901 resultados para Artigos de periódicos
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este estudo tem como tema o teste de padrão de frequência e de duração no Brasil e como objetivo revisar e explanar sobre a avaliação do processamento auditivo temporal no Brasil, mais especificamente sobre os testes tonais de ordenação temporal (teste de padrão de frequência e duração). Para atingir tal objetivo foi realizado um trabalho de revisão sistemática da literatura em periódicos nacionais, acessados eletronicamente na base de dado Scielo e Lilacs, sem restrição ao ano de publicação. A pesquisa foi estruturada por meio dos descritores: processamento temporal, processamento auditivo temporal, testes temporais, testes tonais de padrão de frequência e testes tonais de padrão de duração, percepção auditiva e testes auditivos. A pesquisa retornou 33 publicações nacionais sendo 28 artigos de periódicos, uma dissertação de mestrado e quatro teses de doutorado. Com isso, pode-se perceber que a utilização de testes que avaliem a habilidade de ordenação temporal no Brasil é recente, sendo notável o aumento significante das publicações nos últimos cinco anos. Desta forma, o emergente conhecimento possibilitado pelo acesso aos testes no Brasil permite ampliar um campo de pesquisa a todos os profissionais comprometidos com este tema.
The objective of this paper is to present how the Theory of Constraints has recently been dealing with make to stock environments. This new format introduces interesting innovations in terms of the use of simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope method as well as ways to pull production in environments that produce in advance of demand. It also innovates by creating conditions for providing market opportunities based on the explicit assurance of product availability, hence its name: make to availability (MTA). Although it provides important contributions to production planning and control, articles that have directly addressed this issue have not been identified to date in both national and international journals.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this research is to analyze, in a comparative way, by category of grade, some indicators used by Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in evaluating the performance of Graduate Programs in Mathematics in Brazil, for the triennium 2007-2009, in order to contribute to understanding of the complex methodology involved in triennial evaluations of graduate programs. Based on the indicators present in the Comparative Worksheet of Triennial Assessment, Area Mathematics / Probability and Statistics, from 2007 to 2009, present at CAPES Portal, contingency tables were built for the 26 graduate programs in Mathematics, presenting each indicator and the program concepts. Overall, there was a trend of association of all indicators analyzed and the concept obtained, with older and larger programs with better grades in the assessment. Also, with the exception of journal articles Qualis B5, the article average per professor grows as grows the program grade.
The objective of this research is to analyze the scientific production about „Metric Studies‟. It was used the data base BRAPCI (data base of articles and journals in Information Science) to outline the authors and institutions that produced more. As research procedure it was analyzed the articles with the keywords that represent the area of metric studies such as: Bibliometric, Cientometric, Informetric, Webmetric and Patentometric between 1991 and 2011. It was analyzed the variable in study, building the collaborative network through the software Pajek. From these results, it was possible to delineate the tendencies presented in the scientific community on this subject from the data base BRAPCI.
Faz um levantamento do acervo de livros, da Biblioteca Conde de Moreira Lima, das Faculdades Integradas Teresa D’Ávila de Lorena - SP. Foram excluidos da pesquisa artigos de periódicos e estudos em outros suportes.
Subject Cataloging is one of the processes of subject approach to information, beside indexing and subject analysis. In this sense, this research is a part of a broader project which analyses ISKO as an academic space that promotes a dialogical dimension among those theoretical questions. In this sense, it aims to analyze the presence of subject cataloguing in the discussions of knowledge organization as well as how the authors of such subject dialogue each other. Considering the questions, the full collection of ISKO and ISKO-Spain conference proceedings were analyzed in order to verify how present were subject cataloguing matters in those collections. It was possible to identify a group of 36 articles (27 from International ISKO and 9 from ISKO – Spain) whose references were bibliometrically analyzed in terms of documentary forms, average life, language and citation analysis. The results showed that the major ISKO and ISKO-Spain literature on subject cataloguing is based on journal articles, mostly published in English, presenting a relatively young average life (14 years for ISKO and 10 for ISKO-Spain).
There is a need for ongoing evaluation of the researchers not only engineering and production in all areas of knowledge engineering. To check the quality and veracity of scientific production, the CNPq is a brazillian government agency designed to evaluate researchers, classify them and give the encouragement and incentive for their research. This study quantifies the CNPq researchers in the field of Production Engineering according to the time of operation in research, number of guidelines for masters and doctoral, number of articles in national and international journals or magazines and congresses. The classification of these researchers, according to the proposed quantification, is confronted with the level of research they have in CNPq. The researcher starts his career at level 2, after it spending levels for 1D, 1C, 1B reaches to the highest level 1A. The main conclusion to be drawn from this study is that excellent researchers with a significant number of guidelines, bitter years in the early levels because of the rules of the CNPq which only allows a researcher to achieve the highest levels after many years of research
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to gather information and discuss the predictability of implant-supported prostheses in patients with bruxism by performing a literature review. METHODS: In order to select the studies included in this review, a detailed search was performed in PubMed and Medline databases, using the following key words: bruxism, dental implants, implant supported prosthesis, and dental restoration failure. Items that were included are: case reports, randomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, literature and systematic reviews, with or without meta-analysis, of the last 20 years that addressed the theme. Articles without abstracts, animal studies, articles in languages other than English and articles from journals unrelated to the dental field were excluded. RESULTS: after analysis according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, 28 articles were selected from a total of 54. It is known from the array of scientific articles which have assessed, either through retrospective, prospective or experimental studies, that the biomechanical and biological impact of bruxism on implant-supported prostheses is small, and that the literature has contributed little to exemplify the prosthetic limits of safety for the specialist from a clinical point of view. CONCLUSION: Although there is still no general consensus on this matter, most of the literature review articles do provide clinical guidelines that contribute to implant supported prostheses longevity and stability in patients with bruxism.
The aim of this study was to review the current scientific literature to discuss the biomechanical behavior and characteristics inherent to both cast post and core and the prefabricated posts used in the practice of restoring endodontically treated teeth. To identify studies of this review, it was performed a detailed and advanced search strategy to the databases PubMed and Medline. It was used as descriptors: endodontically treated teeth, post, core, fiber post and metal post. Inclusion criteria were: clinical trials, randomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, literature reviews and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis of the last 10 years that addressed the theme. Exclusion criteria were: articles without abstracts, animal studies, articles whose language was not English and articles from journals that do not belong to the Dentistry field. Of a total of 35 articles, after an analysis according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, 23 articles were selected. Most of the current scientific literature indicates that the prefabricated fiber reinforced and ceramic posts should be appointed for endodontically treated teeth that have a minimum height of 2mm ferrule. As for the cast metal cores, along with pre-fabricated metal represent a good prosthetic option, when weakened teeth have to be restored for any reason. Despite the large number of studies, there is still a lack of longterm prospective studies that evaluate the effectiveness of these posts in the treatment of endodontically treated teeth.
Pesquisas apontam que 15% das crianças brasileiras, entre 5 e 9 anos, são obesas. Os fatores indicados como responsáveis desse cenário são a má alimentação e a falta de exercício físico. Hábitos como alimentação saudável e prática de atividades físicas são, em sua maioria, constituídos na infância, principalmente em crianças com idade escolar e tendem a estender para a vida adulta. Considerando que as crianças passam mais de um terço de sua infância na escola, acredita-se que esse ambiente seja um facilitador para a mudança do comportamento saudável dos alunos. Este estudo tem por objetivo realizar um levantamento de pesquisas sobre aquisição de hábitos saudáveis na escola, mapeando a produção no campo da Educação Física, com ênfase em intervenções sobre atividade física e hábitos alimentares. Foi realizada uma revisão da produção de conhecimentos em teses e dissertações bem como da publicação de artigos em periódicos nacionais e internacionais publicados entre os anos de 2004 até 2014, com os seguintes descritores e variações destes: educação física, hábitos saudáveis, escola. Foram consultadas as seguintes bases de dados: Banco Digital de Teses e Dissertações, Banco de Teses da Capes e Bireme. Com resultado foram encontradas 27 teses e dissertações, sendo apenas sete pertencentes a Educação Física, das quais três apresentavam intervenção. Quanto aos artigos, entre os sete recuperados, apenas dois apresentam intervenções com interfaces nas aulas de Educação Física. Em termos de impacto, os resultados dessas intervenções variam de baixo à efetivo, sendo que apenas um dos trabalhos apresenta um resultado efetivamente positivo. Dessa forma pode-se perceber o baixo número de publicações sobre a temática na área da Educação Física, além da existência de barreiras para um resultado positivo nessas intervenções. As pesquisas apontaram mais barreiras que facilitadores...