changes to finitely many syntactic ones.


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Urban infrastructure along the hard forms such as roads, electricity, water and sewers also includes the soft forms such as research, training, innovation and technology. Knowledge and creativity are keys to soft infrastructure and socioeconomic development. Many city administrations around the world adjust their endogenous development strategies increasingly by investing in soft infrastructure and aiming for a knowledge-based development. At this point, the mapping and management of knowledge asset of cities has become a critical issue for promoting creative urban regions. The chapter scrutinizes the relations between knowledge assets and urban infrastructures and examines the management model to improve soft infrastructure provision.


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In December 2006, the Engineering and Technology Group of Queensland’s Department of Main Roads entered into a three-year skid resistance management research project with QUT Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering researchers and the QUT-based CRC for Integrated Engineering Asset Management (CIEAM). CIEAM undertakes a broad range of asset management research in the areas of defence, utilities, transportation and industrial processes. “The research project is an important activity of Main Roads’ Skid Resistance Management Plan published in June 2006.” said Main Roads project leader Mr Justin Weligamage. “The intended project output is a decision-support model for use by Road Asset Managers throughout a road network. The research objective is to enable road asset managers to better manage the surfacing condition of the road asset with specific focus on skid resistance,” said QUT project leader Professor Arun Kumar. The research project will review existing skid resistance investigatory levels, develop a risk-based method to establish skid resistance investigatory levels and improve the decision support methodology in order to minimise crashes. The new risk-based approach will be used to identify locations on the Queensland state-controlled road network that may have inadequate skid resistance. Once a high risk site is identified, the appropriate remedial action will be decided on. This approach will allow road asset managers to target optimal remedial actions, reducing the incidence and severity of crashes where inadequate skid resistance is a contributing cause.


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Overloaded truck traffic is a significant problem on highways around the world. Developing countries in particular, overloaded truck traffic causes large amounts of unexpected expenditure in terms of road maintenance because of premature pavement damage. Overloaded truck traffic is a common phenomenon in developing countries, because of inefficient road management and monitoring systems. According to the available literature, many developing countries are facing the same problem, which is economic loss caused by the existence of overloaded trucks in the traffic stream. This paper summarizes the available literature, news reports, journal articles and traffic research regarding overloaded traffic. It examines the issue of overloading and the strategies and legislation used in developed countries.


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Road accidents are of great concerns for road and transport departments around world, which cause tremendous loss and dangers for public. Reducing accident rates and crash severity are imperative goals that governments, road and transport authorities, and researchers are aimed to achieve. In Australia, road crash trauma costs the nation A$ 15 billion annually. Five people are killed, and 550 are injured every day. Each fatality costs the taxpayer A$1.7 million. Serious injury cases can cost the taxpayer many times the cost of a fatality. Crashes are in general uncontrolled events and are dependent on a number of interrelated factors such as driver behaviour, traffic conditions, travel speed, road geometry and condition, and vehicle characteristics (e.g. tyre type pressure and condition, and suspension type and condition). Skid resistance is considered one of the most important surface characteristics as it has a direct impact on traffic safety. Attempts have been made worldwide to study the relationship between skid resistance and road crashes. Most of these studies used the statistical regression and correlation methods in analysing the relationships between skid resistance and road crashes. The outcomes from these studies provided mix results and not conclusive. The objective of this paper is to present a probability-based method of an ongoing study in identifying the relationship between skid resistance and road crashes. Historical skid resistance and crash data of a road network located in the tropical east coast of Queensland were analysed using the probability-based method. Analysis methodology and results of the relationships between skid resistance, road characteristics and crashes are presented.


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In the context of learning paradigms of identification in the limit, we address the question: why is uncertainty sometimes desirable? We use mind change bounds on the output hypotheses as a measure of uncertainty and interpret ‘desirable’ as reduction in data memorization, also defined in terms of mind change bounds. The resulting model is closely related to iterative learning with bounded mind change complexity, but the dual use of mind change bounds — for hypotheses and for data — is a key distinctive feature of our approach. We show that situations exist where the more mind changes the learner is willing to accept, the less the amount of data it needs to remember in order to converge to the correct hypothesis. We also investigate relationships between our model and learning from good examples, set-driven, monotonic and strong-monotonic learners, as well as class-comprising versus class-preserving learnability.


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Most learning paradigms impose a particular syntax on the class of concepts to be learned; the chosen syntax can dramatically affect whether the class is learnable or not. For classification paradigms, where the task is to determine whether the underlying world does or does not have a particular property, how that property is represented has no implication on the power of a classifier that just outputs 1’s or 0’s. But is it possible to give a canonical syntactic representation of the class of concepts that are classifiable according to the particular criteria of a given paradigm? We provide a positive answer to this question for classification in the limit paradigms in a logical setting, with ordinal mind change bounds as a measure of complexity. The syntactic characterization that emerges enables to derive that if a possibly noncomputable classifier can perform the task assigned to it by the paradigm, then a computable classifier can also perform the same task. The syntactic characterization is strongly related to the difference hierarchy over the class of open sets of some topological space; this space is naturally defined from the class of possible worlds and possible data of the learning paradigm.